[local]GGSN_CISCO_TOL> show gtpc statistics verbose Monday September 08 17:59:44 CDT 2014 Session Stats: Total Current: 726000 IPv4: 726000 PPP: 0 IPv6: 0 Network Initiated: 0 IPv4v6: 0 MBMS UE: 0 MBMS Mcast Bearer: 0 MBMS Bcast Bearer: 0 Total Setup: 48671622 IPv4: 48671622 PPP: 0 IPv6: 0 SGSN Initiated: 48671622 IPv4v6: 0 Network Initiated: 0 MBMS UE: 0 MBMS Mcast Bearer: 0 MBMS Bcast Bearer: 0 Total Released: 48523681 Dynamic Address Allocation: IPv4 Attempt: 49031147 Successful: 48671622 IPv6 Attempt: 0 Successful: 0 IP Authentication: CHAP Auth Attempt: 0 Successful: 0 Failure: 0 PAP Auth Attempt: 0 Successful: 0 Failure: 0 No Auth Requests: 49024750 Session Release Reasons: SGSN Initiated: 26491325 Secondary Teardown: 0 Session Mgr. Died: 0 Admin Releases: 9993007 APN Removed: 0 Call Aborted: 0 Idle Timeout: 11569383 Absolute Timeout: 0 Source Addr Violation: 325361 Flow Addition Failure: 0 DHCP Renewal Failure: 0 Long Duration Timeout: 0 Error Indication: 40 Context replacement: 44267 Other Reasons: 100292 Purged via Audit: 0 Update Handoff Reject: 0 Total Path Failures: 6 SGSN Restart: Timeout: Create PDP Req: 0 GTPC Echo Timeout: 0 Update PDP Req: 0 GTPU Echo Timeout: 0 Echo Response: 0 GGSN Req Timeout: 5 Path Management Messages: Echo Request RX: 465464 Echo Response TX: 465464 Echo Request TX: 823645 Echo Response RX: 823474 GTP-U Echo Request RX: 0 GTP-U Echo Response TX: 0 GTP-U Echo Request TX: 0 GTP-U Echo Response RX: 0 Version Not Supported: Supported Ext. Headers Notif: RX: 0 RX: 0 TX: 0 TX: 0 Tunnel Management Messages: Total CPC Req: 49060763 CPC Req(V1): 49060486 CPC Req(V0): 277 Primary CPC Req: 49060763 Secondary CPC Req: 0 Initial CPC Req: 49031173 Retransmitted: 29590 Total Accepted: 48671649 Total Denied: 359525 Total Discarded: 0 Update PDP Context RX: 164617760 Accepted: 164616330 Denied: 1430 Discarded: 0 Update PDP Context TX: 1108526 Accepted: 79165 Denied: 287 Delete PDP Context RX: 26535233 Accepted: 26491325 Denied: 43908 Discarded: 0 Delete PDP Context TX: 24510637 Accepted: 21986614 Denied: 1031 IPCA PDP Context TX: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Total CMC Req: 0 Initial CMC Req: 0 Retransmitted: 0 Total Accepted: 0 Total Denied: 0 Total Discarded: 0 Update MBMS Context RX: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Discarded: 0 Delete MBMS Context RX: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Discarded: 0 Delete MBMS Context TX: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Total MBMS Reg Req: 0 Initial MBMS Reg Req: 0 Retransmitted: 0 Total Accepted: 0 Total Denied: 0 Total Discarded: 0 MBMS Session Start TX: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 MBMS Session Stop TX: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 MBMS Dereg RX: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Discarded: 0 MBMS Dereg TX: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 MBMS Notification: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 MBMS Notificatn Reject: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Discarded: 0 PDU Notification: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 PDU Notificatn Reject: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Discarded: 0 GTP-U Tunnel Establishment with RNC: Direct Tunnels Established: 83453856 Direct Tunnels torn down by SGSNs: 60017981 Direct Tunnels that received Error Indication: 1080795 Update PDP Tx Reasons: QoS Change: 0 Providing PDP address: 0 Direct Tunnel Flags update: 1080795 Update PDP Context Rx Reasons: SGSN Handoff: 16256 SGSN Group Handoff: 0 Create PDP Context Denied: No Resources: 341051 No Memory: 0 All Dyn Addr Occupied: 0 User Auth Failed: 18474 Unknown/Missing APN: 0 System Failure: 0 Unknown PDP Addr/Type: 0 Unsupported Version: 0 Semantic Error in TFT: 0 Syntactic Error in TFT: 0 Semantic Error in Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Packet Filter: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Syntactic Error in Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Packet Filter: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Context Not Found: 0 Service Not Supported: 0 APN restriction No APN Subscription: 0 Incompatibility: 0 Create PDP Denied - No Resource Reasons: PLMN Policy Reject: 0 New Call Policy Reject: 0 APN/Svc Capacity: 0 Input-Q Exceeded: 0 No Session Manager: 0 Session Manager Dead: 0 Secondary For PPP: 0 Other Reasons: 6397 Session Mgr Retried: 0 Session Mgr Not Ready: 0 Session Setup Timeout: 0 Charging Svc Auth Fail: 334654 APN Reject Policy: 0 ICSR State Invalid: 0 DHCP IP Address Not Present: 0 Radius IP Validation Failed: 0 Congestion Policy Applied: 0 Exceeded secondary-pdp-context limit per-subscriber: 0 GTP-v0 IP address allocation/validation failed: 0 Mediation Delay GTP Response Accounting Start failed: 0 Create PDP Denied - Auth Failure Reasons: Authentication Failed: 0 AAA Auth Req Failed: 0 APN selection-mode mismatch: 0 Non-existent virtual APN: 0 Reject Foreign Subscriber: 0 IMS Authorization Fail: 18474 Create PDP Denied - No Memory: No More AAA Sessions: 0 Misc. Reasons: 0 Create PDP Denied - Unknown PDP Addr or Type: Invalid IP Address: 0 Conflict In IP Address: 0 Static Address Not Present: 0 Static Address Not Allowed: 0 Static IP Validation Failed: 0 Local Pool Static Address Not Allowed: 0 DHCP IP Validation Failed: 0 DHCP Relay Static Address Not Allowed: 0 DHCP Proxy Static Address Not Allowed: 0 DHCP Local Pool Static Address Not Allowed: 0 PDP Type Mismatch or Unknown PDP Type: 0 Create PDP Denied - Dynamic Address Occupied: DHCP No IP Address Alloc: 0 DHCP Timer Notification: 0 Local IP Validation Failed: 0 Local IP Pool All Address Occupied: 0 Create PDP Denied - System Failure Reasons: Misc. Reasons: 0 Create PDP Denied - Mandatory IE Incorrect: NSAPI: 0 Create PDP Denied - Optional IE Incorrect: Private Extension: 0 Create PDP Discard Reasons: No Session: 0 No Memory: 0 Malformed Message: 0 Invalid Ctrl TEID: 0 Internal Bounce Error: 0 Misc. Reasons: 0 Version Not Supported: 0 Congestn Policy Applied: 0 ICSR State Invalid: 0 Update PDP Context Denied: No Resources: 0 No Memory: 0 System Failure: 0 Non-existent: 1430 Unsupported Service: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Semantic Error in TFT: 0 Syntactic Error in TFT: 0 Semantic Error in Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Packet Filter: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Syntactic Error in Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Packet Filter: 0 Update PDP Context Deny Received: No Resources: 0 No Memory: 0 System Failure: 0 Non-existent: 287 Unsupported Service: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Semantic Error in TFT: 0 Syntactic Error in TFT: 0 Semantic Error in Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Packet Filter: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Syntactic Error in Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Packet Filter: 0 Delete PDP Context Denied: Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Non-existent: 43908 Delete PDP Context Discard Reasons: No Memory: 0 Pacing Queue Exceeded: 0 Recovery Session Fail: 0 ICSR State Invalid: 0 Delete PDP Context Deny Received: Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Non-existent: 1031 IPCA PDP Context Deny Received: No Resources: 0 No Memory: 0 System Failure: 0 Non-existent: 0 Unsupported Service: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Semantic Error in TFT: 0 Syntactic Error in TFT: 0 Semantic Error in Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Packet Filter: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Syntactic Error in Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Packet Filter: 0 UE not GPRS Responding: 0 UE Refuses: 0 Invalid Correlation Id: 0 Create MBMS UE Context Denied: No Resources: 0 No Memory: 0 User Auth Failed: 0 Unknown/Missing APN: 0 System Failure: 0 Unknown PDP Addr/Type: 0 Unsupported Version: 0 Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 No APN Subscription: 0 Create MBMS UE Denied - No Resource Reasons: PLMN Policy Reject: 0 New Call Policy Reject: 0 APN/Svc Capacity: 0 Input-Q Exceeded: 0 No Session Manager: 0 Session Manager Dead: 0 Other Reasons: 0 Session Mgr Retried: 0 Session Mgr Not Ready: 0 Session Setup Timeout: 0 APN Reject Policy: 0 ICSR State Invalid: 0 Radius IP Validation Failed: 0 Congestion Policy Applied: 0 Create MBMS UE Denied - Auth Failure Reasons: Authentication Failed: 0 AAA Auth Req Failed: 0 APN selection-mode mismatch: 0 Non-existent virtual APN: 0 Reject Foreign Subscriber: 0 Create MBMS UE Denied - No Memory: No More AAA Sessions: 0 Misc. Reasons: 0 Create MBMS UE Denied - Unknown PDP Addr or Type: Invalid Multi-cast IP Address: 0 PDP Type Mismatch or Unknown PDP Type: 0 Create MBMS UE Denied - System Failure Reasons: Misc. Reasons: 0 Create MBMS UE Denied - Mandatory IE Incorrect: Enhanced NSAPI: 0 APN: 0 Create MBMS UE Discard Reasons: No Memory: 0 Malformed Message: 0 Internal Bounce Error: 0 Misc. Reasons: 0 Version Not Supported: 0 Congestn Policy Applied: 0 Update MBMS UE Context Denied: No Resources: 0 No Memory: 0 Non-existent: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Delete MBMS UE Context Denied: Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Non-existent: 0 Delete MBMS UE Context Discard Reasons: No Memory: 0 Pacing Queue Exceeded: 0 Recovery Session Fail: 0 ICSR State Invalid: 0 Delete MBMS UE Context Deny Received: Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Non-existent: 0 MBMS Registration Denied: No Resources: 0 No Memory: 0 User Auth Failed: 0 Unknown/Missing APN: 0 System Failure: 0 Unknown PDP Addr/Type: 0 Unsupported Version: 0 Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 MBMS Registration Denied - No Resource Reasons: PLMN Policy Reject: 0 New Call Policy Reject: 0 APN/Svc Capacity: 0 Input-Q Exceeded: 0 No Session Manager: 0 Session Manager Dead: 0 Other Reasons: 0 Session Mgr Retried: 0 Session Mgr Not Ready: 0 Session Setup Timeout: 0 APN Reject Policy: 0 ICSR State Invalid: 0 Radius IP Validation Failed: 0 Congestion Policy Applied: 0 MBMS Registration Denied - Auth Failure Reasons: Authentication Failed: 0 AAA Auth Req Failed: 0 MBMS Registration Denied - No Memory: No More AAA Sessions: 0 Misc. Reasons: 0 Create MBMS UE Denied - Unknown PDP Addr or Type: Invalid Multi-cast IP Address: 0 PDP Type Mismatch or Unknown PDP Type: 0 MBMS Registration Denied - System Failure Reasons: Misc. Reasons: 0 MBMS Registration Denied - Mandatory IE Incorrect: APN: 0 MBMS Registration Discard Reasons: No Memory: 0 Malformed Message: 0 Internal Bounce Error: 0 Misc. Reasons: 0 Version Not Supported: 0 Congestn Policy Applied: 0 MBMS Session Start Denied: No Resources: 0 No Memory: 0 System Failure: 0 Non-existent: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Bearer Ctxt Superseded: 0 MBMS Deregistration Denied: Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Non-existent: 0 MBMS Deregistration Discard Reasons: No Memory: 0 Pacing Queue Exceeded: 0 Recovery Session Fail: 0 ICSR State Invalid: 0 MBMS Deregistration Deny Received: Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Non-existent: 0 MBMS Notification Failure Causes: Unsupported Service: 0 System Failure: 0 MS GPRS Detached: 0 GPRS Cnxn Suspended: 0 Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Unknown IMSI: 0 Roaming Restriction: 0 No Resources: 0 MBMS Notification Reject Causes: MS Not GPRS Responding: 0 MS Refuses: 0 MS MBMS Capabilities Insufficient: 0 Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect : 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Location Management Messages: Send Routing Info: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Failure Report: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Note MS GPRS Present: 0 Accepted: 0 Denied: 0 Discarded: 0 Send Routing Information Request Failure Causes: No Resources Available: 0 Service Not Supported: 0 System Failure: 0 Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 No Proxy Found: 0 Proxy Not Reachable: 0 Send Routing Information Failure MAP Causes: Subscriber Absent: 0 System Failure: 0 Data Missing: 0 Unexpected Data: 0 Unknown Subscriber: 0 Facility Not Supported: 0 Unauthorized Network: 0 Call Barred: 0 Note MS GPRS Present Request Failure Causes: Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 PDU Notification Failure Causes: Unsupported Service: 0 System Failure: 0 MS GPRS Detached: 0 GPRS Cnxn Suspended: 0 Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect: 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Unknown IMSI: 0 Roaming Restriction: 0 No Resources: 0 PDU Notification Reject Causes: MS Not GPRS Responding: 0 MS Refuses: 0 Mandatory IE Incorrect: 0 Mandatory IE Missing: 0 Optional IE Incorrect : 0 Invalid Message Format: 0 Qos Qci: qci 1: CPC QoS Accepted: 0 CPC QoS Downgraded: 0 UPC QoS Accepted: 0 UPC QoS Downgraded: 0 qci 2: CPC QoS Accepted: 0 CPC QoS Downgraded: 0 UPC QoS Accepted: 0 UPC QoS Downgraded: 0 qci 3: CPC QoS Accepted: 0 CPC QoS Downgraded: 0 UPC QoS Accepted: 0 UPC QoS Downgraded: 0 qci 4: CPC QoS Accepted: 0 CPC QoS Downgraded: 0 UPC QoS Accepted: 0 UPC QoS Downgraded: 0 qci 5: CPC QoS Accepted: 0 CPC QoS Downgraded: 1 UPC QoS Accepted: 0 UPC QoS Downgraded: 0 qci 6: CPC QoS Accepted: 461846 CPC QoS Downgraded: 48171959 UPC QoS Accepted: 32389166 UPC QoS Downgraded: 6959237 qci 7: CPC QoS Accepted: 388 CPC QoS Downgraded: 3 UPC QoS Accepted: 474 UPC QoS Downgraded: 0 qci 8: CPC QoS Accepted: 31592 CPC QoS Downgraded: 440 UPC QoS Accepted: 19488 UPC QoS Downgraded: 63 qci 9: CPC QoS Accepted: 564 CPC QoS Downgraded: 4829 UPC QoS Accepted: 5341 UPC QoS Downgraded: 639 GTPC Receive: Total Packets: 266103710 Total Bytes: 25022081743 GTPC Send: Total Packets: 267091741 Total Bytes: 14804620932