Certificate Status: Available Version: 3 Certificate Serial Number (hex): 2A Certificate Usage: General Purpose Issuer: cn=bs1.cmdomain.com L=LON C=UK Subject: Name: BSR001 hostname=BSR001 Validity Date: start date: 15:35:05 BST May 27 2019 end date: 04:23:48 BST Jul 7 2019 renew date: 00:33:10 BST Jun 25 2019 Subject Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (2048 bit) Signature Algorithm: SHA1 with RSA Encryption Fingerprint MD5: 4ABBB9F1 D5AC4D45 0A2589C4 A6432209 Fingerprint SHA1: F0B31AAA C8D0E85F 37336D32 EDE8B215 C4F4F414 X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Key Usage: A0000000 Digital Signature Key Encipherment X509v3 Subject Key ID: 15B817BE 42FC34DD 528BA7F3 C91B48EC 4EA1B06B X509v3 Authority Key ID: AFCB0C1D 70D7D11B 50FF4B76 5920FE15 DF0008EA Authority Info Access: Associated Trustpoints: bsr001 Storage: nvram:bs1b#2A.cer Key Label: bsr001 Key storage device: private config CA Certificate Status: Available Version: 3 Certificate Serial Number (hex): 28 Certificate Usage: Signature Issuer: cn=bs1.cmdomain.com L=LON C=UK Subject: cn=bs1.cmdomain.com L=LON C=UK Validity Date: start date: 15:35:05 BST May 27 2019 end date: 15:35:05 BST May 26 2022 Subject Key Info: Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption RSA Public Key: (1024 bit) Signature Algorithm: MD5 with RSA Encryption Fingerprint MD5: B2488C7A 45A3F35E 7CA715EE 8DA33759 Fingerprint SHA1: 729C4133 5F690C4E 284F395B 2519DE29 B0DB9155 X509v3 extensions: X509v3 Key Usage: 86000000 Digital Signature Key Cert Sign CRL Signature X509v3 Subject Key ID: AFCB0C1D 70D7D11B 50FF4B76 5920FE15 DF0008EA X509v3 Basic Constraints: CA: TRUE X509v3 Authority Key ID: AFCB0C1D 70D7D11B 50FF4B76 5920FE15 DF0008EA Authority Info Access: Associated Trustpoints: bs1 bsr001 Storage: nvram:bs1b#28CA.cer