[Aug 22 12:24:34] INFO [DiscoveryManager : main initialize] : Log4j configured using property file D:\CISCOW~1\conf\csdiscovery\ngd-log4j.properties [Aug 22 12:24:34] DEBUG [FilterManager : main getInstance] : FilterManager Created [Aug 22 12:24:34] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main getSelectedModulesListFromConfig] : Module: System is selected [Aug 22 12:24:34] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main getSelectedModulesListFromConfig] : Module: CDP is selected [Aug 22 12:24:34] INFO [DiscoveryController : main getSelectedModulesListFromConfig] : Selected Discovery Modules: [com.cisco.nm.discovery.config.info.Module@105bd58, com.cisco.nm.discovery.config.info.Module@1d1e730] [Aug 22 12:24:34] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main ] : Selected Modules list created [Aug 22 12:24:34] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : initializing the DataCollector [Aug 22 12:24:34] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : initializing the SDI engine [Aug 22 12:24:34] DEBUG [CidsHelper : main initialize] : initializing CidsHelper [Aug 22 12:24:34] DEBUG [CidsHelper : main loadSdiEngine] : loading Cids/Sdi engine [Aug 22 12:24:34] DEBUG [CidsHelper : main loadSdiEngine] : Set engine parameter: pkgpath = D:\CISCOW~1\conf\csdiscovery\SharedDiscoveryGeneral.zip;D:\CISCOW~1\conf\csdiscovery\SharedDiscoveryCluster.zip;D:\CISCOW~1\conf\csdiscovery\SharedDiscoveryIGX.zip [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [CidsHelper : main loadSdiEngine] : Cods/Sdi Engine loaded successfully [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : Collector SystemInfo : com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.cids.CidsSystemInfoCollector is loaded [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : Collector IfTableInfo : com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.cids.CidsIfTableCollector is loaded [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : Collector IPAddressInfo : com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.cids.CidsIPTableCollector is loaded [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : Collector RoutingTableInfo : com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.cids.CidsRoutingInfoCollector is loaded [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : Collector ARPInfo : com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.cids.CidsARPInfoCollector is loaded [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : Collector NeighborInfo : com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.cids.CidsNeighborInfoCollector is loaded [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : Collector RouterPeerInfo : com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.cids.CidsRouterPeerInfoCollector is loaded [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : Collector ClusterInfo : com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.cids.CidsClusterInfoCollector is loaded [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DataCollector : main initialize] : Collector CallHomeInfo : com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.cids.CidsCallHomeInfoCollector is loaded [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleStatusInfo : main initialize] : ModuleStatusInfo initialized [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main initModules] : loading module System [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [SystemDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : Entering initialize() method of System Module [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [SystemDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : Host Name ResolveType form User : null [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [SystemDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : PreferredManagementIP Method read from config = UseSysName [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [SystemDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : DNSLookUP = true [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [SystemDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : Exit initialize() method of System Module [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main initModules] : loading module CDP [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : Initializing Neighbor Discovery Module [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : Seed device [DeviceInfo IpAddress ->/ SysName ->null SysObjectID ->null ], with hops= 2, is added to the local cache. [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : Ignore NonSnmpAccessibles ( IP Phones ) :: false [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : CDP is dependent on System [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : main initialize] : Exit from initialize method of Neighbor Discovery Module [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main ] : Will now initialize moduleworker [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : main initialize] : Enter ..Start [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleWorkerHelper : main initialize] : Initializing information for module count 1 "CDP" [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleWorkerHelper : main getDependencies] : No dependencies for module "System" [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleWorkerHelper : main populateModulesDependentOnTable] : About to create the module dependency table [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleWorkerHelper : main populateModulesDependentOnTable] : CDP module has no dependencies [Aug 22 12:24:35] INFO [ModuleWorkerHelper : main populateModulesDependentOnTable] : Done [Aug 22 12:24:35] INFO [ModuleWorkerHelper : main initialize] : Initialization of Modules completed successfully [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : main initialize] : Initialzing the filterings.... [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : main initialize] : ModuleName -- Depends on Key -- Values Keys = CDP, Value = Module [0] = "System", [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : main initialize] : ModuleName -- Modules Dependedent on ModuleName Key -- Values Keys = System, Value = Module [0] = "CDP", [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : main initialize] : Done ..Exit [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main ] : Initializing learning module with 2 modules [Aug 22 12:24:35] INFO [LearningModule : main ] : total modules are 2 [Aug 22 12:24:35] INFO [DiscoveryController : main initAdaptors] : initializing 1 adaptor(s) [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main initAdaptors] : loading adapter: com.cisco.nm.csdiscovery.adaptor.CSDiscoveryAdaptor [Aug 22 12:24:35] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main initAdaptors] : initializing adapter: com.cisco.nm.csdiscovery.adaptor.CSDiscoveryAdaptor [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : main initAdaptors] : Adaptor: com.cisco.nm.csdiscovery.adaptor.CSDiscoveryAdaptor loaded and initialized successfully [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [CredentialManager : main initialize] : Default credentials will be providede by the configuration [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main setThreadProperty] : Setting priority of ThreadPool [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main setThreadProperty] : Finished setting Thread Priority [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [EvalScheduler : main ] : Created EvalScheduler(DiscoveryThreadPool, priority=3, minCount=0, maxCount=20, timeout=300) [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main initScheduler] : Intializing Scheduler [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main initScheduler] : Attaching queue to scheduler [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [EvalScheduler : main attachQueue] : numQueues => 0 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [EvalScheduler : main attachQueue] : Attaching EvalQueue(pool=DiscoveryThreadPool,weight=5,uid=27752604) to EvalScheduler(DiscoveryThreadPool, priority=3, minCount=0, maxCount=20, timeout=300) [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main initScheduler] : intializer queue attached successfully. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [SNMPv3CacheAdmin : main intialize] : FileLocation D:\CISCOW~1\conf\csdiscovery [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main ] : Controller initialization completed successfully :) [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryManager : main start] : Starting discovery with config file D:\CISCOW~1\objects\csdiscovery\1073\CSDiscovery-config.xml [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main startDiscovery] : Starting the Controller [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Starting the Controller thread... [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [LearningModule : Thread-2 getSeedModule] : returning seed module CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Got a new module : CDP; type=1; seed size=1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main getStatusInfo] : Discovery started at time 1219422276062 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : next device: / from CDP Module There are 0 device left in the local cache [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DeviceManager : main getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device from DeviceBound module: / [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DeviceManager : main getDevices] : No devices with status 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Next device to process: [DeviceInfo IpAddress ->/ SysName ->null SysObjectID ->null ]; is ThreadBound?false [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DeviceManager : main getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 2 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 processDevice] : Preprocessing device with IPAddress: / [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DeviceManager : main getDevices] : No devices with status 2 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DeviceManager : main getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 3 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DeviceManager : main getDevices] : No devices with status 3 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : main updateProgressInfo] : Retriving progress status from every module.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : main updateProgressInfo] : Getting progress status from module :CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : main updateProgressInfo] : Obtained progress status from all modules. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 invokeModuleWorker] : Assigning workerThread for device: [/]; isThreadBound? false [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : Thread-2 ] : ||ModuleWorker created with null [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [EvalScheduler : Thread-2 wakeUpThread] : _runningThreads => 0, _count => 0_maxCount => 20 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [EvalScheduler : Thread-2 registerTask] : Registering EvalTask(DiscoveryThreadPool,1) to EvalScheduler(DiscoveryThreadPool, priority=3, minCount=0, maxCount=20, timeout=300) [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [EvalTask : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 run] : Evaluation task EvalTask(DiscoveryThreadPool,1) started. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 changeStatusAndUpdate] : ||Change Status to 4 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main startDiscovery] : discovery started at time 1219422276062 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DeviceManager : Thread-2 changeStatusAndUpdate] : ||Adding New Device [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [EvalScheduler : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 reportTaskRunning] : Running work from EvalQueue(pool=DiscoveryThreadPool,weight=5,uid=27752604) on EvalTask(DiscoveryThreadPool,1) [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : main startDiscovery] : Controller Thread started successfully [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 addNewDevice] : ||id = [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 apply] : ||Enter..Start [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryManager : main start] : Discovery Engine started successfully. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 invokeModuleWorker] : Attached workerThread for [/] sucessfully [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [ModuleWorker : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 applyAllModules] : ||Invoking all modules [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryManager : main waitTillFinish] : Discover will wait till all discovery tasks are complete. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 processDevice] : Completed processing device with IPAddress: / [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 dependenciesCompleted] : There are no dependencies for module "System" [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 applyAllModules] : ||Applying module "System" [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [LearningModule : Thread-2 getSeedModule] : no more seed devices returning null [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [SystemDiscoveryModule : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 apply] : Applying System Module for device: / [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Got a new module : CDP; type=1; seed size=0 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DataCollector : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 populate] : collecting data SystemInfo from device / [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [CidsSystemInfoCollector : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 get] : Querying SystemInfo for device: / [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [CredentialHelper : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getCredential] : Snmp Credential FallBack :: true [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [CredentialHelper : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getCredentailsFromHashMap] : Retrieving SNMP credntials for mode : snmpv2 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [CredentialHelper : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getCredentailsFromHashMap] : Credentail Info 1 : SUiavfS.::3000:2 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [CredentialHelper : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getCredentailsFromHashMap] : Credentail Info 2 : OcniscT.::3000:2 [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [CidsHelper : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 createDeviceContext] : Created Discovery Device Context.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryDeviceContext : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getSnmpParams] : getSnmpParams is getting calle [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryDeviceContext : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getSnmpParams] : Version 2 is choosen [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryDeviceContext : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getSnmpParams] : getSnmpParams is getting calle [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryDeviceContext : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getSnmpParams] : Version 2 is choosen [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:36] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:36] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:37] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:37] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:38] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:38] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:39] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:39] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:40] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:40] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:41] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:41] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:42] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:42] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:43] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:43] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:44] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:44] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:45] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:45] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:46] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:46] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:47] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:47] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:48] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:48] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:49] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:49] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:50] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:50] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:51] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:51] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:52] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:52] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:53] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:53] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:54] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:54] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:55] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:55] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:56] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:56] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [CidsHelper : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 createDeviceContext] : Credential #0 is incorrect for device / exp com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.DeviceAccessException: SnmpRequestTimeout on while performing SnmpGet at index = -1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [CidsHelper : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 createDeviceContext] : Created Discovery Device Context.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryDeviceContext : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getSnmpParams] : getSnmpParams is getting calle [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryDeviceContext : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getSnmpParams] : Version 2 is choosen [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryDeviceContext : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getSnmpParams] : getSnmpParams is getting calle [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryDeviceContext : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getSnmpParams] : Version 2 is choosen [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:57] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:57] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:58] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:58] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:24:59] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:24:59] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:00] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:00] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:01] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:01] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:02] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:02] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:03] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:03] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:04] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:04] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:05] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:05] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:06] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:06] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:07] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:07] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:08] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:08] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:09] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:09] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:10] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:10] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:11] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:11] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:12] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:12] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:13] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:13] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:14] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:14] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:15] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:15] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:16] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:16] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:17] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:17] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:18] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:18] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Waiting for 1 active worker threads to complete task. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [CidsHelper : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 createDeviceContext] : Credential #1 is incorrect for device / exp com.cisco.nm.xms.xdi.DeviceAccessException: SnmpRequestTimeout on while performing SnmpGet at index = -1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] WARN [CidsHelper : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 createDeviceContext] : None of specified credentials is correct for device / [Aug 22 12:25:18] WARN [CidsSystemInfoCollector : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 get] : Unable to carry out SNMP query on Either SNMP is not enabled on the device or supplied credentials do not match for this device. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DataCollector : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 populate] : Timeout when collecting SystemInfo from device / com.cisco.nm.discovery.datacollector.CollectorTimeoutException: Error when querying data from device:/ com.cisco.nm.discovery.exception.DiscoveryException: Can't access the device: / [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [SystemDiscoveryModule : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 apply] : Timeout when querying system table from device / [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 applyAllModules] : ||Completed applying all modules [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 completedJob] : Passing device with IPAddress: / to Adaptors [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 changeStatusAndUpdate] : ||Change Status to 2 [Aug 22 12:25:18] INFO [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 changeStatusAndUpdate] : ||updating Device [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 updateDevice] : ||id = [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getStatusInfo] : Discovery started at time 1219422276062 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : [Device=, Status=2] [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : Number of devices for status 1 = 0 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 2 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : [Device=, Status=2] [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : Number of devices for status 2 = 1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : Device[1]=, [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 3 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : [Device=, Status=2] [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : Number of devices for status 3 = 0 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 getDevices] : [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 updateProgressInfo] : Retriving progress status from every module.. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 updateProgressInfo] : Getting progress status from module :CDP [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 updateProgressInfo] : Obtained progress status from all modules. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 completedJob] : Published device with IPAddress: / successfully to Adaptors. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 apply] : ||Exit..Done [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [EvalScheduler : EvalTask-DiscoveryThreadPool-01 reportTaskDone] : Done running work on EvalTask(DiscoveryThreadPool,1) [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Retriving next device to process.. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [NeighborDiscoveryModule : Thread-2 getNext] : no more clues from module: CDP [Aug 22 12:25:18] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getNextDevice] : Returning with device: [null] from module: CDP, of Type: 1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 sendExtraData] : Passing Extra data to Adaptors. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 sendExtraData] : Completed sending extra data to Adaptors [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 updateProcessedNodes] : Notifying processed devices to Adaptors. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Device=, Status=2] [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Number of devices for status 1 = 0 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 2 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Device=, Status=2] [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Number of devices for status 2 = 1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Device[1]=, [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 3 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Device=, Status=2] [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Number of devices for status 3 = 0 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 updateProcessedNodes] : Completed notifying Adaptors about processed devices [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 updateApplicationAdaptorsStatusListenersComplete] : Notifying COMPLETE status to Adaptors [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 getStatusInfo] : Discovery started at time 1219422276062 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Device=, Status=2] [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Number of devices for status 1 = 0 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 2 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Device=, Status=2] [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Number of devices for status 2 = 1 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Device[1]=, [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Retriving devices with status : 3 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Device=, Status=2] [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : Number of devices for status 3 = 0 [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 getDevices] : [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : Thread-2 updateProgressInfo] : Retriving progress status from every module.. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : Thread-2 updateProgressInfo] : Getting progress status from module :CDP [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : Thread-2 updateProgressInfo] : Obtained progress status from all modules. [Aug 22 12:25:18] INFO [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 updateApplicationAdaptorsStatusListenersComplete] : Successfully notified COMPLETE status to all adaptors [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 finishDiscovery] : Notifying discoveryFinish to complete. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [FilterManager : Thread-2 cleanup] : cleaned up FilterManager. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DeviceManager : Thread-2 cleanup] : cleaned up DeviceManager. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DataCollector : Thread-2 cleanup] : Cleaning up resources.. [Aug 22 12:25:18] INFO [LoggingOutputStream : Thread-2 flush] : 2008/08/22 12:25:18 SnmpSocketManager: Shutting down all SNMP sockets. [Aug 22 12:25:18] INFO [LoggingOutputStream : Thread-2 flush] : Io error while closing SnmpSocket : Cannot assign requested address: Datagram send failed [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [ModuleWorker : Thread-2 cleanup] : cleaned up ModuleWorker. [Aug 22 12:25:18] DEBUG [DiscoveryController : Thread-2 run] : Returning from Controller thread. Number of active worker threads=0 [Aug 22 12:25:36] DEBUG [DiscoveryManager : main waitTillFinish] : exiting the method waitTillFinish