VG1(config)#no sccp VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:37:31.302: sym_xapp_process_ccapi_events: minor is ZERO - should be non-zero for CCAPI event Dec 2 16:37:31.303: sccpapp_process_sys_events: sys_eve 0, xlated_eve 15 Dec 2 16:37:31.303: sccpapp_bring_down_appl_services: appl_type 7, state 0, eve_id 15 will be brought down Dec 2 16:37:31.303: sccp_tear_down_appl_service: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 is teared down - total_as_cnt 1, reset(0), last_eve(15), admin_state(0) Dec 2 16:37:31.303: sccp_xapp_disassociate_appl_service: XAPP type 1, prof disassoc result 0, prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:37:31.303: sccp_tear_down_appl_service: deleting sccp msgs from backlog_q prof_id 1 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:37:31.303: sccp_appl_clear_backlog_q: deleting 0 sccp msgs from backlog_q soc(-1) appl(7FF41093BD88) prof_id 1 Dec 2 16:37:31.303: sccp_tear_down_appl_service: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 - resources are freed and also delinked from appl list Dec 2 16:37:31.303: sccp_remove_all_services: All the SCCP app services will be removed Dec 2 16:37:31.303: sym_xapp_remove_all_services: delete sym_xapp_eve_q Dec 2 16:37:31.304: sccp_remove_all_services: All SCCP services are removed VG1(config)#sccp VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:37:47.760: sccp_oper_state_bring_up: Not able to create MP Auto-Config process Dec 2 16:37:47.761: sym_xapp_init_all_services: create sym_xapp_eve_q Dec 2 16:37:47.761: sym_xapp_xlate_rpm_codec: payload 5 Dec 2 16:37:47.761: sccp_setup_appl_service: Appl initialized with appl=7FF410A08138, type=7, appl_state=0, msg_handler=555FD8035990, oper_state=0, statis=7FF4110D7C88, total_as_cnt=1 Dec 2 16:37:47.761: sym_xapp_xlate_rpm_codec: payload 5 Dec 2 16:37:47.762: sym_xapp_transfer_supported_codec: supported codec cnt 4 Dec 2 16:37:47.762: sccp_sym_set_secure_param:: appl profile 1 rpm device_mode 0appl device mode 0trp status for prof_id 1 is 0, sym_xapp_new_rpm_profile_info Dec 2 16:37:47.762: sym_xapp_new_rpm_profile_info: max_streams 100, prof_id 1, codec_cnt 1, iss 100, mspc 0, rsvp un-enabled, tls enabled Dec 2 16:37:47.765: sym_xapp_process_ccapi_events: minor is ZERO - should be non-zero for CCAPI event Dec 2 16:37:47.765: sccpapp_process_sys_events: sys_eve 3, xlated_eve 0 Dec 2 16:37:47.765: sccp_get_ccm_group_using_assoc_prof: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:37:47.765: sccpapp_process_sys_events: prof_id 1, assoc to ccm_group 1,appl_type 7, sys_eve 3 Dec 2 16:37:47.765: sccp_bring_up_appl_service: Trigger FSM for prof_id 1, appl_type 7trp status for prof_id 1, 0 sccp_bring_up_appl_service Dec 2 16:37:47.765: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:37:47.766: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying CCM with ipaddr, priority 1, port 2000 Dec 2 16:37:47.766: sccp_tcp_socket_connect: Trying tcp soc connect for appl_type 7, prof_id 1, to ipaddr Dec 2 16:37:47.766: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:37:47.766: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:37:47.766: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:37:47.766: sccp_socket_connect_to_ccm :: connecting to port 2000 sccp_socket_connect_to_ccm: soc conn to port 2000 in progressfor appl_type 7, state 1, soc_fd 0 appl 7FF410A08138 Dec 2 16:37:47.767: sym_xapp_xlate_ccapi_eve: Unsupported ccapi eve 2 Dec 2 16:37:47.767: sym_xapp_process_ccapi_events: Unsupported ccapi eve_id 2 Dec 2 16:37:47.769: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc 0, swb_soc -1 Dec 2 16:37:47.769: sccpapp_process_socket_events: TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, eve 4, state 1 Dec 2 16:37:47.769: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081A0 timer Dec 2 16:37:47.769: sccp_process_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, eve 3, soc_id 0, state 1 Dec 2 16:37:47.770: sccp_setup_appl_to_tcp_conn_state: soc connected to, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:37:47.770: sccp_register_with_connected_ccm: Dec 2 16:37:47.770: sccp_register_with_connected_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, state 5 Dec 2 16:37:47.770: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:37:47.770: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 0, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:37:47.770: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:37:47.770: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:37:47.770: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F8FDCDF8 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 80 00 7F F3 F8 FD CE 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:37:47.771: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:37:47.772: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 Dec 2 16:37:47.772: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:37:47.775: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc 0, swb_soc -1 Dec 2 16:37:47.775: sccpapp_process_socket_events: TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, eve 4, state 5 Dec 2 16:37:47.775: sccp_get_control_message: soc err for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, soc 0, err -1, total_bytes 8, bytes_read 0, soc_read_mode 0 - appl will restarted Dec 2 16:37:47.776: sccp_set_swb_pbm_and_start_timer: prof_id 1, appl_type 7, curr swb_bm 0, ccm_pri 1, temp_swb_bm 1, new swb_bm 1, ccm_priority_to_try 1, need_to_try_swb 1 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:37:47.776: sym_xapp_clear_conn_if_inactive: Dec 2 16:37:47.776: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:37:47.776: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 VG1(config)#u a Dec 2 16:37:57.776: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.776: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:37:57.776: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:37:57.776: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:37:57.776: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:37:57.776: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:37:57.776: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:37:57.776: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:37:57.777: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:37:57.777: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.779: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.779: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:37:57.779: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:37:57.780: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:37:57.780: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.780: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:37:57.780: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:37:57.780: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.780: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:37:57.780: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F8F434F8 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 68 6F 6E 79 29 23 35 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 90 D6 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:37:57.781: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:37:57.782: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:37:57.782: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)#u Dec 2 16:37:57.782: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:37:57.785: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:37:57.785: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:37:57.785: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:37:57.786: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:37:57.786: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:07.777: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:07.777: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.786: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.786: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:38:07.786: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:07.787: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:38:07.787: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:38:07.787: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:38:07.787: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:38:07.787: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:38:07.790: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.790: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:07.790: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:07.790: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:07.790: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.790: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:07.790: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:38:07.790: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.791: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:38:07.791: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.791: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F900E3B8 Dec 2 16:38:07.791: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:38:07.791: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 80 00 7F F3 F9 00 E3 F8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 90 D6 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:38:07.791: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.791: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:07.791: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:38:07.792: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.792: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.792: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:07.792: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:38:07.792: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:38:07.792: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:07.792: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:38:07.795: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:07.795: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:07.795: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:07.795: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:07.795: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:17.777: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:17.777: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.796: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.796: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:38:17.796: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:17.796: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:38:17.797: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:38:17.797: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:38:17.797: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:38:17.797: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:38:17.800: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.800: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:17.800: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:17.800: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:17.800: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.800: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:17.800: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:38:17.800: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.801: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:38:17.801: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.801: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F9102498 Dec 2 16:38:17.801: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:38:17.801: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 08 6E 6F 20 64 73 70 66 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 61 6E 63 68 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:38:17.801: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.801: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:17.801: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:38:17.802: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.802: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.802: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:17.802: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:38:17.802: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:38:17.802: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:17.802: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:38:17.805: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:17.805: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:17.805: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:17.806: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:17.806: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:20.202: VOICE REGISTER POOL-1 has unregistered. Name:SEP0022905C5AA6 IP: DeviceType:Phone VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:20.202: %SIPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER: VOICE REGISTER POOL-1 has unregistered. Name:SEP0022905C5AA6 IP: DeviceType:Phone VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:24.252: VOICE REGISTER POOL-1 has registered. Name:SEP0022905C5AA6 IP: DeviceType:Phone VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:24.253: %SIPPHONE-6-REGISTER: VOICE REGISTER POOL-1 has registered. Name:SEP0022905C5AA6 IP: DeviceType:Phone VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:27.777: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:27.777: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.806: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.806: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:38:27.806: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:27.807: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:38:27.807: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:38:27.807: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:38:27.807: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:38:27.807: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:38:27.810: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.810: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:27.810: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:27.810: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:27.810: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.810: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:27.810: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:38:27.810: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F8E4B998 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 80 00 7F F3 F8 E4 B9 D8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 DC D6 CA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.811: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.812: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:27.812: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:38:27.812: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:38:27.812: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:27.812: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:38:27.815: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:27.816: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:27.816: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:27.816: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:27.816: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:37.777: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:37.777: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.816: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.816: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:38:37.816: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:37.816: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:38:37.816: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:38:37.816: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:38:37.816: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:38:37.816: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:38:37.819: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.819: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:37.819: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:37.819: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:37.819: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.820: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:37.820: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:38:37.820: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.820: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:38:37.820: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.820: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F8E2B9B8 Dec 2 16:38:37.820: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:38:37.820: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 53 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:38:37.821: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.821: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:37.821: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:38:37.821: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.821: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.821: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:37.821: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:38:37.821: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:38:37.821: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:37.822: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:38:37.824: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:37.825: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:37.825: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:37.825: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:37.825: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:47.777: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:47.777: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.825: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.826: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:38:47.826: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:47.826: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:38:47.826: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:38:47.826: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:38:47.826: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:38:47.826: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:38:47.829: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.829: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:47.829: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:47.829: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:47.829: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.829: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:47.829: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:38:47.829: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.830: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:38:47.830: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.830: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F912D3F8 Dec 2 16:38:47.830: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:38:47.830: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 80 00 7F F3 F9 12 D4 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 DC D6 CA 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:38:47.830: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.830: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:47.830: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:38:47.831: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.831: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.831: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:47.831: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:38:47.831: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:38:47.831: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:47.831: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:38:47.834: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:47.834: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:47.834: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:47.834: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:47.834: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:57.777: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:57.777: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.836: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.836: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:38:57.836: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:57.836: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:38:57.836: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:38:57.836: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:38:57.836: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:38:57.836: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:38:57.839: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.839: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:57.839: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:57.839: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:38:57.839: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.839: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:57.839: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:38:57.839: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.840: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:38:57.840: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.840: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F06226D0 Dec 2 16:38:57.840: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:38:57.840: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 80 00 7F F3 F0 62 27 10 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 66 16 F9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:38:57.840: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.840: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:57.840: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:38:57.840: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.841: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.841: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:38:57.841: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:38:57.841: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:38:57.841: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:38:57.841: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:38:57.844: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:38:57.844: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:38:57.844: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:38:57.844: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:38:57.844: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:07.777: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:07.777: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.845: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.845: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:39:07.845: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:07.845: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:39:07.846: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:39:07.846: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:39:07.846: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:39:07.846: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:39:07.848: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.849: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:07.849: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:07.849: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:07.849: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.849: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:07.849: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:39:07.849: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.849: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:39:07.849: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F8EB0258 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 80 00 7F F3 F8 EB 02 98 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 90 D6 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:07.850: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:39:07.851: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:39:07.851: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:07.851: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:39:07.854: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:07.854: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:07.854: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:07.854: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:07.854: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:17.778: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:17.778: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.855: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.855: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:39:17.855: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:17.855: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:39:17.855: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:39:17.855: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:39:17.855: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:39:17.855: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:39:17.858: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.858: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:17.858: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:17.858: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:17.858: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.859: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:17.859: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:39:17.859: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.859: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:39:17.859: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.859: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F8F46F78 Dec 2 16:39:17.859: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:39:17.859: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 80 00 7F F3 F8 F4 6F B8 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 90 D6 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:39:17.860: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.860: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:17.860: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:39:17.860: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.860: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.860: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:17.860: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:39:17.860: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:39:17.860: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:17.861: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:39:17.863: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:17.863: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:17.863: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:17.864: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:17.864: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:27.777: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:27.778: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.864: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.864: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:39:27.864: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:27.864: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:39:27.865: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:39:27.865: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:39:27.865: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:39:27.865: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:39:27.868: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.868: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:27.868: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:27.868: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:27.868: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.868: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:27.868: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:39:27.868: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.869: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:39:27.869: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.869: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F8E70298 Dec 2 16:39:27.869: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:39:27.869: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 68 6F 6E 79 29 23 08 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 6F 69 63 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:39:27.869: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.869: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:27.870: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:39:27.870: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.870: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.870: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:27.870: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:39:27.870: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:39:27.870: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:27.870: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:39:27.873: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:27.873: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:27.873: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:27.873: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:27.873: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:37.379: VOICE REGISTER POOL-1 has unregistered. Name:SEP0022905C5AA6 IP: DeviceType:Phone VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:37.379: %SIPPHONE-6-UNREGISTER: VOICE REGISTER POOL-1 has unregistered. Name:SEP0022905C5AA6 IP: DeviceType:Phone Dec 2 16:39:37.778: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:37.778: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.874: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.874: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:39:37.874: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:37.874: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:39:37.875: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:39:37.875: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:39:37.875: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:39:37.875: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:39:37.878: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.878: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:37.878: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:37.878: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:37.878: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.878: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:37.878: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:39:37.878: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F8FA6F18 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 80 00 7F F3 F8 FA 6F 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 90 D6 05 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:37.879: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:39:37.880: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:39:37.880: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:37.880: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:39:37.883: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:37.884: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:37.884: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:37.884: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:37.884: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:41.330: VOICE REGISTER POOL-1 has registered. Name:SEP0022905C5AA6 IP: DeviceType:Phone VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:41.331: %SIPPHONE-6-REGISTER: VOICE REGISTER POOL-1 has registered. Name:SEP0022905C5AA6 IP: DeviceType:Phone VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:47.779: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:47.779: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.884: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.884: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:39:47.884: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:47.884: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:39:47.884: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:39:47.884: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:39:47.884: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:39:47.884: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:39:47.887: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.887: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:47.887: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:47.887: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:47.887: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.887: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:47.887: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:39:47.887: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.888: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:39:47.888: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.888: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F8E968D8 Dec 2 16:39:47.888: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:39:47.888: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 6F 6E 66 69 67 75 72 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 68 6F 6E 65 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:39:47.888: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.888: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:47.889: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:39:47.889: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.889: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.889: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:47.889: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:39:47.889: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:39:47.889: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:47.889: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:39:47.892: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:47.892: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:47.892: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:47.892: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:47.892: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:57.779: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:57.779: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.893: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.893: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:39:57.893: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:57.893: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:39:57.893: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:39:57.893: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:39:57.893: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:39:57.893: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:39:57.896: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.896: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:57.896: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:57.896: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:39:57.896: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.896: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:57.897: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:39:57.897: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.897: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:39:57.897: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.897: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F9086E38 Dec 2 16:39:57.897: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:39:57.897: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 32 30 31 38 31 30 30 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 55 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)# Dec 2 16:39:57.898: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:39:57.901: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:39:57.901: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:39:57.901: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:39:57.901: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:39:57.901: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7 VG1(config)#u a Dec 2 16:40:07.779: sccp_connect_to_ccm_on_priority_basis: Trying connecting to CCM on priority basis prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:40:07.779: sccp_initiate_ccm_connect_interval_timer: Start CCM connect interval timer for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, interval 10 by random number 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.902: sccpapp_process_timer_events: appl_type 7, experied_timer 4, xlated_eve 0, swb_state 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.902: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: appl_type 7, pri_to_try 1, end_pri 4 Dec 2 16:40:07.902: sccp_set_swb_ccm_priority_to_try: Current swb CCM priority 1, new swb CCM priority 1, for prof_id 1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:40:07.902: sccp_try_ccm_switchback: prof_id 1, appl_type 7 trying swb to CCM with pri 1, addr Dec 2 16:40:07.902: sccp_get_ccm_intf_vrf_id: ccm sccp local interface vrfid=0appl type is 7, appl profile 1 Dec 2 16:40:07.902: sccp_get_local_address_by_idb: get_physical_ip:1, use IP addr Dec 2 16:40:07.903: sccp_tcp_open_and_set_option: Socket 0 opened and binded to addr - for appl_type 7, prof_id 1 w/ local ddr Dec 2 16:40:07.903: sccp_try_ccm_switchback :: connecting to port 2000 Dec 2 16:40:07.905: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.906: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:40:07.906: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:40:07.906: sccp_process_swb_socket_connect_result: appl_type 7, swb_eve 3, swb_soc 0, swb_state 1 Dec 2 16:40:07.906: sccp_initiate_ccm_switchback: Iinitiated SWB type 1 for prof_id 1, appl_type 7, state 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.906: sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm:sccp_register_with_switchback_ccm: Sending regis msg for appl_type 7, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:40:07.906: sccp_get_appl_serv_by_prof_id: prof_id 1 found in the CCM group 1 Dec 2 16:40:07.906: sccp_send_register_msg: Send register msg for appl_type 7, swb_soc 1, device_name G711u-SW-SCCP, ip_addr, ipv4_scope 2, ipv6_addr ::, ipv6_scope 0, device_type 83, protVer --> rsvp_enabled 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.906: protocol_ver before conversion 0x11112 Dec 2 16:40:07.906: protocol_ver 0x12110100 max_streams 100, active_streams 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccp_send_register_msg: st_ptr 7FF3F9087CD8 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccp_send_register_msg: Register msg txed in hex(including header) - len 136 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccp_print_hex_msg: Len:136 Hex: 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 47 37 31 31 75 2D 53 57 2D 53 43 43 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 0A 00 B4 29 53 00 00 00 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 11 01 00 80 00 7F F3 F9 08 7D 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 95 40 CE 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 136, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccp_generate_msg: msg_id 2 msg_len 8 pak_size 16 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccp_send_ip_port_msg_v1: send ip port msg with id 2, port 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccp_transmit_msg: sending on socket 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccp_queue_msg_to_xmit:Enqueued sccp msg,size 16, socket 0, profile_id 1 Dec 2 16:40:07.907: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 136 Dec 2 16:40:07.908: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 136, total pak_size 136, bytes_to_send 136 Dec 2 16:40:07.908: sccpapp_process_send_sccpmsg_q: Send sccp msg from sccp_msg_send_q, soc 0, pak size 16 VG1(config)#u all Dec 2 16:40:07.908: sccp_send_msg_nonblocking: Sccp message sent socket 0, profile_id 1, sent bytes 16, total pak_size 16, bytes_to_send 16 Dec 2 16:40:07.911: sccpapp_process_socket_events: appl_type 7, soc_fd 0, soc -1, swb_soc 0 Dec 2 16:40:07.911: sccpapp_process_socket_events: SWB_TCP_SOCKET_READ: appl_type 7, swb_eve 4, swb_state 5 Dec 2 16:40:07.911: sccp_process_swb_control_message: appl 7FF410A08138, soc_recv err 254, len -1, appl_type 7 Dec 2 16:40:07.911: sccp_appl_service_stop_timer: Stop 7FF410A081E8 timer Dec 2 16:40:07.911: sccp_initiate_swb_interval_timer: Start SWB retry(interval) timer for appl_type 7