=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= PuTTY log 2018.03.17 14:05:33 =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= banner login ^Cisco Configuration Assistant. Version: 3.2 (3). Wed Jan 21 08:56:39 AST 2015^ User Access Verification Username: mmohanny Password: EIU-UC>en Password: EIU-UC#service-module integrated-Service-Engine 0/0 status Service Module is Cisco Integrated-Service-Engine0/0 Service Module supports session via TTY line 2 Service Module is in Steady state Service Module heartbeat-reset is enabled Getting status from the Service Module, please wait.. Cisco Unity Express 8.6.3 CUE is on UC500UC500 EIU-UC# EIU-UC#sh tele EIU-UC#sh telephony-service CONFIG (Version=8.6) ===================== Version 8.6 Max phoneload sccp version 17 Max dspfarm sccp version 18 Cisco Unified Communications Manager Express For on-line documentation please see: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/sw/voicesw/ps4625/tsd_products_support_series_home.html protocol mode default ip source-address port 2000 ip qos dscp: ef (the MS 6 bits, 46, in ToS, 0xB8) for media cs3 (the MS 6 bits, 24, in ToS, 0x60) for signal af41 (the MS 6 bits, 34, in ToS, 0x88) for video default (the MS 6 bits, 0, in ToS, 0x0) for serviceservice directed-pickup service dnis overlay service dnis dir-lookup service dss load 7914 S00105000400 load 7915-12 B015-1-0-4 load 7915-24 B015-1-0-4 load 7916-12 B016-1-0-4 EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC#sh ip int brie Interface IP-Address OK? Method Status Protocol GigabitEthernet0/0 unassigned YES DHCP up up In0/0 YES TFTP up up GigabitEthernet0/1/0 unassigned YES unset up down GigabitEthernet0/1/1 unassigned YES unset up up GigabitEthernet0/1/2 unassigned YES unset up down GigabitEthernet0/1/3 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan1 YES NVRAM up up Vlan2 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan3 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan10 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan11 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan12 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan15 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan16 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan40 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan90 YES manual up up Vlan91 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan100 YES NVRAM up up Vlan110 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan120 unassigned YES unset up up Vlan172 unassigned YES unset up up NVI0 YES unset up up Loopback100 YES NVRAM up up EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC#sh ver Cisco IOS Software, UC500 Software (UC500-ADVIPSERVICESK9-M), Version 15.1(4)M6, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) Technical Support: http://www.cisco.com/techsupport Copyright (c) 1986-2013 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Thu 14-Feb-13 10:17 by prod_rel_team ROM: System Bootstrap, Version 15.0(1r)XA3, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc1) EIU-UC uptime is 36 minutes System returned to ROM by reload at 13:54:35 PST Sat Mar 17 2018 System restarted at 13:55:09 PST Sat Mar 17 2018 System image file is "flash:uc500-advipservicesk9-mz.151-4.M6" Last reload type: Normal Reload Last reload reason: Reload Command This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable --More--  to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at: http://www.cisco.com/wwl/export/crypto/tool/stqrg.html If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to export@cisco.com. Cisco UC560-FXO-K9 (MPC8378) processor (revision 0x100) with 497664K/26624K bytes of memory. Processor board ID FGL1738112V MPC8378 CPU Rev: Part Number 0x80C4, Revision ID 0x21 30 User Licenses 4 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 2 terminal lines 1 Virtual Private Network (VPN) Module 12 Voice FXO interfaces 4 Voice FXS interfaces 1 Voice MoH interface 1 cisco service engine(s) 256K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 250880K bytes of ATA CompactFlash (Read/Write) --More--  License Info: License UDI: ------------------------------------------------- Device# PID SN ------------------------------------------------- *0 UC560-FXO-K9 FGL1738112V Configuration register is 0x2102 EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC#sh run Building configuration... Current configuration : 38880 bytes ! ! Last configuration change at 14:27:57 PST Sat Mar 17 2018 by mmohanny ! NVRAM config last updated at 14:27:58 PST Sat Mar 17 2018 by mmohanny ! NVRAM config last updated at 14:27:58 PST Sat Mar 17 2018 by mmohanny version 15.1 parser config cache interface no service pad service timestamps debug datetime msec service timestamps log datetime msec no service password-encryption service internal service compress-config service sequence-numbers ! hostname EIU-UC ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! ! enable secret 4 ZwZCjZpqSXIvRzD.nWp0Zo5muAaIQwD/IC9ucx3AbOM enable password u19881212 --More--  ! aaa new-model ! ! aaa authentication login default local ! ! ! ! ! aaa session-id common ! clock timezone MSK 3 0 clock summer-time PST recurring crypto pki token default removal timeout 0 ! crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-4248325652 enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-4248325652 revocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-4248325652 ! ! crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-4248325652 --More--   certificate self-signed 01 3082022B 30820194 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050030 31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274 69666963 6174652D 34323438 33323536 3532301E 170D3135 30313230 31313032 35315A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649 4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D34 32343833 32353635 3230819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281 8100980B F2F26CDB B4CC5542 31FF450C 3CF693C1 2FAFF63A D3E99045 19A13228 59DE214C 792796A8 3682B698 2C515042 DE3CDE5B BAE8C1D9 8FE2CA2A 1855334B 2FAB3120 EC59FCFF 92DF9E67 36C8ED09 B6673BE9 C2F57883 1E6CD459 25115470 EB99FE3D F846CCDE 80BEC23C C1B20871 8335603E D803E965 E083A361 B00A3279 E9770203 010001A3 53305130 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 301F0603 551D2304 18301680 1476BD67 0AD406FE 06E220E6 4377F07C 9F90FB6C B0301D06 03551D0E 04160414 76BD670A D406FE06 E220E643 77F07C9F 90FB6CB0 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 05050003 8181001A 5F6F0E9D 982C2166 68140154 E64F286B 2B72F74C 25D5056F 517438D9 B907ACB7 CB3BB2CE C99B0020 4FEA069E B4E1DC36 01765577 3C249F14 7B21D5B3 85E187D3 B396D99E A28D37A8 EA78E959 F0190189 813AE996 FE3FF4AD F8A63AC4 889F7F2D 8F7716D4 722910CA 806AC243 0E9824E4 88D06FA2 CC8CFEA4 964B577A 980994 quit dot11 syslog ip source-route no ip routing no ip cef --More--  ! ! ip dhcp relay information trust-all ip dhcp excluded-address ip dhcp excluded-address ip dhcp excluded-address ip dhcp excluded-address ! ip dhcp pool phone network default-router option 150 ip ! ip dhcp pool data import all network default-router ! ! ! ip inspect WAAS flush-timeout 10 ip inspect name SDM_LOW dns ip inspect name SDM_LOW ftp ip inspect name SDM_LOW h323 --More--  ip inspect name SDM_LOW https ip inspect name SDM_LOW icmp ip inspect name SDM_LOW imap ip inspect name SDM_LOW pop3 ip inspect name SDM_LOW netshow ip inspect name SDM_LOW rcmd ip inspect name SDM_LOW realaudio ip inspect name SDM_LOW rtsp ip inspect name SDM_LOW esmtp ip inspect name SDM_LOW sqlnet ip inspect name SDM_LOW streamworks ip inspect name SDM_LOW tftp ip inspect name SDM_LOW tcp router-traffic ip inspect name SDM_LOW udp router-traffic ip inspect name SDM_LOW vdolive no ipv6 cef ! multilink bundle-name authenticated ! ! stcapp ccm-group 1 ! ! ! --More--  ! trunk group ALL_FXO max-retry 5 voice-class cause-code 1 hunt-scheme longest-idle ! ! voice call send-alert voice rtp send-recv ! voice service voip allow-connections h323 to h323 allow-connections h323 to sip allow-connections sip to h323 allow-connections sip to sip supplementary-service h450.12 sip no update-callerid ! voice class codec 1 codec preference 1 g711ulaw codec preference 2 g729r8 ! ! --More--  voice class cause-code 1 no-circuit ! voice register global mode cme source-address port 5060 load 9971 sip9971.9-2-2 load 9951 sip9951.9-2-2 load 8961 sip8961.9-2-2 timezone 32 create profile sync 0004340490532953 ! ! ! voice translation-rule 1000 rule 1 /.*/ // ! voice translation-rule 1112 rule 1 /^9/ // ! voice translation-rule 2002 rule 1 /^6/ // ! voice translation-rule 2222 --More--  ! ! voice translation-profile CALLER_ID_TRANSLATION_PROFILE translate calling 1111 ! voice translation-profile CallBlocking translate called 2222 ! voice translation-profile OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE translate called 1112 ! voice translation-profile XFER_TO_VM_PROFILE translate redirect-called 2002 ! voice translation-profile nondialable translate called 1000 ! ! voice-card 0 ! fax interface-type fax-mail ! ! license udi pid UC560-FXO-K9 sn FGL1738112V --More--  archive log config logging enable logging size 600 hidekeys vtp domain EAU vtp mode transparent vtp version 2 username MMOHANNY privilege 15 secret 4 ZwZCjZpqSXIvRzD.nWp0Zo5muAaIQwD/IC9ucx3AbOM username algafari_uc privilege 15 secret 4 lR/QZLRvTbw4a4L4KjA2RNhd6lu9/iHxMyy5.iaM30w ! ! vlan 2 name server-farm ! vlan 3 name networking-devices ! vlan 10 name VIP ! vlan 11 --More--   name Administration ! vlan 12 name staff ! vlan 15 name LABS ! vlan 16 name finance ! vlan 40 name WL-Users ! vlan 90 name old-internet ! vlan 91 name voice-mgmt ! vlan 100 name voice ! vlan 110 --More--   name Wireless ! vlan 120,172 ! vlan 1004 bridge 0 stp type ieee ! ip tftp source-interface Vlan90 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! interface Loopback100 ip address ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0 description $FW_OUTSIDE$ ip address dhcp client-id GigabitEthernet0/0 ip access-group 104 in ip nat outside --More--   ip inspect SDM_LOW out ip virtual-reassembly in no ip route-cache load-interval 30 duplex auto speed auto ! interface Integrated-Service-Engine0/0 description Interface used to manage integrated application modulecue is initialized with default IMAP group ip unnumbered Vlan90 no ip route-cache service-module ip address service-module ip default-gateway ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1/0 switchport mode trunk switchport voice vlan 100 no ip address duplex full macro description cisco-switch | cisco-switch | cisco-switch | cisco-switch ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1/1 switchport mode trunk switchport voice vlan 100 no ip address duplex full macro description cisco-switch | cisco-switch | cisco-switch | cisco-switch ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1/2 no ip address duplex full macro description cisco-desktop | cisco-desktop | cisco-desktop | cisco-desktop spanning-tree portfast ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1/3 description Interface used to communicate with integrated service module switchport access vlan 90 no ip address service-module ip address service-module ip default-gateway ! interface Vlan1 description $FW_INSIDE$ ip address ip access-group 101 in ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly in no ip route-cache ! interface Vlan2 no ip address ! interface Vlan3 no ip address ! interface Vlan10 no ip address ! interface Vlan11 no ip address ! interface Vlan12 no ip address ! interface Vlan15 no ip address ! interface Vlan16 no ip address ! interface Vlan40 --More--   no ip address ! interface Vlan90 ip address ip access-group 103 in ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly in ! interface Vlan91 no ip address ! interface Vlan100 description $FW_INSIDE$ ip address ip access-group 102 in ip nat inside ip virtual-reassembly in ! interface Vlan110 no ip address ! interface Vlan120 no ip address ! --More--  interface Vlan172 no ip address ! ip forward-protocol nd ip http server ip http authentication local ip http secure-server ip http path flash:/gui ! ip dns server ip nat inside source list 1 interface GigabitEthernet0/0 overload ip route ip route Vlan90 ! access-list 1 remark SDM_ACL Category=2 access-list 1 permit access-list 1 permit access-list 1 permit access-list 100 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration access-list 100 remark SDM_ACL Category=1 access-list 100 deny ip any access-list 100 deny ip host any access-list 100 deny ip any access-list 100 permit ip any any --More--  access-list 101 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration##NO_ACES_5## access-list 101 remark SDM_ACL Category=1 access-list 101 deny ip any access-list 101 deny ip any access-list 101 deny ip host any access-list 101 deny ip any access-list 101 permit ip any any access-list 102 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration##NO_ACES_7## access-list 102 remark SDM_ACL Category=1 access-list 102 permit tcp any eq 2000 access-list 102 permit udp any eq 2000 access-list 102 deny ip any access-list 102 deny ip any access-list 102 deny ip host any access-list 102 deny ip any access-list 102 permit ip any any access-list 103 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration access-list 103 remark SDM_ACL Category=1 access-list 103 permit tcp any eq 2000 access-list 103 permit udp any eq 2000 access-list 103 permit udp any range 16384 32767 access-list 103 permit udp range 16384 32767 any access-list 103 deny ip any access-list 103 deny ip host any access-list 103 deny ip any access-list 103 permit ip any any access-list 104 remark auto generated by SDM firewall configuration##NO_ACES_13## access-list 104 remark SDM_ACL Category=1 access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 permit udp any eq bootps any eq bootpc access-list 104 permit icmp any any echo-reply access-list 104 permit icmp any any time-exceeded access-list 104 permit icmp any any unreachable access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip any access-list 104 deny ip host any access-list 104 deny ip any any log ! ! ! ! snmp-server community public RO tftp-server flash:/phones/7921/TNUXR-1.4.1SR1.SBN alias TNUXR-1.4.1SR1.SBN --More--  tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Analog1.raw alias Analog1.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Analog2.raw alias Analog2.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/AreYouThere.raw alias AreYouThere.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/DistinctiveRingList.xml alias DistinctiveRingList.xml tftp-server flash:/ringtones/RingList.xml alias RingList.xml tftp-server flash:/ringtones/AreYouThereF.raw alias AreYouThereF.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Bass.raw alias Bass.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/CallBack.raw alias CallBack.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Chime.raw alias Chime.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Classic1.raw alias Classic1.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Classic2.raw alias Classic2.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/ClockShop.raw alias ClockShop.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Drums1.raw alias Drums1.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Drums2.raw alias Drums2.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/FilmScore.raw alias FilmScore.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/HarpSynth.raw alias HarpSynth.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Jamaica.raw alias Jamaica.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/KotoEffect.raw alias KotoEffect.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/MusicBox.raw alias MusicBox.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Piano1.raw alias Piano1.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Piano2.raw alias Piano2.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Pop.raw alias Pop.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Pulse1.raw alias Pulse1.raw --More--  tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring1.raw alias Ring1.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring2.raw alias Ring2.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring3.raw alias Ring3.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring4.raw alias Ring4.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring5.raw alias Ring5.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring6.raw alias Ring6.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Ring7.raw alias Ring7.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Sax1.raw alias Sax1.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Sax2.raw alias Sax2.raw tftp-server flash:/ringtones/Vibe.raw alias Vibe.raw tftp-server flash:/Desktops/CampusNight.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-CampusNight.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/CiscoFountain.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-CiscoFountain.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/CiscoLogo.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-CiscoLogo.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/Fountain.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-Fountain.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/MorroRock.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-MorroRock.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/NantucketFlowers.png tftp-server flash:/Desktops/TN-NantucketFlowers.png tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x16/List.xml tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x212x12/List.xml --More--  tftp-server flash:Desktops/320x216x16/List.xml tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_allagentsbusy.au alias en_bacd_allagentsbusy.au tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_disconnect.au alias en_bacd_disconnect.au tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_enter_dest.au alias en_bacd_enter_dest.au tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_invalidoption.au alias en_bacd_invalidoption.au tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_music_on_hold.au alias en_bacd_music_on_hold.au tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_options_menu.au alias en_bacd_options_menu.au tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_welcome.au alias en_bacd_welcome.au tftp-server flash:/bacdprompts/en_bacd_xferto_operator.au alias en_bacd_xferto_operator.au radius-server attribute 31 send nas-port-detail ! ! ! control-plane ! ! voice-port 0/0/0 shutdown caller-id enable --More--  ! voice-port 0/0/1 shutdown caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/0/2 shutdown caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/0/3 caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/1/0 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 000 impedance complex2 description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/0-Custom-AA-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/1/1 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 000 description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/1-Custom-OP caller-id enable --More--  ! voice-port 0/1/2 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 000 description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/2-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/1/3 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 104 description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/1/3-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/2/0 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 cptone BE timeouts call-disconnect 3 connection plar opx 004 shutdown impedance complex2 description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/2/0-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/2/1 --More--   trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 004 shutdown description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/2/1-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/2/2 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 004 shutdown description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/2/2-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/2/3 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 104 description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/2/3-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/3/0 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 399 shutdown description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/3/0-OP --More--   caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/3/1 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 399 shutdown description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/3/1-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/3/2 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 399 shutdown description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/3/2-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/3/3 trunk-group ALL_FXO 64 connection plar opx 104 description Configured by CCA 4 FXO-0/3/3-OP caller-id enable ! voice-port 0/4/0 auto-cut-through --More--   signal immediate input gain auto-control -15 description Music On Hold Port ! sccp ccm identifier 1 version 3.1 ! sccp ccm group 1 associate ccm 1 priority 1 ! dial-peer cor custom name internal name local name local-plus name international name national name national-plus name emergency name toll-free ! ! dial-peer cor list call-internal member internal ! dial-peer cor list call-local --More--   member local ! dial-peer cor list call-local-plus member local-plus ! dial-peer cor list call-national member national ! dial-peer cor list call-national-plus member national-plus ! dial-peer cor list call-international member international ! dial-peer cor list call-emergency member emergency ! dial-peer cor list call-toll-free member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-internal member internal member emergency ! --More--  dial-peer cor list user-local member internal member local member emergency member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-local-plus member internal member local member local-plus member emergency member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-national member internal member local member local-plus member national member emergency member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-national-plus member internal member local --More--   member local-plus member national member national-plus member emergency member toll-free ! dial-peer cor list user-international member internal member local member local-plus member international member national member national-plus member emergency member toll-free ! ! dial-peer voice 1 pots port 0/0/0 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 2 pots port 0/0/1 no sip-register --More--  ! dial-peer voice 3 pots port 0/0/2 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 4 pots port 0/0/3 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 5 pots description ** MOH Port ** destination-pattern ABC port 0/4/0 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 6 pots description tcatch all dial peer for BRI/PRIv translation-profile incoming nondialable incoming called-number .% direct-inward-dial ! dial-peer voice 50 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ --More--   port 0/1/0 ! dial-peer voice 51 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/1/1 ! dial-peer voice 52 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/1/2 ! dial-peer voice 53 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/1/3 ! dial-peer voice 100 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/2/0 ! dial-peer voice 101 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** --More--   incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/2/1 ! dial-peer voice 102 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/2/2 ! dial-peer voice 103 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/2/3 ! dial-peer voice 150 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/3/0 ! dial-peer voice 151 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/3/1 ! dial-peer voice 152 pots --More--   description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/3/2 ! dial-peer voice 153 pots description ** incoming dial peer ** incoming called-number ^AAAA$ port 0/3/3 ! dial-peer voice 54 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A0 port 0/1/0 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 55 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A1 port 0/1/1 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 56 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A2 --More--   port 0/1/2 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 57 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A3 port 0/1/3 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 104 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A4 port 0/2/0 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 105 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A5 port 0/2/1 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 106 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A6 --More--   port 0/2/2 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 107 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A7 port 0/2/3 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 154 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A8 port 0/3/0 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 155 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A9 port 0/3/1 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 156 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A10 --More--   port 0/3/2 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 157 pots description ** FXO pots dial-peer ** destination-pattern A11 port 0/3/3 no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 2000 voip description ** cue voicemail pilot number ** translation-profile outgoing XFER_TO_VM_PROFILE destination-pattern 399 b2bua session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: voice-class sip outbound-proxy ipv4: dtmf-relay rtp-nte codec g711ulaw no vad ! dial-peer voice 58 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-local --More--   description **CCA*Belgium*Sana'a** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 94..... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 59 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*Belgium*Sana'a** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 95..... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 60 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*Belgium*Sana'a** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 96..... --More--   forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 61 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-local description **CCA*Belgium*Sana'a** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 92..... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 62 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-national-plus description **CCA*Belgium*MTN** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 973....... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 63 pots --More--   trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-national-plus description **CCA*Belgium*SABAFONE** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 971....... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 64 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-national-plus description **CCA*Belgium*Y** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 970....... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 65 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-local-plus description **CCA*Belgium*YEMENMOBIL** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE --More--   preference 5 destination-pattern 977....... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 66 pots trunkgroup ALL_FXO corlist outgoing call-local-plus description **CCA*Belgium*Sana'a** translation-profile outgoing OUTGOING_TRANSLATION_PROFILE preference 5 destination-pattern 901.... forward-digits all no sip-register ! dial-peer voice 11 pots incoming called-number AAAA port 0/1/0 ! dial-peer voice 775 voip destination-pattern 77. session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: dtmf-relay sip-notify --More--   codec g711ulaw no vad ! dial-peer voice 2001 voip description ** cue auto attendant number ** translation-profile outgoing PSTN_CallForwarding destination-pattern 545 b2bua session protocol sipv2 session target ipv4: voice-class sip outbound-proxy ipv4: dtmf-relay sip-notify codec g711ulaw no vad ! ! no dial-peer outbound status-check pots ! ! telephony-service video authentication credential mmohanny Pa$$w0rd authentication credential algafari_uc u19881212 fxo hook-flash --More--   max-ephones 138 max-dn 600 ip source-address port 2000 auto assign 1 to 1 type bri calling-number initiator service phone videoCapability 1 service phone ehookenable 1 service phone webAccess 0 service dnis overlay service dnis dir-lookup service dss timeouts interdigit 5 system message Cisco Small Business url services url authentication load 7914 S00105000400 load 7915-12 B015-1-0-4 load 7915-24 B015-1-0-4 load 7916-12 B016-1-0-4 load 7916-24 B016-1-0-4 load 7906 SCCP11.9-2-1S load 7911 SCCP11.9-2-1S load 7921 CP7921G-1.4.1SR1 load 7925 CP7925G-1.4.1SR1 --More--   load 7931 SCCP31.9-1-1SR1S load 7936 cmterm_7936.3-3-21-0 load 7937 apps37sccp.1-4-4-0 load 7960-7940 P00308010200 load 7941 SCCP41.9-1-1SR1S load 7941GE SCCP41.9-1-1SR1S load 7942 SCCP42.9-1-1SR1S load 7945 SCCP45.9-1-1SR1S load 7961 SCCP41.9-1-1SR1S load 7961GE SCCP41.9-1-1SR1S load 7962 SCCP42.9-1-1SR1S load 7965 SCCP45.9-1-1SR1S load 7970 SCCP70.9-1-1SR1S load 7971 SCCP70.9-1-1SR1S load 7975 SCCP75.9-1-1SR1S load 521G-524G cp524g-8-1-17 load 525G spa525g-7-5-2c load 501G spa50x-30x-7-5-2c load 502G spa50x-30x-7-5-2c load 504G spa50x-30x-7-5-2c load 508G spa50x-30x-7-5-2c load 509G spa50x-30x-7-5-2c load 525G2 spa525g-7-5-2c load 301 spa50x-30x-7-5-2c --More--   load 303 spa50x-30x-7-5-2c load 512G spa51x-7-5-2d load 514G spa51x-7-5-2d load 6921 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-2-sr load 6941 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-2-sr load 6961 SCCP69xx.9-1-1-2-sr load 6901 SCCP6901.9-1-1-0 load 6911 SCCP6911.9-1-1-0 time-zone 32 keepalive 30 auxiliary 4 voicemail 399 max-conferences 8 gain -6 call-forward pattern .T call-forward system redirecting-expanded moh flash:/media/music-on-hold.au multicast moh port 2000 web admin system name cisco secret 5 $1$/SrO$lPN4JnAc1PHnfbAUGDKhX/ dn-webedit time-webedit transfer-system full-consult dss transfer-pattern 9.T transfer-pattern .T transfer-pattern 6... blind secondary-dialtone 9 --More--   night-service day Sun 17:00 09:00 night-service day Mon 17:00 09:00 night-service day Tue 17:00 09:00 night-service day Wed 17:00 09:00 night-service day Thu 17:00 09:00 night-service day Fri 17:00 09:00 night-service day Sat 17:00 09:00 fac standard create cnf-files version-stamp 7960 Mar 15 2018 08:27:15 ! ! ephone-template 15 url services 1 VoiceviewExpress softkeys remote-in-use Newcall softkeys idle Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login softkeys seized Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback softkeys connected Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park button-layout 7931 2 ! ! ephone-template 16 url services 1 VoiceviewExpress softkeys remote-in-use Newcall softkeys idle Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login --More--   softkeys seized Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback softkeys connected Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park ! ! ephone-template 17 url services 1 VoiceviewExpress softkeys remote-in-use CBarge Newcall softkeys idle Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login softkeys seized Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback softkeys connected Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park ! ! ephone-template 18 url services 1 VoiceviewExpress softkeys remote-in-use CBarge Newcall softkeys idle Redial Newcall Cfwdall Pickup Gpickup Dnd Login softkeys seized Cfwdall Endcall Redial Pickup Gpickup Callback softkeys connected Hold Endcall Trnsfer TrnsfVM Confrn Acct Park button-layout 7931 2 ! ! ephone-dn 9 number BCD no-reg primary description MoH --More--   moh out-call ABC ! ! ephone-dn 20 dual-line number 108 label 108 description Accounting name Accounting call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 21 dual-line number 107 label 107 description Faris Radman name Faisal Dahan call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone-dn 22 dual-line --More--   number 106 label 107 description Nashwan Alqubati name Nashwan Alqobati call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 23 dual-line number 400 label 400 description Dr.Ghamdan name Dr.Ghamdan call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 59 ! ! ephone-dn 100 corlist incoming user-internal --More--  ! ! ephone-dn 570 number 200 label 200 description Dr Saleh Aldaheri name Dr. Saleh Aldaheri call-forward busy 888 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-national ! ! ephone-dn 571 number 301 label 301 description Ali Khosroph name Ali Khosroph call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 572 number 110 --More--   label 112 description Algafari name Algafari call-forward busy 888 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 576 dual-line number 003 description Alherasah name Alherasah call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-local ! ! ephone-dn 577 dual-line number 113 label 113 description Abdulaziz Alkhalaqi name Abdulaziz AlJhalaqi call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 --More--   corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 578 dual-line number 114 call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 579 dual-line number 119 name it call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone-dn 580 dual-line number 001 label 001 description Sabreen Alazazi name Sabreen Alazazi call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 --More--   corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 581 dual-line number 104 label 104 description samiha alabdi name Samiha Alabdi call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 582 dual-line number 303 label 303 description Mona Alariqi name Mona Alariqi call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 583 dual-line --More--   number 010 label 010 name Reception Rec call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 584 dual-line number 011 label 011 name Reception Rec call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone-dn 585 dual-line number 444 label 444 description Dr Ali Saif name Dr Ali Saif call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 --More--   corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone-dn 586 dual-line number 000 label 000 description Nasma name Nasma call-forward busy 103 call-forward noan 103 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 587 dual-line number 222 label 222 description Secretary-General name Secretary-General call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone-dn 588 dual-line --More--   number 114 label 114 description Dr Ali Saif name Dr Ali Saif call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone-dn 589 dual-line number 103 label 103 description Lamia Kamel name Lamia Kamel call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone-dn 590 dual-line number 202 label 202 description Dr Ali Qaed Alsharabi name Dr Ali Qaed Alsharabi --More--   call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 591 dual-line number 101 label 101 description Hamad name Hamad call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone-dn 592 dual-line number 112 label 105 description Kamal Mattash name Kamal Mattash call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! --More--  ! ephone-dn 593 dual-line number 201 label 201 description Adel Abualasrar name Adel AbuAlasrar call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-national ! ! ephone-dn 594 dual-line number 100 label 100 description Maha Almuntser name Maha Almuntser call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal ! ! ephone-dn 595 dual-line number 109 label 109 --More--   description Wesam name Wesam call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-local ! ! ephone-dn 596 dual-line number 111 no-reg primary label 111 description Marwan Alzraee name Marwan Alzraee call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone-dn 597 dual-line number 105 no-reg primary description Marwan name Marwan alzeraee call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-internal --More--  ! ! ephone-dn 600 dual-line number 004 description Marwan name Marwan alzeraee call-forward busy 399 call-forward noan 000 timeout 20 corlist incoming user-international ! ! ephone 1 device-security-mode none mac-address B0FA.EB2F.0222 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "roba" password 123456 type 525G2 button 1:596 ! ! ! ephone 2 device-security-mode none --More--   mac-address E8ED.F36A.4DCE ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "drabulnasser" password 123456 type 501G button 1:589 ! ! ! ephone 3 device-security-mode none mac-address E02F.6D60.2AD7 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "reception" password 123456 type 504G addon 1 500S button 1:584 2:583 3:586 ! ! ! ephone 4 device-security-mode none mac-address E02F.6D60.2BA2 ephone-template 16 --More--   max-calls-per-button 2 username "D.rjala" password 123456 type 504G button 1:587 ! ! ! ephone 5 device-security-mode none mac-address ECE1.A9CD.C1E0 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "monaalariqi" password 123456 type 501G ! ! ! ephone 6 device-security-mode none mac-address E02F.6D60.2AD6 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "Dr.Adel" password 123456 type 504G --More--   button 1:591 ! ! ! ephone 7 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.3706 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "Moh_alrawdi" password 123456 type 501G button 1:592 ! ! ! ephone 8 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.36FF ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "m.soliman" password 123456 type 501G button 1:590 ! --More--  ! ! ephone 9 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.3708 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "Dr.Adnan" password 123456 type 501G button 1:593 ! ! ! ephone 10 device-security-mode none mac-address E02F.6D60.2AB0 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "test" password 123456 type 504G button 1:585 4:588 ! ! ! --More--  ephone 11 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.36F8 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "Adel.aboalasrar" password 123456 type 501G button 1:597 2:600 ! ! ! ephone 12 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.3709 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "herash" password 123456 type 501G button 1:595 ! ! ! ephone 13 device-security-mode none --More--   mac-address E8ED.F36A.36FE ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "Dr.Maha" password 123456 type 501G button 1:594 ! ! ! ephone 14 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.3710 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "IT" password 123456 type 501G button 1:576 ! ! ! ephone 15 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.4DCD ephone-template 16 --More--   max-calls-per-button 2 username "addtional" password 123456 type 501G button 1:581 ! ! ! ephone 16 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.36D1 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "Sabreen" password 123456 type 501G button 1:580 ! ! ! ephone 17 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.3705 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "kawthar" password 123456 --More--   type 501G button 1:20 ! ! ! ephone 18 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.370D ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "moghals" password 123456 type 501G button 1:21 ! ! ! ephone 19 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.4DBA ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "Faris" password 123456 type 501G button 1:22 --More--  ! ! ! ephone 20 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.370E ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 username "Zaid" password 123456 type 501G button 1:23 ! ! ! ephone 21 device-security-mode none mac-address E02F.6D60.2B8B ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 type 504G button 1:570 ! ! ! --More--  ephone 22 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.3700 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 type 501G button 1:572 7:579 ! ! ! ephone 23 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.4DBC ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 type 501G button 1:571 ! ! ! ephone 24 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.370F ephone-template 16 --More--   max-calls-per-button 2 type 501G button 1:590 ! ! ! ephone 25 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.3703 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 type 501G button 1:582 ! ! ! ephone 26 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.4DBB ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 type 501G ! ! --More--  ! ephone 28 device-security-mode none mac-address B000.B4D8.838E ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 button 1:577 ! ! ! ephone 29 device-security-mode none mac-address 7C95.F3C8.E209 ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 button 1:578 ! ! ! ephone 30 device-security-mode none mac-address E8ED.F36A.36EF ephone-template 16 max-calls-per-button 2 --More--   type 501G ! ! alias exec cca_voice_mode PBX banner login ^Cbanner login ^Cisco Configuration Assistant. Version: 3.2 (3). Wed Jan 21 08:56:39 AST 2015^^C ! line con 0 password u19881212 no modem enable line aux 0 line 2 no activation-character no exec transport preferred none transport input all speed 115200 line vty 0 4 password u19881212 transport preferred none transport input all line vty 5 15 password u19881212 transport preferred none --More--   transport input all line vty 16 100 transport preferred none transport input all ! ntp master end EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: !!!!! Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/4 ms EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC#ping Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: ..... Success rate is 0 percent (0/5) EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC# EIU-UC#exi