################Place this code under Telephony-Services################################telephony-service night-service code *99 night-service weekday 17:00 08:00 night-service day Sun 00:00 23:59 night-service day Sat 00:00 23:59###############Note that you have to use 24hr time for the scheduling, the night#######################service code can be what ever you designate it to be#####################################System with B-ACD configuration#########################################voice hunt-group 1 parallel final 180 list 100,102,103,104,105,106 timeout 10 pilot 150###############Note that the Final Destination is the B-ACD the B-ACD script###########################Will then deal with its own routing of calls to ephone-hunt 1###########################This is only where a B-ACD is in place, use alternative config##########################When deploying in a no B-ACD enviroment##################################ephone-dn 20 number 185 description Night Service call-forward all 150 call-forward night-service 198 hold-alert 30 originator night-service bell##############Note that ephone-dn 20 has its own number, this is what################################You would forward all incoming calls too, and you would have your######################Call-Flow arranged in this section, note that Night Service takes######################Presedence over everything else when a schedule has been put in########################place in the telephony-sevice section, CWFALL is set to the VHG-1######################Proceed to log into the CUE GUI and program up the AA with your########################Options, or just use it as a vanilla audio recording with no###########################Options to choose from at all (This may require some tweaking############