!! IOS XR Configuration 6.1.2 !! Last configuration change at Sun Jul 16 13:44:33 2017 by cisco ! ! IOS-XR Config generated on 2017-05-25 14:40 ! by autonetkit_0.23.5 hostname ASBR15 logging console notifications service timestamps log datetime msec service timestamps debug datetime msec telnet vrf default ipv4 server max-servers 10 telnet vrf Mgmt-intf ipv4 server max-servers 10 domain name virl.info domain lookup disable vrf Mgmt-intf address-family ipv4 unicast ! address-family ipv6 unicast ! ! line template vty timestamp exec-timeout 720 0 ! line console exec-timeout 0 0 ! line default exec-timeout 720 0 ! vty-pool default 0 50 key chain ISIS-KEY key 1 accept-lifetime 00:00:00 january 01 1993 infinite key-string password 013E1F345A5E5318711F4A send-lifetime 00:00:00 january 01 1993 infinite cryptographic-algorithm HMAC-MD5 ! ! control-plane management-plane inband interface all allow all ! ! ! ! ipv4 access-list ISIS-PES 10 permit ipv4 any ! ipv4 access-list ISIS-RIDS 10 permit ipv4 any ! interface Loopback0 description Loopback ipv4 address ipv6 address 2001::192:168:0:15/128 ! interface MgmtEth0/0/CPU0/0 description OOB Management ! Configured on launch vrf Mgmt-intf ipv4 address ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 description to ASBR25 ipv4 address ipv6 address 2001::15:25:15/112 ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 description to ASBR16 ipv4 address ipv6 address 2001::15:16:15/112 ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 description to P11 ipv4 address ipv6 address 2001::11:15:15/112 ! prefix-set grt-routes ge 32, 2001::4:0/112 ge 128 end-set ! route-policy addpath if destination in grt-routes then set path-selection backup 1 advertise install endif end-policy ! route-policy permit-all done end-policy ! route-policy redist-to-BGP set aigp-metric 20 end-policy ! router static address-family ipv4 unicast GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0 ! ! router isis 1 is-type level-2-only net 49.0015.1921.6800.0015.00 log adjacency changes lsp-password keychain ISIS-KEY address-family ipv4 unicast metric-style wide metric 400 attached-bit receive ignore ! address-family ipv6 unicast metric-style wide metric 600 ! interface Loopback0 passive address-family ipv4 unicast ! address-family ipv6 unicast ! ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 suppressed point-to-point hello-password keychain ISIS-KEY address-family ipv4 unicast ! address-family ipv6 unicast ! ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 suppressed point-to-point hello-password keychain ISIS-KEY address-family ipv4 unicast ! address-family ipv6 unicast ! ! ! router bgp 1 address-family ipv4 unicast additional-paths receive additional-paths send additional-paths selection route-policy addpath ! address-family vpnv4 unicast retain route-target all ! address-family ipv6 unicast additional-paths receive additional-paths send additional-paths selection route-policy addpath allocate-label all ! address-family vpnv6 unicast retain route-target all ! address-family l2vpn vpls-vpws retain route-target all ! address-family l2vpn evpn retain route-target all ! neighbor remote-as 2 address-family ipv4 unicast aigp route-policy permit-all in route-policy permit-all out ! address-family vpnv4 unicast route-policy permit-all in route-policy permit-all out ! address-family vpnv6 unicast route-policy permit-all in route-policy permit-all out ! address-family l2vpn vpls-vpws route-policy permit-all in route-policy permit-all out ! address-family l2vpn evpn route-policy permit-all in route-policy permit-all out ! ! neighbor remote-as 1 password encrypted 047612360E741959594A01 update-source Loopback0 address-family ipv4 unicast next-hop-self ! address-family vpnv4 unicast next-hop-self ! address-family ipv6 labeled-unicast next-hop-self ! address-family vpnv6 unicast next-hop-self ! address-family l2vpn vpls-vpws next-hop-self ! address-family l2vpn evpn next-hop-self ! ! neighbor 2001::15:25:25 remote-as 2 address-family ipv6 unicast aigp route-policy permit-all in route-policy permit-all out ! ! ! l2vpn router-id ! mpls oam ! mpls ldp log neighbor ! router-id neighbor password encrypted 153F123C057F7E33786031 ! session protection address-family ipv4 discovery targeted-hello accept label local allocate for host-routes advertise disable for ISIS-RIDS to ISIS-PES ! ! ! ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/1 address-family ipv4 ! ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0/2 ! ! ssh server v2 ssh server vrf Mgmt-intf end