Java Plug-in 1.6.0_37 Using JRE version 1.6.0_37-b06 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM User home directory = C:\Users\ХХХ ---------------------------------------------------- c: clear console window f: finalize objects on finalization queue g: garbage collect h: display this help message l: dump classloader list m: print memory usage o: trigger logging q: hide console r: reload policy configuration s: dump system and deployment properties t: dump thread list v: dump thread stack x: clear classloader cache 0-5: set trace level to ---------------------------------------------------- security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,, security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp security: property package.definition value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,, security: property package.definition new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws security: property package.definition value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws security: property package.definition new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy security: property package.definition value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy security: property package.definition new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp security: property package.access value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp security: property package.access new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp,org.mozilla.jss security: property package.definition value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp security: property package.definition new value sun.,,com.sun.xml.internal.bind.,com.sun.imageio.,,,com.sun.javaws,com.sun.deploy,com.sun.jnlp,org.mozilla.jss basic: Added progress listener: sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter$GrayBoxProgressListener@8a0d5d basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.addURL parent called for network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT network: Downloading resource: Content-Length: 661 564 Content-Encoding: null security: Blacklist file not found or revocation check is disabled network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] security: Accessing keys and certificate in Mozilla user profile: null security: Loading Root CA certificates from C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts security: Loaded Root CA certificates from C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts security: Loading Deployment certificates from C:\Users\test\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs security: Loaded Deployment certificates from C:\Users\test\AppData\LocalLow\Sun\Java\Deployment\security\trusted.certs security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store security: Start to check whether root CA is replaced security: The root CA hasnt been replaced security: No timestamping info available security: Found jurisdiction list file security: No need to checking trusted extension for this certificate security: The CRL support is disabled security: The OCSP support is disabled security: This OCSP End Entity validation is disabled security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment denied certificate store security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store security: Start to check whether root CA is replaced security: The root CA hasnt been replaced security: No timestamping info available security: Found jurisdiction list file security: No need to checking trusted extension for this certificate security: The CRL support is disabled security: The OCSP support is disabled security: This OCSP End Entity validation is disabled security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment denied certificate store security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store network: Cache entry not found [url:, version: null] basic: Plugin2ClassLoader.getPermissions CeilingPolicy allPerms security: Loading certificates from Deployment session certificate store security: Loaded certificates from Deployment session certificate store security: Validate the certificate chain using CertPath API security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store security: Obtain certificate collection in Root CA certificate store security: Start to check whether root CA is replaced security: The root CA hasnt been replaced security: No timestamping info available security: Found jurisdiction list file security: No need to checking trusted extension for this certificate security: The CRL support is disabled security: The OCSP support is disabled security: This OCSP End Entity validation is disabled security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment denied certificate store security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store security: Checking if certificate is in Deployment permanent certificate store basic: Applet loaded. basic: Applet resized and added to parent container basic: PERF: AppletExecutionRunnable - applet.init() BEGIN ; jvmLaunch dt 158746 us, pluginInit dt 4370628 us, TotalTime: 4529374 us basic: Applet initialized basic: Removed progress listener: sun.plugin.util.GrayBoxPainter$GrayBoxProgressListener@8a0d5d basic: Applet made visible basic: Starting applet basic: completed perf rollup basic: Applet started basic: Told clients applet is started network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT network: Connecting with proxy=DIRECT