Process= Tomcat State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 14792 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:08:10 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= TomcatMonitor State = Running normally Pid = 4944 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:08:14 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Tomcat Server up Process= Apache State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 5628 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:09:18 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= RMEDbEngine State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 31652 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:09:20 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= Proxy State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 6440 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:09:24 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= ProcSysBus State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 12660 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:09:27 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= OpsxmlDbEngine State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 12204 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:09:33 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= OpsXMLRuntime State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 16616 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:09:39 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= NameServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 29548 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:09:39 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= NameServiceMonitor State = Running normally Pid = 52476 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:09:43 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = NameServer is fully up now ! Process= EDS State = Running normally Pid = 25564 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:09:47 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Initialization complete Process= LicenseServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 60488 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:05 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= IpmDbEngine State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 10684 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:07 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= INVDbEngine State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 39456 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:13 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= FHPurgeTask State = Never started Pid = 0 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = N/A Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Not applicable, Process= FHDbEngine State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 33392 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:19 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= ESS State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 50124 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:23 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= EssMonitor State = Running normally Pid = 6956 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:27 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = ESS is fully up now ! Process= EventFramework State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 57220 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:34 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= PMServer State = Running normally Pid = 56344 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:34 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = PMServer is up and running Process= SyslogCollector State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 42520 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:38 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= EPMDbEngine State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 18764 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:40 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= EPMServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 30676 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:44 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= FHServer State = Running normally Pid = 28060 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:48 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = FHServer started. Process= diskWatcher State = Running normally Pid = 38328 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:48 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = diskWatcher initialized OK. Process= DFMMultiProcLogger State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 44868 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:48 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= DFMLogServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 3004 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:48 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= DFMCTMStartup State = Administrator has shut down this server Pid = 0 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:48 AM Stop = 7/31/2009 10:13:48 AM Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= DfmBroker State = Administrator has shut down this server Pid = 0 RC = 1 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:48 AM Stop = 7/31/2009 10:13:48 AM Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= DfmServer State = Running normally Pid = 11248 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:52 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = DfmServer initialized OK. Process= DfmServer1 State = Running normally Pid = 18160 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:52 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = DfmServer1 initialized OK. Process= CSRegistryServer State = Running normally Pid = 29860 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:52 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = CSRegistryServer is running in other process Process= CSDiscovery State = Never started Pid = 0 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = N/A Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Not applicable, Process= CmfDbEngine State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 21336 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:54 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= CmfDbMonitor State = Running normally Pid = 25996 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:58 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = DbMonitor Running Normally. Process= DCRServer State = Running normally Pid = 31196 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:11:59 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = DCRServer is up and running Process= CMFOGSServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 49952 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:08 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= CampusOGSServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 20388 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:12 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= EssentialsDM State = Running normally Pid = 42796 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:12 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = RME Device Management started. Process= ConfigMgmtServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 44880 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:16 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= ICServer State = Running normally Pid = 56724 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:16 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = ICServer started. Process= RMEOGSServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 28292 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:16 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= TISServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 49432 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:16 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= DFMOGSServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 38184 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:20 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= InventoryCollector State = Running normally Pid = 32120 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:24 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = InventoryCollector is up and running Process= Interactor State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 48932 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:28 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= InventoryCollector1 State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 43384 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:28 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= Interactor1 State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 30656 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:32 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= NOSServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 51508 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:32 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= PTMServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 56124 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:32 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= EDS-GCF State = Running normally Pid = 44164 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:32 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = GCF Initialization complete at Fri Jul 31 10:13:42 SGT 2009 Process= jrm State = Running normally Pid = 30060 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:12:32 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= CTMJrmServer State = Running normally Pid = 54972 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:25 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = CTMJrmServer started. Process= ChangeAudit State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 62484 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:33 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= SyslogAnalyzer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 10756 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:33 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= DataPurge State = Administrator has shut down this server Pid = 0 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:33 AM Stop = 7/31/2009 10:14:12 AM Core = Not applicable Info = DataPurge initialization completed at Fri Jul 31 10:14:11 SGT 2009. Process= IPMProcess State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 44280 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:33 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= IPMOGSServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 8428 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:37 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= ANIDbEngine State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 10480 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:39 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Application started by administrator request. Process= ANIServer State = Running with busy flag set Pid = 39784 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:43 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = ANIServer started. Process= UTMajorAcquisition State = Never started Pid = 0 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = N/A Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Not applicable, Process= MACUHIC State = Running normally Pid = 57276 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:47 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Started. Process= UTLITE State = Running normally Pid = 58972 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:47 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Started. Process= UTManager State = Running normally Pid = 25212 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:47 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Started. Process= WlseUHIC State = Running normally Pid = 58552 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:47 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Started. Process= AdapterServer1 State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 18168 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:47 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request Process= AdapterServer State = Program started - No mgt msgs received Pid = 39288 RC = 0 Signo = 0 Start = 7/31/2009 10:13:47 AM Stop = Not applicable Core = Not applicable Info = Server started by admin request