SW1#sho run Building configuration... Current configuration : 5840 bytes ! version 12.2 no service pad service timestamps debug datetime localtime service timestamps log datetime localtime service password-encryption ! hostname SW1 ! boot-start-marker boot-end-marker ! enable secret 5 $1$Yakx$TY5hS7rcuxgoCoDTy/u8v. ! aaa new-model ! ! aaa authentication login default local ! ! ! aaa session-id common system mtu routing 1500 ip subnet-zero ! no ip domain-lookup ! ! crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-4078530304 enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-4078530304 revocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-4078530304 ! ! crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-4078530304 certificate self-signed 01 30820240 308201A9 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 04050030 31312F30 2D060355 04031326 494F532D 53656C66 2D536967 6E65642D 43657274 69666963 6174652D 34303738 35333033 3034301E 170D3933 30333031 30303030 35375A17 0D323030 31303130 30303030 305A3031 312F302D 06035504 03132649 4F532D53 656C662D 5369676E 65642D43 65727469 66696361 74652D34 30373835 33303330 3430819F 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 818D0030 81890281 8100B944 E823D03E 9ABE8E92 0213E32C C3F19F8A 927D3226 44207316 1857625C CB432998 00B4FEBE 1AA9583C B239AAF1 8547A748 95654A0A 87618E91 99170756 426E021F AB26D79C 34314DE5 BC819163 54CE8A04 8278C378 386D7536 ED4C10D2 D6DC6B12 F12C19CC CD8293EE 2C434627 0E5B5C81 6907AC37 5B66EF6F 476D63F9 5A330203 010001A3 68306630 0F060355 1D130101 FF040530 030101FF 30130603 551D1104 0C300A82 084B5650 5F495357 2E301F06 03551D23 04183016 801422F6 56AE7A40 7A27EF9C DEF7B242 3D07809C 0356301D 0603551D 0E041604 1422F656 AE7A407A 27EF9CDE F7B2423D 07809C03 56300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 01040500 03818100 44A9102C 93BFC051 168C46DC EF8E721D 2C54D4AF 5AD19CCA EA402F0E 3400274C 00F14586 0EA2C0D1 29952EA5 3557D8F7 4C632DFA A6627899 7EF75254 B7BDAD2F 02769375 AB8BD3D3 056822C3 57409EC3 54CF22FD 60C53E22 3C6776E1 2963CFC2 E846F67E 096ACD8F 52770253 8F260AD3 E3FAED92 5F4D87D3 AF8477DB 80B1B239 quit ! ! ! ! ! spanning-tree mode pvst spanning-tree extend system-id ! vlan internal allocation policy ascending ! ! ! interface FastEthernet0/1 description ### To ISP1_5M ### switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/2 description ### To FW1 port1 ### switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access speed 100 duplex full spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/3 description ### To FW2 port1 ### switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access speed 100 duplex full spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/4 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/5 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/6 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/7 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/8 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/9 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/10 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/11 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/12 switchport access vlan 10 switchport mode access spanning-tree portfast ! interface FastEthernet0/13 description ### To ISP2_1M ### switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/14 description ### To FW1 port2 ### switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access speed 100 duplex full ! interface FastEthernet0/15 description ### To FW2 port2 ### switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access speed 100 duplex full ! interface FastEthernet0/16 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/17 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/18 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/19 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/20 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/21 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/22 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/23 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface FastEthernet0/24 switchport access vlan 20 switchport mode access ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1 description ### MGMT TO BB2 ### switchport access vlan 100 switchport mode access ! interface GigabitEthernet0/2 description ### MGMT TO R1 ### switchport access vlan 100 switchport mode access ! interface Vlan1 no ip address no ip route-cache shutdown ! interface Vlan100 description ### MGMT interface ### ip address no ip route-cache ! ip default-gateway ip http server ip http secure-server l ! control-plane ! ! end