show run Building configuration... Current configuration : 39900 bytes ! ! Last configuration change at 14:28:51 PST Tue Dec 15 2009 by cisco ! version 12.4 parser config cache interface parser config interface no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption service internal service compress-config ! hostname UC520 ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! logging buffered 10000 no logging console enable secret 5 $1$PNUK$XozKZ9Tc3HsCsYXNLJpYa. --More--  ! aaa new-model ! ! aaa authentication login default local aaa authentication login sdm_vpn_xauth_ml_1 local aaa authorization exec default local aaa authorization network sdm_vpn_group_ml_1 local ! ! aaa session-id common clock timezone PST -8 clock summer-time PST recurring ! crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-476994925 enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-476994925 revocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-476994925 ! ! crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-476994925 certificate self-signed 01 --More--   3082023B 308201A4 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030 30312E30 2C060355 04031325 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274 69666963 6174652D 34373639 39343932 35301E17 0D303931 30303632 31313832 325A170D 32303031 30313030 30303030 5A303031 2E302C06 03550403 1325494F 532D5365 6C662D53 69676E65 642D4365 72746966 69636174 652D3437 36393934 39323530 819F300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 0003818D 00308189 02818100 C7788EA5 13E321D5 FEEB831F 47EEFF5F 37A577EE D79034F2 E7B1C58F 8688FD36 309EA665 FB7888A3 2FE3BC06 2EA65DED F80EDF66 B72A18E6 8E5D9E03 A0E725A2 FA0B50AF 83385180 0FFEB514 631CB704 AD6BB334 3C3109B7 EFF7F02F 480CAA8E 8405173F B94ECA99 BFE60B76 91F686C1 A12ABF05 B566CF4A 7DD1F75B 040996A5 02030100 01A36530 63300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF3010 0603551D 11040930 07820555 43353230 301F0603 551D2304 18301680 1437234B 4FCEC6F8 B87C9FD2 95E68AAC 8D04FE7A BF301D06 03551D0E 04160414 37234B4F CEC6F8B8 7C9FD295 E68AAC8D 04FE7ABF 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050003 81810029 71D2001C 0DCA1C1D D9B53A75 CA5ADF8B 65CDDD58 969B72D5 45680A85 6B86CC5E 6EC5EF12 CAFE5249 6BCCFEBA 80854EDF A7125991 59324714 0C75A557 49E20383 83E0BCE2 4D67E661 66D03048 59129DA7 ED5DEC44 B1C8A297 8AECFE2B 0BE8EFE4 BEF39EF8 60F4A648 D20C6C53 DA7C0312 0C2126FB 919E67F2 8A6EEDBD 0A1F1B quit ! ! crypto isakmp policy 1 encr aes 256 --More--   authentication pre-share group 2 ! crypto isakmp policy 2 encr 3des authentication pre-share group 2 ! crypto isakmp client configuration group EZVPN_GROUP_1 key irrcisco pool EZVPN_POOL_1 max-users 10 ! ! crypto ipsec transform-set ESP-3DES-SHA esp-3des esp-sha-hmac crypto ipsec transform-set ESP_AES_SHA esp-des esp-sha-hmac crypto ipsec transform-set ESP_3DES_SHA esp-3des esp-sha-hmac ! crypto dynamic-map SDM_DYNMAP_1 1 set transform-set ESP_AES_SHA ESP_3DES_SHA reverse-route ! ! --More--  crypto map SDM_CMAP_1 client authentication list sdm_vpn_xauth_ml_1 crypto map SDM_CMAP_1 isakmp authorization list sdm_vpn_group_ml_1 crypto map SDM_CMAP_1 client configuration address respond crypto map SDM_CMAP_1 65535 ipsec-isakmp dynamic SDM_DYNMAP_1 ! ! dot11 ssid uc520-data vlan 1 authentication open authentication key-management wpa guest-mode wpa-psk ascii 0 irrcisco ! dot11 ssid uc520-voice vlan 100 authentication open ! ip cef ! ! ip dhcp relay information trust-all ip dhcp use vrf connected ip dhcp excluded-address --More--  ip dhcp excluded-address ip dhcp excluded-address ip dhcp excluded-address ! ip dhcp pool phone network default-router option 150 ip ! ip dhcp pool data import all network default-router dns-server ! ! ip name-server ip name-server ip inspect log drop-pkt ! ! stcapp ccm-group 1 stcapp --More--  ! stcapp feature access-code ! multilink bundle-name authenticated ! ! trunk group ALL_FXO ! ! voice call send-alert voice rtp send-recv ! voice service voip allow-connections h323 to h323 allow-connections h323 to sip allow-connections sip to h323 allow-connections sip to sip supplementary-service h450.12 no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily no supplementary-service sip refer sip registrar server expires max 3600 min 3600 outbound-proxy ipv4: --More--   no update-callerid ! ! voice class codec 1 codec preference 1 g711ulaw codec preference 2 g729r8 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! voice source-group CCA_SIP_SOURCE_GROUP translation-profile incoming SIP_Incoming ! voice translation-rule 4 rule 1 /2083506322/ /401/ ! --More--  voice translation-rule 410 rule 1 /^9\(.......)\)$/ /208\1/ rule 2 /^9\(.*\)/ /\1/ rule 15 /^...$/ /2089391066/ ! voice translation-rule 411 rule 1 /^9\(.*\)/ /ABCD9\1/ ! voice translation-rule 412 rule 1 /^ABCD\(.*\)/ /\1/ ! voice translation-rule 1111 rule 15 /.*/ /2089391066/ ! voice translation-rule 1112 rule 1 /^9/ // ! voice translation-rule 2001 ! voice translation-rule 2222 rule 1 /^91900......./ // rule 2 /^91976......./ // ! --More--  ! voice translation-profile CALLER_ID_TRANSLATION_PROFILE translate calling 1111 ! voice translation-profile CallBlocking translate called 2222 ! voice translation-profile MainLine_Called_4 translate called 4 ! voice translation-profile OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE translate calling 1111 translate called 1112 ! voice translation-profile PSTN_CallForwarding translate redirect-target 410 translate redirect-called 410 ! voice translation-profile PSTN_Outgoing translate calling 1111 translate called 1112 translate redirect-target 410 translate redirect-called 410 --More--  ! voice translation-profile SIP_Incoming translate called 411 ! voice translation-profile SIP_Passthrough translate called 412 ! ! voice-card 0 no dspfarm ! ! ! username cisco privilege 15 secret 5 $1$15pM$FnNAlrHY7kzCCY3FXmns61 username matthew secret 5 $1$M3Hw$8ZvOhM0qeQ4lNIo/IXTWs. username shelley secret 5 $1$onS4$/moZ2AFVFkSSKN2sY510F0 archive log config logging enable logging size 600 hidekeys ! ! --More--  ip tftp source-interface Loopback0 ! class-map match-all _class_Voice0 match ip dscp ef class-map match-all _class_Voice1 match ip dscp cs3 class-map match-any VoIP match protocol rtp class-map match-any sdm_p2p_kazaa match protocol fasttrack match protocol kazaa2 class-map match-any sdm_p2p_edonkey match protocol edonkey class-map match-any sdm_p2p_gnutella match protocol gnutella class-map match-any sdm_p2p_bittorrent match protocol bittorrent class-map match-any Signaling match ip dscp cs3 match dscp af31 ! ! policy-map Bottom_Class --More--   class VoIP priority 180 class Signaling bandwidth 10 class class-default fair-queue policy-map Voice class _class_Voice0 set cos 6 class _class_Voice1 set cos 3 policy-map Top_Class class class-default shape average 768000 service-policy Bottom_Class ! bridge irb ! ! ! interface Loopback0 ip address ip nat inside --More--   ip virtual-reassembly ! interface FastEthernet0/0 bandwidth 300 ip address ip nat outside ip virtual-reassembly load-interval 30 duplex auto speed auto crypto map SDM_CMAP_1 service-policy output Top_Class ! interface Integrated-Service-Engine0/0 description cue is initialized with default IMAP group ip unnumbered Loopback0 ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly service-module ip address service-module ip default-gateway ! interface FastEthernet0/1/0 switchport voice vlan 100 --More--   macro description cisco-phone spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/1/1 switchport voice vlan 100 macro description cisco-phone spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/1/2 switchport voice vlan 100 macro description cisco-phone spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/1/3 switchport voice vlan 100 macro description cisco-phone spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/1/4 switchport voice vlan 100 macro description cisco-phone spanning-tree portfast ! --More--  interface FastEthernet0/1/5 switchport voice vlan 100 macro description cisco-phone spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/1/6 switchport voice vlan 100 macro description cisco-phone spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/1/7 switchport voice vlan 100 macro description cisco-phone spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/1/8 switchport mode trunk macro description cisco-switch ! interface Dot11Radio0/5/0 no ip address ! encryption vlan 1 mode ciphers aes-ccm --More--   ! ssid uc520-data ! ssid uc520-voice ! speed basic-1.0 basic-2.0 basic-5.5 6.0 9.0 basic-11.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 36.0 48.0 54.0 station-role root service-policy output Voice ! interface Dot11Radio0/5/0.1 encapsulation dot1Q 1 native bridge-group 1 bridge-group 1 subscriber-loop-control bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled bridge-group 1 block-unknown-source no bridge-group 1 source-learning no bridge-group 1 unicast-flooding ! interface Dot11Radio0/5/0.100 encapsulation dot1Q 100 bridge-group 100 bridge-group 100 subscriber-loop-control --More--   bridge-group 100 spanning-disabled bridge-group 100 block-unknown-source no bridge-group 100 source-learning no bridge-group 100 unicast-flooding ! interface Vlan1 no ip address bridge-group 1 bridge-group 1 spanning-disabled ! interface Vlan100 no ip address bridge-group 100 bridge-group 100 spanning-disabled ! interface BVI1 ip address ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly ! interface BVI100 ip address ip nat inside --More--   ip virtual-reassembly ! ip local pool EZVPN_POOL_1 ip route ip route Integrated-Service-Engine0/0 ! ip http server ip http authentication local ip http secure-server ip http path flash: ip nat inside source static tcp 110 interface FastEthernet0/0 110 ip nat inside source static tcp 8989 interface FastEthernet0/0 8989 ip nat inside source static tcp 8585 interface FastEthernet0/0 8585 ip nat inside source route-map SDM_RMAP_1 interface FastEthernet0/0 overload ! access-list 2 remark CCA_SIP_SOURCE_GROUP_ACL access-list 2 remark SDM_ACL Category=1 access-list 2 permit access-list 2 permit access-list 2 deny any access-list 100 remark SDM_ACL Category=2 --More--  access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 deny ip any host access-list 100 permit ip any access-list 100 permit ip any access-list 100 permit ip any access-list 104 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration access-list 104 remark SDM_ACL Category=1 access-list 104 permit udp any any eq ntp access-list 104 permit tcp any any eq telnet access-list 104 permit ip host any access-list 104 permit ip host any access-list 104 permit ip host any access-list 104 permit ip host any access-list 104 permit ip host any access-list 104 permit ip host any --More--  access-list 104 permit ip host any access-list 104 permit ip host any access-list 104 permit ip host any access-list 104 permit ip host any access-list 104 permit udp any any eq non500-isakmp access-list 104 permit udp any any eq isakmp access-list 104 permit esp any any access-list 104 permit ahp any any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootpc access-list 104 permit icmp any any echo access-list 104 permit icmp any any echo-reply access-list 104 permit icmp any any time-exceeded access-list 104 permit icmp any any unreachable access-list 104 permit udp any any eq 5060 access-list 104 permit udp any eq 5060 any access-list 104 permit udp any any range 16384 32767 access-list 104 permit udp host eq domain any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip any --More--  access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip host any access-list 104 deny ip any any log snmp-server community public RO ! ! ! route-map SDM_RMAP_1 permit 1 match ip address 100 ! ! tftp-server apps11.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server apps31.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server apps41.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server apps70.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server cmterm_7936.3-3-13-0.bin tftp-server cnu11.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server cnu31.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server cnu41.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server cnu70.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server CP7902080002SCCP060817A.sbin tftp-server cvm11sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server cvm31sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn --More--  tftp-server cvm41sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server cvm70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server dsp11.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server dsp31.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server dsp41.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server dsp70.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server jar11sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server jar31sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server jar41sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server jar70sccp.8-2-2TR2.sbn tftp-server P00308000500.bin tftp-server P00308000500.loads tftp-server P00308000500.sb2 tftp-server P00308000500.sbn tftp-server S00105000200.sbn tftp-server SCCP11.8-2-2SR2S.loads tftp-server SCCP31.8-2-2SR2S.loads tftp-server SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S.loads tftp-server SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S.loads tftp-server term06.default.loads tftp-server term11.default.loads tftp-server term31.default.loads tftp-server term41.default.loads --More--  tftp-server term61.default.loads tftp-server term70.default.loads tftp-server term71.default.loads tftp-server flash:SCCP42.8-3-2S.loads tftp-server flash:SCCP45.8-3-2S.loads tftp-server flash:SCCP75.8-3-2S.loads tftp-server flash:apps42.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:apps45.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:apps75.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:cnu42.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:cnu45.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:cnu75.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:cvm42sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:cvm45sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:cvm75sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:dsp42.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:dsp45.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:dsp75.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:jar42sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:jar45sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:jar75sccp.8-3-1-22.sbn tftp-server flash:term42.default.loads tftp-server flash:term45.default.loads --More--  tftp-server flash:term62.default.loads tftp-server flash:term65.default.loads tftp-server flash:term75.default.loads tftp-server flash:APPS-1.0.4.SBN tftp-server flash:CP7921G-1.0.4.LOADS tftp-server flash:GUI-1.0.4.SBN tftp-server flash:SYS-1.0.4.SBN tftp-server flash:TNUX-1.0.4.SBN tftp-server flash:TNUXR-1.0.4.SBN tftp-server flash:WLAN-1.0.4.SBN tftp-server flash:cp524g-08-01-07.bin tftp-server DistinctiveRingList.xml tftp-server RingList.xml tftp-server flash:AreYouThereF.raw tftp-server flash:Bass.raw tftp-server flash:CallBack.raw tftp-server flash:Chime.raw tftp-server flash:Classic1.raw tftp-server flash:Classic2.raw tftp-server flash:ClockShop.raw tftp-server flash:Drums1.raw tftp-server flash:Drums2.raw tftp-server flash:FilmScore.raw --More--  tftp-server flash:HarpSynth.raw tftp-server flash:Jamaica.raw tftp-server flash:KotoEffect.raw tftp-server flash:MusicBox.raw tftp-server flash:Piano1.raw tftp-server flash:Piano2.raw tftp-server flash:Pop.raw tftp-server flash:Pulse1.raw tftp-server flash:Ring1.raw tftp-server flash:Ring2.raw tftp-server flash:Ring3.raw tftp-server flash:Ring4.raw tftp-server flash:Ring5.raw tftp-server flash:Ring6.raw tftp-server flash:Ring7.raw tftp-server flash:Sax1.raw tftp-server flash:Sax2.raw tftp-server flash:Vibe.raw tftp-server flash:Analog1.raw tftp-server flash:Analog2.raw tftp-server flash:AreYouThere.raw tftp-server flash:CampusNight.png tftp-server flash:CiscoFountain.png --More--  tftp-server flash:Fountain.png tftp-server flash:MorroRock.png tftp-server flash:NantucketFlowers.png tftp-server flash:TN-CampusNight.png tftp-server flash:TN-CiscoFountain.png tftp-server flash:TN-Fountain.png tftp-server flash:TN-MorroRock.png tftp-server flash:TN-NantucketFlowers.png tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x16/List.xml tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x216x16/List.xml ! control-plane ! bridge 1 route ip bridge 100 route ip call threshold interface FastEthernet0/0 int-calls low 1 high 1 ! ! voice-port 0/0/0 timeouts ringing infinity ! voice-port 0/0/1 --More--   timeouts ringing infinity ! voice-port 0/0/2 timeouts ringing infinity ! voice-port 0/0/3 timeouts ringing infinity ! voice-port 0/1/0 trunk-group ALL_FXO connection plar 201 caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/1/1 trunk-group ALL_FXO connection plar 202 caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/1/2 trunk-group ALL_FXO connection plar 203 caller-id enable ! --More--  voice-port 0/1/3 trunk-group ALL_FXO connection plar 204 caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/2/0 ! voice-port 0/2/1 ! voice-port 0/2/2 ! voice-port 0/2/3 ! voice-port 0/4/0 auto-cut-through signal immediate input gain auto-control -15 description Music On Hold Port ! sccp local Loopback0 sccp ccm identifier 1 sccp ! --More--  sccp ccm group 1 associate ccm 1 priority 1 ! dial-peer cor custom name internal name local name local-plus name international name national name national-plus name emergency name toll-free ! ! dial-peer cor list call-internal member internal ! dial-peer cor list call-local member local ! dial-peer cor list call-local-plus member local-plus ! --More--  dial-peer cor list call-national member national ! dial-peer cor list call-national-plus member national-plus ! dial-peer cor list call-international member international ! dial-peer cor list call-emergency member emergency ! dial-peer cor list call-toll-free member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-internal member internal member emergency ! dial-peer cor list user-local member internal member local member emergency --More--   member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-local-plus member internal member local member local-plus member emergency member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-national member internal member local member local-plus member national member emergency member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-national-plus member internal member local member local-plus member national member national-plus --More--   member emergency member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-international member internal member local member local-plus member international member national member national-plus member emergency member toll-free ! ! dial-peer voice 1 pots service stcapp port 0/0/0 ! dial-peer voice 2 pots service stcapp port 0/0/1 ! dial-peer voice 3 pots --More--   service stcapp port 0/0/2 ! dial-peer voice 4 pots service stcapp port 0/0/3 ! dial-peer voice 5 pots description ** MOH Port ** destination-pattern ABC port 0/4/0 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 1100 pots description ** FXS PORT 0/2/0 ** port 0/2/0 ! dial-peer voice 1101 pots description ** FXS PORT 0/2/1 ** port 0/2/1 ! dial-peer voice 1102 pots description ** FXS PORT 0/2/2 ** --More--   port 0/2/2 ! dial-peer voice 1103 pots description ** FXS PORT 0/2/3 ** port 0/2/3 ! dial-peer voice 2000 voip description ** cue voicemail pilot number ** destination-pattern 400 b2bua voice-class sip outbound-proxy ipv4: session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay sip-notify codec g711ulaw no vad ! dial-peer voice 50 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number .% port 0/1/0 ! dial-peer voice 51 pots --More--   description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number .% port 0/1/1 ! dial-peer voice 52 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number .% port 0/1/2 ! dial-peer voice 53 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number .% port 0/1/3 ! dial-peer voice 1000 voip permission term description ** Incoming call from SIP trunk (Generic SIP Trunk Provider) ** voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server incoming called-number .% dtmf-relay rtp-nte --More--   ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1001 voip corlist outgoing call-local description ** star code to SIP trunk (Generic SIP Trunk Provider) ** destination-pattern *.. voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1003 voip description ** Passthrough Inbound Calls from CUE ** translation-profile incoming SIP_Passthrough b2bua session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: --More--   incoming called-number ABCDT dtmf-relay sip-notify codec g711ulaw no vad ! dial-peer voice 1005 voip description ** Passthrough Inbound MWI from CUE ** b2bua session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: incoming called-number A80T dtmf-relay sip-notify codec g711ulaw no vad ! dial-peer voice 1002 voip corlist outgoing call-local description ** star code to SIP trunk (Generic SIP Trunk Provider) ** preference 1 destination-pattern *.. voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 --More--   session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 54 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-emergency description **CCA*North American*Emergency** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 9911 forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 55 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-emergency description **CCA*North American*Emergency** translation-profile outgoing CALLER_ID_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 911 --More--   forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 56 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-international description **CCA*North American*International** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 9011T forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 57 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*North American*7-Digit Local** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 9[2-9]...... forward-digits all no sip-register ! --More--  dial-peer voice 58 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*North American*10-Digit Local** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 9[2-9]..[2-9]...... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 59 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*North American*Service Numbers** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 9[2-9]11 forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 60 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-national --More--   description **CCA*North American*Long Distance** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 91[2-9]..[2-9]...... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 61 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 91800....... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 62 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 --More--   destination-pattern 91888....... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 63 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 91877....... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 64 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 91866....... forward-digits all no sip-register --More--  ! dial-peer voice 1020 voip corlist outgoing call-emergency description **CCA*North American*Emergency** translation-profile outgoing CALLER_ID_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 1 destination-pattern 911 voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1021 voip corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*North American*7-Digit Local** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 1 destination-pattern 9[2-9]...... voice-class codec 1 --More--   voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1022 voip corlist outgoing call-emergency description **CCA*North American*Emergency** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 destination-pattern 9911 voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! --More--  dial-peer voice 1023 voip corlist outgoing call-international description **CCA*North American*International** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 1 destination-pattern 9011T voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1024 voip corlist outgoing call-emergency description **CCA*North American*Emergency** translation-profile outgoing CALLER_ID_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 2 destination-pattern 911 voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte --More--   session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1025 voip corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*North American*10-Digit Local** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 1 destination-pattern 9[2-9]..[2-9]...... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1026 voip --More--   corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*North American*10-Digit Local** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 destination-pattern 9[2-9]..[2-9]...... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1027 voip corlist outgoing call-national description **CCA*North American*Long Distance** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 destination-pattern 91[2-9]..[2-9]...... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 --More--   session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1028 voip corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*North American*7-Digit Local** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 destination-pattern 9[2-9]...... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1029 voip corlist outgoing call-national --More--   description **CCA*North American*Long Distance** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 1 destination-pattern 91[2-9]..[2-9]...... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1030 voip corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 destination-pattern 91866....... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: --More--   dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1031 voip corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 destination-pattern 91877....... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1032 voip corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** --More--   translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 destination-pattern 91888....... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1033 voip corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 destination-pattern 91800....... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte --More--   ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1034 voip corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 1 destination-pattern 91866....... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1035 voip corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing --More--   preference 1 destination-pattern 91877....... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1036 voip corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 1 destination-pattern 91888....... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media --More--   ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1037 voip corlist outgoing call-toll-free description **CCA*North American*Toll-Free** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 1 destination-pattern 91800....... voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1038 voip corlist outgoing call-international description **CCA*North American*International** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 --More--   destination-pattern 9011T voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1039 voip corlist outgoing call-emergency description **CCA*North American*Emergency** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 1 destination-pattern 9911 voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling --More--   no vad ! dial-peer voice 1040 voip corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*North American*Service Numbers** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 1 destination-pattern 9[2-9]11 voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1041 voip corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*North American*Service Numbers** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_Outgoing preference 2 destination-pattern 9[2-9]11 --More--   voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 1004 voip description ** VM from SIP Trunk ** translation-profile incoming VM_Profile voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server incoming called-number 2083506322 dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad ! dial-peer voice 2001 voip --More--   description ** cue auto attendant number ** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_CallForwarding destination-pattern 401 b2bua voice-class sip outbound-proxy ipv4: session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay sip-notify codec g711ulaw no vad ! dial-peer voice 3000 voip description MainLine translation-profile incoming MainLine_Called_4 voice-class codec 1 voice-class sip dtmf-relay force rtp-nte session protocol sipv2 session target sip-server incoming called-number 2083506322 dtmf-relay rtp-nte ip qos dscp cs5 media ip qos dscp cs4 signaling no vad --More--  ! dial-peer voice 2012 voip description ** cue prompt manager number ** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_CallForwarding destination-pattern 402 b2bua voice-class sip outbound-proxy ipv4: session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay sip-notify codec g711ulaw no vad ! ! no dial-peer outbound status-check pots sip-ua no remote-party-id retry invite 2 retry register 10 timers connect 100 sip-server ipv4: host-registrar ! --More--  ! ! telephony-service video load 7960-7940 P00308000500 load 7914 S00105000200 load 7902 CP7902080002SCCP060817A load 7921 CP7921G-1.0.4 load 7931 SCCP31.8-2-2SR2S load 7941GE SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S load 7941 SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S load 7961GE SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S load 7961 SCCP41.8-2-2SR2S load 7975 SCCP75.8-3-2S load 7965 SCCP45.8-3-2S load 7945 SCCP45.8-3-2S load 7942 SCCP42.8-3-2S load 7962 SCCP42.8-3-2S load 7971 SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S load 7970 SCCP70.8-2-2SR2S load 7936 cmterm_7936.3-3-13-0 load 7906 SCCP11.8-2-2SR2S load 7911 SCCP11.8-2-2SR2S --More--   load 521G-524G cp524g-08-01-07 max-ephones 14 max-dn 56 ip source-address port 2000 auto assign 10 to 19 auto assign 5 to 8 type anl calling-number initiator service phone videoCapability 1 service dnis overlay service dnis dir-lookup timeouts interdigit 5 system message Idaho Resort Rentals url services url authentication time-zone 5 voicemail 400 max-conferences 8 gain -6 call-forward pattern .T call-forward system redirecting-expanded moh multicast moh port 2000 web admin system name cisco secret 5 $1$LueE$BYPOgzzgSJk4ep/WZBDMN0 dn-webedit --More--   time-webedit transfer-system full-consult dss transfer-pattern 9.T transfer-pattern .T secondary-dialtone 9 create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Oct 06 2009 14:18:31 ! ! ephone-template 15 button-layout 7931 2 ! ! ephone-dn 2 ! ! ephone-dn 5 dual-line number 301 no-reg both label 301 description PhoneA Analog name PhoneA Analog call-forward busy 400 call-forward noan 400 timeout 30 ! --More--  ! ephone-dn 6 dual-line number 302 no-reg both label 302 description PhoneB Analog name PhoneB Analog call-forward busy 400 call-forward noan 400 timeout 30 ! ! ephone-dn 7 dual-line number 303 no-reg both label 303 description PhoneC Analog name PhoneC Analog call-forward busy 400 call-forward noan 400 timeout 10 ! ! ephone-dn 8 dual-line number 304 no-reg both label 304 description PhoneD Analog --More--   name PhoneD Analog call-forward busy 400 call-forward noan 400 timeout 10 ! ! ephone-dn 9 number BCD no-reg primary description MoH moh out-call ABC ! ! ephone-dn 10 dual-line number 201 no-reg both label Marnie description Front Desk name Front Desk call-forward busy 400 call-forward noan 400 timeout 30 ! ! ephone-dn 11 dual-line number 202 no-reg primary label Tay --More--   description Front Desk name Front Desk call-forward busy 400 call-forward noan 400 timeout 10 ! ! ephone-dn 12 dual-line number 203 no-reg primary label General Inquiries description Front Desk name Front Desk call-forward busy 400 call-forward noan 400 timeout 10 ! ! ephone-dn 13 dual-line number 204 no-reg primary label Matthew description Front Desk name Front Desk call-forward busy 400 call-forward noan 400 timeout 10 ! --More--  ! ephone-dn 14 dual-line number 205 no-reg primary label 205 description 205 name 205 ! ! ephone-dn 15 dual-line number 206 no-reg primary label 206 description 206 name 206 ! ! ephone-dn 16 dual-line number 207 no-reg primary label 207 description 207 name 207 ! ! ephone-dn 17 dual-line --More--   number 208 no-reg primary label 208 description 208 name 208 ! ! ephone-dn 18 dual-line number 209 no-reg primary label 209 description 209 name 209 ! ! ephone-dn 19 dual-line number 210 no-reg primary label 210 description 210 name 210 ! ! ephone-dn 54 number 2089391066 description SIP Main Number registration --More--   preference 10 ! ! ephone-dn 55 number A801... no-reg primary mwi off ! ! ephone-dn 56 number A800... no-reg primary mwi on ! ! ephone 1 device-security-mode none mac-address 333C.965C.0000 username "x301" type anl button 1:5 ! ! ! ephone 2 --More--   device-security-mode none mac-address 333C.965C.0001 username "x302" type anl button 1:6 ! ! ! ephone 3 device-security-mode none mac-address 333C.965C.0002 username "x303" type anl button 1:7 ! ! ! ephone 4 device-security-mode none mac-address 333C.965C.0003 username "x304" type anl button 1:8 --More--  ! ! ! ephone 5 device-security-mode none video mac-address 001D.45E9.8900 username "x201" type 7961GE button 1:10 2:11 3:12 4:13 ! ! banner login ^CCisco Configuration Assistant. Version: 1.9. Tue Feb 17 18:58:07 MST 2009^C ! line con 0 no modem enable line aux 0 line 2 no activation-character no exec transport preferred none transport input all --More--  line vty 0 4 transport input telnet transport output telnet line vty 5 100 transport input telnet transport output telnet ! ntp master ! webvpn cef end UC520#