apic1# fabric 101 show lldp neighbors ---------------------------------------------------------------- Node 101 (leaf1) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Capability codes: (R) Router, (B) Bridge, (T) Telephone, (C) DOCSIS Cable Device (W) WLAN Access Point, (P) Repeater, (S) Station, (O) Other Device ID Local Intf Hold-time Capability Port ID apic2 Eth1/46 120 eth2-1 apic1 Eth1/48 120 eth2-1 spine1 Eth1/49 120 BR Eth1/1 Total entries displayed: 3 apic1# fabric 101 show lldp neighbors ---------------------------------------------------------------- Node 101 (leaf1) ---------------------------------------------------------------- Capability codes: (R) Router, (B) Bridge, (T) Telephone, (C) DOCSIS Cable Device (W) WLAN Access Point, (P) Repeater, (S) Station, (O) Other Device ID Local Intf Hold-time Capability Port ID apic2 Eth1/46 120 eth2-1 apic1 Eth1/48 120 eth2-1 spine1 Eth1/49 120 BR Eth1/1 Total entries displayed: 3 apic1# apic1# fabric 101 show vlan extended ---------------------------------------------------------------- Node 101 (leaf1) ---------------------------------------------------------------- VLAN Name Encap Ports ---- -------------------------------- ---------------- ------------------------ 8 infra:default vxlan-16777209, Eth1/48 vlan-3500 9 Resilency-Services:RS-Domain vxlan-15662984 Eth1/1, Eth1/16, Eth1/19, Eth101/1/1, Eth101/1/2, Eth101/1/3, Eth101/1/4, Eth101/1/5, Eth101/1/6, Eth101/1/7, Eth101/1/8, Eth101/1/9, Eth101/1/10, Eth101/1/11, Eth101/1/12, Eth101/1/13, Eth101/1/14, Eth101/1/15, apic1# acidiag avread Local appliance ID=1 ADDRESS= TEP ADDRESS= ROUTABLE IP ADDRESS= CHASSIS_ID=6a132c7e-c7fb-11ea-aae1-cfe5d85dc835 Cluster of 1 lm(t):1(zeroTime) appliances (out of targeted 3 lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:48.252+00:00)) with FABRIC_DOMAIN name=ACI Fabric1 set to version=apic-4.1(2x) lm(t):1(2020-09-09T07:04:00.727+00:00); discoveryMode=PERMISSIVE lm(t):0(1970-01-01T00:00:00.001+00:00); drrMode=OFF lm(t):0(1970-01-01T00:00:00.001+00:00) appliance id=1 address= lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:36.251+00:00) tep address= lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:36.251+00:00) routable address= lm(t):1(zeroTime) oob address= lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.110+00:00) version=4.1(2x) lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.832+00:00) chassisId=6a132c7e-c7fb-11ea-aae1-cfe5d85dc835 lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.832+00:00) capabilities=0X3EEFFFFFFFFF--0X2020--0X1 lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:23:52.142+00:00) rK=(stable,present,0X206173722D687373) lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.114+00:00) aK=(stable,present,0X206173722D687373) lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.114+00:00) oobrK=(stable,present,0X206173722D687373) lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.114+00:00) oobaK=(stable,present,0X206173722D687373) lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.114+00:00) cntrlSbst=(APPROVED, FCH) lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.832+00:00) (targetMbSn= lm(t):0(zeroTime), failoverStatus=0 lm(t):0(zeroTime)) podId=1 lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:36.251+00:00) commissioned=YES lm(t):1(zeroTime) registered=YES lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:36.251+00:00) standby=NO lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:36.251+00:00) DRR=NO lm(t):0(zeroTime) apicX=NO lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:36.251+00:00) virtual=NO lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:36.251+00:00) active=YES(2020-12-10T09:18:36.251+00:00) health=(applnc:255 lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:20:14.402+00:00) svc's) --------------------------------------------- *******Additional elements outside of cluster******* appliance id=2 address= lm(t):101(2020-11-16T12:17:48.121+00:00) tep address= lm(t):0(zeroTime) routable address= lm(t):0(zeroTime) oob address= lm(t):0(zeroTime) version= lm(t):0(zeroTime) chassisId=3204196c-27fd-11eb-a003-556300dfa138 lm(t):101(2020-11-16T12:17:48.121+00:00) capabilities=0XFFFFFFF--0X2020--0 lm(t):0(zeroTime) rK=(stable,absent,0) lm(t):0(zeroTime) aK=(stable,absent,0) lm(t):0(zeroTime) oobrK=(stable,absent,0) lm(t):0(zeroTime) oobaK=(stable,absent,0) lm(t):0(zeroTime) cntrlSbst=(DO_SOMETHING,FF ) lm(t):101(2020-11-16T12:17:48.121+00:00) (targetMbSn= lm(t):0(zeroTime), failoverStatus=0 lm(t):0(zeroTime)) podId=1 lm(t):101(2020-11-16T12:17:48.121+00:00) commissioned=NO lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.051+00:00) registered=NO lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.051+00:00) standby=NO lm(t):0(zeroTime) DRR=NO lm(t):0(zeroTime) apicX=NO lm(t):0(zeroTime) virtual=NO lm(t):0(zeroTime) active=NO(2020-12-10T09:18:47.051+00:00) health=(applnc:2 lm(t):1(2020-12-10T09:18:47.051+00:00)) --------------------------------------------- clusterTime=> admin@apic1:~> show lldptool in eth2-1 This command is being deprecated on APIC controller, please use NXOS-style equivalent command Chassis ID TLV MAC: 00:f6:63:c9:d9:30 Port ID TLV Local: Eth1/48 Time to Live TLV 120 Port Description TLV topology/pod-1/paths-101/pathep-[eth1/48] System Name TLV leaf1 System Description TLV topology/pod-1/node-101 System Capabilities TLV System capabilities: Bridge, Router Enabled capabilities: Bridge, Router Management Address TLV MAC: 00:f6:63:c9:d9:30 Ifindex: 83886080 Cisco 4-wire Power-via-MDI TLV 4-Pair PoE supported Spare pair Detection/Classification not required PD Spare pair Desired State: Disabled PSE Spare pair Operational State: Disabled Cisco Port Mode TLV 0 Cisco Port State TLV 1 Cisco Serial Number TLV FDO20 Cisco Model TLV N9K-C93180YC-EX Cisco Firmware Version TLV n9000-14.1(2x) Cisco Node Role TLV 1 Cisco Infra VLAN TLV 3500 Cisco Name TLV leaf1 Cisco Fabric Name TLV ACI Fabric1 Cisco Node IP TLV IPv4: Cisco Node ID TLV 101 Cisco POD ID TLV 1 Cisco Appliance Vector TLV Id: 1 IPv4: UUID: 6a132c7e-c7fb-11ea-aae1-cfe5 LLDP-MED Capabilities TLV Device Type: netcon Capabilities: LLDP-MED, Network Policy, Extended Power via MDI-PSE End of LLDPDU TLV admin@apic2:~> show lldptool in eth2-1 This command is being deprecated on APIC controller, please use NXOS-style equivalent command Chassis ID TLV MAC: 00:f6:63:c9:d9:2e Port ID TLV Local: Eth1/46 Time to Live TLV 120 Port Description TLV topology/pod-1/paths-101/pathep-[eth1/46] System Name TLV leaf1 System Description TLV topology/pod-1/node-101 System Capabilities TLV System capabilities: Bridge, Router Enabled capabilities: Bridge, Router Management Address TLV MAC: 00:f6:63:c9:d9:2e Ifindex: 83886080 Cisco 4-wire Power-via-MDI TLV 4-Pair PoE supported Spare pair Detection/Classification not required PD Spare pair Desired State: Disabled PSE Spare pair Operational State: Disabled Cisco Port State TLV 2 Cisco Port Mode TLV 0 Cisco Serial Number TLV FDO20 Cisco Model TLV N9K-C93180YC-EX Cisco Firmware Version TLV n9000-14.1(2x) Cisco Node Role TLV 1 Cisco Infra VLAN TLV 3500 Cisco Name TLV leaf1 Cisco Fabric Name TLV ACI Fabric1 Cisco Node IP TLV IPv4: Cisco Node ID TLV 101 Cisco POD ID TLV 1 Cisco Appliance Vector TLV Id: 1 IPv4: UUID: 6a132c7e-c7fb-11ea-aae1 LLDP-MED Capabilities TLV Device Type: netcon Capabilities: LLDP-MED, Network Policy, Extended Power via MDI-PSE End of LLDPDU TLV