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Hello, since a few weeks, we are notice a lot of timeouts in our network. We figured out that there are unplanned reboots in our stack. This is what the stack is logging: We are using the stack in a ring-topology in hybrid-mode with the firmware 2.5....
Hi Recently I am testing iventoy software in my office for boot iso files from pxeAt first I set up small lab with one iventoy server(windows 11 that install iventoy on it) and one client that connected to a non-managable switch, after that iso files...
Hi I trying to reach a building on the same campus from the main site would 2xC9124AXI-E -combined with a 9800 controller and AIR-ANT2413P2M-N directional antennas on the roofs at each building provide wireless bridges up to 200 metres-- They use...
Hi guys, In my wireless design for corporate users is using Central Auth Local Switching and now I need to incorporate a Guest wireless use case using the same platform. Can I deploy another WLC to be the Anchor from the corporate WLC even though th...
Hi, trying to find solution how to solve 802.1X with ISE 3.4 using certificates within MacOS and Linux machines in Windows AD environment with Windows Server 2022 CA. We currently deploying ISE for Windows machines, where everything is so easy with a...
We are currently using anyconnect 4.9 for all clients. Since hostscan 4.9 is no longer available for download, the intention is to use hostscan 4.10. Is hostscan 4.10 compatible with anyconnect 4.9 clients?
I have a question about our CBW 150AX's and 151AXM's. We installed them two months ago, and on occasion, wireless devices will lose connection to the network. The only thing I've seen that is suspicious is on the Software Update page. The same two de...
FTD has a regular schedule in FMC, but it never backs up to the remote server as it is configured to do. FMC backup to remote server works fine. The TEST button when testing remote connection/server works fine. Initiating backup manually always just ...
Hi all;Recently, I encountered a failed AnyConnect installation on a client and the normal uninstallation procedures did not answer. Are there any official Cisco's documentation regarding on how to force uninstall operation and then clean up a failed...
Hi all, I know you can set a static WAN IP address for a Meraki Z3C. My ISP gave me a /31 static IP address but I cannot get it to work.this is a branch office using A Z3C for a few clients. Is a /31 supported on Z3C? Running 18.211.2 firmware? Thank...
upgrading from to fails on MacOS 15.0.1 due to file signature errors. No issues with MacOS 12.In the client logCommon name does not match. Expect(DE8Y96K9QP) Actual(Cisco Systems, Inc.)Organizational Unit does not match. Expect(DE8...
HiHow do I check that all is ok with a Dialer Interface which is using Chap for authentication, is there any basic commands I can run to check all is ok, also I notice that the Dialer Interface dosent get an IP Address and never has but it does get a...
Currently have a Cisco 1300 8FP-2G switch that is giving an error of "%2SWMACTBL-N-PORTMACHASHFAILED on its uplink port. The mac address that is causing the issue is a Access Point that connects to another switch elsewhere in the network but would be...