router_a#show tech ------------------ show clock ------------------ 10:09:27.569 KSA Mon Mar 20 2023 ------------------ show version ------------------ Cisco IOS XE Software, Version 16.12.07 Cisco IOS Software [Gibraltar], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.12.7, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2022 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 02-Feb-22 07:28 by mcpre Cisco IOS-XE software, Copyright (c) 2005-2022 by cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Certain components of Cisco IOS-XE software are licensed under the GNU General Public License ("GPL") Version 2.0. The software code licensed under GPL Version 2.0 is free software that comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You can redistribute and/or modify such GPL code under the terms of GPL Version 2.0. For more details, see the documentation or "License Notice" file accompanying the IOS-XE software, or the applicable URL provided on the flyer accompanying the IOS-XE software. ROM: IOS-XE ROMMON BOOTLDR: CAT3K_CAA Boot Loader (CAT3K_CAA-HBOOT-M) Version 5.08, RELEASE SOFTWARE (P) router_a uptime is 12 hours, 36 minutes Uptime for this control processor is 12 hours, 38 minutes System returned to ROM by CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure exceeds threshold at 16:54:51 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023 System restarted at 21:33:02 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023 System image file is "flash:packages.conf" Last reload reason: CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure exceeds threshold This product contains cryptographic features and is subject to United States and local country laws governing import, export, transfer and use. Delivery of Cisco cryptographic products does not imply third-party authority to import, export, distribute or use encryption. Importers, exporters, distributors and users are responsible for compliance with U.S. and local country laws. By using this product you agree to comply with applicable laws and regulations. If you are unable to comply with U.S. and local laws, return this product immediately. A summary of U.S. laws governing Cisco cryptographic products may be found at: If you require further assistance please contact us by sending email to Technology Package License Information: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Technology-package Technology-package Current Type Next reboot ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ipbasek9 Smart License ipbasek9 None Subscription Smart License None Smart Licensing Status: UNREGISTERED/EVAL EXPIRED cisco WS-C3850-12S (MIPS) processor (revision L0) with 794816K/6147K bytes of memory. Processor board ID FOC2343U0P0 3 Virtual Ethernet interfaces 16 Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 4 Ten Gigabit Ethernet interfaces 2048K bytes of non-volatile configuration memory. 4194304K bytes of physical memory. 250456K bytes of Crash Files at crashinfo:. 1609272K bytes of Flash at flash:. 0K bytes of WebUI ODM Files at webui:. Base Ethernet MAC Address : 6c:71:0d:88:c3:00 Motherboard Assembly Number : 73-15839-07 Motherboard Serial Number : FOC23425FYN Model Revision Number : L0 Motherboard Revision Number : B0 Model Number : WS-C3850-12S System Serial Number : FOC2343U0P0 Switch Ports Model SW Version SW Image Mode ------ ----- ----- ---------- ---------- ---- * 1 20 WS-C3850-12S 16.12.07 CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9 INSTALL Configuration register is 0x102 ------------------ show running-config ------------------ Building configuration... Current configuration : 19937 bytes ! ! Last configuration change at 21:33:46 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023 ! version 16.12 no service pad service tcp-keepalives-in service tcp-keepalives-out service timestamps debug uptime service timestamps log datetime service password-encryption no service dhcp service call-home no platform punt-keepalive disable-kernel-core ! hostname router_a ! ! vrf definition Mgmt-vrf ! address-family ipv4 exit-address-family ! address-family ipv6 exit-address-family ! logging buffered 10240 no logging console enable secret 9 $14$B4R2$8zIdpUIHkPwhPE$8c3/QMFzZCKce0cylC5RL7OSCJofCW4SzLkX7bzlZDQ ! aaa new-model aaa local authentication attempts max-fail 5 ! ! aaa authentication login default local aaa authentication enable default enable ! aaa common-criteria policy PW-Policy min-length 8 max-length 16 special-case 2 char-changes 4 ! ! ! ! ! ! aaa session-id common boot system switch all flash:packages.conf boot system switch all flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.07.SPA.bin clock timezone KSA 3 0 switch 1 provision ws-c3850-12s ! ! ! ! call-home ! If contact email address in call-home is configured as ! the email address configured in Cisco Smart License Portal will be used as contact email address to send SCH notifications. contact-email-addr profile "CiscoTAC-1" active destination transport-method http no destination transport-method email no ip source-route ip routing no ip gratuitous-arps ! ! ! ! ! no ip domain lookup ip domain name domain.local ! ! ! ip igmp snooping querier login on-failure log login on-success log ! ! ! ! ! vtp mode transparent no device-tracking logging theft ! crypto pki trustpoint TP-self-signed-3179448597 enrollment selfsigned subject-name cn=IOS-Self-Signed-Certificate-3179448597 revocation-check none rsakeypair TP-self-signed-3179448597 ! crypto pki trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint enrollment pkcs12 revocation-check crl ! ! crypto pki certificate chain TP-self-signed-3179448597 crypto pki certificate chain SLA-TrustPoint certificate ca 01 30820321 30820209 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 0B050030 32310E30 0C060355 040A1305 43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363 6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720 526F6F74 20434130 1E170D31 33303533 30313934 3834375A 170D3338 30353330 31393438 34375A30 32310E30 0C060355 040A1305 43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363 6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720 526F6F74 20434130 82012230 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000382 010F0030 82010A02 82010100 A6BCBD96 131E05F7 145EA72C 2CD686E6 17222EA1 F1EFF64D CBB4C798 212AA147 C655D8D7 9471380D 8711441E 1AAF071A 9CAE6388 8A38E520 1C394D78 462EF239 C659F715 B98C0A59 5BBB5CBD 0CFEBEA3 700A8BF7 D8F256EE 4AA4E80D DB6FD1C9 60B1FD18 FFC69C96 6FA68957 A2617DE7 104FDC5F EA2956AC 7390A3EB 2B5436AD C847A2C5 DAB553EB 69A9A535 58E9F3E3 C0BD23CF 58BD7188 68E69491 20F320E7 948E71D7 AE3BCC84 F10684C7 4BC8E00F 539BA42B 42C68BB7 C7479096 B4CB2D62 EA2F505D C7B062A4 6811D95B E8250FC4 5D5D5FB8 8F27D191 C55F0D76 61F9A4CD 3D992327 A8BB03BD 4E6D7069 7CBADF8B DF5F4368 95135E44 DFC7C6CF 04DD7FD1 02030100 01A34230 40300E06 03551D0F 0101FF04 04030201 06300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF301D 0603551D 0E041604 1449DC85 4B3D31E5 1B3E6A17 606AF333 3D3B4C73 E8300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 010B0500 03820101 00507F24 D3932A66 86025D9F E838AE5C 6D4DF6B0 49631C78 240DA905 604EDCDE FF4FED2B 77FC460E CD636FDB DD44681E 3A5673AB 9093D3B1 6C9E3D8B D98987BF E40CBD9E 1AECA0C2 2189BB5C 8FA85686 CD98B646 5575B146 8DFC66A8 467A3DF4 4D565700 6ADF0F0D CF835015 3C04FF7C 21E878AC 11BA9CD2 55A9232C 7CA7B7E6 C1AF74F6 152E99B7 B1FCF9BB E973DE7F 5BDDEB86 C71E3B49 1765308B 5FB0DA06 B92AFE7F 494E8A9E 07B85737 F3A58BE1 1A48A229 C37C1E69 39F08678 80DDCD16 D6BACECA EEBC7CF9 8428787B 35202CDC 60E4616A B623CDBD 230E3AFB 418616A9 4093E049 4D10AB75 27E86F73 932E35B5 8862FDAE 0275156F 719BB2F0 D697DF7F 28 quit ! ! license boot level ipbasek9 ! ! diagnostic bootup level minimal ! spanning-tree mode pvst spanning-tree extend system-id memory reserve critical 1000 memory free low-watermark processor 20000 ! no errdisable detect cause loopback errdisable recovery cause udld errdisable recovery cause bpduguard errdisable recovery cause security-violation errdisable recovery cause channel-misconfig errdisable recovery cause pagp-flap errdisable recovery cause dtp-flap errdisable recovery cause link-flap errdisable recovery cause sfp-config-mismatch errdisable recovery cause gbic-invalid errdisable recovery cause l2ptguard errdisable recovery cause psecure-violation errdisable recovery cause port-mode-failure errdisable recovery cause dhcp-rate-limit errdisable recovery cause pppoe-ia-rate-limit errdisable recovery cause mac-limit errdisable recovery cause storm-control errdisable recovery cause inline-power errdisable recovery cause arp-inspection errdisable recovery cause link-monitor-failure errdisable recovery cause oam-remote-failure errdisable recovery cause loopback errdisable recovery cause psp errdisable recovery interval 180 username admin privilege 15 secret 9 username USER-X privilege 15 secret 9 username USER-Y privilege 15 secret 9 username USER-Zprivilege 15 secret 9 ! redundancy mode sso ! ! ! ! ! transceiver type all monitoring ! vlan 305 ! track 35 interface Vlan305 line-protocol ! track 201 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 line-protocol ! track 202 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3 line-protocol ! track 203 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9 line-protocol ! track 205 interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5 line-protocol ! track 300 list boolean and object 201 object 202 object 203 object 205 no cdp run ! ! class-map match-any system-cpp-police-topology-control description Topology control class-map match-any system-cpp-police-sw-forward description Sw forwarding, L2 LVX data, LOGGING class-map match-any system-cpp-default description EWLC control, EWLC data, Inter FED class-map match-any system-cpp-police-sys-data description Learning cache ovfl, High Rate App, Exception, EGR Exception, NFL SAMPLED DATA, RPF Failed class-map match-any system-cpp-police-punt-webauth description Punt Webauth class-map match-any system-cpp-police-l2lvx-control description L2 LVX control packets class-map match-any cda_urgent match access-group 102 class-map match-any system-cpp-police-forus description Forus Address resolution and Forus traffic class-map match-any system-cpp-police-multicast-end-station description MCAST END STATION class-map match-any cda_high match access-group 103 class-map match-any system-cpp-police-multicast description Transit Traffic and MCAST Data class-map match-any system-cpp-police-l2-control description L2 control class-map match-any system-cpp-police-dot1x-auth description DOT1X Auth class-map match-any system-cpp-police-data description ICMP redirect, ICMP_GEN and BROADCAST class-map match-any system-cpp-police-stackwise-virt-control description Stackwise Virtual class-map match-any class_default match dscp default class-map match-any non-client-nrt-class class-map match-any system-cpp-police-routing-control description Routing control and Low Latency class-map match-any system-cpp-police-protocol-snooping description Protocol snooping class-map match-any cda_output_urgent match dscp ef class-map match-any system-cpp-police-dhcp-snooping description DHCP snooping class-map match-any system-cpp-police-system-critical description System Critical and Gold Pkt class-map match-any cda_output_high match dscp cs4 ! policy-map cda_out_policy class class_default bandwidth remaining percent 90 class cda_output_urgent priority level 1 class cda_output_high priority level 2 policy-map cda_in_policy class cda_urgent set dscp ef class cda_high set dscp cs4 policy-map system-cpp-policy policy-map port_child_policy class non-client-nrt-class bandwidth remaining ratio 10 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! interface Loopback0 no ip address no ip proxy-arp no ip route-cache ! interface Port-channel1 ! interface GigabitEthernet0/0 vrf forwarding Mgmt-vrf no ip address shutdown negotiation auto ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1 description Connection_to_router_B switchport trunk allowed vlan 301,305 switchport mode trunk speed 1000 duplex full ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/2 description Connection_to_Netowrk_1_Switch_1_C3850 no switchport ip address XX.XX.1.254 no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp standby 201 ip XX.YY.1.253 standby 201 timers 2 6 standby 201 priority 105 standby 201 preempt standby 201 track 35 decrement 10 standby 201 track 202 decrement 10 standby 201 track 203 decrement 10 standby 201 track 205 decrement 10 speed 1000 no cdp enable ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/3 description Connection_to_Netowrk_2_Switch_1_C3850 no switchport ip address XX.XX.2.254 no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp standby 202 ip XX.XX.2.253 standby 202 timers 2 6 standby 202 priority 105 standby 202 preempt standby 202 track 35 decrement 10 standby 202 track 201 decrement 10 standby 202 track 203 decrement 10 standby 202 track 205 decrement 10 no cdp enable ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4 description shutdown shutdown ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5 description Connection_to_Netowrk_3_Switch_1_C2960x no switchport ip address XX.YY.31.3 no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp standby 205 ip XX.XX.31.1 standby 205 timers 2 6 standby 205 priority 105 standby 205 preempt standby 205 track 35 decrement 10 standby 205 track 201 decrement 10 standby 205 track 202 decrement 10 standby 205 track 203 decrement 10 no cdp enable ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/6 description shutdown switchport mode access shutdown ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/7 description shutdown no switchport no ip address shutdown ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/8 description NGFW_2 switchport access vlan 305 switchport mode access ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/9 description Connection_to_Netowrk_4_Switch_1_C3850 no switchport ip address XX.YY.3.254 no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp standby 203 ip XX.YY.3.253 standby 203 timers 2 6 standby 203 priority 105 standby 203 preempt standby 203 track 35 decrement 10 standby 203 track 201 decrement 10 standby 203 track 202 decrement 10 standby 203 track 205 decrement 10 no cdp enable ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/10 description Shutdown shutdown ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/11 description Shutdown no switchport ip address XX.XX.1.254 no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp standby 201 timers 2 6 standby 201 priority 105 standby 201 preempt standby 201 track 35 decrement 10 standby 201 track 202 decrement 10 standby 201 track 203 decrement 10 standby 201 track 205 decrement 10 shutdown speed 1000 no cdp enable ! interface GigabitEthernet1/0/12 description shutdown no switchport no ip address shutdown ! interface GigabitEthernet1/1/1 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/1/2 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/1/3 ! interface GigabitEthernet1/1/4 ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/1 ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/2 ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/3 ! interface TenGigabitEthernet1/1/4 ! interface Vlan1 description disabled no ip address shutdown ! interface Vlan301 description Level 3 no ip address no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp no ip route-cache shutdown ! interface Vlan305 ip address XX.YY.45.251 no ip redirects no ip unreachables no ip proxy-arp standby 35 ip XX.YY.45.253 standby 35 timers 2 6 standby 35 priority 105 standby 35 preempt standby 35 track 201 decrement 10 standby 35 track 202 decrement 10 standby 35 track 203 decrement 10 standby 35 track 205 decrement 10 no ip route-cache ! ip forward-protocol nd no ip http server ip http authentication local no ip http secure-server ip route XX.YY.45.1 ip route XX.YY.1.0 XX.YY.50.2 ip route XX.YY.2.0 XX.YY.50.2 ip route XX.YY.3.0 XX.YY.50.2 ip route XX.YY.31.0 XX.YY.50.2 ip route XX.YY.30.0 XX.YY.45.1 ip route XX.YY.34.0 XX.YY.45.1 ip route XX.YY.100.0 XX.YY.45.1 ip route XX.YY.1.0 XX.YY.45.1 ip route XX.YY.129.0 XX.YY.45.1 ip ssh version 2 ! ip access-list standard NMS-ACL 10 remark - NMS VTY and SNMP ACL - 10 permit XX.YY.XX.YY 20 permit XX.YY.XX.YY 30 deny any log ! ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Acl-Bulk-Data 10 permit tcp any any eq 22 20 permit tcp any any eq 465 30 permit tcp any any eq 143 40 permit tcp any any eq 993 50 permit tcp any any eq 995 60 permit tcp any any eq 1914 70 permit tcp any any eq ftp 80 permit tcp any any eq ftp-data 90 permit tcp any any eq smtp 100 permit tcp any any eq pop3 ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Acl-MultiEnhanced-Conf 10 permit udp any any range 16384 32767 20 permit tcp any any range 50000 59999 ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Acl-Scavanger 10 permit tcp any any range 2300 2400 20 permit udp any any range 2300 2400 30 permit tcp any any range 6881 6999 40 permit tcp any any range 28800 29100 50 permit tcp any any eq 1214 60 permit udp any any eq 1214 70 permit tcp any any eq 3689 80 permit udp any any eq 3689 90 permit tcp any any eq 11999 ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Acl-Signaling 10 permit tcp any any range 2000 2002 20 permit tcp any any range 5060 5061 30 permit udp any any range 5060 5061 ip access-list extended AutoQos-4.0-wlan-Acl-Transactional-Data 10 permit tcp any any eq 443 20 permit tcp any any eq 1521 30 permit udp any any eq 1521 40 permit tcp any any eq 1526 50 permit udp any any eq 1526 60 permit tcp any any eq 1575 70 permit udp any any eq 1575 80 permit tcp any any eq 1630 90 permit udp any any eq 1630 100 permit tcp any any eq 1527 110 permit tcp any any eq 6200 120 permit tcp any any eq 3389 130 permit tcp any any eq 5985 140 permit tcp any any eq 8080 ! logging trap notifications logging source-interface GigabitEthernet1/0/5 logging host XX.YY.XX.XX transport udp port 9008 ip access-list extended 102 10 permit tcp any any eq 55554 20 permit tcp any eq 55554 any 30 permit tcp any any eq 55555 40 permit tcp any eq 55555 any 50 permit udp any any eq 51914 60 permit udp any eq 51914 any 70 permit udp any any eq 61453 80 permit udp any eq 61453 any 90 permit udp any any eq 60665 100 permit udp any eq 60665 any ip access-list extended 103 10 permit udp any any eq 2222 20 permit udp any eq 2222 any 30 permit tcp any eq 40005 any 40 permit tcp any any eq 40005 50 permit tcp any eq 40006 any 60 permit tcp any any eq 40006 70 permit tcp any eq 40007 any 80 permit tcp any any eq 40007 90 permit tcp any any eq 44818 100 permit udp any any eq 44818 110 permit tcp any eq 44818 any 120 permit udp any eq 44818 any 130 permit tcp any any eq 55550 140 permit tcp any eq 55550 any 150 permit tcp any any eq 55551 160 permit tcp any eq 55551 any 170 permit tcp any any eq 55553 180 permit tcp any eq 55553 any 190 permit tcp any any eq 55552 200 permit tcp any eq 55552 any 210 permit tcp any any eq 55556 220 permit tcp any eq 55556 any 230 permit tcp any eq 502 any 240 permit tcp any any eq 502 250 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.189 260 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.190 270 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.129 280 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.130 290 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.197 300 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.198 310 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.195 320 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.196 330 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.131 340 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.1.132 350 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.2.129 360 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.2.130 370 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.2.131 380 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.2.132 390 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.2.189 400 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.2.190 410 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.2.193 420 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.2.194 430 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.3.189 440 permit ip XX.YY.31.0 host XX.YY.3.190 450 permit ip host XX.YY.31.200 host XX.YY.1.189 460 permit ip host XX.YY.31.200 host XX.YY.2.189 470 permit ip host XX.YY.31.200 host XX.YY.3.189 480 permit ip host XX.YY.31.9 host XX.YY.3.189 490 permit ip host XX.YY.31.9 host XX.YY.2.189 500 permit ip host XX.YY.31.9 host XX.YY.1.189 510 permit ip XX.YY.45.0 host XX.YY.1.129 520 permit ip XX.YY.45.0 host XX.YY.2.129 530 permit ip XX.YY.45.0 host XX.YY.1.131 540 permit ip XX.YY.45.0 host XX.YY.2.131 550 permit icmp any any echo-reply ! ! snmp-server group PRTG v3 priv read ALL-ACCESS snmp-server group NMSUSER v3 priv snmp-server group domain_SNMP_USER v3 auth snmp-server view ALL-ACCESS iso included snmp-server view ALL-ACCESS ifIndex included snmp-server community RO snmp-server enable traps snmp linkdown linkup coldstart warmstart snmp-server host XX.YY.XX.XX informs version 3 auth snmp-server host XX.YY.XX.YY version 2c snmp snmp-server host XX.YY.XX.YY version 2c snmp ! ! ! control-plane service-policy input system-cpp-policy ! privilege exec level 15 connect privilege exec level 15 telnet privilege exec level 15 tunnel privilege exec level 15 access-enable privilege exec level 15 traceroute privilege exec level 15 systat privilege exec level 15 ping privilege exec level 15 where privilege exec level 15 resume privilege exec level 15 name-connection privilege exec level 15 login privilege exec level 15 terminal privilege exec level 15 show privilege exec level 15 clear banner login ^CC XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ^C banner motd ^CC XXXXXXXXXXXX ^C ! line con 0 exec-timeout 30 0 privilege level 15 logging synchronous stopbits 1 line aux 0 exec-timeout 30 0 stopbits 1 line vty 0 4 exec-timeout 30 0 privilege level 15 logging synchronous transport preferred ssh transport input ssh line vty 5 15 exec-timeout 30 0 transport preferred none transport input none ! ntp server XX.XX.XX.XX ntp server XX.XX.XX.XX prefer ! ! ! ! ! ! end ------------------ show redundancy history ------------------ 00:02:02 client added: Redundancy Mode RF(29) seq=60 00:02:02 client added: IfIndex(139) seq=62 00:02:02 client added: CHKPT RF(25) seq=71 00:02:02 client added: QEMU Platform RF(10001) seq=85 00:02:02 client added: Event Manager(77) seq=87 00:02:02 client added: RP Platform RF(1340) seq=104 00:02:02 client added: Network RF Client(22) seq=112 00:02:02 client added: IOSXE SPA TSM(1505) seq=120 00:02:02 client added: LAN-Switch VTP VLAN(501) seq=137 00:02:02 client added: XDR RRP RF Client(71) seq=139 00:02:02 client added: CEF RRP RF Client(24) seq=140 00:02:02 client added: MFIB RRP RF Client(306) seq=150 00:02:02 client added: RFS RF(520) seq=163 00:02:02 client added: klib(33014) seq=167 00:02:02 client added: Config Sync RF client(5) seq=168 00:02:02 client added: NGWC OIR Rf client(10002) seq=170 00:02:02 client added: NGWC FEC Rf client(10007) seq=173 00:02:02 client added: LAN-Switch Port Manager(502) seq=190 00:02:02 client added: Access Tunnel(530) seq=192 00:02:02 client added: Mac address Table Manager(519) seq=193 00:02:02 client added: DHCPC(100) seq=238 00:02:02 client added: DHCPD(101) seq=239 00:02:02 client added: SNMP RF Client(34) seq=251 00:02:02 client added: History RF Client(35) seq=261 00:02:02 client added: Dialer(48) seq=283 00:02:02 client added: ARP(57) seq=291 00:02:02 client added: IPV6_ND(137) seq=292 00:02:02 client added: IOSXE SpaFlow(1342) seq=310 00:02:02 client added: IOSXE IF Flow(1343) seq=311 00:02:02 client added: IOS STILE RF Client(1111) seq=312 00:02:02 client added: REP Protocol(212) seq=349 00:02:02 client added: DHCP Snooping(105) seq=350 00:02:02 client added: Call-Home RF(1510) seq=358 00:02:02 client added: IP Tunnel RF(151) seq=364 00:02:02 client added: Config Verify RF client(94) seq=365 00:02:02 client added: Platform Inline Power(10005) seq=367 00:02:02 client added: Inline Power rf client(505) seq=369 00:02:02 client added: EnergyWise rf client(516) seq=370 00:02:02 client added: Port Security(508) seq=375 00:02:02 client added: SISF table(515) seq=377 00:02:02 client added: PKI RF Client(131) seq=384 00:02:02 client added: DHCPv6 Relay(148) seq=391 00:02:02 client added: DHCPv6 Server(149) seq=392 00:02:02 client added: ISSU Test Client(4005) seq=400 00:02:02 client added: Network RF 2 Client(93) seq=404 00:02:02 client added: LAN-Switch PAgP/LACP(510) seq=407 00:02:02 client added: DATA DESCRIPTOR RF CLIENT(141) seq=415 00:02:02 client added: CTS HA(1000) seq=425 00:02:02 client added: Keystore(1001) seq=426 00:02:02 client added: IOS Config ARCHIVE(4020) seq=445 00:02:02 client added: IOS Config ROLLBACK(4021) seq=446 00:02:02 client added: Smart_Agent_RF_Client(1376) seq=468 00:02:02 client added: License Core HA Client(20001) seq=469 00:02:02 client added: License Agent HA Client(20011) seq=470 00:02:02 client added: Online Diag HA(4056) seq=496 00:02:02 client added: NG3K CFG MGR(10004) seq=497 00:02:04 *my state = INITIALIZATION(2) peer state = DISABLED(1) 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) First Slave(0) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Slave(3) op=0 rc=23 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Redundancy Mode RF(29) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) IfIndex(139) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) QEMU Platform RF(10001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Event Manager(77) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) RP Platform RF(1340) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Network RF Client(22) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) IOSXE SPA TSM(1505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) LAN-Switch VTP VLAN(501) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) XDR RRP RF Client(71) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) CEF RRP RF Client(24) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) MFIB RRP RF Client(306) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) RFS RF(520) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) klib(33014) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Config Sync RF client(5) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) NGWC OIR Rf client(10002) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) NGWC FEC Rf client(10007) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) LAN-Switch Port Manager(502) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Access Tunnel(530) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Mac address Table Manager(519) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) DHCPC(100) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) DHCPD(101) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) SNMP RF Client(34) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) History RF Client(35) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Dialer(48) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) ARP(57) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) IPV6_ND(137) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) IOSXE SpaFlow(1342) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) IOSXE IF Flow(1343) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) IOS STILE RF Client(1111) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) REP Protocol(212) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) DHCP Snooping(105) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Call-Home RF(1510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) IP Tunnel RF(151) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Config Verify RF client(94) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Platform Inline Power(10005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Inline Power rf client(505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) EnergyWise rf client(516) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Port Security(508) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) SISF table(515) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) PKI RF Client(131) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) DHCPv6 Relay(148) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) DHCPv6 Server(149) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) ISSU Test Client(4005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Network RF 2 Client(93) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) LAN-Switch PAgP/LACP(510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) DATA DESCRIPTOR RF CLIENT(141) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) CTS HA(1000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Keystore(1001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) IOS Config ARCHIVE(4020) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) IOS Config ROLLBACK(4021) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Smart_Agent_RF_Client(1376) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) License Core HA Client(20001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) License Agent HA Client(20011) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Online Diag HA(4056) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) NG3K CFG MGR(10004) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_EVENT_SLAVE_PROG_DONE(522) Slave(3) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_INITIALIZATION(100) Last Slave(65000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 *my state = NEGOTIATION(3) peer state = DISABLED(1) 00:02:04 RF_EVENT_GO_ACTIVE(512) (2147483647) op=0 rc=0 00:02:04 *my state = ACTIVE-FAST(9) peer state = DISABLED(1) 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) First Slave(0) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Slave(3) op=0 rc=23 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Redundancy Mode RF(29) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) IfIndex(139) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) QEMU Platform RF(10001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Event Manager(77) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) RP Platform RF(1340) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Network RF Client(22) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) IOSXE SPA TSM(1505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) LAN-Switch VTP VLAN(501) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) XDR RRP RF Client(71) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) CEF RRP RF Client(24) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) MFIB RRP RF Client(306) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) RFS RF(520) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) klib(33014) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Config Sync RF client(5) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) NGWC OIR Rf client(10002) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) NGWC FEC Rf client(10007) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) LAN-Switch Port Manager(502) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Access Tunnel(530) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Mac address Table Manager(519) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) DHCPC(100) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) DHCPD(101) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) SNMP RF Client(34) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) History RF Client(35) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Dialer(48) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) ARP(57) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) IPV6_ND(137) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) IOSXE SpaFlow(1342) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) IOSXE IF Flow(1343) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) IOS STILE RF Client(1111) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) REP Protocol(212) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) DHCP Snooping(105) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Call-Home RF(1510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) IP Tunnel RF(151) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Config Verify RF client(94) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Platform Inline Power(10005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Inline Power rf client(505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) EnergyWise rf client(516) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Port Security(508) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) SISF table(515) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) PKI RF Client(131) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) DHCPv6 Relay(148) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) DHCPv6 Server(149) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) ISSU Test Client(4005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Network RF 2 Client(93) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) LAN-Switch PAgP/LACP(510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) DATA DESCRIPTOR RF CLIENT(141) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) CTS HA(1000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Keystore(1001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) IOS Config ARCHIVE(4020) op=0 rc=11 00:02:04 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) IOS Config ROLLBACK(4021) op=0 rc=11 00:02:10 client added: IOSXE DPIDX(1341) seq=119 00:02:10 client added: Platform Manager RF Client IPC(10008) seq=368 00:02:10 client added: Auth Mgr(210) seq=164 00:02:10 client added: Switch Backup Interface client(507) seq=347 00:02:10 client added: LLDP(208) seq=221 00:02:10 client added: NGWC POWERNET Rf client(10009) seq=176 00:02:10 client added: MKA RF Client(99) seq=165 00:02:10 client added: Multicast ISSU Consolidation RF(305) seq=110 00:02:10 client added: PASSWD RF Client(4058) seq=451 00:02:10 client added: L2FIB(209) seq=212 00:02:10 client added: ONEP(4060) seq=449 00:02:10 client added: CFM RF(207) seq=218 00:02:10 client added: TCP(1601) seq=234 00:02:10 client added: Igmp Snooping(506) seq=374 00:02:10 client added: MLD Snooping(521) seq=486 00:02:10 client added: Tableid HA(75) seq=130 00:02:10 client added: IPROUTING NSF RF client(20) seq=235 00:02:10 client added: GLBP(114) seq=114 00:02:10 client added: HSRP(88) seq=113 00:02:10 client added: VRRP(225) seq=115 00:02:10 client added: MRIB RP RF Client(301) seq=146 00:02:10 client added: LACP(226) seq=222 00:02:10 client added: IOS Config SHELL(4022) seq=444 00:02:10 client added: BFD RF Client(146) seq=142 00:02:10 client added: Spanning-Tree Protocol(503) seq=315 00:02:10 client added: RSVP SYNC(24112) seq=504 00:02:10 client added: NVE(160) seq=224 00:02:10 client added: EVPN(158) seq=336 00:02:10 client added: EVPN_L2RIB(159) seq=329 00:02:10 client added: TPM RF client(402) seq=162 00:02:10 client added: COND_DEBUG RF(4700) seq=118 00:02:10 client added: IP multicast RF Client(304) seq=111 00:02:10 client added: SNMP HA RF Client(54) seq=289 00:02:10 client added: WSMAN(161) seq=387 00:02:10 client added: EEM Server RF CLIENT(250) seq=285 00:02:10 client added: EEM POLICY-DIR RF CLIENT(252) seq=287 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Smart_Agent_RF_Client(1376) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) License Core HA Client(20001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) License Agent HA Client(20011) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) MLD Snooping(521) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Online Diag HA(4056) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) NG3K CFG MGR(10004) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) RSVP SYNC(24112) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) mDNS(24115) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) DNS(33013) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_EVENT_LOCAL_PROG_DONE(505) Mac address Table Manager(519) op=200 rc=11 00:02:11 client added: mDNS(24115) seq=509 00:02:11 client added: DNS(33013) seq=533 00:02:11 client added: FH_RF_Event_Detector_stub(50) seq=298 00:02:11 RF_EVENT_SLAVE_PROG_DONE(522) Slave(3) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_FAST(200) Last Slave(65000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 *my state = ACTIVE-DRAIN(10) peer state = DISABLED(1) 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) First Slave(0) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Slave(3) op=0 rc=23 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Redundancy Mode RF(29) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IfIndex(139) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) QEMU Platform RF(10001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Event Manager(77) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) RP Platform RF(1340) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Multicast ISSU Consolidation RF(305) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IP multicast RF Client(304) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Network RF Client(22) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) HSRP(88) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) GLBP(114) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) VRRP(225) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) COND_DEBUG RF(4700) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IOSXE DPIDX(1341) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IOSXE SPA TSM(1505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Tableid HA(75) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) LAN-Switch VTP VLAN(501) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) XDR RRP RF Client(71) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) CEF RRP RF Client(24) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) BFD RF Client(146) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) MRIB RP RF Client(301) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) MFIB RRP RF Client(306) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) TPM RF client(402) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) RFS RF(520) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Auth Mgr(210) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) MKA RF Client(99) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) klib(33014) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Config Sync RF client(5) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) NGWC OIR Rf client(10002) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) NGWC FEC Rf client(10007) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) NGWC POWERNET Rf client(10009) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) LAN-Switch Port Manager(502) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Access Tunnel(530) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Mac address Table Manager(519) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) L2FIB(209) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) CFM RF(207) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) LLDP(208) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) LACP(226) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) NVE(160) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) TCP(1601) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IPROUTING NSF RF client(20) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) DHCPC(100) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) DHCPD(101) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) SNMP RF Client(34) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) History RF Client(35) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Dialer(48) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) EEM Server RF CLIENT(250) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) EEM POLICY-DIR RF CLIENT(252) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) SNMP HA RF Client(54) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) ARP(57) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IPV6_ND(137) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) FH_RF_Event_Detector_stub(50) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IOSXE SpaFlow(1342) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IOSXE IF Flow(1343) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IOS STILE RF Client(1111) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Spanning-Tree Protocol(503) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) EVPN_L2RIB(159) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) EVPN(158) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Switch Backup Interface client(507) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) REP Protocol(212) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) DHCP Snooping(105) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Call-Home RF(1510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IP Tunnel RF(151) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Config Verify RF client(94) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Platform Inline Power(10005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Platform Manager RF Client IPC(10008) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Inline Power rf client(505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) EnergyWise rf client(516) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Igmp Snooping(506) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Port Security(508) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) SISF table(515) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) PKI RF Client(131) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) WSMAN(161) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) DHCPv6 Relay(148) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) DHCPv6 Server(149) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) ISSU Test Client(4005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Network RF 2 Client(93) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) LAN-Switch PAgP/LACP(510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) DATA DESCRIPTOR RF CLIENT(141) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) CTS HA(1000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Keystore(1001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IOS Config SHELL(4022) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IOS Config ARCHIVE(4020) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) IOS Config ROLLBACK(4021) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) ONEP(4060) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) PASSWD RF Client(4058) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Smart_Agent_RF_Client(1376) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) License Core HA Client(20001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) License Agent HA Client(20011) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) MLD Snooping(521) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Online Diag HA(4056) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) NG3K CFG MGR(10004) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) RSVP SYNC(24112) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) mDNS(24115) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) DNS(33013) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_EVENT_SLAVE_PROG_DONE(522) Slave(3) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_DRAIN(201) Last Slave(65000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 *my state = ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(11) peer state = DISABLED(1) 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) First Slave(0) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Slave(3) op=0 rc=23 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Redundancy Mode RF(29) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IfIndex(139) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) QEMU Platform RF(10001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Event Manager(77) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) RP Platform RF(1340) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Multicast ISSU Consolidation RF(305) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IP multicast RF Client(304) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Network RF Client(22) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) HSRP(88) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) GLBP(114) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) VRRP(225) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) COND_DEBUG RF(4700) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IOSXE DPIDX(1341) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IOSXE SPA TSM(1505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Tableid HA(75) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) LAN-Switch VTP VLAN(501) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) XDR RRP RF Client(71) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) CEF RRP RF Client(24) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) BFD RF Client(146) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) MRIB RP RF Client(301) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) MFIB RRP RF Client(306) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) TPM RF client(402) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) RFS RF(520) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Auth Mgr(210) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) MKA RF Client(99) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) klib(33014) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Config Sync RF client(5) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) NGWC OIR Rf client(10002) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) NGWC FEC Rf client(10007) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) NGWC POWERNET Rf client(10009) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) LAN-Switch Port Manager(502) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Access Tunnel(530) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Mac address Table Manager(519) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) L2FIB(209) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) CFM RF(207) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) LLDP(208) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) LACP(226) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) NVE(160) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) TCP(1601) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IPROUTING NSF RF client(20) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) DHCPC(100) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) DHCPD(101) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) SNMP RF Client(34) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) History RF Client(35) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Dialer(48) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) EEM Server RF CLIENT(250) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) EEM POLICY-DIR RF CLIENT(252) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) SNMP HA RF Client(54) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) ARP(57) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IPV6_ND(137) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) FH_RF_Event_Detector_stub(50) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IOSXE SpaFlow(1342) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IOSXE IF Flow(1343) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IOS STILE RF Client(1111) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Spanning-Tree Protocol(503) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) EVPN_L2RIB(159) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) EVPN(158) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Switch Backup Interface client(507) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) REP Protocol(212) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) DHCP Snooping(105) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Call-Home RF(1510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IP Tunnel RF(151) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Config Verify RF client(94) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Platform Inline Power(10005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Platform Manager RF Client IPC(10008) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Inline Power rf client(505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) EnergyWise rf client(516) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Igmp Snooping(506) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Port Security(508) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) SISF table(515) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) PKI RF Client(131) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) WSMAN(161) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) DHCPv6 Relay(148) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) DHCPv6 Server(149) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) ISSU Test Client(4005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Network RF 2 Client(93) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) LAN-Switch PAgP/LACP(510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) DATA DESCRIPTOR RF CLIENT(141) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) CTS HA(1000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Keystore(1001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IOS Config SHELL(4022) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IOS Config ARCHIVE(4020) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) IOS Config ROLLBACK(4021) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) ONEP(4060) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) PASSWD RF Client(4058) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Smart_Agent_RF_Client(1376) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) License Core HA Client(20001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) License Agent HA Client(20011) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) MLD Snooping(521) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Online Diag HA(4056) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) NG3K CFG MGR(10004) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) RSVP SYNC(24112) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) mDNS(24115) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) DNS(33013) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_EVENT_SLAVE_PROG_DONE(522) Slave(3) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_PRECONFIG(202) Last Slave(65000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 *my state = ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(12) peer state = DISABLED(1) 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) First Slave(0) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Slave(3) op=0 rc=23 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Redundancy Mode RF(29) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IfIndex(139) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) QEMU Platform RF(10001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Event Manager(77) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) RP Platform RF(1340) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Multicast ISSU Consolidation RF(305) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IP multicast RF Client(304) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Network RF Client(22) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) HSRP(88) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) GLBP(114) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) VRRP(225) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) COND_DEBUG RF(4700) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IOSXE DPIDX(1341) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IOSXE SPA TSM(1505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Tableid HA(75) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) LAN-Switch VTP VLAN(501) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) XDR RRP RF Client(71) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) CEF RRP RF Client(24) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) BFD RF Client(146) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) MRIB RP RF Client(301) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) MFIB RRP RF Client(306) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) TPM RF client(402) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) RFS RF(520) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Auth Mgr(210) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) MKA RF Client(99) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) klib(33014) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Config Sync RF client(5) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) NGWC OIR Rf client(10002) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) NGWC FEC Rf client(10007) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) NGWC POWERNET Rf client(10009) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) LAN-Switch Port Manager(502) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Access Tunnel(530) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Mac address Table Manager(519) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) L2FIB(209) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) CFM RF(207) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) LLDP(208) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) LACP(226) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) NVE(160) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) TCP(1601) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IPROUTING NSF RF client(20) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) DHCPC(100) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) DHCPD(101) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) SNMP RF Client(34) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) History RF Client(35) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Dialer(48) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) EEM Server RF CLIENT(250) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) EEM POLICY-DIR RF CLIENT(252) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) SNMP HA RF Client(54) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) ARP(57) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IPV6_ND(137) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) FH_RF_Event_Detector_stub(50) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IOSXE SpaFlow(1342) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IOSXE IF Flow(1343) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IOS STILE RF Client(1111) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Spanning-Tree Protocol(503) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) EVPN_L2RIB(159) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) EVPN(158) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Switch Backup Interface client(507) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) REP Protocol(212) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) DHCP Snooping(105) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Call-Home RF(1510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IP Tunnel RF(151) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Config Verify RF client(94) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Platform Inline Power(10005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Platform Manager RF Client IPC(10008) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Inline Power rf client(505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) EnergyWise rf client(516) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Igmp Snooping(506) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Port Security(508) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) SISF table(515) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) PKI RF Client(131) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) WSMAN(161) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) DHCPv6 Relay(148) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) DHCPv6 Server(149) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) ISSU Test Client(4005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Network RF 2 Client(93) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) LAN-Switch PAgP/LACP(510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) DATA DESCRIPTOR RF CLIENT(141) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) CTS HA(1000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Keystore(1001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IOS Config SHELL(4022) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IOS Config ARCHIVE(4020) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) IOS Config ROLLBACK(4021) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) ONEP(4060) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) PASSWD RF Client(4058) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Smart_Agent_RF_Client(1376) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) License Core HA Client(20001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) License Agent HA Client(20011) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) MLD Snooping(521) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Online Diag HA(4056) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) NG3K CFG MGR(10004) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) RSVP SYNC(24112) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) mDNS(24115) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) DNS(33013) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_EVENT_SLAVE_PROG_DONE(522) Slave(3) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE_POSTCONFIG(203) Last Slave(65000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 *my state = ACTIVE(13) peer state = DISABLED(1) 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) First Slave(0) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Slave(3) op=0 rc=23 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Redundancy Mode RF(29) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IfIndex(139) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) CHKPT RF(25) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) QEMU Platform RF(10001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Event Manager(77) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) RP Platform RF(1340) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Multicast ISSU Consolidation RF(305) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IP multicast RF Client(304) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Network RF Client(22) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) HSRP(88) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) GLBP(114) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) VRRP(225) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) COND_DEBUG RF(4700) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IOSXE DPIDX(1341) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IOSXE SPA TSM(1505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Tableid HA(75) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) LAN-Switch VTP VLAN(501) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) XDR RRP RF Client(71) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) CEF RRP RF Client(24) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) BFD RF Client(146) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) MRIB RP RF Client(301) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) MFIB RRP RF Client(306) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) TPM RF client(402) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) RFS RF(520) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Auth Mgr(210) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) MKA RF Client(99) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) klib(33014) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Config Sync RF client(5) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) NGWC OIR Rf client(10002) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) NGWC FEC Rf client(10007) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) NGWC POWERNET Rf client(10009) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) LAN-Switch Port Manager(502) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Access Tunnel(530) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Mac address Table Manager(519) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) L2FIB(209) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) CFM RF(207) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) LLDP(208) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) LACP(226) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) NVE(160) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) TCP(1601) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IPROUTING NSF RF client(20) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) DHCPC(100) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) DHCPD(101) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) SNMP RF Client(34) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) History RF Client(35) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Dialer(48) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) EEM Server RF CLIENT(250) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) EEM POLICY-DIR RF CLIENT(252) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) SNMP HA RF Client(54) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) ARP(57) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IPV6_ND(137) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) FH_RF_Event_Detector_stub(50) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IOSXE SpaFlow(1342) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IOSXE IF Flow(1343) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IOS STILE RF Client(1111) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Spanning-Tree Protocol(503) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) EVPN_L2RIB(159) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) EVPN(158) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Switch Backup Interface client(507) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) REP Protocol(212) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) DHCP Snooping(105) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Call-Home RF(1510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IP Tunnel RF(151) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Config Verify RF client(94) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Platform Inline Power(10005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Platform Manager RF Client IPC(10008) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Inline Power rf client(505) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) EnergyWise rf client(516) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Igmp Snooping(506) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Port Security(508) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) SISF table(515) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) PKI RF Client(131) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) WSMAN(161) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) DHCPv6 Relay(148) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) DHCPv6 Server(149) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) ISSU Test Client(4005) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Network RF 2 Client(93) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) LAN-Switch PAgP/LACP(510) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) DATA DESCRIPTOR RF CLIENT(141) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) CTS HA(1000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Keystore(1001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IOS Config SHELL(4022) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IOS Config ARCHIVE(4020) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) IOS Config ROLLBACK(4021) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) ONEP(4060) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) PASSWD RF Client(4058) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Smart_Agent_RF_Client(1376) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) License Core HA Client(20001) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) License Agent HA Client(20011) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) MLD Snooping(521) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Online Diag HA(4056) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) NG3K CFG MGR(10004) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) RSVP SYNC(24112) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) mDNS(24115) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) DNS(33013) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_EVENT_SLAVE_PROG_DONE(522) Slave(3) op=0 rc=11 00:02:11 RF_PROG_ACTIVE(204) Last Slave(65000) op=0 rc=11 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) First Slave(0) op=7 rc=11 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Slave(3) op=7 rc=23 00:02:15 RF_EVENT_SLAVE_STATUS_DONE(523) First Slave(0) op=405 rc=7 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Redundancy Mode RF(29) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IfIndex(139) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) CHKPT RF(25) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) QEMU Platform RF(10001) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Event Manager(77) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) RP Platform RF(1340) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Multicast ISSU Consolidation RF(305) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IP multicast RF Client(304) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Network RF Client(22) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) HSRP(88) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) GLBP(114) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) VRRP(225) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) COND_DEBUG RF(4700) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IOSXE DPIDX(1341) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IOSXE SPA TSM(1505) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Tableid HA(75) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) LAN-Switch VTP VLAN(501) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) XDR RRP RF Client(71) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) CEF RRP RF Client(24) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) BFD RF Client(146) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) MRIB RP RF Client(301) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) MFIB RRP RF Client(306) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Auth Mgr(210) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) MKA RF Client(99) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) klib(33014) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Config Sync RF client(5) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) NGWC OIR Rf client(10002) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) NGWC FEC Rf client(10007) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) NGWC POWERNET Rf client(10009) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) LAN-Switch Port Manager(502) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Access Tunnel(530) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Mac address Table Manager(519) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) L2FIB(209) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) CFM RF(207) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) LACP(226) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) NVE(160) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) TCP(1601) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IPROUTING NSF RF client(20) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) DHCPC(100) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) DHCPD(101) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) SNMP RF Client(34) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) History RF Client(35) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Dialer(48) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) EEM Server RF CLIENT(250) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) EEM POLICY-DIR RF CLIENT(252) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) ARP(57) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IPV6_ND(137) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) FH_RF_Event_Detector_stub(50) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IOSXE SpaFlow(1342) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IOSXE IF Flow(1343) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IOS STILE RF Client(1111) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Spanning-Tree Protocol(503) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) EVPN(158) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Switch Backup Interface client(507) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) REP Protocol(212) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) DHCP Snooping(105) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Call-Home RF(1510) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IP Tunnel RF(151) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Config Verify RF client(94) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Platform Inline Power(10005) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Platform Manager RF Client IPC(10008) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Inline Power rf client(505) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) EnergyWise rf client(516) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Igmp Snooping(506) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Port Security(508) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) SISF table(515) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) PKI RF Client(131) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) WSMAN(161) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) DHCPv6 Relay(148) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) DHCPv6 Server(149) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) ISSU Test Client(4005) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) LAN-Switch PAgP/LACP(510) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) CTS HA(1000) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Keystore(1001) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IOS Config SHELL(4022) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IOS Config ARCHIVE(4020) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) IOS Config ROLLBACK(4021) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) ONEP(4060) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) PASSWD RF Client(4058) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Smart_Agent_RF_Client(1376) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) License Core HA Client(20001) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) License Agent HA Client(20011) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) MLD Snooping(521) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Online Diag HA(4056) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) RSVP SYNC(24112) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_EVENT_SLAVE_STATUS_DONE(523) Slave(3) op=405 rc=7 00:02:15 RF_STATUS_REDUNDANCY_MODE_CHANGE(405) Last Slave(65000) op=7 rc=0 00:02:15 RF_EVENT_SLAVE_STATUS_DONE(523) Last Slave(65000) op=7 rc=11 00:02:18 System initialization complete ------------------ show redundancy states ------------------ my state = 13 -ACTIVE peer state = 1 -DISABLED Mode = Simplex Unit = Primary Unit ID = 1 Redundancy Mode (Operational) = Non-redundant Redundancy Mode (Configured) = sso Redundancy State = Non Redundant Maintenance Mode = Disabled Manual Swact = disabled (system is simplex (no peer unit)) Communications = Down Reason: Simplex mode client count = 95 client_notification_TMR = 30000 milliseconds RF debug mask = 0x0 ------------------ show redundancy switchover history ------------------ ------------------ show stacks ------------------ Minimum process stacks: Free/Size Name 37488/39000 License IPC Master Port Process 37424/39000 ISSU Infra API Delayed Registration Process 37520/39000 CDP BLOB 34292/39000 Call Home DSFileUp 60924/63000 MRIB IPv4 Init Process 61456/63000 MRIB IPv6 Init Process 36000/39000 EEM Shell Director 25616/39000 MGMT VRF Process 36400/39000 onep event service init 29348/39000 Onep Start Task 37152/39000 stp_change_tree_type 54052/63000 CPP MQC QoS Policy manager 37120/39000 SPAN Subsystem 27552/39000 IOSXE LIIN config 47928/51000 CDP Protocol 25456/27000 LIM WAVL 37520/39000 SASL MAIN 108180/111000 IOSd Orchestrator Proces 37212/39000 LICENSE AGENT DEFAULT 241824/255000 EEM TCL Proc 49504/51000 cdp init process 34944/39000 ch_check_profile_url 60640/63000 EEM Callback Thread 238880/255000 EEM Auto Registration Proc 57760/63000 Auto configuration builtin tempalte creation 35812/39000 diag ngwc oir event 46208/63000 Init 37200/39000 RADIUS INITCONFIG 37248/39000 BSOCK SAR Service Process 59932/63000 PnP Agent Discovery 57944/63000 EPM CREATE DEFAULT CWA URL ACL 47712/63000 Virtual Exec 25256/27000 Rom Random Update Process 37296/39000 URPF stats 37408/39000 IP SLAs Deferred Schedule Processor 34048/39000 Call Home EEM cb 44304/63000 SSH Process 237888/255000 Tcl Serv - tty2 Interrupt level stacks: Level Called Unused/Size Name 2 0 177908/196608 Pakcet Thread 3 0 168792/196608 Fastpath Thread 4 0 167520/196608 Aux Thread System was restarted by CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure exceeds threshold at 16:54:51 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023 *************************************************** ******* Information of Last System Crash ********** *************************************************** Using crashinfo:crashinfo_RP_00_00. %Error opening crashinfo:crashinfo_RP_00_00 (No such file or directory) ------------------ show interfaces ------------------ Vlan1 is administratively down, line protocol is down , Autostate Enabled Hardware is Ethernet SVI, address is 6c71.0d88.c347 (bia 6c71.0d88.c347) Description: disabled MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not supported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 1 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out Vlan301 is administratively down, line protocol is down , Autostate Enabled Hardware is Ethernet SVI, address is 6c71.0d88.c362 (bia 6c71.0d88.c362) Description: Level 3 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not supported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out Vlan305 is up, line protocol is up , Autostate Enabled Hardware is Ethernet SVI, address is 6c71.0d88.c37a (bia 6c71.0d88.c37a) Internet address is XX.YY.45.251/24 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 10/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not supported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 1380000 bits/sec, 1940 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 39780000 bits/sec, 3699 packets/sec 32348008 packets input, 3235076402 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 47077498 packets output, 39439973173 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 2 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet0/0 is administratively down, line protocol is down Hardware is RP management port, address is 6c71.0d88.c300 (bia 6c71.0d88.c300) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Full Duplex, 1000Mbps, link type is auto, media type is RJ45 output flow-control is unsupported, input flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 17 packets output, 1466 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/1 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c301 (bia 6c71.0d88.c301) Description: Connection_to_router_B MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s, link type is auto, media type is 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:26, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 22000 bits/sec, 2 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 31213 packets input, 3183464 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 28191 broadcasts (28189 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 28189 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 52512 packets output, 3740961 bytes, 0 underruns Output 831 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/2 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c356 (bia 6c71.0d88.c356) Description: Connection_to_Netowrk_1_Switch_1_C3850 Internet address is XX.YY.1.254/25 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 4/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s, link type is auto, media type is 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 19394000 bits/sec, 1856 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 674000 bits/sec, 915 packets/sec 31460268 packets input, 32651601900 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 5091123 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 5001662 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 15974655 packets output, 1814478482 bytes, 0 underruns Output 8637 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/3 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c358 (bia 6c71.0d88.c358) Description: Connection_to_Netowrk_2_Switch_1_C3850 Internet address is XX.YY.2.254/25 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s, link type is auto, media type is 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 5081000 bits/sec, 742 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 417000 bits/sec, 383 packets/sec 36888920 packets input, 35589167308 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 4121996 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 4068831 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 20011865 packets output, 2234959771 bytes, 0 underruns Output 5233 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/4 is administratively down, line protocol is down (disabled) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c304 (bia 6c71.0d88.c304) Description: shutdown MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Auto-duplex, Auto-speed, link type is auto, media type is unknown input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/5 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c364 (bia 6c71.0d88.c364) Description: Connection_to_Netowrk_3_Switch_1_C2960x Internet address is XX.YY.31.3/24 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s, link type is auto, media type is 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 4385000 bits/sec, 565 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 976000 bits/sec, 437 packets/sec 38073179 packets input, 20683713900 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 81067 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 73123 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 48488953 packets output, 51961859929 bytes, 0 underruns Output 21713 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/6 is administratively down, line protocol is down (disabled) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c306 (bia 6c71.0d88.c306) Description: shutdown MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Auto-duplex, Auto-speed, link type is auto, media type is unknown input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/7 is administratively down, line protocol is down (disabled) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c340 (bia 6c71.0d88.c340) Description: shutdown MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Auto-duplex, Auto-speed, link type is auto, media type is unknown input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/8 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c308 (bia 6c71.0d88.c308) Description: NGFW_2 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 10/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Full-duplex, 1000Mb/s, link type is auto, media type is 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output 00:00:00, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 57860594 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 1380000 bits/sec, 1942 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 39843000 bits/sec, 3706 packets/sec 32325379 packets input, 3233494276 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 830 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 47154662 packets output, 39445042033 bytes, 0 underruns Output 6 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 2 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/9 is up, line protocol is up (connected) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c377 (bia 6c71.0d88.c377) Description: Connection_to_Netowrk_4_Switch_1_C3850 Internet address is XX.YY.3.254/25 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit/sec, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 31/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Full-duplex, 100Mb/s, link type is auto, media type is 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:01, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 723477 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 12377000 bits/sec, 1101 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 381000 bits/sec, 567 packets/sec 7151738 packets input, 6141511492 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 103928 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 81435 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 4991337 packets output, 698221856 bytes, 0 underruns Output 8189 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/10 is administratively down, line protocol is down (disabled) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c30a (bia 6c71.0d88.c30a) Description: Shutdown MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Auto-duplex, Auto-speed, link type is auto, media type is 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/11 is administratively down, line protocol is down (disabled) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c357 (bia 6c71.0d88.c357) Description: Shutdown Internet address is XX.XX.1.254/25 MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Auto-duplex, 1000Mb/s, link type is auto, media type is 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/0/12 is administratively down, line protocol is down (disabled) Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c366 (bia 6c71.0d88.c366) Description: shutdown MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set Auto-duplex, Auto-speed, link type is auto, media type is unknown input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/375/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/1/1 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is not present Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c30d (bia 6c71.0d88.c30d) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/1/2 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is not present Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c30e (bia 6c71.0d88.c30e) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/1/3 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is not present Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c30f (bia 6c71.0d88.c30f) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out GigabitEthernet1/1/4 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is not present Hardware is Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c310 (bia 6c71.0d88.c310) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out TenGigabitEthernet1/1/1 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is not present Hardware is Ten Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c311 (bia 6c71.0d88.c311) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out TenGigabitEthernet1/1/2 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is not present Hardware is Ten Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c312 (bia 6c71.0d88.c312) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out TenGigabitEthernet1/1/3 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is not present Hardware is Ten Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c313 (bia 6c71.0d88.c313) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out TenGigabitEthernet1/1/4 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is not present Hardware is Ten Gigabit Ethernet, address is 6c71.0d88.c314 (bia 6c71.0d88.c314) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 10 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive not set ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out Port-channel1 is down, line protocol is down (notconnect) Hardware is EtherChannel, address is 0000.0000.0000 (bia 0000.0000.0000) MTU 1500 bytes, BW 100000 Kbit/sec, DLY 100 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation ARPA, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Auto-duplex, Auto-speed, link type is auto, media type is N/A input flow-control is on, output flow-control is unsupported ARP type: ARPA, ARP Timeout 04:00:00 Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/2000/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/40 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored 0 watchdog, 0 multicast, 0 pause input 0 input packets with dribble condition detected 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 1 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 babbles, 0 late collision, 0 deferred 0 lost carrier, 0 no carrier, 0 pause output 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out Loopback0 is up, line protocol is up Hardware is Loopback MTU 1514 bytes, BW 8000000 Kbit/sec, DLY 5000 usec, reliability 255/255, txload 1/255, rxload 1/255 Encapsulation LOOPBACK, loopback not set Keepalive set (10 sec) Last input never, output never, output hang never Last clearing of "show interface" counters never Input queue: 0/75/0/0 (size/max/drops/flushes); Total output drops: 0 Queueing strategy: fifo Output queue: 0/0 (size/max) 5 minute input rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 5 minute output rate 0 bits/sec, 0 packets/sec 0 packets input, 0 bytes, 0 no buffer Received 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 runts, 0 giants, 0 throttles 0 input errors, 0 CRC, 0 frame, 0 overrun, 0 ignored, 0 abort 0 packets output, 0 bytes, 0 underruns Output 0 broadcasts (0 IP multicasts) 0 output errors, 0 collisions, 0 interface resets 0 unknown protocol drops 0 output buffer failures, 0 output buffers swapped out ------------------ show interfaces history ------------------ ------------------ show controllers ------------------ Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/1 Receive 3740961 Total bytes 3183464 Total bytes 1766 Unicast frames 3022 Unicast frames 155709 Unicast bytes 1222518 Unicast bytes 49915 Multicast frames 28189 Multicast frames 3528744 Multicast bytes 1960810 Multicast bytes 831 Broadcast frames 2 Broadcast frames 56508 Broadcast bytes 136 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 1512 Minimum size frames 1512 Minimum size frames 50967 65 to 127 byte frames 27667 65 to 127 byte frames 33 128 to 255 byte frames 124 128 to 255 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 154 256 to 511 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 1756 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 1195 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/2 Receive 1814478482 Total bytes 32651601900 Total bytes 15934810 Unicast frames 26369145 Unicast frames 1811872180 Unicast bytes 31507157794 Unicast bytes 31208 Multicast frames 5001662 Multicast frames 2053534 Multicast bytes 1137693320 Multicast bytes 8637 Broadcast frames 89461 Broadcast frames 552768 Broadcast bytes 6750786 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 12324125 Minimum size frames 3171717 Minimum size frames 1717339 65 to 127 byte frames 1511994 65 to 127 byte frames 1263825 128 to 255 byte frames 5960705 128 to 255 byte frames 241668 256 to 511 byte frames 393224 256 to 511 byte frames 78659 512 to 1023 byte frames 122479 512 to 1023 byte frames 349039 1024 to 1518 byte frames 20300149 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 1195 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/3 Receive 2234959771 Total bytes 35589167308 Total bytes 19981590 Unicast frames 32766924 Unicast frames 2232972097 Unicast bytes 34652945771 Unicast bytes 25042 Multicast frames 4068831 Multicast frames 1652762 Multicast bytes 932061130 Multicast bytes 5233 Broadcast frames 53165 Broadcast frames 334912 Broadcast bytes 4160407 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 14075962 Minimum size frames 4925981 Minimum size frames 2333237 65 to 127 byte frames 2387168 65 to 127 byte frames 2934800 128 to 255 byte frames 6526697 128 to 255 byte frames 269344 256 to 511 byte frames 789888 256 to 511 byte frames 122502 512 to 1023 byte frames 327941 512 to 1023 byte frames 276020 1024 to 1518 byte frames 21931245 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 1204 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/4 Receive 0 Total bytes 0 Total bytes 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast bytes 0 Unicast bytes 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast bytes 0 Multicast bytes 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast bytes 0 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 45487061 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/5 Receive 51961859929 Total bytes 20683713900 Total bytes 48442205 Unicast frames 37992112 Unicast frames 51958817997 Unicast bytes 20675592306 Unicast bytes 25035 Multicast frames 73123 Multicast frames 1652300 Multicast bytes 7488541 Multicast bytes 21713 Broadcast frames 7944 Broadcast frames 1389632 Broadcast bytes 633053 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 8171827 Minimum size frames 19099659 Minimum size frames 3270905 65 to 127 byte frames 2873449 65 to 127 byte frames 2749133 128 to 255 byte frames 3357879 128 to 255 byte frames 943046 256 to 511 byte frames 489818 256 to 511 byte frames 224447 512 to 1023 byte frames 212717 512 to 1023 byte frames 33129595 1024 to 1518 byte frames 12039657 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 1214 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/6 Receive 0 Total bytes 0 Total bytes 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast bytes 0 Unicast bytes 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast bytes 0 Multicast bytes 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast bytes 0 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 45487071 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/7 Receive 0 Total bytes 0 Total bytes 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast bytes 0 Unicast bytes 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast bytes 0 Multicast bytes 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast bytes 0 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 45487076 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/8 Receive 39445042033 Total bytes 3233494276 Total bytes 47079573 Unicast frames 32324549 Unicast frames 39440136391 Unicast bytes 3233441156 Unicast bytes 75083 Multicast frames 0 Multicast frames 4905322 Multicast bytes 0 Multicast bytes 6 Broadcast frames 830 Broadcast frames 384 Broadcast bytes 53120 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 12352133 Minimum size frames 21231613 Minimum size frames 7206700 65 to 127 byte frames 8070261 65 to 127 byte frames 1984623 128 to 255 byte frames 2041606 128 to 255 byte frames 673832 256 to 511 byte frames 355871 256 to 511 byte frames 396155 512 to 1023 byte frames 188581 512 to 1023 byte frames 24541220 1024 to 1518 byte frames 437448 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 57860594 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 1222 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/9 Receive 698221856 Total bytes 6141511492 Total bytes 4958105 Unicast frames 7047810 Unicast frames 696044936 Unicast bytes 6130906631 Unicast bytes 25043 Multicast frames 81435 Multicast frames 1652824 Multicast bytes 8777777 Multicast bytes 8189 Broadcast frames 22493 Broadcast frames 524096 Broadcast bytes 1827084 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 2834544 Minimum size frames 1485846 Minimum size frames 1130800 65 to 127 byte frames 970592 65 to 127 byte frames 684031 128 to 255 byte frames 620776 128 to 255 byte frames 129537 256 to 511 byte frames 227685 256 to 511 byte frames 57538 512 to 1023 byte frames 46929 512 to 1023 byte frames 154887 1024 to 1518 byte frames 3799910 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 723477 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 1229 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/10 Receive 0 Total bytes 0 Total bytes 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast bytes 0 Unicast bytes 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast bytes 0 Multicast bytes 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast bytes 0 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 45487085 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/11 Receive 0 Total bytes 0 Total bytes 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast bytes 0 Unicast bytes 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast bytes 0 Multicast bytes 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast bytes 0 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 45487093 msecs AGO Transmit GigabitEthernet1/0/12 Receive 0 Total bytes 0 Total bytes 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast frames 0 Unicast bytes 0 Unicast bytes 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast frames 0 Multicast bytes 0 Multicast bytes 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast frames 0 Broadcast bytes 0 Broadcast bytes 0 System FCS error frames 0 IpgViolation frames 0 MacUnderrun frames 0 MacOverrun frames 0 Pause frames 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 0 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 1 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 2 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 3 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 4 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 5 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 6 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Cos 7 Pause frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamProcessed frames 0 Oam frames 0 OamDropped frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 Minimum size frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 65 to 127 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 128 to 255 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 256 to 511 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 512 to 1023 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1024 to 1518 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 1519 to 2047 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 2048 to 4095 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 4096 to 8191 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 8192 to 16383 byte frames 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 16384 to 32767 byte frame 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 > 32768 byte frames 0 Late collision frames 0 SymbolErr frames 0 Excess Defer frames 0 Collision fragments 0 Good (1 coll) frames 0 ValidUnderSize frames 0 Good (>1 coll) frames 0 InvalidOverSize frames 0 Deferred frames 0 ValidOverSize frames 0 Gold frames dropped 0 FcsErr frames 0 Gold frames truncated 0 Gold frames successful 0 1 collision frames 0 2 collision frames 0 3 collision frames 0 4 collision frames 0 5 collision frames 0 6 collision frames 0 7 collision frames 0 8 collision frames 0 9 collision frames 0 10 collision frames 0 11 collision frames 0 12 collision frames 0 13 collision frames 0 14 collision frames 0 15 collision frames 0 Excess collision frames LAST UPDATE 45487095 msecs AGO ------------------ show user ------------------ Line User Host(s) Idle Location * 2 vty 0 USER-Z idle 00:00:00 XX.YY.XX.XX51 Interface User Mode Idle Peer Address ------------------ show data-corruption ------------------ No data inconsistency errors have been recorded. ------------------ show file systems ------------------ File Systems: Size(b) Free(b) Type Flags Prefixes - - opaque rw system: - - opaque rw tmpsys: 248354816 193162240 disk rw crashinfo: * 1621966848 92712960 disk rw flash: 2000179200 1934630912 disk ro webui: - - opaque rw null: - - opaque ro tar: - - network rw tftp: 2097152 2062766 nvram rw nvram: - - opaque wo syslog: - - network rw rcp: - - network rw http: - - network rw ftp: - - network rw scp: - - network rw sftp: - - network rw https: - - opaque ro cns: ------------------ show file descriptors ------------------ File Descriptors: FD Position Open PID Path No open file descriptors ------------------ show crashinfo: all ------------------ -#- --length-- ---------date/time--------- path 2 43008 Mar 20 2023 10:07:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs 3 18656 Mar 08 2023 01:30:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/dmesg 4 10 Mar 08 2023 01:30:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/timestamp 5 440 Mar 19 2023 21:30:08.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/shutdown_fp0.log 6 27689 Mar 19 2023 21:30:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/shutdown_rp0.log 7 479 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_rollback_timer_R0-0.6810_0.20221009080910.bin.gz 8 633 Mar 19 2023 13:12:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_F0-0.19111_0.20230319100720.bin.gz 9 5098 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_F0-0.11495_0.20230319083839.bin.gz 10 1577 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/nif_mgr_R0-0.8210_0.20230319083832.bin.gz 11 469 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/binos_R0-0.4598_0.20230319183206.bin.gz 12 1935 Mar 19 2023 13:00:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_pmanlog_F0-0.12203_0.20230319091506.bin.gz 13 5540 Mar 19 2023 11:36:01.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/stack_mgr_R0-0.7820_0.20221009080916.bin.gz 14 313 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/oom_R0-0.4151_0.20230319100146.bin.gz 15 462 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/oom_R0-0.4212_0.20230319083814.bin.gz 16 3557 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_provision_R0-0.23521_0.20230319134651.bin.gz 17 5226 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_F0-0.11360_0.20221009080924.bin.gz 18 1938 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_pmanlog_F0-0.12045_0.20221009080925.bin.gz 19 32619 Mar 09 2023 05:35:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_R0-0.10432_8.20230219185022.bin.gz 20 17986 Mar 12 2023 02:19:13.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/platform_mgr_R0-0.8446_4.20230127221913.bin.gz 21 5226 Mar 19 2023 13:00:13.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_F0-0.11522_0.20230319091505.bin.gz 22 3083 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/ncd_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.8496_0.20230319091458.bin.gz 23 359 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/iptbl_R0-0.4545_0.20230319083815.bin.gz 24 19423 Mar 19 2023 21:33:02.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_R0-0.18708_0.20230319183302.bin.gz 25 1759 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_F0-0.12408_0.20221009080926.bin.gz 26 18209 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_F0-0.12366_0.20221009080929.bin.gz 27 1635 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.4884_0.20230319183207.bin.gz 28 1411 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/epc_ws_liaison_pmanlog_F0-0.14693_0.20221009081402.bin.gz 29 1379 Mar 19 2023 21:30:26.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/shutdown_journal_rp0.log 30 10994 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/linux_iosd_image_pmanlog_R0-0.7378_0.20230319083830.bin.gz 31 72807 Mar 19 2023 14:33:12.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sec_key_agent_R0-0.9076_0.20230319103940.bin.gz 32 6626 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_F0-0.18898_1.20230112160912.bin.gz 33 363 Mar 19 2023 21:33:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.24160_0.20230319183337.bin.gz 34 11250 Mar 19 2023 21:33:10.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_R0-0.7030_0.20230319183219.bin.gz 35 1546 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/epc_ws_liaison_F0-0.14857_0.20221009081402.bin.gz 36 2135 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_image_pmanlog_F0-0.18617_0.20221009081415.bin.gz 37 1719 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/rdope_sh_pmanlog_F0-0.22684_0.20221009081426.bin.gz 38 461 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/oom_R0-0.4213_0.20230319091440.bin.gz 39 2148 Mar 19 2023 11:36:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_rotate_immediate_F0-0.22596_0.20230319083600.bin.gz 40 10881 Mar 19 2023 11:36:01.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/linux_iosd_image_pmanlog_R0-0.7388_0.20221009080914.bin.gz 41 461 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/oom_R0-0.4220_0.20221009080859.bin.gz 42 1543 Mar 19 2023 11:36:01.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/stack_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.7637_0.20221009080915.bin.gz 43 356 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/iptbl_R0-0.4553_0.20221009080900.bin.gz 44 1581 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/nif_mgr_R0-0.8231_0.20221009080917.bin.gz 45 1137 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psvp_R0-0.6956_0.20221009080912.bin.gz 46 1590 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/platform_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.8279_0.20221009080916.bin.gz 47 1540 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sif_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.7847_0.20221009080915.bin.gz 48 1355 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/nif_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.8055_0.20221009080916.bin.gz 49 2476 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_stack_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.9196_0.20221009080919.bin.gz 50 3054 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/ncd_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.8509_0.20221009080917.bin.gz 51 1635 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/lman_pmanlog_R0-0.8723_0.20221009080917.bin.gz 52 1475 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/keyman_pmanlog_R0-0.8950_0.20221009080918.bin.gz 53 2197 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/lman_R0-0.8933_0.20221009080918.bin.gz 54 3361 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sec_key_agent_R0-0.9112_0.20221009080919.bin.gz 55 5695 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sif_mgr_R0-0.8028_0.20221009080919.bin.gz 56 2651 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/ncd_R0-0.9406_0.20221009080919.bin.gz 57 1529 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bt_logger_pmanlog_R0-0.10031_0.20221009080921.bin.gz 58 2022 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/hman_pmanlog_R0-0.9703_0.20221009080920.bin.gz 59 1657 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_stack_R0-0.9948_0.20221009080921.bin.gz 60 371 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_server_R0-0.10617_0.20221009080922.bin.gz 61 2160 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_R0-0.10250_0.20221009080921.bin.gz 62 1407 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sort_files_by_inode_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10914_1.20230109171039.bin.gz 63 1416 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_server_pmanlog_R0-0.10453_0.20221009080922.bin.gz 64 1409 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/periodic_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.11145_0.20221009080924.bin.gz 65 471 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/periodic_R0-0.12072_0.20221009080925.bin.gz 66 1376 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tam_svcs_ngxk_cfg_pmanlog_R0-0.15310_0.20221009081406.bin.gz 67 1308 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tamd_proc_pmanlog_R0-0.15516_0.20221009081406.bin.gz 68 641 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tam_svcs_ngxk_cfg_R0-0.15500_0.20221009081407.bin.gz 69 1305 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_pmanlog_R0-0.15662_0.20221009081407.bin.gz 70 1099 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tamd_proc_R0-0.15635_0.20221009081407.bin.gz 71 363 Mar 19 2023 13:40:56.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.25441_0.20230319104041.bin.gz 72 1368 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sessmgrd_pmanlog_R0-0.19330_0.20221009081416.bin.gz 73 1784 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_pmanlog_R0-0.19663_0.20221009081417.bin.gz 74 1873 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/repm_pmanlog_R0-0.19888_0.20221009081417.bin.gz 75 1573 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_pmanlog_R0-0.20109_0.20221009081418.bin.gz 76 1601 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tms_pmanlog_R0-0.20315_0.20221009081419.bin.gz 77 6322 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_R0-0.20261_1.20221009081419.bin.gz 78 1108 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_R0-0.11603_1.20221009081419.bin.gz 79 2611 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_rp_pmanlog_R0-0.20791_0.20221009081420.bin.gz 80 1681 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/dbm_pmanlog_R0-0.21143_0.20221009081421.bin.gz 81 1584 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cmm_pmanlog_R0-0.21332_0.20221009081422.bin.gz 82 8086 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smd_R0-0.19585_0.20221009081422.bin.gz 83 2055 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cli_agent_pmanlog_R0-0.21566_0.20221009081422.bin.gz 84 1404 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psd_pmanlog_R0-0.21929_0.20221009081424.bin.gz 85 6893 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_R0-0.7015_1.20221009081427.bin.gz 86 2117 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pubd_pmanlog_R0-0.24193_0.20221009081432.bin.gz 87 1715 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pttcd_pmanlog_R0-0.24359_0.20221009081432.bin.gz 88 13120 Mar 19 2023 21:33:20.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_0.20230319183300.bin.gz 89 629 Mar 19 2023 13:44:49.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_F0-0.18075_0.20230319104015.bin.gz 90 23933 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_R0-0.10432_9.20230309023530.bin.gz 91 9276 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/hman_R0-0.9873_4.20230223212322.bin.gz 92 982 Mar 19 2023 11:38:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/install_engine_R0-0.1386_0.20230319083806.bin.gz 93 4153 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/platform_mgr_R0-0.8446_5.20230311231913.bin.gz 94 553 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bt_logger_R0-0.10209_1.20230319083559.bin.gz 95 2819 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/repm_R0-0.20085_0.20221009081419.bin.gz 96 479 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_R0-0.15734_1.20230319083601.bin.gz 97 2926 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tms_R0-0.20454_0.20221009081419.bin.gz 98 16489 Mar 19 2023 21:33:31.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_1.20230319183320.bin.gz 99 858 Mar 19 2023 13:44:49.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_F0-0.12956_0.20230319103947.bin.gz 100 6830 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_rotate_immediate_R0-0.23957_0.20230319083603.bin.gz 101 1614 Mar 19 2023 13:40:39.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_R0-0.11739_0.20230319103945.bin.gz 102 1287 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cmm_R0-0.21502_0.20221009081422.bin.gz 103 3380 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_rp_R0-0.20995_0.20221009081423.bin.gz 104 4854 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/dbm_R0-0.21338_0.20221009081423.bin.gz 105 4641 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cli_agent_R0-0.21723_0.20221009081423.bin.gz 106 2251 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psd_R0-0.22142_0.20221009081424.bin.gz 107 785 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pttcd_R0-0.24429_0.20221009081433.bin.gz 108 4249 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pubd_R0-0.24320_0.20221009081434.bin.gz 109 357 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/binos_R0-0.4601_0.20230319100147.bin.gz 110 1666 Mar 19 2023 11:36:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_R0-0.15734_0.20221009081407.bin.gz 111 363 Mar 19 2023 13:40:56.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.25442_0.20230319104041.bin.gz 112 496 Mar 19 2023 11:38:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/binos_R0-0.4689_0.20230319083816.bin.gz 113 547 Mar 19 2023 11:38:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_check_R0-0.6350_0.20230319083821.bin.gz 114 1176 Mar 19 2023 11:38:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_boottime_R0-0.4737_0.20230319083816.bin.gz 115 770 Mar 19 2023 11:38:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tdl_boottime_R0-0.4756_0.20230319083816.bin.gz 116 942 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/install_engine_R0-0.1517_0.20230319183157.bin.gz 117 518 Mar 19 2023 11:38:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_publish_retrieve_sw_sets_R0-0.5064_0.20230319083817.bin.gz 118 506 Mar 19 2023 11:38:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_rollback_timer_R0-0.6005_0.20230319083820.bin.gz 119 1150 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_boottime_R0-0.4643_0.20230319183207.bin.gz 120 735 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tdl_boottime_R0-0.4665_0.20230319183207.bin.gz 121 487 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_publish_retrieve_sw_sets_R0-0.4974_0.20230319183208.bin.gz 122 479 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_rollback_timer_R0-0.5906_0.20230319183211.bin.gz 123 651 Mar 19 2023 11:38:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_switchover_R0-0.6838_0.20230319083825.bin.gz 124 795 Mar 19 2023 11:38:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/unified_rsync_udev_R0-0.9274_0.20230319083834.bin.gz 125 894 Mar 19 2023 11:43:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_F0-0.12881_0.20230319083841.bin.gz 126 1238 Mar 19 2023 11:38:41.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_pmanlog_F0-0.12777_0.20230319083841.bin.gz 127 509 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_check_R0-0.6253_0.20230319183212.bin.gz 128 1642 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6418_0.20230319183213.bin.gz 129 1299 Mar 19 2023 11:39:10.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/run_ioxn_secure_dir_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.9448_0.20230319083835.bin.gz 130 19238 Mar 19 2023 11:39:12.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_R0-0.18710_0.20230319083911.bin.gz 131 11637 Mar 20 2023 10:06:36.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_11.20230320061732.bin.gz 132 11324 Mar 19 2023 11:39:19.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_R0-0.7006_0.20230319083828.bin.gz 133 1221 Mar 19 2023 13:12:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_image_pmanlog_F0-0.19777_0.20230319100721.bin.gz 134 1673 Mar 19 2023 11:39:32.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_R0-0.11591_0.20230319083839.bin.gz 135 12369 Mar 19 2023 13:46:06.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_9.20230319104454.bin.gz 136 1241 Mar 19 2023 13:12:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_pmanlog_F0-0.18825_0.20230319100720.bin.gz 137 1654 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6419_0.20230319183213.bin.gz 138 9866 Mar 19 2023 21:33:35.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_3.20230319183334.bin.gz 139 1223 Mar 19 2023 13:44:49.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_image_pmanlog_F0-0.18874_0.20230319104016.bin.gz 140 1616 Mar 19 2023 21:32:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6420_0.20230319183213.bin.gz 141 1606 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_F0-0.12349_0.20230319100213.bin.gz 142 2205 Mar 19 2023 13:27:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pkg_summary_R0-0.29719_0.20230319102342.bin.gz 143 63688 Mar 19 2023 15:33:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sec_key_agent_R0-0.9076_1.20230319113311.bin.gz 144 1270 Mar 19 2023 11:43:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_pmanlog_F0-0.17196_0.20230319083909.bin.gz 145 656 Mar 19 2023 11:43:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_F0-0.17476_0.20230319083909.bin.gz 146 1256 Mar 19 2023 11:43:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_image_pmanlog_F0-0.18143_0.20230319083910.bin.gz 147 15665 Mar 19 2023 21:33:36.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_4.20230319183335.bin.gz 148 5101 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_F0-0.11147_0.20230319100211.bin.gz 149 1640 Mar 19 2023 21:32:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6426_0.20230319183213.bin.gz 150 1638 Mar 19 2023 21:32:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6429_0.20230319183213.bin.gz 151 618 Mar 19 2023 21:32:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_switchover_R0-0.6862_0.20230319183216.bin.gz 152 757 Mar 19 2023 21:32:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/unified_rsync_udev_R0-0.9273_0.20230319183225.bin.gz 153 11209 Mar 19 2023 13:07:33.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_R0-0.6921_0.20230319100200.bin.gz 154 1590 Mar 19 2023 21:32:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10686_0.20230319183228.bin.gz 155 1198 Mar 19 2023 21:32:32.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_pmanlog_F0-0.12809_0.20230319183232.bin.gz 156 1567 Mar 19 2023 21:32:56.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/droputil_R0-0.4231_0.20230319183205.bin.gz 157 2239 Mar 19 2023 11:55:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pkg_summary_R0-0.26725_0.20230319085532.bin.gz 158 357 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/iptbl_R0-0.4542_0.20230319091441.bin.gz 159 1267 Mar 19 2023 21:33:01.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/run_ioxn_secure_dir_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.9474_0.20230319183225.bin.gz 160 1323 Mar 19 2023 21:33:01.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/reflector_R0-0.4420_0.20230319183206.bin.gz 161 362 Mar 19 2023 21:33:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.24161_0.20230319183337.bin.gz 162 63387 Mar 19 2023 16:34:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sec_key_agent_R0-0.9076_2.20230319123352.bin.gz 163 3550 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/ncd_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.8468_0.20230319100204.bin.gz 164 26537 Mar 19 2023 13:44:54.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_8.20230319104453.bin.gz 165 364 Mar 19 2023 13:40:56.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.25443_0.20230319104041.bin.gz 166 2230 Mar 19 2023 12:35:04.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pkg_summary_R0-0.27619_0.20230319093157.bin.gz 167 1725 Mar 19 2023 13:00:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_F0-0.12542_0.20230319091507.bin.gz 168 26044 Mar 19 2023 13:44:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_7.20230319104452.bin.gz 169 1827 Mar 19 2023 13:37:47.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bt_logger_R0-0.10217_0.20230319100209.bin.gz 170 324 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/iptbl_R0-0.4476_0.20230319100147.bin.gz 171 2000 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_pmanlog_F0-0.12140_0.20230319083840.bin.gz 172 1725 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_F0-0.12498_0.20230319083841.bin.gz 173 17078 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_F0-0.12481_0.20230319083844.bin.gz 174 1410 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/epc_ws_liaison_pmanlog_F0-0.14007_0.20230319083856.bin.gz 175 1546 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/epc_ws_liaison_F0-0.14168_0.20230319083856.bin.gz 176 2124 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_image_pmanlog_F0-0.17594_0.20230319083909.bin.gz 177 7577 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_F0-0.17931_0.20230319083911.bin.gz 178 1707 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/rdope_sh_pmanlog_F0-0.21663_0.20230319083920.bin.gz 179 1060 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psvp_R0-0.6865_0.20230319100159.bin.gz 180 2147 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_rotate_immediate_F0-0.31104_0.20230319091227.bin.gz 181 1530 Mar 19 2023 12:12:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/stack_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.7618_0.20230319083830.bin.gz 182 1126 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psvp_R0-0.6947_0.20230319083827.bin.gz 183 478 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_rollback_timer_R0-0.6802_0.20230319083825.bin.gz 184 1582 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/platform_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.8268_0.20230319083832.bin.gz 185 1533 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sif_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.7839_0.20230319083831.bin.gz 186 1419 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/nif_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.8044_0.20230319083831.bin.gz 187 2392 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_stack_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.9156_0.20230319083834.bin.gz 188 3103 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/ncd_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.8498_0.20230319083832.bin.gz 189 1622 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/lman_pmanlog_R0-0.8704_0.20230319083833.bin.gz 190 1390 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/keyman_pmanlog_R0-0.8926_0.20230319083833.bin.gz 191 2072 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/lman_R0-0.8933_0.20230319083834.bin.gz 192 1397 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bt_logger_pmanlog_R0-0.10030_0.20230319083836.bin.gz 193 2920 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sec_key_agent_R0-0.9112_0.20230319083834.bin.gz 194 5622 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sif_mgr_R0-0.8011_0.20230319083834.bin.gz 195 2658 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/ncd_R0-0.9440_0.20230319083835.bin.gz 196 2001 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/hman_pmanlog_R0-0.9692_0.20230319083835.bin.gz 197 3027 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/hman_R0-0.9848_0.20230319083836.bin.gz 198 10373 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_R0-0.10420_0.20230319083837.bin.gz 199 1657 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_stack_R0-0.9922_0.20230319083836.bin.gz 200 370 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_server_R0-0.10625_0.20230319083837.bin.gz 201 2058 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_R0-0.10241_0.20230319083836.bin.gz 202 1824 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bt_logger_R0-0.10209_0.20230319083837.bin.gz 203 11207 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/platform_mgr_R0-0.8432_0.20230319083837.bin.gz 204 1486 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sort_files_by_inode_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10900_0.20230319083838.bin.gz 205 1410 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_server_pmanlog_R0-0.10447_0.20230319083837.bin.gz 206 1359 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tam_svcs_ngxk_cfg_pmanlog_R0-0.13202_0.20230319083854.bin.gz 207 1531 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/periodic_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.11147_0.20230319083838.bin.gz 208 470 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/periodic_R0-0.11985_0.20230319083840.bin.gz 209 6811 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_rotate_immediate_R0-0.32464_0.20230319091229.bin.gz 210 1305 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tamd_proc_pmanlog_R0-0.13415_0.20230319083854.bin.gz 211 639 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tam_svcs_ngxk_cfg_R0-0.13390_0.20230319083855.bin.gz 212 1292 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_pmanlog_R0-0.13558_0.20230319083855.bin.gz 213 1083 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tamd_proc_R0-0.13533_0.20230319083855.bin.gz 214 1353 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sessmgrd_pmanlog_R0-0.17722_0.20230319083910.bin.gz 215 362 Mar 19 2023 21:33:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.24162_0.20230319183337.bin.gz 216 1868 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/repm_pmanlog_R0-0.18206_0.20230319083910.bin.gz 217 1657 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_pmanlog_R0-0.18540_0.20230319083911.bin.gz 218 2819 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/repm_R0-0.18507_0.20230319083912.bin.gz 219 1588 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tms_pmanlog_R0-0.18779_0.20230319083912.bin.gz 220 4634 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_R0-0.18710_1.20230319083912.bin.gz 221 2695 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_rp_pmanlog_R0-0.19205_0.20230319083913.bin.gz 222 1596 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/dbm_pmanlog_R0-0.19485_0.20230319083914.bin.gz 223 1667 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cmm_pmanlog_R0-0.19694_0.20230319083914.bin.gz 224 2143 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cli_agent_pmanlog_R0-0.19924_0.20230319083915.bin.gz 225 7680 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smd_R0-0.18019_0.20230319083915.bin.gz 226 4925 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/dbm_R0-0.19673_0.20230319083915.bin.gz 227 1399 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psd_pmanlog_R0-0.20296_0.20230319083916.bin.gz 228 1681 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_pmanlog_R0-0.20677_0.20230319083917.bin.gz 229 7092 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_R0-0.7006_1.20230319083919.bin.gz 230 2108 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pubd_pmanlog_R0-0.22537_0.20230319083923.bin.gz 231 1631 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pttcd_pmanlog_R0-0.22697_0.20230319083923.bin.gz 232 600 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_R0-0.11591_1.20230319083932.bin.gz 233 1626 Mar 19 2023 21:33:35.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_R0-0.11620_0.20230319183230.bin.gz 234 491 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_R0-0.13636_1.20230319091227.bin.gz 235 496 Mar 19 2023 12:15:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/binos_R0-0.4690_0.20230319091442.bin.gz 236 362 Mar 19 2023 21:33:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.24163_0.20230319183337.bin.gz 237 364 Mar 19 2023 21:33:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.24164_0.20230319183337.bin.gz 238 1317 Mar 19 2023 21:33:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/droputil_R0-0.4231_1.20230319183256.bin.gz 239 5346 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/stack_mgr_R0-0.7796_0.20230319083831.bin.gz 240 2915 Mar 19 2023 12:12:29.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tms_R0-0.18947_0.20230319083912.bin.gz 241 1299 Mar 19 2023 12:12:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cmm_R0-0.19901_0.20230319083915.bin.gz 242 3435 Mar 19 2023 12:12:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_rp_R0-0.19356_0.20230319083915.bin.gz 243 4324 Mar 19 2023 12:12:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cli_agent_R0-0.20071_0.20230319083915.bin.gz 244 2262 Mar 19 2023 12:12:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psd_R0-0.20455_0.20230319083916.bin.gz 245 783 Mar 19 2023 12:12:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pttcd_R0-0.22797_0.20230319083924.bin.gz 246 4343 Mar 19 2023 12:12:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pubd_R0-0.22657_0.20230319083925.bin.gz 247 5311 Mar 19 2023 21:33:47.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_R0-0.20872_0.20230319183309.bin.gz 248 363 Mar 19 2023 13:40:56.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.25444_0.20230319104041.bin.gz 249 1641 Mar 19 2023 12:12:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_R0-0.13636_0.20230319083855.bin.gz 250 984 Mar 19 2023 12:15:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/install_engine_R0-0.1387_0.20230319091432.bin.gz 251 545 Mar 19 2023 12:15:04.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_check_R0-0.6349_0.20230319091447.bin.gz 252 1189 Mar 19 2023 12:15:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_boottime_R0-0.4739_0.20230319091442.bin.gz 253 763 Mar 19 2023 12:15:03.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tdl_boottime_R0-0.4757_0.20230319091442.bin.gz 254 1623 Mar 19 2023 12:15:05.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10660_0.20230319091503.bin.gz 255 519 Mar 19 2023 12:15:04.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_publish_retrieve_sw_sets_R0-0.5076_0.20230319091443.bin.gz 256 508 Mar 19 2023 12:15:04.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_rollback_timer_R0-0.5997_0.20230319091446.bin.gz 257 4656 Mar 19 2023 21:33:48.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_R0-0.20872_1.20230319183347.bin.gz 258 14642 Mar 19 2023 21:33:51.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_5.20230319183336.bin.gz 259 859 Mar 19 2023 21:37:33.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_F0-0.12910_0.20230319183232.bin.gz 260 1639 Mar 19 2023 12:15:04.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6521_0.20230319091448.bin.gz 261 1637 Mar 19 2023 12:15:04.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6524_0.20230319091448.bin.gz 262 649 Mar 19 2023 12:15:04.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_switchover_R0-0.6839_0.20230319091451.bin.gz 263 789 Mar 19 2023 12:15:04.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/unified_rsync_udev_R0-0.9213_0.20230319091500.bin.gz 264 1243 Mar 19 2023 13:44:49.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_pmanlog_F0-0.17827_0.20230319104015.bin.gz 265 1243 Mar 19 2023 12:15:07.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_pmanlog_F0-0.12779_0.20230319091507.bin.gz 266 29577 Mar 19 2023 21:37:31.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.24735_0.20230319183730.bin.gz 267 1298 Mar 19 2023 12:15:31.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/run_ioxn_secure_dir_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.9450_0.20230319091501.bin.gz 268 625 Mar 19 2023 21:37:33.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_F0-0.17462_0.20230319183300.bin.gz 269 19196 Mar 19 2023 12:15:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_R0-0.18776_0.20230319091537.bin.gz 270 364 Mar 19 2023 13:40:56.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cfgwr_R0-0.25445_0.20230319104041.bin.gz 271 11278 Mar 19 2023 12:15:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_R0-0.7007_0.20230319091454.bin.gz 272 1658 Mar 19 2023 12:15:59.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_R0-0.11608_0.20230319091505.bin.gz 273 29931 Mar 19 2023 13:44:48.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_1.20230319104447.bin.gz 274 29613 Mar 19 2023 13:44:48.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_0.20230319104445.bin.gz 275 24074 Mar 19 2023 13:44:49.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_2.20230319104448.bin.gz 276 29975 Mar 19 2023 13:44:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_4.20230319104450.bin.gz 277 1364 Mar 19 2023 12:16:01.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/droputil_R0-0.4325_1.20230319091531.bin.gz 278 8983 Mar 19 2023 23:49:32.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_8.20230319184959.bin.gz 279 4744 Mar 19 2023 12:16:23.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_R0-0.21010_1.20230319091622.bin.gz 280 30195 Mar 19 2023 21:37:33.0000000000 +00:00 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tracelogs/fed_F0-0.12538_0.20230319091510.bin.gz 290 1408 Mar 19 2023 13:00:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/epc_ws_liaison_pmanlog_F0-0.14006_0.20230319091522.bin.gz 291 1221 Mar 19 2023 21:37:34.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_image_pmanlog_F0-0.18211_0.20230319183301.bin.gz 292 2210 Mar 19 2023 13:59:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pkg_summary_R0-0.28031_0.20230319105638.bin.gz 293 52221 Mar 19 2023 21:37:35.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.24735_5.20230319183735.bin.gz 294 11068 Mar 19 2023 21:48:36.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_6.20230319183351.bin.gz 295 1293 Mar 19 2023 15:07:31.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/droputil_R0-0.4307_1.20230319104014.bin.gz 296 6389 Mar 19 2023 21:37:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_31.20230319183737.bin.gz 297 35261 Mar 19 2023 13:44:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_3.20230319104449.bin.gz 298 1557 Mar 19 2023 13:00:14.0000000000 +00:00 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tracelogs/issu_stack_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.9160_0.20230319091500.bin.gz 317 2929 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sec_key_agent_R0-0.9140_0.20230319091500.bin.gz 318 2651 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/ncd_R0-0.9408_0.20230319091501.bin.gz 319 2017 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/hman_pmanlog_R0-0.9693_0.20230319091501.bin.gz 320 3061 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/hman_R0-0.9850_0.20230319091502.bin.gz 321 1651 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_stack_R0-0.9927_0.20230319091502.bin.gz 322 1396 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bt_logger_pmanlog_R0-0.10021_0.20230319091502.bin.gz 323 2065 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_R0-0.10249_0.20230319091502.bin.gz 324 1829 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bt_logger_R0-0.10198_0.20230319091503.bin.gz 325 10902 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/platform_mgr_R0-0.8440_0.20230319091503.bin.gz 326 371 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_server_R0-0.10624_0.20230319091503.bin.gz 327 1413 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_server_pmanlog_R0-0.10447_0.20230319091503.bin.gz 328 10238 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_R0-0.10431_0.20230319091503.bin.gz 329 1469 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/periodic_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.11142_0.20230319091504.bin.gz 330 1408 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sort_files_by_inode_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10905_0.20230319091504.bin.gz 331 473 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/periodic_R0-0.11948_0.20230319091506.bin.gz 332 6680 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_rotate_immediate_R0-0.2839_0.20230319100016.bin.gz 333 1299 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tamd_proc_pmanlog_R0-0.13407_0.20230319091520.bin.gz 334 641 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tam_svcs_ngxk_cfg_R0-0.13395_0.20230319091520.bin.gz 335 1302 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_pmanlog_R0-0.13557_0.20230319091521.bin.gz 336 4568 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_R0-0.18776_1.20230319091538.bin.gz 337 1081 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tamd_proc_R0-0.13526_0.20230319091521.bin.gz 338 1361 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sessmgrd_pmanlog_R0-0.17719_0.20230319091536.bin.gz 339 12879 Mar 19 2023 21:49:59.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_7.20230319184836.bin.gz 340 1872 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/repm_pmanlog_R0-0.18165_0.20230319091536.bin.gz 341 1573 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_pmanlog_R0-0.18550_0.20230319091537.bin.gz 342 1590 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tms_pmanlog_R0-0.18884_0.20230319091538.bin.gz 343 2605 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_rp_pmanlog_R0-0.19307_0.20230319091539.bin.gz 344 1576 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/dbm_pmanlog_R0-0.19587_0.20230319091540.bin.gz 345 1665 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cmm_pmanlog_R0-0.19807_0.20230319091540.bin.gz 346 2052 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cli_agent_pmanlog_R0-0.20029_0.20230319091541.bin.gz 347 7640 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smd_R0-0.18038_0.20230319091541.bin.gz 348 1476 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psd_pmanlog_R0-0.20403_0.20230319091542.bin.gz 349 1674 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_pmanlog_R0-0.20779_0.20230319091543.bin.gz 350 7477 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_R0-0.7007_1.20230319091545.bin.gz 351 2119 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pubd_pmanlog_R0-0.23520_0.20230319091552.bin.gz 352 1636 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pttcd_pmanlog_R0-0.23672_0.20230319091552.bin.gz 353 605 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_R0-0.11608_1.20230319091558.bin.gz 354 747 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/droputil_R0-0.4325_2.20230319091601.bin.gz 355 490 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_R0-0.13630_1.20230319100014.bin.gz 356 26281 Mar 19 2023 21:37:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.24735_7.20230319183736.bin.gz 357 738 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10660_2.20230319100014.bin.gz 358 1906 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10660_1.20230319091505.bin.gz 359 1490 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/stack_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.7622_0.20230319091456.bin.gz 360 5357 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/stack_mgr_R0-0.7799_0.20230319091457.bin.gz 361 2811 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/repm_R0-0.18488_0.20230319091537.bin.gz 362 2902 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tms_R0-0.19043_0.20230319091538.bin.gz 363 1301 Mar 19 2023 13:00:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cmm_R0-0.20024_0.20230319091541.bin.gz 364 3393 Mar 19 2023 13:00:17.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_rp_R0-0.19454_0.20230319091541.bin.gz 365 5065 Mar 19 2023 13:00:17.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/dbm_R0-0.19761_0.20230319091541.bin.gz 366 4388 Mar 19 2023 13:00:17.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cli_agent_R0-0.20179_0.20230319091542.bin.gz 367 2258 Mar 19 2023 13:00:17.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psd_R0-0.20563_0.20230319091543.bin.gz 368 781 Mar 19 2023 13:00:17.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pttcd_R0-0.23742_0.20230319091553.bin.gz 369 4280 Mar 19 2023 13:00:17.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pubd_R0-0.23638_0.20230319091554.bin.gz 370 4377 Mar 19 2023 13:00:17.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_R0-0.21010_2.20230319091623.bin.gz 371 6826 Mar 20 2023 04:51:32.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_9.20230319204932.bin.gz 372 1697 Mar 19 2023 13:00:17.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_R0-0.13630_0.20230319091521.bin.gz 373 930 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/install_engine_R0-0.1527_0.20230319100138.bin.gz 374 1144 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_boottime_R0-0.4644_0.20230319100148.bin.gz 375 730 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tdl_boottime_R0-0.4667_0.20230319100148.bin.gz 376 1633 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.4887_0.20230319100148.bin.gz 377 356 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_publish_retrieve_sw_sets_R0-0.4970_0.20230319100149.bin.gz 378 356 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_rollback_timer_R0-0.5904_0.20230319100151.bin.gz 379 512 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_check_R0-0.6254_0.20230319100153.bin.gz 380 1646 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6416_0.20230319100154.bin.gz 381 1656 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6417_0.20230319100154.bin.gz 382 1622 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6418_0.20230319100154.bin.gz 383 1640 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6423_0.20230319100154.bin.gz 384 1640 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6426_0.20230319100154.bin.gz 385 591 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_switchover_R0-0.6757_0.20230319100157.bin.gz 386 759 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/unified_rsync_udev_R0-0.9174_0.20230319100206.bin.gz 387 1582 Mar 19 2023 13:02:11.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10713_0.20230319100210.bin.gz 388 1207 Mar 19 2023 13:02:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_pmanlog_F0-0.12709_0.20230319100213.bin.gz 389 1271 Mar 19 2023 13:03:08.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/run_ioxn_secure_dir_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.9466_0.20230319100207.bin.gz 390 790 Mar 19 2023 13:04:34.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/reflector_R0-0.4302_1.20230319100308.bin.gz 391 7385 Mar 20 2023 08:47:13.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_67.20230320053712.bin.gz 392 9243 Mar 19 2023 13:05:06.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/platform_mgr_R0-0.8414_0.20230319100209.bin.gz 393 794 Mar 19 2023 13:06:00.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/reflector_R0-0.4302_2.20230319100434.bin.gz 394 6256 Mar 19 2023 21:37:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_32.20230319183738.bin.gz 395 12976 Mar 19 2023 21:42:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.24735_9.20230319183739.bin.gz 396 851 Mar 19 2023 13:07:13.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_F0-0.13069_0.20230319100214.bin.gz 397 28448 Mar 19 2023 13:44:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_6.20230319104451.bin.gz 398 6433 Mar 19 2023 21:42:33.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_37.20230319183739.bin.gz 399 5364 Mar 19 2023 13:37:48.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/stack_mgr_R0-0.7738_0.20230319100203.bin.gz 400 12563 Mar 19 2023 13:37:48.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/linux_iosd_image_pmanlog_R0-0.7304_0.20230319100201.bin.gz 401 7753 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_F0-0.19528_0.20230319100721.bin.gz 402 2201 Mar 19 2023 21:49:59.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pkg_summary_R0-0.26866_0.20230319184934.bin.gz 403 7497 Mar 20 2023 09:07:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_69.20230320055714.bin.gz 404 7550 Mar 20 2023 09:17:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_70.20230320060714.bin.gz 405 1547 Mar 19 2023 13:07:19.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/droputil_R0-0.4281_0.20230319100146.bin.gz 406 19192 Mar 19 2023 13:07:27.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_R0-0.22231_0.20230319100727.bin.gz 407 1331 Mar 19 2023 13:07:28.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_R0-0.11777_0.20230319100212.bin.gz 408 8397 Mar 20 2023 09:17:32.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/IOSRP_R0-0.7590_10.20230320015132.bin.gz 409 1885 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_pmanlog_F0-0.11986_0.20230319100212.bin.gz 410 7555 Mar 20 2023 09:37:15.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_72.20230320062716.bin.gz 411 35618 Mar 19 2023 21:37:34.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.24735_3.20230319183733.bin.gz 412 28654 Mar 19 2023 21:37:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.24735_6.20230319183735.bin.gz 413 7580 Mar 20 2023 09:47:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_73.20230320063715.bin.gz 414 5299 Mar 19 2023 13:08:05.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_R0-0.21776_0.20230319100726.bin.gz 415 4668 Mar 19 2023 13:08:06.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_R0-0.21776_1.20230319100805.bin.gz 416 1306 Mar 19 2023 13:09:56.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/droputil_R0-0.4281_1.20230319100719.bin.gz 417 16527 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fed_F0-0.12314_0.20230319100216.bin.gz 418 1538 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/nif_mgr_R0-0.8168_0.20230319100204.bin.gz 419 1300 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/epc_ws_liaison_pmanlog_F0-0.14998_0.20230319100707.bin.gz 420 1532 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/epc_ws_liaison_F0-0.15163_0.20230319100707.bin.gz 421 2020 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_fp_image_pmanlog_F0-0.19247_0.20230319100720.bin.gz 422 1596 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/rdope_sh_pmanlog_F0-0.23829_0.20230319100732.bin.gz 423 7279 Mar 19 2023 21:37:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_33.20230319183738.bin.gz 424 2129 Mar 19 2023 13:37:50.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_rotate_immediate_F0-0.2582_0.20230319103750.bin.gz 425 326 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_rollback_timer_R0-0.6721_0.20230319100156.bin.gz 426 1469 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/stack_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.7560_0.20230319100202.bin.gz 427 1539 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sif_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.7788_0.20230319100202.bin.gz 428 1312 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/nif_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.8013_0.20230319100203.bin.gz 429 1549 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/platform_mgr_pmanlog_R0-0.8242_0.20230319100203.bin.gz 430 1363 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/keyman_pmanlog_R0-0.8920_0.20230319100205.bin.gz 431 1601 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/lman_pmanlog_R0-0.8699_0.20230319100205.bin.gz 432 6066 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sif_mgr_R0-0.7959_0.20230319100206.bin.gz 433 2142 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/lman_R0-0.8903_0.20230319100206.bin.gz 434 1365 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bt_logger_pmanlog_R0-0.10051_0.20230319100208.bin.gz 435 59471 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sec_key_agent_R0-0.9060_0.20230319100206.bin.gz 436 2564 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/ncd_R0-0.9333_0.20230319100206.bin.gz 437 2378 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_stack_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.9185_0.20230319100206.bin.gz 438 1961 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/hman_pmanlog_R0-0.9706_0.20230319100207.bin.gz 439 1581 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_stack_R0-0.9899_0.20230319100208.bin.gz 440 4929 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/hman_R0-0.9873_0.20230319100208.bin.gz 441 340 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_server_R0-0.10693_0.20230319100210.bin.gz 442 2024 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_pmanlog_R0-0.10274_0.20230319100209.bin.gz 443 15163 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_R0-0.10464_0.20230319100210.bin.gz 444 1374 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_server_pmanlog_R0-0.10495_0.20230319100209.bin.gz 445 5328 Mar 19 2023 13:40:56.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_R0-0.19120_0.20230319104017.bin.gz 446 1377 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sort_files_by_inode_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10965_0.20230319100210.bin.gz 447 1374 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/periodic_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.11272_0.20230319100211.bin.gz 448 329 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/periodic_R0-0.12351_0.20230319100213.bin.gz 449 7917 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/platform_mgr_R0-0.8414_1.20230319100506.bin.gz 450 1319 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tam_svcs_ngxk_cfg_pmanlog_R0-0.15785_0.20230319100710.bin.gz 451 1265 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tamd_proc_pmanlog_R0-0.16006_0.20230319100711.bin.gz 452 607 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tam_svcs_ngxk_cfg_R0-0.15976_0.20230319100711.bin.gz 453 1260 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_pmanlog_R0-0.16156_0.20230319100711.bin.gz 454 1135 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tamd_proc_R0-0.16128_0.20230319100711.bin.gz 455 784 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/reflector_R0-0.4302_4.20230319100715.bin.gz 456 1565 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/dbm_pmanlog_R0-0.20095_0.20230319100722.bin.gz 457 1553 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cmm_pmanlog_R0-0.20317_0.20230319100722.bin.gz 458 2047 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cli_agent_pmanlog_R0-0.20543_0.20230319100723.bin.gz 459 5136 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/dbm_R0-0.20277_0.20230319100723.bin.gz 460 1359 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psd_pmanlog_R0-0.21015_0.20230319100724.bin.gz 461 1327 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/sessmgrd_pmanlog_R0-0.21386_0.20230319100725.bin.gz 462 1646 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_pmanlog_R0-0.21620_0.20230319100726.bin.gz 463 1743 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/repm_pmanlog_R0-0.21855_0.20230319100726.bin.gz 464 1534 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_pmanlog_R0-0.22083_0.20230319100727.bin.gz 465 1554 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tms_pmanlog_R0-0.22300_0.20230319100727.bin.gz 466 1026 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_R0-0.11777_1.20230319100728.bin.gz 467 2569 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_rp_pmanlog_R0-0.22843_0.20230319100729.bin.gz 468 6406 Mar 19 2023 13:37:52.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_R0-0.6921_1.20230319100733.bin.gz 469 2088 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pubd_pmanlog_R0-0.25436_0.20230319100737.bin.gz 470 1599 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pttcd_pmanlog_R0-0.25600_0.20230319100738.bin.gz 471 621 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/droputil_R0-0.4281_2.20230319100956.bin.gz 472 605 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bt_logger_R0-0.10217_1.20230319103747.bin.gz 473 436 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_R0-0.16227_1.20230319103747.bin.gz 474 698 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10713_2.20230319103748.bin.gz 475 1639 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.2593_0.20230319103751.bin.gz 476 1647 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.2598_0.20230319103751.bin.gz 477 6784 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_rotate_immediate_R0-0.2684_0.20230319103752.bin.gz 478 1852 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10713_1.20230319100211.bin.gz 479 1265 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cmm_R0-0.20512_0.20230319100723.bin.gz 480 4330 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/cli_agent_R0-0.20710_0.20230319100723.bin.gz 481 2195 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/psd_R0-0.21177_0.20230319100724.bin.gz 482 2438 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/repm_R0-0.22060_0.20230319100727.bin.gz 483 4804 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_R0-0.22231_1.20230319100727.bin.gz 484 2776 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tms_R0-0.22456_0.20230319100728.bin.gz 485 7351 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smd_R0-0.21568_0.20230319100730.bin.gz 486 3381 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/fman_rp_R0-0.23007_0.20230319100731.bin.gz 487 748 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pttcd_R0-0.25670_0.20230319100738.bin.gz 488 3965 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pubd_R0-0.25556_0.20230319100740.bin.gz 489 4303 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_R0-0.21776_2.20230319100806.bin.gz 490 1566 Mar 19 2023 13:37:53.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tams_proc_R0-0.16227_0.20230319100712.bin.gz 491 934 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/install_engine_R0-0.1542_0.20230319103912.bin.gz 492 357 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/binos_R0-0.4617_0.20230319103921.bin.gz 493 1151 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/issu_boottime_R0-0.4657_0.20230319103921.bin.gz 494 734 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/tdl_boottime_R0-0.4682_0.20230319103921.bin.gz 495 1633 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.4901_0.20230319103922.bin.gz 496 358 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_publish_retrieve_sw_sets_R0-0.4991_0.20230319103922.bin.gz 497 357 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_rollback_timer_R0-0.5940_0.20230319103925.bin.gz 498 513 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_check_R0-0.6241_0.20230319103927.bin.gz 499 1645 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6429_0.20230319103928.bin.gz 500 1653 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6430_0.20230319103928.bin.gz 501 1618 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6431_0.20230319103928.bin.gz 502 1640 Mar 19 2023 13:39:43.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6436_0.20230319103928.bin.gz 503 1638 Mar 19 2023 13:39:44.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.6439_0.20230319103928.bin.gz 504 582 Mar 19 2023 13:39:44.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_switchover_R0-0.6769_0.20230319103931.bin.gz 505 754 Mar 19 2023 13:39:44.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/unified_rsync_udev_R0-0.9218_0.20230319103940.bin.gz 506 1596 Mar 19 2023 13:39:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/auto_upgrade_client_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.10726_0.20230319103943.bin.gz 507 1269 Mar 19 2023 13:40:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/run_ioxn_secure_dir_sh_pmanlog_R0-0.9474_0.20230319103940.bin.gz 508 1545 Mar 19 2023 13:40:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/droputil_R0-0.4307_0.20230319103920.bin.gz 509 19497 Mar 19 2023 13:40:18.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/plogd_R0-0.19655_0.20230319104018.bin.gz 510 1304 Mar 19 2023 13:40:19.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/reflector_R0-0.4315_0.20230319103920.bin.gz 511 11290 Mar 19 2023 13:40:26.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/pvp_R0-0.6932_0.20230319103933.bin.gz 512 4633 Mar 19 2023 13:40:57.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/smand_R0-0.19120_1.20230319104056.bin.gz 513 7200 Mar 19 2023 21:37:38.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_34.20230319183738.bin.gz 514 1419 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/in_telnetd_R0-0.23341_0.20230319134649.bin.gz 515 1548 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/brelay_R0-0.23454_0.20230319134650.bin.gz 516 1055 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_packtool_R0-0.24259_0.20230319134656.bin.gz 517 1550 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/brelay_R0-0.24197_0.20230319134655.bin.gz 518 7359 Mar 19 2023 21:37:39.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_35.20230319183738.bin.gz 519 26591 Mar 19 2023 21:37:39.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.24735_8.20230319183738.bin.gz 520 8065 Mar 19 2023 21:37:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_28.20230319183736.bin.gz 521 780 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_packtool_R0-0.23896_0.20230319134653.bin.gz 522 51325 Mar 19 2023 13:44:51.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_R0-0.26005_5.20230319104450.bin.gz 523 1660 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/flashutil_R0-0.27771_0.20230319134913.bin.gz 524 1548 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/brelay_R0-0.25365_0.20230319134841.bin.gz 525 6517 Mar 19 2023 21:37:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_29.20230319183737.bin.gz 526 4702 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_provision_R0-0.25433_0.20230319134842.bin.gz 527 519 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_check_R0-0.27471_0.20230319134902.bin.gz 528 533 Mar 19 2023 16:49:45.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/inst_issu_check_R0-0.27613_0.20230319134903.bin.gz 529 6726 Mar 19 2023 21:37:37.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_30.20230319183737.bin.gz 530 7364 Mar 19 2023 21:37:39.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/create_luid_file_db_F0-0.24901_36.20230319183739.bin.gz 531 1405 Mar 20 2023 10:06:36.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/unified_rsync_udev_R0-0.17274_0.20230320070556.bin.gz 532 1406 Mar 20 2023 10:06:36.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/unified_rsync_udev_R0-0.17368_0.20230320070558.bin.gz 533 7550 Mar 20 2023 08:57:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_68.20230320054713.bin.gz 534 7420 Mar 20 2023 09:57:17.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_74.20230320064716.bin.gz 535 7490 Mar 20 2023 08:27:14.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_65.20230320051712.bin.gz 536 7465 Mar 20 2023 09:27:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_71.20230320061714.bin.gz 537 1404 Mar 20 2023 10:06:36.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/unified_rsync_udev_R0-0.17463_0.20230320070559.bin.gz 538 7729 Mar 20 2023 10:07:16.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/btman_F0-0.12776_75.20230320065717.bin.gz 539 1101 Mar 20 2023 10:07:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/bshell_R0-0.17654_0.20230320070637.bin.gz 540 962 Mar 20 2023 10:07:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/install_show_R0-0.17813_0.20230320070652.bin.gz 541 662 Mar 20 2023 10:07:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/brelay_R0-0.18071_0.20230320070653.bin.gz 542 517 Mar 20 2023 10:07:30.0000000000 +00:00 tracelogs/install_show_R0-0.18140_0.20230320070655.bin.gz 543 0 Dec 07 2019 05:17:21.0000000000 +00:00 koops.dat 544 1024 May 21 2020 12:43:21.0000000000 +00:00 ap_crash 545 1024 Mar 19 2023 21:33:37.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog 546 6518 Mar 31 2021 13:56:00.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog/SAEventRegular20201006_111735.log 547 20811 Oct 09 2022 10:30:26.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog/SAEventRegular20210331_145039.log 548 4785 Mar 19 2023 11:35:43.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog/SAEventRegular20221009_111442.log 549 2590 Mar 19 2023 12:12:04.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog/SAEventRegular20230319_113935.log 550 2590 Mar 19 2023 12:59:07.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog/SAEventRegular20230319_121601.log 551 2133 Mar 19 2023 13:11:00.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog/SAEventRegular20230319_130746.log 552 2446 Mar 19 2023 16:53:02.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog/SAEventRegular20230319_134041.log 553 2692 Mar 19 2023 18:29:33.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog/SAEventRegular20230319_170216.log 554 2539 Mar 19 2023 21:35:47.0000000000 +00:00 license_evlog/SAEventRegular20230319_213337.log 555 39302793 Mar 19 2023 21:30:14.0000000000 +00:00 system-report_1_20230319-213011-KSA.tar.gz 193162240 bytes available (42370048 bytes used) Filesystem: crashinfo Filesystem Path: /mnt/sd1 Filesystem Type: ext2 Mounted: Read/Write ------------------ show flash: all ------------------ -#- --length-- ---------date/time--------- path 2 2097152 Mar 19 2023 21:33:42.0000000000 +00:00 nvram_config 3 2097152 Mar 19 2023 21:33:42.0000000000 +00:00 nvram_config_bkup 4 76 Mar 19 2023 21:32:16.0000000000 +00:00 boothelper.log 5 4096 Mar 20 2023 10:06:33.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support 6 15305 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/igmp-snooping.tcl 7 1612 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/igmpsn_dump.tcl 8 13515 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/mld-snooping.tcl 9 1612 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/mldsn_dump.tcl 10 15241 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/multicast.tcl 11 6284 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/multicast_dump.tcl 12 6718 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/multicast_ipv6.tcl 13 1365 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/platform-fabric-iid-ethernet.tcl 14 2107 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/platform-fabric-iid-ipv4.tcl 15 2109 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/platform-fabric-iid-ipv6.tcl 16 2729 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/platform-fabric-vrf-ipv4.tcl 17 2757 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/platform-fabric-vrf-ipv6.tcl 18 52402 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/platform-fabric-vrf-source.tcl 19 612 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/platform-fabric.tcl 20 1548 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/platform_evpn_vxlan.tcl 21 21852 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/port.tcl 22 3270 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/port_dump.tcl 23 7317 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/port_utils.tcl 24 15655 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/stack.tcl 25 4938 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/stackwise-virtual.tcl 26 38541 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/unicast.tcl 27 12653 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/unicast_dump.tcl 28 5162 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/unicast_ipv6.tcl 29 2864 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/unicast_ipv6_dump.tcl 30 336 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 tech_support/utils.tcl 31 66 Mar 19 2023 16:56:57.0000000000 +00:00 boothelper.old 32 4096 Oct 06 2020 11:24:43.0000000000 +00:00 .dbpersist 33 4096 Mar 19 2023 18:29:33.0000000000 +00:00 .dbpersist/DMI_STATE_DB 34 14942 Mar 19 2023 18:29:33.0000000000 +00:00 .dbpersist/DMI_STATE_DB/DMI_STATE_DB 35 86 Mar 19 2023 21:33:02.0000000000 +00:00 .dbpersist/DMI_STATE_DB/DMI_STATE_DB.meta 36 3748 Mar 19 2023 21:33:02.0000000000 +00:00 .dbpersist/stats 37 4096 Oct 06 2020 11:17:32.0000000000 +00:00 onep 38 4096 Oct 06 2020 11:17:32.0000000000 +00:00 onep/apps-cli 39 20097664 Oct 06 2020 11:00:28.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.12.01.SPA.pkg 40 34200944 Oct 06 2020 11:00:34.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-rpbase.16.12.01.SPA.pkg 41 141 Mar 31 2021 13:03:47.0000000000 +00:00 topnmemuse 42 4780 Mar 19 2023 16:49:03.0000000000 +00:00 packages.conf 43 4096 Mar 19 2023 21:32:03.0000000000 +00:00 .installer 44 4096 Oct 06 2020 11:08:36.0000000000 +00:00 .installer/issu_crash 45 1406 Mar 19 2023 21:32:05.0000000000 +00:00 bootloader_evt_handle.log 46 4096 Mar 19 2023 21:30:14.0000000000 +00:00 core 47 4096 Mar 19 2023 16:56:37.0000000000 +00:00 core/modules 48 1 Mar 20 2023 10:03:42.0000000000 +00:00 core/.callhome 49 4096 Mar 19 2023 21:33:24.0000000000 +00:00 .prst_sync 50 395 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 .prst_sync/log 51 63 Mar 19 2023 21:33:40.0000000000 +00:00 .prst_sync/reload_history 52 4096 Dec 07 2019 04:58:19.0000000000 +00:00 .rollback_timer 53 4096 Dec 07 2019 04:58:24.0000000000 +00:00 gs_script 54 4096 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 dc_profile_dir 55 281129 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 dc_profile_dir/dc_default_profiles.txt 56 281129 Mar 19 2023 16:56:40.0000000000 +00:00 dc_profile_dir/dc_default_profiles.txt.bkp 57 410435 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 dc_profile_dir/dc_embedded_profiles.txt 58 410435 Mar 19 2023 21:32:13.0000000000 +00:00 dc_profile_dir/dc_embedded_profiles.txt.bkp 59 132108 Mar 19 2023 21:32:30.0000000000 +00:00 memleak.tcl 60 35 May 21 2020 11:38:14.0000000000 +00:00 pnp-tech-time 61 63013 May 21 2020 11:38:19.0000000000 +00:00 pnp-tech-discovery-summary 62 0 Mar 19 2023 21:33:11.0000000000 +00:00 rdope_out.txt 63 616 Mar 19 2023 21:33:36.0000000000 +00:00 vlan.dat 64 397847160 Oct 06 2020 11:00:30.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.01.SPA.pkg 65 545 Mar 19 2023 21:33:25.0000000000 +00:00 rdope.log 66 478264314 Mar 19 2023 15:31:37.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.01.SPA.bin 67 20097668 Mar 19 2023 16:46:57.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.12.07.SPA.pkg 68 3283584 Oct 06 2020 11:00:32.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-srdriver.16.12.01.SPA.pkg 69 32795564 Mar 19 2023 16:47:13.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-rpbase.16.12.07.SPA.pkg 70 400857724 Mar 19 2023 16:47:09.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg 71 3414660 Mar 19 2023 16:47:13.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-srdriver.16.12.07.SPA.pkg 72 22829692 Oct 06 2020 11:00:32.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-webui.16.12.01.SPA.pkg 73 4780 Mar 19 2023 16:48:35.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.07.SPA.conf 74 23018112 Mar 19 2023 16:47:13.0000000000 +00:00 cat3k_caa-webui.16.12.07.SPA.pkg 75 4777 Mar 19 2023 16:49:03.0000000000 +00:00 packages.conf.00- 92712960 bytes available (1446862848 bytes used) Filesystem: flash Filesystem Path: /mnt/sd3/user Filesystem Type: ext2 Mounted: Read/Write ------------------ show webui: all ------------------ -#- --length-- ---------date/time--------- path 2 1255 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2030007900 +00:00 wirelessVersion.odm 3 2622 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2030007900 +00:00 webauthname.odm 4 863 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2020007900 +00:00 vtp.odm 5 559 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2020007900 +00:00 vlanGrp.odm 6 518 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2020007900 +00:00 vlanDetail.odm 7 1077 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2020007900 +00:00 version.odm 8 820 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2020007900 +00:00 userNew.odm 9 1399 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2020007900 +00:00 userCreation.odm 10 1197 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2020007900 +00:00 userAAA.odm 11 871 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2020007900 +00:00 user.odm 12 824 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2010007900 +00:00 switchportMode.odm 13 750 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2010007900 +00:00 switchoverRedundancy.odm 14 671 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2010007900 +00:00 switchStackMode.odm 15 731 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2010007900 +00:00 stpMonitoringrstp.odm 16 532 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2010007900 +00:00 stpMonitoringMstDetail.odm 17 755 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2010007900 +00:00 stpMonitoringMst.odm 18 690 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2010007900 +00:00 stpMonitoring.odm 19 1912 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2010007900 +00:00 span.odm 20 692 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2000007900 +00:00 snmpUserGroup.odm 21 837 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2000007900 +00:00 snmp.odm 22 545 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2000007900 +00:00 smartLicenseProductInfo.odm 23 1953 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2000007900 +00:00 smartLicense.odm 24 531 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2000007900 +00:00 shwQOSPolicy.odm 25 920 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2000007900 +00:00 shwAclInterface.odm 26 694 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2000007900 +00:00 shwAcl.odm 27 2687 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.2000007900 +00:00 showtengigIntf.odm 28 2278 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1990007900 +00:00 showmgmtIntf.odm 29 1581 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1990007900 +00:00 showloopbackIntf.odm 30 863 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1990007900 +00:00 showl3mgid.odm 31 869 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1990007900 +00:00 showipv6interface.odm 32 751 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1990007900 +00:00 showipbriefdet.odm 33 798 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1990007900 +00:00 showWlanSummary.odm 34 573 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1990007900 +00:00 showWlanDetails.odm 35 690 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1990007900 +00:00 showWirelessSiteTagSummary.odm 36 612 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1980007900 +00:00 showWirelessInterface.odm 37 524 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1980007900 +00:00 showWirelessCountry.odm 38 495 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1980007900 +00:00 showWebAuth.odm 39 601 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1980007900 +00:00 showVrfNtp.odm 40 490 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1980007900 +00:00 showVrfNames.odm 41 388 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1980007900 +00:00 showVrf.odm 42 496 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1980007900 +00:00 showVlanGroup.odm 43 520 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1980007900 +00:00 showVlanBrief.odm 44 490 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1970007900 +00:00 showVRFByProtocols.odm 45 387 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1970007900 +00:00 showTemplate.odm 46 439 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1970007900 +00:00 showSwitchDetails.odm 47 1006 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1970007900 +00:00 showSwitchDetail.odm 48 437 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1970007900 +00:00 showSwitch.odm 49 803 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1970007900 +00:00 showStormcontrol.odm 50 2141 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1970007900 +00:00 showStaticServiceDetails.odm 51 490 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1970007900 +00:00 showStackwiseVirtualNeighbor.odm 52 568 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1960007900 +00:00 showStackwiseVirtualLink.odm 53 726 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1960007900 +00:00 showStackwiseVirtualDual.odm 54 1002 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1960007900 +00:00 showStackwiseVirtual.odm 55 856 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1960007900 +00:00 showServicePolicyDetails.odm 56 1723 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1960007900 +00:00 showServiceListDetails.odm 57 1600 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1960007900 +00:00 showServiceDefinitionDetails.odm 58 541 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1960007900 +00:00 showRaguardDetail.odm 59 1816 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1950007900 +00:00 showQoS.odm 60 878 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1950007900 +00:00 showProcessMemoryGraph.odm 61 936 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1950007900 +00:00 showProcessMemory.odm 62 1870 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1950007900 +00:00 showProcessCPUGraph.odm 63 1056 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1950007900 +00:00 showProcessCPU.odm 64 3820 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1950007900 +00:00 showPorts.odm 65 530 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1950007900 +00:00 showPolicyNames.odm 66 626 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1950007900 +00:00 showPolicyMapControl.odm 67 738 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1940007900 +00:00 showPlatformCondition.odm 68 981 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1940007900 +00:00 showPlatform.odm 69 4386 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1940007900 +00:00 showPdelayPortDetails.odm 70 3849 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1940007900 +00:00 showParticularIntfDetail.odm 71 1769 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1920007900 +00:00 showPTPPortDetails.odm 72 528 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1920007900 +00:00 showPTPDelayPortDetails.odm 73 574 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1910007900 +00:00 showPPPOESession.odm 74 499 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1910007900 +00:00 showNtp.odm 75 1753 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1910007900 +00:00 showMvrpInterface.odm 76 1069 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1910007900 +00:00 showMulticast.odm 77 880 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1910007900 +00:00 showModuleDetail.odm 78 2690 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1910007900 +00:00 showMethodListNames.odm 79 788 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1910007900 +00:00 showMemoryDetails.odm 80 513 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1900007900 +00:00 showMemoryCritical.odm 81 1015 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1900007900 +00:00 showMemory.odm 82 589 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1900007900 +00:00 showMdnsMasterServiceListDetails.odm 83 2383 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1900007900 +00:00 showMdnsInterfaceDetails.odm 84 772 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1900007900 +00:00 showMdnsGlobalConfDetails.odm 85 1522 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1900007900 +00:00 showMSRPStreamDetails.odm 86 1672 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1900007900 +00:00 showMSRPPortDetails.odm 87 679 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1900007900 +00:00 showMSRPPortBandwidth.odm 88 7578 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1890007900 +00:00 showMSRPInterfaceDetail.odm 89 858 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1890007900 +00:00 showMLDl3mgid.odm 90 1078 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1890007900 +00:00 showMLDMulticast.odm 91 1043 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1890007900 +00:00 showLocalPolicyMapDetail.odm 92 620 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1890007900 +00:00 showLocalPoliciesUser.odm 93 607 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1890007900 +00:00 showLocalPoliciesPolicyMap.odm 94 966 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1880007900 +00:00 showLocalPoliciesDetail.odm 95 630 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1880007900 +00:00 showLocalPolicies.odm 96 694 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1880007900 +00:00 showLicenseUsage.odm 97 649 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1880007900 +00:00 showLicenseRightToUse.odm 98 692 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1880007900 +00:00 showLicenseApCount.odm 99 733 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1880007900 +00:00 showLicense.odm 100 2088 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1880007900 +00:00 showIssuStateDetail.odm 101 787 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1880007900 +00:00 showInterfaces.odm 102 657 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1870007900 +00:00 showInterfaceSummary.odm 103 500 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1870007900 +00:00 showInterfaceDescription.odm 104 630 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1870007900 +00:00 showInterfaceCounters.odm 105 945 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1870007900 +00:00 showIntStatusSVL.odm 106 881 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1870007900 +00:00 showIntStatusNoDesc.odm 107 960 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1870007900 +00:00 showIntStatus.odm 108 762 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1870007900 +00:00 showInstallSummary.odm 109 586 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1870007900 +00:00 showInstallRollback.odm 110 1334 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1860007900 +00:00 showInstallPackage.odm 111 567 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1860007900 +00:00 showEtherchannelSummary.odm 112 594 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1860007900 +00:00 showEtherChannel.odm 113 774 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1860007900 +00:00 showEigrp.odm 114 992 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1860007900 +00:00 showEapProfiles.odm 115 1058 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1860007900 +00:00 showEapFastProfile.odm 116 481 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1860007900 +00:00 showDeviceClassifier.odm 117 442 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1850007900 +00:00 showClock.odm 118 936 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1850007900 +00:00 showClientSummaryDetail.odm 119 707 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1850007900 +00:00 showClientSummary.odm 120 1079 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1850007900 +00:00 showClassMap.odm 121 500 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1850007900 +00:00 showCallHomeVrf.odm 122 486 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1850007900 +00:00 showCallHomeProfilelist.odm 123 495 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1850007900 +00:00 showCallHomeProfileSyslog.odm 124 489 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1850007900 +00:00 showCallHomeProfileAlert.odm 125 1155 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1840007900 +00:00 showCallHomeProfile.odm 126 446 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1840007900 +00:00 showCallHomeMailServer.odm 127 2348 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1840007900 +00:00 showCallHomeGeneral.odm 128 1892 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1840007900 +00:00 showCPUUtilization.odm 129 896 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1840007900 +00:00 showAvcWlanLastIntData.odm 130 877 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1840007900 +00:00 showAvcWlanCumulativeData.odm 131 883 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1840007900 +00:00 showAvcDetailsForSSIDs.odm 132 932 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1840007900 +00:00 showAvcClientLastIntData.odm 133 910 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1830007900 +00:00 showAvcClientCumulativeData.odm 134 876 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1830007900 +00:00 showAvbDomainDetails.odm 135 697 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1830007900 +00:00 showApUptime.odm 136 3321 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1830007900 +00:00 showApUpgrade.odm 137 824 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1830007900 +00:00 showApSummary.odm 138 500 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1830007900 +00:00 showApStatus.odm 139 830 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1830007900 +00:00 showApImageSiteSummary.odm 140 1721 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1820007900 +00:00 showApImage.odm 141 863 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1820007900 +00:00 showAllVRF.odm 142 596 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1820007900 +00:00 showAclIpvSix.odm 143 681 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1820007900 +00:00 showAclIpv4Ipv6.odm 144 958 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1820007900 +00:00 showAVBStreamDetails.odm 145 640 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1820007900 +00:00 showAPConfigWlanData.odm 146 596 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1820007900 +00:00 showAPConfigPolicyProfileData.odm 147 472 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1820007900 +00:00 showAP5Summary.odm 148 474 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1810007900 +00:00 showAP24Summary.odm 149 4338 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1810007900 +00:00 showAAARadiusDetails.odm 150 720 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1810007900 +00:00 show5ghzApList.odm 151 722 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1810007900 +00:00 show24ghzApList.odm 152 513 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1810007900 +00:00 shMacroDescr.odm 153 724 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1810007900 +00:00 rogueStat.odm 154 2151 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1810007900 +00:00 redundancyState.odm 155 945 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1810007900 +00:00 portStatus.odm 156 481 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1800007890 +00:00 platformType.odm 157 601 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1800007890 +00:00 platform.odm 158 462 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1800007890 +00:00 optRoam.odm 159 716 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1800007890 +00:00 netconf.odm 160 1547 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1800007890 +00:00 multicast.odm 161 803 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1800007890 +00:00 monSwitch.odm 162 453 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1800007890 +00:00 mdnsSummary.odm 163 785 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1800007890 +00:00 managementInterface.odm 164 916 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1790007890 +00:00 mDNSServiceListQueries.odm 165 766 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1790007890 +00:00 lowRate_24ghz.odm 166 419 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1790007890 +00:00 listSubCategoryValues.odm 167 655 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1790007890 +00:00 listProtocolValues.odm 168 411 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1790007890 +00:00 listCategoryValues.odm 169 429 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1790007890 +00:00 listApplicationGroupValues.odm 170 597 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1790007890 +00:00 leastOutstanding.odm 171 506 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1790007890 +00:00 ldapAttributes.odm 172 2643 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1780007890 +00:00 ipv6StaticRoutesWithVrf.odm 173 2453 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1780007890 +00:00 ipv6StaticRoutes.odm 174 2031 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1780007890 +00:00 ipv4StaticRoutesWithVrf.odm 175 1866 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1780007890 +00:00 ipv4StaticRoutes.odm 176 20109 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1780007890 +00:00 ios_core.p7b 177 817 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1750007890 +00:00 inventory.odm 178 1030 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1750007890 +00:00 igmpStatus.odm 179 1622 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1750007890 +00:00 http.odm 180 951 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1750007890 +00:00 host.odm 181 831 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1750007890 +00:00 getWirelessProfileSummary.odm 182 1467 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1750007890 +00:00 getWirelessProfileAll.odm 183 822 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1750007890 +00:00 getSubInterfaceVlanInfo.odm 184 562 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1750007890 +00:00 getPoliciesWlan.odm 185 559 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1740007890 +00:00 getInterfaceIpAddress.odm 186 851 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1740007890 +00:00 general.odm 187 448 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1740007890 +00:00 fra.odm 188 502 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1740007890 +00:00 flowRecordNames.odm 189 507 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1740007890 +00:00 flowMonitorNames.odm 190 433 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1740007890 +00:00 flashFiles.odm 191 379 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1740007890 +00:00 fcsThreshold.odm 192 419 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1740007890 +00:00 eventEnvironemt.odm 193 763 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1730007890 +00:00 edca.odm 194 468 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1730007890 +00:00 dot1xGlobal.odm 195 532 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1730007890 +00:00 dirFlash.odm 196 1338 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1730007890 +00:00 dhcpipv6.odm 197 889 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1730007890 +00:00 dhcpUtilization.odm 198 1883 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1730007890 +00:00 dhcp.odm 199 544 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1730007890 +00:00 dgProcessWireless.odm 200 578 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1730007890 +00:00 dgProcessSMD.odm 201 578 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1720007890 +00:00 dgProcessIOSd.odm 202 609 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1720007890 +00:00 dgProcessFmanRP.odm 203 622 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1720007890 +00:00 dgProcessFmanFP.odm 204 578 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1720007890 +00:00 dgProcessFED.odm 205 574 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1720007890 +00:00 cryptoTrustPoints.odm 206 441 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1720007890 +00:00 cpuUtilization.odm 207 457 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1720007890 +00:00 coverageDetection_5ghz.odm 208 458 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1720007890 +00:00 coverageDetection.odm 209 899 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1710007890 +00:00 configSyslog.odm 210 789 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1710007890 +00:00 configDot115ghz.odm 211 790 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1710007890 +00:00 configDot1124ghz.odm 212 869 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1710007890 +00:00 community.odm 213 670 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1710007890 +00:00 cleanAir_5ghz.odm 214 671 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1710007890 +00:00 cleanAir_24ghz.odm 215 511 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1710007890 +00:00 checkCloud.odm 216 722 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1710007890 +00:00 channel_5ghz.odm 217 623 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1700007890 +00:00 channel_24ghz.odm 218 826 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1700007890 +00:00 certificate.odm 219 953 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1700007890 +00:00 cdpTraffic.odm 220 1444 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1700007890 +00:00 cdpNeighborDetail.odm 221 1853 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1700007890 +00:00 apclientCount.odm 222 753 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1700007890 +00:00 apAuthList.odm 223 3148 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1700007890 +00:00 ap360View.odm 224 1105 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1700007890 +00:00 alarmProfiles.odm 225 1555 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1690007890 +00:00 aaaforServers.odm 226 1883 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1690007890 +00:00 aaaPasswordPolicy.odm 227 750 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1690007890 +00:00 aaaForUsers.odm 228 1741 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1690007890 +00:00 aaaForTacacsServers.odm 229 965 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1690007890 +00:00 aaaForTacacServer.odm 230 601 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1690007890 +00:00 aaaForServer.odm 231 1426 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1690007890 +00:00 aaaForRadiusServers.odm 232 970 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1690007890 +00:00 aaaForRadiusGroup.odm 233 1679 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1680007890 +00:00 aaaForLdapServer.odm 234 694 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1680007890 +00:00 aaaForLdapGroup.odm 235 3730 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1680007890 +00:00 aaaForAuthorization.odm 236 2077 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1680007890 +00:00 aaaForAuthentication.odm 237 719 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1680007890 +00:00 aaaForAttributeList.odm 238 3742 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1680007890 +00:00 aaaForAccounting.odm 239 1581 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1680007890 +00:00 aaa.odm 240 462 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1680007890 +00:00 TPC_5ghz.odm 241 463 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1670007890 +00:00 TPC.odm 242 573 Mar 19 2023 21:32:07.1670007890 +00:00 IntVlan.odm 1934630912 bytes available (65548288 bytes used) Filesystem: webui Filesystem Path: /webui Filesystem Type: rootfs Mounted: Read/Write ------------------ dir nvram: ------------------ Directory of nvram:/ 2049 -rw- 18420 startup-config 2050 ---- 5674 private-config 2051 -rw- 18420 underlying-config 1 ---- 479 persistent-data 2 -rw- 17 ecfm_ieee_mib 3 -rw- 0 ifIndex-table 4 -rw- 3238 wireless_trap.eci 8 -rw- 178 ma_trap_keyword 9 ---- 4 private-KS1 10 -rw- 805 CiscoLicensi#1CA.cer 2097152 bytes total (2062766 bytes free) ------------------ show memory statistics ------------------ Tracekey : 1#553367939f11ff7794276752ee588130 Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b) Processor FF861BC010 813753120 259871180 553881940 551774176 553272748 reserve P FF861BC068 102404 92 102312 102312 102312 lsmpi_io FF853C81A8 6295128 6294304 824 824 412 Critical FF93ED28B8 1024004 92 1023912 1023912 1023912 ------------------ show process memory sorted ------------------ Processor Pool Total: 813753120 Used: 259914320 Free: 553838800 reserve P Pool Total: 102404 Used: 88 Free: 102316 lsmpi_io Pool Total: 6295128 Used: 6294296 Free: 832 Critical Pool Total: 1024004 Used: 88 Free: 1023916 PID TTY Allocated Freed Holding Getbufs Retbufs Process 0 0 260409176 48675632 186383112 0 0 *Init* 4 0 20562528 104856 20373680 0 0 RF Slave Main Th 81 0 36589456 2125032 11315296 0 0 IOSD ipc task 0 0 103409872 96265096 4684144 16090079 806988 *Dead* 426 0 4159944 128816 4088128 849828 0 EEM ED Syslog 443 0 1685000 78768 1651232 0 0 EEM Server 228 0 1248888 432 1317632 0 0 IP ARP Adjacency 382 0 2104704 992000 1114704 0 0 Crypto CA 313 0 934936 54560 948512 0 0 CEF: IPv4 proces 1 0 721952 0 766952 0 0 Chunk Manager 373 0 462760 896 514864 0 0 EST Client 0 0 0 0 461104 0 0 *MallocLite* 232 0 844416 361016 458984 0 0 mDNS 427 0 388144 5680 439464 72316 0 EEM ED Generic 142 0 400656 40464 429192 0 0 SAMsgThread 394 0 308048 488 376560 0 0 Crypto IKEv2 340 0 1824 0 262824 0 0 COPS 497 0 229560 1992 239888 0 0 ONEP Network Ele 356 0 192560 0 237560 0 0 mDNS snooping 480 0 167824 448 236376 0 0 MRIB Process 10 0 52494816 52640096 231320 50084748 50122972 Pool Manager 127 0 6428728 5355792 222416 0 0 IOSXE-RP Punt Se 102 0 98736 22000 215736 0 0 DBAL EVENTS 453 0 259400 96648 205912 0 0 Call Home proces 74 0 438392 21936 204232 0 0 Net Background 269 2 3662448 3620776 201848 0 0 SSH Process 264 0 146728 27456 188096 0 0 IP RIB Update 332 0 140408 0 185408 0 0 L2FIB Event Disp 503 0 51544 1752 168544 0 0 LICENSE AGENT 226 0 98736 0 167736 0 0 IPAM Manager 499 0 59224 15664 160392 0 0 HSRP Common 358 0 102832 0 147832 0 0 MMA DB TIMER 292 0 29520 448 146072 0 0 AN 37 0 43813016 43371032 145648 0 0 ARP Input 178 0 100608 0 145608 0 0 radius radsec cl 206 0 26864 0 143864 0 0 PKI_SSL LSC Enro 360 0 99192 448 143744 0 0 Timer Library 219 0 98736 0 143736 0 0 ACCT Periodic Pr 500 0 15160 6896 125432 0 0 HSRP IPv4 205 0 6912 0 123912 0 0 PKI/SSL IPC proc 266 0 70056 4480 122576 0 0 IP Connected Rou 476 0 0 0 120680 0 0 PnP-Monitor 192 0 3504 144 120504 0 0 SKA IPC process 437 0 5976 2984 119992 0 0 WSMAN Process 297 0 22344 19264 119440 0 0 HTTP CORE 175 0 51880 1584 119296 0 0 CWAN OIR Handler 180 0 2600 448 119152 0 0 Ethernet CFM 184 0 73984 0 118984 0 0 Switch Backup In 388 0 2104 1352 118672 0 0 TPS IPC Process 478 0 277688 228024 118664 0 0 VLAN Manager 221 0 0 0 118248 0 0 SEP_webui_wsma_h 235 0 0 0 118248 0 0 SEP_webui_wsma_h 220 0 0 0 117248 0 0 WSMA_NOTIFY 293 0 0 0 117000 0 0 AN HELPER 82 0 4640 4640 117000 0 0 IOSD chasfs task 185 0 448 448 117000 0 0 SNMP DBAL WRAPPE 338 0 448 448 117000 0 0 TLSCLIENT_PROCES 294 0 0 0 117000 0 0 AN CONFIG DOWNLO 492 0 55966040 49059008 117000 0 0 PDU DISPATCHER 403 0 0 0 117000 0 0 Crypto ACL 493 0 60792008 67699040 117000 0 0 SNMP ENGINE 410 0 448 880 117000 0 0 ASP Process Crea 400 0 44760 448 113312 0 0 Crypto IKMP 229 0 66064 0 111064 0 0 IP ARP Retry Age 171 0 53608 93568 104360 0 0 EEM ED ND 316 0 36024 7064 98128 0 0 CEF: IPv6 proces 68 0 237528 4088 95736 0 0 SACRcvWQ 442 0 27152 1016 95136 0 0 RBM CORE 489 0 20584 0 89584 0 0 ONEP Dispatch XD 284 0 40912 39208 84576 0 0 IGMPSN L2MCM 353 0 38912 448 83464 0 0 SCTP Main Proces 101 0 71608056 71570024 83032 0 0 Crimson flush tr 204 0 36976 0 81976 0 0 VRRS Main thread 378 0 11280 0 80280 0 0 AAA Proxy 383 0 9024 448 77576 0 0 Crypto PKI-CRL 66 0 148688 2712 76808 0 0 SASRcvWQ 2 0 43648 448 76200 0 0 Load Meter 259 0 28192 22800 75288 0 0 CEF background p 80 0 26336 19608 75080 0 0 SASRcvWQWrk1 370 0 4393600 4387384 74192 0 0 LOCAL AAA 498 0 135160 84736 73512 0 0 NTP 138 0 24456 17912 73392 0 0 SACRcvWQWrk2 67 0 38488 34272 73128 0 0 SACConnect 65 0 34296 30560 73056 0 0 SASConnect 140 0 1781336 1774712 72824 0 0 SASRcvWQWrk2 137 0 4344 2072 72768 0 0 SACRcvWQWrk1 473 0 42328 26600 72728 0 0 EEM ED CRASH 336 0 3704 0 72704 0 0 SISF Switcher Th 337 0 3704 0 72704 0 0 SISF Main Thread 63 0 37480 35920 72656 0 0 SAEventLog 139 0 4936 3944 72592 0 0 SACRcvWQWrk3 64 0 3536 0 72536 0 0 SAStorage 412 0 21232 5704 72528 0 0 EEM GED BINOS PR 387 0 3344 0 72344 0 0 pki_app 267 0 3152 0 72152 0 0 XOS async sync X 475 0 111024 108168 71856 0 0 Syslog 472 0 20352 5680 71672 0 0 EEM ED DS 456 0 16440 1808 71632 0 0 EEM Policy Direc 78 0 7888 5520 71368 0 0 CTS CORE 288 0 285256 73920 71248 0 0 TCP Protocols 79 0 2592 1408 71144 0 0 SXP CORE 372 0 2592 448 71144 0 0 TPLUS 385 0 2096 0 71096 0 0 PKI OCSP 367 0 2448 448 71000 0 0 LDAP process 196 0 14112 10240 70976 0 0 DTP Protocol 491 0 12767448 12765896 70552 0 0 IP SNMP 494 0 1936 448 70488 0 0 IP SNMPV6 458 0 45000 32384 70184 0 0 EEM ED CLI 496 0 120952 126328 69992 0 0 SNMP Traps 326 0 768 0 69768 0 0 MRIB RP Proxy 486 0 736 0 69736 0 0 ONEP Dispatch po 324 0 736 0 69736 0 0 ONEP Dispatch po 323 0 736 0 69736 0 0 ONEP Dispatch po 487 0 736 0 69736 0 0 ONEP Dispatch po 488 0 736 0 69736 0 0 ONEP Dispatch po 457 0 736 0 69736 0 0 ONEP Dispatch po 482 0 736 0 69736 0 0 ONEP Dispatch po 485 0 736 0 69736 0 0 ONEP Dispatch po 423 0 30232 5720 69536 0 0 DCM Core Thread 413 0 944 448 69496 0 0 AUTO DEPLOY PROC 318 0 768 312 69456 0 0 ADJ resolve proc 391 0 896 448 69448 0 0 MMON MENG 389 0 896 448 69448 0 0 MMON PROCESS 315 0 408 0 69408 0 0 Collection proce 322 0 408 0 69408 0 0 MFIB Master back 314 0 408 0 69408 0 0 ADJ background 208 0 408 0 69408 0 0 CEF switching ba 260 0 408 0 69408 0 0 fib_fib_bfd_sb e 402 0 7224 6600 69336 0 0 IPSEC key engine 479 0 86386344 86386192 69152 0 0 mdns Timer Proce 398 0 0 0 69112 0 0 Crypto INT 381 0 0 0 69000 0 0 RSA background p 54 0 0 0 69000 0 0 License IPC stat 230 0 0 0 69000 0 0 IP Input 276 0 448 592 69000 0 0 nbar-pp-monitor 165 0 0 0 69000 0 0 Thermal backgrou 255 0 0 0 69000 0 0 XDR receive 134 0 0 0 69000 0 0 Crypto PKI-HA 300 0 0 0 69000 0 0 MLD_SNOOP 384 0 0 0 69000 0 0 Crypto PKI-Rev-P 386 0 0 0 69000 0 0 PKI Revocation 55 0 0 0 69000 0 0 License IPC serv 275 0 448 2192 69000 0 0 nbar-sdavc-sched 396 0 0 0 69000 0 0 encrypt proc 306 0 448 1832 69000 0 0 Flow Exporter Ti 307 0 448 448 69000 0 0 Flow Exporter Pa 399 0 448 448 69000 0 0 Crypto IKE Dispa 438 0 0 0 69000 0 0 FNF background p 274 0 448 592 69000 0 0 nbar-auto-custom 359 0 0 0 69000 0 0 Opaque Database 147 0 0 0 69000 0 0 ACT2 Crypto Engi 75 0 1520 1520 69000 0 0 IDB Work 312 0 448 448 69000 0 0 Tunnel 227 0 448 448 69000 0 0 IPAM Events 76 0 448 448 69000 0 0 Logger 495 0 0 0 69000 0 0 SNMP ConfCopyPro 281 0 0 0 69000 0 0 Ethernet PM Moni 154 0 0 0 69000 0 0 XPS background p 273 0 448 592 69000 0 0 nbar-custom-prot 272 0 448 592 69000 0 0 nbar-graph-sende 425 0 0 0 69000 0 0 Test AAA Client 263 0 0 0 69000 0 0 Routing Topology 286 0 0 0 69000 0 0 IGMPSN 287 0 0 0 69000 0 0 TCP Timer 405 0 0 0 69000 0 0 IPSec background 164 0 0 0 69000 0 0 FEP background p 245 0 0 0 69000 0 0 SSS Policy Manag 244 0 0 0 69000 0 0 SSS Manager 419 0 0 0 69000 0 0 IKEv2 FlexVPN Pr 3 0 0 0 69000 0 0 PKI Trustpool 243 0 448 448 69000 0 0 SSM connection m 42 0 0 0 69000 0 0 Policy Manager 240 0 448 448 69000 0 0 PPP IP Route 61 0 448 448 69000 0 0 XML Proxy Client 331 0 0 0 69000 0 0 RSVP SYNC 44 0 29808 9208 68408 0 0 Entity MIB API 265 0 34696 25896 68072 0 0 IP Background 468 0 122120 111488 67632 0 0 EEM ED Timer 90 0 10096 0 67096 0 0 REDUNDANCY FSM 460 0 15560 5680 66880 0 0 EEM ED Interface 471 0 34992 25464 66528 0 0 EEM ED Env 170 0 15056 6248 66376 0 0 EEM ED MAT 469 0 37656 28376 66280 0 0 EEM ED Test 474 0 43496 34424 66072 0 0 EM ED GOLD 462 0 40544 31480 66064 0 0 EEM ED None 464 0 15248 6608 66008 0 0 EEM ED RF 463 0 39488 33976 65904 0 0 EEM ED OIR 159 0 14432 5680 65752 0 0 EEM ED Identity 467 0 14248 5680 65568 0 0 EEM ED SNMP Noti 428 0 14248 5680 65568 0 0 EEM ED NHRP 429 0 14248 5680 65568 0 0 EEM ED Routing 459 0 14128 5680 65448 0 0 EEM ED Counter 470 0 14056 5680 65376 0 0 EEM ED Config 444 0 14056 5680 65376 0 0 EEM ED RPC 466 0 14056 5680 65376 0 0 EEM ED SNMP Obje 465 0 14056 5680 65376 0 0 EEM ED SNMP 461 0 14056 5680 65376 0 0 EEM ED IOSWD 214 0 19832 0 64832 0 0 MLRIB L2 Msg Thr 135 0 36032 51976 63904 0 0 RF Master Main T 210 0 18416 1096 62320 0 0 MKA 341 0 17280 0 62280 0 0 Service Routing 505 0 4729880 4713840 61680 0 0 DiagCard1/-1 132 0 16680 0 61680 0 0 OFSDN Punject Pr 217 0 17128 448 61680 0 0 AAA Server 107 0 16680 0 61680 0 0 MATM CF Flow Con 298 0 17536 38368 61288 0 0 MLDSN L2MCM 342 0 19976 5272 59704 0 0 SR CapMan Proces 441 0 15208 896 59312 0 0 CTS credentials 344 0 2120 448 58672 0 0 MVPN Mgr Process 449 0 27976 472 58480 0 0 DCM snmp dp Thre 92 0 1928 560 58368 0 0 PuntInject Keepa 308 0 456 0 57456 0 0 Tunnel FIB 282 0 896 448 57448 0 0 AUTO LAG Protoco 345 0 896 448 57448 0 0 Multicast Offloa 224 0 0 0 57136 0 0 HQF TARGET DYNAM 502 0 0 0 57112 0 0 Connection Mgr 188 0 0 0 57000 0 0 EPM IAL Process 179 0 448 448 57000 0 0 Ethernet OAM Pro 182 0 448 448 57000 0 0 MVRP Process 261 0 0 0 57000 0 0 IP IRDP 347 0 448 448 57000 0 0 App Route Proces 348 0 0 0 57000 0 0 IPv6 RIB Cleanup 346 0 448 5224 57000 0 0 static 349 0 0 0 57000 0 0 IPv6 RIB Event H 350 0 0 0 57000 0 0 IPv6 Static Hand 280 0 448 448 57000 0 0 Ethernet PM Soft 352 0 768216 768216 57000 0 0 QoS stats proces 411 0 0 0 57000 0 0 Licensing MIB pr 91 0 0 0 57000 0 0 Punt FP Stats Du 152 0 0 0 57000 0 0 ngpm main proces 354 0 0 0 57000 0 0 DynCmd Package P 145 0 0 341336 57000 0 0 Per-Second Jobs 376 0 448 448 57000 0 0 MVRP SWITCH Proc 124 0 448 448 57000 0 0 SISF HA Process 279 0 0 0 57000 0 0 Ethernet PM Proc 401 0 0 0 57000 0 0 IPSEC manual key 100 0 0 0 57000 0 0 CONSOLE helper p 451 0 16376 19400 56376 0 0 Bulkstat-Client 390 0 10952 0 55952 0 0 MMA DP TIMER 9 0 11232 448 55784 0 0 Check heaps 422 0 9736 464 54352 0 0 dcm_cli_provider 490 0 9008 0 53752 0 0 SSH Event handle 94 0 14944 0 53576 0 0 IF-MGR event pro 483 0 8576 0 53576 0 0 OFSDN IPC 481 0 218704 1000 53568 0 0 EEM Helper Threa 291 0 7848 448 52400 0 0 REP BPA/EPA Proc 406 0 7848 448 52400 0 0 VTP Trap Process 131 0 6968 0 51968 0 0 L2 LISP Punt Pro 311 0 63704 448 51144 0 0 L2TRACE SERVER 452 0 6752 464 51128 0 0 dcm_expression_p 250 0 6256 448 50808 0 0 UDLD 450 0 6288 296 50672 0 0 snmp dcm ma shim 93 0 5776 288 50488 0 0 IF-MGR control p 435 0 28896 72224 49512 0 0 PM Callback 421 0 4496 0 49496 0 0 dcm_cli_engine 333 0 4824 328 49256 0 0 EVPN main thread 202 0 3952 1656 48952 0 0 TRACK Client thr 510 0 3776 0 48888 0 0 EM Action CNS 454 0 50016 144 48808 0 0 Call Home DS 334 0 3704 0 48704 0 0 NVE MGR RWATCH T 215 0 4048 328 48480 0 0 NVE main thread 200 0 3440 0 48440 0 0 FHRP Main thread 203 0 3352 0 48352 0 0 VRRP Main thread 201 0 3344 0 48344 0 0 TRACK Main threa 136 0 3152 288 48152 0 0 RF Master Status 455 0 3152 0 48152 0 0 Call Home DSfile 216 0 3152 0 48152 0 0 L2RIB Thread 213 0 3152 0 48152 0 0 L2FIB Timer Disp 222 0 723824 1144 48048 0 0 Call Home Timer 144 0 2976 0 47976 0 0 Per-minute Jobs 29 0 2192 0 47192 0 0 IPC Seat Manager 343 0 2464 0 46968 0 0 DNS Service 420 0 1824 0 46824 0 0 IKEv2 Cluster Lo 380 0 645936 644160 46776 0 0 crypto engine pr 60 0 311400 354184 46272 0 0 crypto sw pk pro 195 0 496 0 45496 0 0 Port-Security 248 0 6400 448 45448 0 0 Spanning Tree 393 0 896 448 45448 0 0 PIM HA 252 0 408 0 45408 0 0 XDR background p 262 0 408 0 45408 0 0 CEF RP Backgroun 317 0 408 0 45408 0 0 XDR FOF process 166 0 408 0 45408 0 0 Src Fltr backgro 417 0 408 0 45408 0 0 Online Diag EEM 11 0 0 0 45136 0 0 DiscardQ Backgro 49 0 0 0 45128 0 0 IOSXE signals IO 110 0 0 0 45120 0 0 DHCP Snooping cl 241 0 9872 10368 45120 0 0 SpanTree Helper 249 0 448 448 45120 0 0 SpanTree Msg 233 0 448 448 45000 0 0 PIM register asy 285 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IGMPSN MRD 236 0 0 0 45000 0 0 AAA EPD HANDLER 234 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPv6 ping proces 218 0 0 0 45000 0 0 AAA ACCT Proc 212 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Spanning Tree St 211 0 0 0 45000 0 0 MKA HA 223 0 448 448 45000 0 0 AAA Dictionary R 289 0 0 0 45000 0 0 TCP HA PROC 290 0 448 448 45000 0 0 REP LSL Proc 231 0 0 0 45000 0 0 ICMP event handl 237 0 0 0 45000 0 0 PM EPD API 277 0 448 448 45000 0 0 Ether Infra RP 299 0 0 0 45000 0 0 MRD 271 0 560 560 45000 0 0 Ether EFP Proces 301 0 624 624 45000 0 0 IGMPQR 302 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IGMPSN-HA 303 0 0 0 45000 0 0 MLDSN-HA 304 0 0 0 45000 0 0 VMATM Callback 270 0 448 448 45000 0 0 EFP Errd 225 0 448 448 45000 0 0 IPAM/ODAP Events 207 0 0 0 45000 0 0 PPCP RP Stats Ba 197 0 0 0 45000 0 0 802.1x switch 295 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NGWC stack power 268 0 0 0 45000 0 0 BSO_Query 296 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Socket Timers 193 0 0 4072 45000 0 0 NGWC led process 238 0 448 448 45000 0 0 PPP SIP 190 0 448 448 45000 0 0 FMANRP REP Helpe 189 0 448 448 45000 0 0 REP Topology cha 242 0 0 0 45000 0 0 RIB LM VALIDATE 247 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SSS Feature Time 278 0 0 0 45000 0 0 CFM HA IPC messa 320 0 0 0 45000 0 0 HSRP HA 321 0 0 0 45000 0 0 VRRP HA 251 0 0 0 45000 0 0 VRRS 183 0 260736 260736 45000 0 0 mcprp callhome p 253 0 0 0 45000 0 0 XDR mcast 325 0 0 0 45000 0 0 MRIB RP PROCESS 177 0 0 0 45000 0 0 RTTYS Process 327 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IP Traceroute 258 0 0 0 45000 0 0 FRR Background P 329 0 0 0 45000 0 0 BFD HA 330 0 0 0 45000 0 0 STP HA IPC flow 176 0 0 0 45000 0 0 TP CUTOVER EVENT 174 0 1408 1408 45000 0 0 MATM RP Shim Pro 173 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPv6 Access Cont 257 0 0 0 45000 0 0 XDR RP Test Back 239 0 448 448 45000 0 0 PPP Bind 309 0 0 0 45000 0 0 RETRY_REPOPULATE 169 0 0 0 45000 0 0 fanrp_l2fib 168 0 0 0 45000 0 0 FPD Action Proce 339 0 0 0 45000 0 0 AAA System Acct 167 0 0 0 45000 0 0 FPD Management P 194 0 448 448 45000 0 0 PI MATM Aging Pr 163 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Inline Power 256 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC LC Message H 162 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NGWC_MACSEC_IOSD 199 0 448 448 45000 0 0 CDP Forward Proc 160 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Remote Console P 158 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NGWC DOT1X Proce 157 0 0 0 45000 0 0 MMN bkgrd proces 156 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NGWC L2M 155 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NGWC diag proces 351 0 448 448 45000 0 0 DHCPv6 LQ client 153 0 4216 22342984 45000 0 0 PLFM-MGR IPC pro 151 0 448 448 45000 0 0 NG Backup Interf 150 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IOSXE-RP FastPat 355 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Consent token pr 149 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SFF8472 198 0 0 0 45000 0 0 L2LISP XID Proce 148 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Transport Port A 146 0 0 0 45000 0 0 AggMgr Process 191 0 448 448 45000 0 0 REP LSL Hello Pr 361 0 448 448 45000 0 0 Crypto Support 362 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPSECv6 PS Proc 363 0 448 448 45000 0 0 AAA Cached Serve 364 0 448 448 45000 0 0 ENABLE AAA 365 0 0 0 45000 0 0 EM Background Pr 366 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IDMGR CORE 143 0 448 448 45000 0 0 Compute load avg 368 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Key chain liveke 369 0 448 448 45000 0 0 LINE AAA 141 0 0 0 45000 0 0 BACK CHECK 254 0 0 0 45000 0 0 XDR RP Ping Back 133 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IOSXE-RP SPA TSM 374 0 344016 344016 45000 0 0 NIST rng proc 375 0 0 0 45000 0 0 iosp_global_eem_ 130 0 0 0 45000 0 0 ACL deny punt se 377 0 0 0 45000 0 0 COND_DEBUG HA IP 187 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SNMP DBAL Cache 379 0 448 448 45000 0 0 REP Switch Helpe 319 0 0 0 45000 0 0 GLBP HA 128 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IOSXE-RP Punt IP 186 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SNMP DBAL Cache 125 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Network-rf Notif 123 0 0 0 45000 0 0 DHCPv6 Server HA 122 0 0 0 45000 0 0 DHCPv6 Relay HA 121 0 0 0 45000 0 0 DHCPC HA 120 0 0 0 45000 0 0 100ms check 119 0 0 0 45000 0 0 REDUNDANCY peer 181 0 448 448 45000 0 0 Ethchnl 117 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NGWC ILP CF Proc 116 0 0 0 45000 0 0 ARP HA 392 0 448 448 45000 0 0 File Copy Handle 328 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SNMP Timers 115 0 0 0 45000 0 0 DHCPD HA 395 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IKEv2 AAA handle 114 0 592 2640 45000 0 0 STACK MGR Proces 397 0 448 1024 45000 0 0 CRYPTO MAP FREE 113 0 0 0 45000 0 0 DHCP Snooping HA 112 0 0 0 45000 0 0 DHCP Snooping db 111 0 0 0 45000 0 0 DHCP Snooping 335 0 0 0 45000 0 0 EVPN HA Bulk Syn 109 0 0 0 45000 0 0 ACCESS_TUNNEL CF 108 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NGWC Learning Pr 404 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Crypto PAS Proc 106 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NGWC Configurati 105 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPV6_ND HA 409 0 448 448 45000 0 0 dhcp snooping sw 104 0 448 11264 45000 0 0 EM_SHIM_NOTIFY_T 103 0 77152 13952 45000 0 0 EM_SHIM_TASK 99 0 0 0 45000 0 0 cpf_process_tpQ 98 0 0 0 45000 0 0 cpf_msg_rcvq_pro 414 0 448 448 45000 0 0 DHCP Security He 416 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NCD Process 172 0 3016688 3016688 45000 0 0 MGMTE stats Proc 418 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SPA ENTITY Proce 97 0 0 0 45000 0 0 cpf_msg_holdq_pr 129 0 0 0 45000 0 0 ACL Log Punt Ser 96 0 0 0 45000 0 0 RP HA Periodic 95 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Environmental Mo 89 0 0 0 45000 0 0 CTS HA operation 424 0 2912 10176 45000 0 0 AAA SEND STOP EV 88 0 0 0 45000 0 0 CTS HA IPC flow 87 0 448 448 45000 0 0 CTS HA 86 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Ng3k envvar sync 85 0 119392 9864 45000 0 0 NGWC_OIRSHIM_TAS 84 0 0 0 45000 0 0 MATM SPI client 430 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Syslog Traps 432 0 0 0 45000 0 0 ISSU Utility Pro 433 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IOXNSE IPC Msg P 434 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IOXNSE IPC Msg P 83 0 0 0 45000 0 0 NGWC OIR CC Proc 436 0 448 448 45000 0 0 SPAN switch 77 0 448 448 45000 0 0 TTY Background 73 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Critical Bkgnd 440 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SNMP Manager 72 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Token Daemon 71 0 0 0 45000 0 0 License HA Consi 70 0 1035808 1035808 45000 0 0 Licensing Auto U 69 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Image License br 445 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IP SLAs ICMP Jit 446 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IP SLAs Jitter E 447 0 0 0 45000 0 0 EPC WS PI suppor 448 0 0 0 45000 0 0 EPC WS PD suppor 62 0 288 1408 45000 0 0 License Client N 47 0 448 448 45000 0 0 Serial Backgroun 59 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SERIAL A'detect 58 0 0 0 45000 0 0 client_entity_se 57 0 448 448 45000 0 0 SMART 30 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Check Queue 28 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Process leve 56 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Net Input 53 0 42888 44600 45000 0 0 SL Platform Back 52 0 0 0 45000 0 0 ARP Snoop 51 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Dynamic ARP Insp 50 0 448 448 45000 0 0 GraphIt 27 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Deferred Por 24 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Service NonC 25 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Zone Manager 46 0 20760 9408 45000 2412 0 PrstVbl 45 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IFS Agent Manage 43 0 448 448 45000 0 0 DDR Timers 41 0 0 0 45000 0 0 AAA_SERVER_DEADT 40 0 0 0 45000 0 0 ATM ASYNC PROC 39 0 448 448 45000 0 0 ATM Idle Timer 38 0 5339120 6160720 45000 0 0 ARP Background 36 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SENSOR-MGR event 35 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Session Deta 34 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Loadometer 33 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Keep Alive M 32 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Seat TX Cont 31 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Seat RX Cont 246 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SSS Feature Mana 17 0 0 0 45000 0 0 ifIndex Receive 5 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Retransmission o 6 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC ISSU Dispatc 26 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Periodic Tim 501 0 0 0 45000 0 0 SNMP Proxy Forwa 7 0 0 0 45000 0 0 RO Notify Timers 23 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Dynamic Cach 22 0 0 0 45000 0 0 Platform appsess 21 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Mcast Pendin 20 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Event Notifi 19 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IPC Apps Task 18 0 0 0 45000 0 0 CEF MIB API 8 0 0 0 45000 0 0 VIDB BACKGD MGR 16 0 0 0 45000 0 0 DB Notification 15 0 2808616 2808616 45000 0 0 DB Lock Manager 14 0 0 0 45000 0 0 IOSXE heartbeat 12 0 448 448 45000 0 0 Timers 305 0 8576 0 41576 0 0 DAI Packet Proce 209 0 408 0 33408 0 0 ADJ NSF process 13 0 0 0 33000 0 0 WATCH_AFS 126 0 0 0 33000 0 0 XDR RRP RF waite 118 0 0 0 33000 0 0 CEF RRP RF waite 161 0 0 0 33000 0 0 ACL Logging Proc 357 0 0 0 33000 0 0 EEM MLANG MANAGE 48 0 0 0 33000 0 0 RMI RM Notify Wa 0 0 1280 2316144 1280 0 0 *Sched* 266206592 Total ------------------ show process memory platform sorted ------------------ System memory: 3934644K total, 1604788K used, 2329856K free, Lowest: 2320956K Pid Text Data Stack Dynamic RSS Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7590 204191 571472 136 360 571472 linux_iosd-imag 12532 247 154784 132 67616 154784 fed main event 18050 179 75872 128 5856 75872 sessmgrd 20872 911 71268 132 16512 71268 smand 19388 8794 66028 128 2912 66028 fman_rp 8471 1088 63972 128 2608 63972 platform_mgr 8027 418 59488 128 2496 59488 sif_mgr 17949 9880 58632 128 8436 58632 fman_fp_image 19703 227 58172 128 2340 58172 dbm 22602 108 52164 132 2396 52164 pubd 18541 637 29636 128 1936 29636 repm 21805 8 25888 136 7380 25888 python2.7 20086 76 24108 128 76 24108 cli_agent 20497 100 19988 128 1748 19988 psd 7818 535 16560 128 1680 16560 stack_mgr 9878 601 15532 480 2504 15532 hman 10233 99 14004 128 1584 14004 bt_logger 8952 202 13092 128 1876 13092 lman 10446 248 12476 132 1628 12476 btman 18977 306 12204 128 3176 12204 tms 12776 248 11052 128 1480 11052 btman 13667 89 10348 128 2208 10348 tams_proc 8709 1095 10008 404 7824 10008 9162 147 9984 128 1144 9984 keyman 10867 1095 9812 404 7640 9812 auto_upgrade_cl 9392 1095 9708 404 7492 9708 6560 1095 9024 404 5288 9024 rollback_timer. 15515 1095 8800 404 7492 8800 15510 1095 8760 404 7492 8760 18708 112 8504 128 1528 8504 plogd 19934 170 8132 128 1124 8132 cmm 8240 345 8044 128 268 8044 nif_mgr 14193 120 7948 128 1104 7948 epc_ws_liaison 11418 1095 7408 408 5276 7408 3946 1095 6912 400 3072 6912 4262 1095 6824 400 3072 6824 13566 130 6820 136 920 6820 tamd_proc 3959 545 6744 132 132 6744 libvirtd 1 1450 6608 132 1488 6608 systemd 13418 76 6080 136 672 6080 tam_svcs_ng3k_c 6924 1095 5760 404 3636 5760 6983 1095 5668 400 3496 5668 22710 82 5556 136 396 5556 pttcd 4313 1095 5520 400 1816 5520 11116 1095 5392 400 3236 5392 436 252 4500 132 132 4500 dbus-daemon 4231 10 4012 132 268 4012 rotee 4420 10 3996 132 268 3996 rotee 3949 1095 3996 132 656 3996 4454 10 3992 132 268 3992 rotee 4121 10 3988 132 268 3988 rotee 6826 10 3940 132 268 3940 rotee 187 434 3912 132 396 3912 systemd-udevd 3957 687 3824 132 132 3824 virtlogd 167 328 3800 132 132 3800 systemd-journal 3944 1095 3416 132 132 3416 10945 1095 3100 404 964 3100 10724 1095 3100 404 968 3100 10505 1095 3100 404 968 3100 9006 1095 3100 404 964 3100 8336 1095 3100 404 964 3100 7267 1095 3100 404 972 3100 22509 1095 3096 404 972 3096 22362 1095 3096 404 972 3096 21489 1095 3096 404 968 3096 20196 1095 3096 404 972 3096 19763 1095 3096 404 972 3096 19549 1095 3096 404 972 3096 19408 1095 3096 404 972 3096 19114 1095 3096 404 972 3096 18675 1095 3096 404 972 3096 18280 1095 3096 404 972 3096 17935 1095 3096 404 972 3096 13465 1095 3096 404 972 3096 13248 1095 3096 404 972 3096 13105 1095 3096 404 972 3096 10287 1095 3096 404 972 3096 10075 1095 3096 404 972 3096 9909 1095 3096 404 972 3096 9534 1095 3096 404 972 3096 8551 1095 3096 404 972 3096 8127 1095 3096 404 972 3096 7898 1095 3096 404 972 3096 20577 1095 3092 400 972 3092 17416 1095 3092 404 972 3092 17290 1095 3092 404 968 3092 13884 1095 3092 404 968 3092 12217 1095 3092 404 968 3092 11940 1095 3092 404 968 3092 8771 1095 3092 404 972 3092 7675 1095 3092 404 972 3092 7482 1095 3092 400 972 3092 3984 59 3064 132 132 3064 rpcbind 4002 87 2588 132 132 2588 rpc.statd 10648 68 2568 136 268 2568 auto_upgrade_se 6579 189 2440 132 132 2440 xinetd 5440 189 2404 132 132 2404 xinetd 3983 189 2372 132 132 2372 xinetd 18728 507 2180 136 1204 2180 journalctl 6561 189 2176 132 132 2176 xinetd 7404 10 2108 136 268 2108 rotee 7030 10 2072 132 268 2072 rotee 11620 10 2044 136 268 2044 rotee 11536 10 2040 132 268 2040 rotee 20332 10 2028 136 268 2028 rotee 19238 10 2028 136 268 2028 rotee 18811 10 2028 136 268 2028 rotee 22641 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 22487 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 21634 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 20713 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 19941 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 19737 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 19521 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 18567 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 18193 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 17768 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 17617 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 10686 10 2020 136 268 2020 rotee 9456 10 2020 136 268 2020 rotee 9955 10 2012 136 268 2012 rotee 9187 10 2012 136 268 2012 rotee 8515 10 2012 136 268 2012 rotee 13233 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 10917 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 9717 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 8295 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 7640 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 14032 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 13587 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 13449 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 12538 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 12186 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 11986 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 11167 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 10472 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 10264 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 10048 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 8961 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 8737 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 8070 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 7856 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 6971 10 2000 132 268 2000 rotee 4014 1095 1912 132 132 1912 boothelper_evt. 4028 123 1856 132 132 1856 rpc.mountd 11120 1095 1812 136 132 1812 sort_files_by_i 17510 1095 1776 136 132 1776 4567 27 1720 132 132 1720 inotifywait 21793 1095 1700 136 132 1700 4257 27 1676 132 132 1676 inotifywait 6838 27 1592 132 132 1592 inotifywait 4015 27 1592 132 132 1592 inotifywait 4135 48 1336 132 132 1336 sleep 17532 61 884 136 132 884 sntp 15509 27 796 136 132 796 inotifywait 15714 27 756 132 132 756 inotifywait 15514 27 736 136 132 736 inotifywait 17849 27 732 136 132 732 inotifywait 15798 27 732 136 132 732 inotifywait 15523 27 732 136 132 732 inotifywait 11676 27 728 132 132 728 inotifywait 7122 27 728 132 132 728 inotifywait 6978 27 724 132 132 724 inotifywait 18804 48 624 136 132 624 sleep 18697 48 624 136 132 624 sleep ------------------ show process cpu sorted ------------------ CPU utilization for five seconds: 2%/0%; one minute: 4%; five minutes: 3% PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process 499 109765 2808851 39 0.39% 0.23% 0.23% 0 HSRP Common 269 1039 341 3046 0.23% 1.40% 0.33% 2 SSH Process 81 32145 149101 215 0.23% 0.09% 0.08% 0 IOSD ipc task 229 40105 1408902 28 0.15% 0.08% 0.08% 0 IP ARP Retry Age 498 3164 48820 64 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NTP 127 43275 217522 198 0.07% 0.12% 0.09% 0 IOSXE-RP Punt Se 497 18393 226580 81 0.07% 0.03% 0.02% 0 ONEP Network Ele 492 3461 22850 151 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PDU DISPATCHER 391 29976 1417344 21 0.07% 0.06% 0.07% 0 MMON MENG 200 2996 45356 66 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0 FHRP Main thread 250 23838 453599 52 0.07% 0.04% 0.05% 0 UDLD 165 5746 11344 506 0.07% 0.01% 0.00% 0 Thermal backgrou 101 19111 7900 2419 0.07% 0.04% 0.04% 0 Crimson flush tr 131 78885 2805953 28 0.07% 0.17% 0.16% 0 L2 LISP Punt Pro 37 31360 141245 222 0.07% 0.06% 0.06% 0 ARP Input 500 6637 139984 47 0.07% 0.01% 0.00% 0 HSRP IPv4 74 4301 85285 50 0.07% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Net Background 390 33951 708531 47 0.07% 0.05% 0.07% 0 MMA DP TIMER 18 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CEF MIB API 17 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ifIndex Receive 19 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Apps Task 16 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DB Notification 23 24 757 31 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Dynamic Cach 20 198 9074 21 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Event Notifi 15 998 10022 99 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DB Lock Manager 26 1284 44298 28 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Periodic Tim 21 1266 44298 28 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Mcast Pendin 22 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Platform appsess 29 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Seat Manager 30 64 2593 24 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Check Queue 24 200 9074 22 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Service NonC 32 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Seat TX Cont 33 112 4538 24 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Keep Alive M 34 651 9074 71 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Loadometer 25 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Zone Manager 36 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SENSOR-MGR event 14 703 22684 30 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IOSXE heartbeat 38 2429 47355 51 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ARP Background 39 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATM Idle Timer 27 1207 44298 27 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Deferred Por 28 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Process leve 42 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Policy Manager 31 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Seat RX Cont 44 35 23 1521 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Entity MIB API 45 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IFS Agent Manage 46 16 23 695 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PrstVbl 47 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Serial Backgroun 48 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RMI RM Notify Wa 49 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IOSXE signals IO 35 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC Session Deta 51 1446 45360 31 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Dynamic ARP Insp 52 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ARP Snoop 53 10 7 1428 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SL Platform Back 54 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 License IPC stat 55 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 License IPC serv 56 0 55 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Net Input 40 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ATM ASYNC PROC 58 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 client_entity_se 59 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SERIAL A'detect 60 254 32 7937 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 crypto sw pk pro 61 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XML Proxy Client 62 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 License Client N 63 11 74 148 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SAEventLog 64 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SAStorage 65 2 4 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SASConnect 66 1303 24922 52 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SASRcvWQ 67 4 5 800 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SACConnect 41 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AAA_SERVER_DEADT 69 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Image License br 43 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DDR Timers 71 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 License HA Consi 72 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Token Daemon 73 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Critical Bkgnd 50 1276 45362 28 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 GraphIt 75 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IDB Work 76 74 1997 37 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Logger 77 1614 45349 35 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TTY Background 78 12 15 800 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CTS CORE 79 1 5 200 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SXP CORE 80 1470 22685 64 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SASRcvWQWrk1 5 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Retransmission o 82 478 11787 40 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IOSD chasfs task 83 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC OIR CC Proc 84 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MATM SPI client 85 6 4 1500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC_OIRSHIM_TAS 86 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Ng3k envvar sync 13 1 277 3 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 WATCH_AFS 88 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CTS HA IPC flow 89 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CTS HA operation 90 202 6482 31 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 REDUNDANCY FSM 91 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Punt FP Stats Du 92 5403 22663 238 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PuntInject Keepa 93 7 17 411 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IF-MGR control p 94 1 23 43 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IF-MGR event pro 95 1329 45366 29 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Environmental Mo 96 1489 45360 32 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RP HA Periodic 97 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 cpf_msg_holdq_pr 98 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 cpf_msg_rcvq_pro 99 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 cpf_process_tpQ 100 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CONSOLE helper p 12 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Timers 11 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DiscardQ Backgro 57 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SMART 10 97 757 128 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Pool Manager 105 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPV6_ND HA 106 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC Configurati 107 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MATM CF Flow Con 108 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC Learning Pr 109 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ACCESS_TUNNEL CF 110 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCP Snooping cl 111 75 380 197 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCP Snooping 112 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCP Snooping db 113 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCP Snooping HA 114 7 3 2333 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 STACK MGR Proces 115 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCPD HA 116 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ARP HA 117 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC ILP CF Proc 118 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CEF RRP RF waite 119 1762 45363 38 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 REDUNDANCY peer 120 14142 453669 31 0.00% 0.01% 0.01% 0 100ms check 121 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCPC HA 122 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCPv6 Relay HA 123 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCPv6 Server HA 124 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SISF HA Process 125 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Network-rf Notif 9 106145 9936 10682 0.00% 0.18% 0.21% 0 Check heaps 68 1394 24924 55 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 0 SACRcvWQ 70 189 1512 125 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Licensing Auto U 129 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ACL Log Punt Ser 130 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ACL deny punt se 87 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CTS HA 132 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 OFSDN Punject Pr 133 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IOSXE-RP SPA TSM 134 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto PKI-HA 135 14 13 1076 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RF Master Main T 136 0 9 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RF Master Status 137 1268 22686 55 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SACRcvWQWrk1 138 1288 22687 56 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SACRcvWQWrk2 139 1470 24920 58 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0 SACRcvWQWrk3 140 1677 24917 67 0.00% 0.04% 0.01% 0 SASRcvWQWrk2 141 0 9 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 BACK CHECK 142 15 25 600 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SAMsgThread 143 1260 4538 277 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Compute load avg 144 32221 1513 21296 0.00% 0.08% 0.06% 0 Per-minute Jobs 145 3890 45377 85 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Per-Second Jobs 146 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AggMgr Process 147 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ACT2 Crypto Engi 148 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Transport Port A 149 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SFF8472 150 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IOSXE-RP FastPat 151 0 7 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NG Backup Interf 152 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ngpm main proces 153 9728 22972 423 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 0 PLFM-MGR IPC pro 154 2378 4538 524 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XPS background p 155 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC diag proces 156 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC L2M 157 17 757 22 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MMN bkgrd proces 158 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC DOT1X Proce 159 2 4 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Identity 160 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Remote Console P 161 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ACL Logging Proc 162 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC_MACSEC_IOSD 163 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Inline Power 164 9877 11344 870 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0 FEP background p 102 138 38 3631 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DBAL EVENTS 166 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Src Fltr backgro 167 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 FPD Management P 168 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 FPD Action Proce 169 1288 44294 29 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 fanrp_l2fib 170 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED MAT 171 8 56 142 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED ND 172 1394 9073 153 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MGMTE stats Proc 173 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPv6 Access Cont 174 2 3 666 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MATM RP Shim Pro 175 13 2 6500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CWAN OIR Handler 176 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TP CUTOVER EVENT 177 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RTTYS Process 178 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 radius radsec cl 179 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Ethernet OAM Pro 180 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Ethernet CFM 181 138 4538 30 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Ethchnl 182 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MVRP Process 183 108 279 387 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 mcprp callhome p 184 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Switch Backup In 185 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SNMP DBAL WRAPPE 186 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SNMP DBAL Cache 187 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SNMP DBAL Cache 188 1 11 90 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EPM IAL Process 189 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 REP Topology cha 190 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 FMANRP REP Helpe 191 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 REP LSL Hello Pr 192 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SKA IPC process 193 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC led process 194 300 3026 99 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PI MATM Aging Pr 195 15 757 19 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Port-Security 103 15 64 234 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EM_SHIM_TASK 104 3 18 166 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EM_SHIM_NOTIFY_T 198 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 L2LISP XID Proce 199 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CDP Forward Proc 126 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XDR RRP RF waite 201 5302 58380 90 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TRACK Main threa 202 0 6 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TRACK Client thr 203 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 VRRP Main thread 204 34397 708534 48 0.00% 0.06% 0.07% 0 VRRS Main thread 205 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PKI/SSL IPC proc 206 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PKI_SSL LSC Enro 207 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PPCP RP Stats Ba 208 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CEF switching ba 209 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ADJ NSF process 210 4 2 2000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MKA 211 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MKA HA 212 15 759 19 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Spanning Tree St 213 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 L2FIB Timer Disp 214 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MLRIB L2 Msg Thr 215 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NVE main thread 216 2064 44301 46 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 L2RIB Thread 217 1 11 90 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AAA Server 218 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AAA ACCT Proc 219 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ACCT Periodic Pr 220 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 WSMA_NOTIFY 221 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SEP_webui_wsma_h 222 233 759 306 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Call Home Timer 223 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AAA Dictionary R 224 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 HQF TARGET DYNAM 225 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPAM/ODAP Events 226 43322 1409276 30 0.00% 0.08% 0.08% 0 IPAM Manager 227 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPAM Events 228 181 115 1573 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP ARP Adjacency 4 91 15 6066 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RF Slave Main Th 230 5420 29849 181 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP Input 231 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ICMP event handl 232 1707 45359 37 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 mDNS 233 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PIM register asy 234 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPv6 ping proces 235 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SEP_webui_wsma_h 236 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AAA EPD HANDLER 237 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PM EPD API 238 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PPP SIP 239 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PPP Bind 240 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PPP IP Route 241 7 7 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SpanTree Helper 242 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RIB LM VALIDATE 243 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SSM connection m 8 38 1513 25 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 VIDB BACKGD MGR 3 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PKI Trustpool 7 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RO Notify Timers 6 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC ISSU Dispatc 128 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IOSXE-RP Punt IP 249 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SpanTree Msg 196 388 3028 128 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DTP Protocol 251 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 VRRS 252 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XDR background p 253 22 757 29 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XDR mcast 254 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XDR RP Ping Back 255 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XDR receive 256 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPC LC Message H 257 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XDR RP Test Back 258 26 757 34 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 FRR Background P 259 302 4496 67 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CEF background p 260 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 fib_fib_bfd_sb e 261 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP IRDP 262 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CEF RP Backgroun 263 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Routing Topology 264 13 9 1444 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP RIB Update 265 32 773 41 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP Background 266 10 64 156 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP Connected Rou 267 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XOS async sync X 268 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 BSO_Query 2 5649 9074 622 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Load Meter 270 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EFP Errd 271 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Ether EFP Proces 272 1415 45353 31 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 nbar-graph-sende 273 411 9073 45 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 nbar-custom-prot 274 30 757 39 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 nbar-auto-custom 275 2412 45353 53 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 nbar-sdavc-sched 276 31 757 40 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 nbar-pp-monitor 277 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Ether Infra RP 278 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CFM HA IPC messa 279 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Ethernet PM Proc 280 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Ethernet PM Soft 281 518 13612 38 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Ethernet PM Moni 282 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AUTO LAG Protoco 284 7 23 304 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IGMPSN L2MCM 285 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IGMPSN MRD 286 25 759 32 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IGMPSN 287 12 72 166 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TCP Timer 288 7 33 212 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TCP Protocols 289 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TCP HA PROC 290 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 REP LSL Proc 291 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 REP BPA/EPA Proc 292 4 2 2000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AN 293 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AN HELPER 294 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AN CONFIG DOWNLO 295 921 1677 549 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NGWC stack power 296 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Socket Timers 297 10 156 64 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 HTTP CORE 298 0 22 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MLDSN L2MCM 299 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MRD 300 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MLD_SNOOP 301 354 759 466 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IGMPQR 302 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IGMPSN-HA 303 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MLDSN-HA 304 5 5 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 VMATM Callback 305 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DAI Packet Proce 306 1 11 90 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Flow Exporter Ti 307 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Flow Exporter Pa 308 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Tunnel FIB 309 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RETRY_REPOPULATE 311 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 L2TRACE SERVER 312 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Tunnel 313 958 22678 42 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CEF: IPv4 proces 314 6 4 1500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ADJ background 315 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Collection proce 316 761 22679 33 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CEF: IPv6 proces 317 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 XDR FOF process 318 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ADJ resolve proc 319 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 GLBP HA 320 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 HSRP HA 321 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 VRRP HA 322 5 154 32 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MFIB Master back 323 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ONEP Dispatch po 324 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ONEP Dispatch po 325 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MRIB RP PROCESS 326 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MRIB RP Proxy 327 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP Traceroute 328 0 14 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SNMP Timers 329 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 BFD HA 330 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 STP HA IPC flow 331 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RSVP SYNC 332 2 2 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 L2FIB Event Disp 333 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EVPN main thread 334 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NVE MGR RWATCH T 335 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EVPN HA Bulk Syn 336 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SISF Switcher Th 337 8825 177192 49 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0 SISF Main Thread 338 2836 88565 32 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TLSCLIENT_PROCES 339 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AAA System Acct 340 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 COPS 341 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Service Routing 342 6 15 400 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SR CapMan Proces 343 3 30 100 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DNS Service 344 15 12 1250 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MVPN Mgr Process 345 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Multicast Offloa 346 0 9 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 static 347 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 App Route Proces 348 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPv6 RIB Cleanup 349 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPv6 RIB Event H 350 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPv6 Static Hand 351 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCPv6 LQ client 352 1149 4537 253 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 QoS stats proces 353 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SCTP Main Proces 354 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DynCmd Package P 355 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Consent token pr 356 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 mDNS snooping 357 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM MLANG MANAGE 358 33757 708540 47 0.00% 0.06% 0.07% 0 MMA DB TIMER 359 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Opaque Database 360 2576 88565 29 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Timer Library 361 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto Support 362 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPSECv6 PS Proc 363 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AAA Cached Serve 364 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ENABLE AAA 365 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EM Background Pr 366 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IDMGR CORE 367 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 LDAP process 368 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Key chain liveke 369 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 LINE AAA 370 557 311 1790 0.00% 0.17% 0.07% 0 LOCAL AAA 372 0 7 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TPLUS 373 2 3 666 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EST Client 374 9 13 692 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NIST rng proc 375 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 iosp_global_eem_ 376 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MVRP SWITCH Proc 377 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 COND_DEBUG HA IP 378 2 1 2000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AAA Proxy 379 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 REP Switch Helpe 380 67 18 3722 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 crypto engine pr 381 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RSA background p 382 158 59 2677 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto CA 383 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto PKI-CRL 384 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto PKI-Rev-P 385 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PKI OCSP 386 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PKI Revocation 387 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 pki_app 388 3 3 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 TPS IPC Process 389 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MMON PROCESS 197 3 9 333 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 802.1x switch 244 14 757 18 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SSS Manager 392 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 File Copy Handle 393 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PIM HA 394 3013 46867 64 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto IKEv2 395 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IKEv2 AAA handle 396 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 encrypt proc 397 1 3 333 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CRYPTO MAP FREE 398 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto INT 399 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto IKE Dispa 400 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto IKMP 401 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPSEC manual key 402 80 2270 35 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPSEC key engine 403 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto ACL 404 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Crypto PAS Proc 405 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IPSec background 406 0 10 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 VTP Trap Process 409 121 3630 33 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 dhcp snooping sw 410 0 10 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ASP Process Crea 411 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Licensing MIB pr 412 2 4 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM GED BINOS PR 413 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AUTO DEPLOY PROC 414 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DHCP Security He 416 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 NCD Process 417 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Online Diag EEM 418 16 757 21 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SPA ENTITY Proce 419 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IKEv2 FlexVPN Pr 420 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IKEv2 Cluster Lo 421 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 dcm_cli_engine 422 1 3 333 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 dcm_cli_provider 423 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DCM Core Thread 424 0 12 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 AAA SEND STOP EV 425 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Test AAA Client 426 52 227 229 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Syslog 427 5 4 1250 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Generic 428 3 4 750 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED NHRP 429 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Routing 430 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Syslog Traps 432 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ISSU Utility Pro 433 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IOXNSE IPC Msg P 434 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IOXNSE IPC Msg P 435 1380 35708 38 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PM Callback 436 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SPAN switch 437 1 3 333 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 WSMAN Process 438 19 757 25 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 FNF background p 440 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SNMP Manager 441 1 3 333 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 CTS credentials 442 2 4 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 RBM CORE 443 28 147 190 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM Server 444 2 4 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED RPC 445 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP SLAs ICMP Jit 446 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP SLAs Jitter E 447 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EPC WS PI suppor 448 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EPC WS PD suppor 449 1127 1069 1054 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DCM snmp dp Thre 450 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 snmp dcm ma shim 451 246 4541 54 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Bulkstat-Client 452 0 3 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 dcm_expression_p 453 22 22 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Call Home proces 454 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Call Home DS 455 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Call Home DSfile 456 1 3 333 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM Policy Direc 457 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ONEP Dispatch po 458 0 7 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED CLI 459 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Counter 460 1 4 250 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Interface 461 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED IOSWD 462 0 7 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED None 463 2 7 285 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED OIR 464 1 7 142 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED RF 465 1 4 250 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED SNMP 466 1 4 250 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED SNMP Obje 467 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED SNMP Noti 468 72 869 82 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Timer 469 0 6 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Test 470 1 4 250 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Config 471 1 6 166 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED Env 472 0 4 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED DS 473 1 6 166 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM ED CRASH 474 2 6 333 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EM ED GOLD 475 40 148 270 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Syslog 476 1 9 111 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 PnP-Monitor 478 11 4 2750 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 VLAN Manager 479 2566 2769 926 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 mdns Timer Proce 480 1 2 500 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 MRIB Process 481 10 113 88 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EEM Helper Threa 482 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ONEP Dispatch po 483 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 OFSDN IPC 485 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ONEP Dispatch po 486 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ONEP Dispatch po 487 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ONEP Dispatch po 488 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ONEP Dispatch po 489 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 ONEP Dispatch XD 490 0 15 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SSH Event handle 491 5477 45735 119 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP SNMP 246 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SSS Feature Mana 493 6731 22886 294 0.00% 0.02% 0.00% 0 SNMP ENGINE 494 0 2 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 IP SNMPV6 495 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SNMP ConfCopyPro 496 47 4 11750 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SNMP Traps 247 5703 177208 32 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SSS Feature Time 1 2 13 153 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Chunk Manager 245 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SSS Policy Manag 248 18950 232067 81 0.00% 0.03% 0.05% 0 Spanning Tree 501 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 SNMP Proxy Forwa 502 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 Connection Mgr 503 1 1 1000 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 LICENSE AGENT 505 1314 6536 201 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 DiagCard1/-1 510 0 1 0 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0 EM Action CNS ------------------ show process cpu platform sorted ------------------ CPU utilization for five seconds: 2%, one minute: 2%, five minutes: 3% Core 0: CPU utilization for five seconds: 6%, one minute: 2%, five minutes: 4% Core 1: CPU utilization for five seconds: 6%, one minute: 1%, five minutes: 3% Core 2: CPU utilization for five seconds: 7%, one minute: 2%, five minutes: 6% Core 3: CPU utilization for five seconds: 4%, one minute: 2%, five minutes: 3% Core 4: CPU utilization for five seconds: 9%, one minute: 2%, five minutes: 3% Core 5: CPU utilization for five seconds: 12%, one minute: 4%, five minutes: 3% Pid PPid 5Sec 1Min 5Min Status Size Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7590 7267 15% 6% 6% S 571104 linux_iosd-imag 12532 11940 7% 5% 5% S 152792 fed main event 17949 17290 2% 2% 2% S 58420 fman_fp_image 20872 20577 1% 0% 7% S 71332 smand 30205 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/0:0 26104 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/u12:1 24165 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 SarIosdMond 22710 22509 0% 0% 0% S 5328 pttcd 22641 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 22602 22362 0% 0% 0% S 52052 pubd 22509 1 0% 0% 0% S 3092 22487 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 22362 1 0% 0% 0% S 3092 21805 21793 0% 0% 0% S 25888 python2.7 21793 21489 0% 0% 0% S 1636 21634 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 21489 1 0% 0% 0% S 3092 20713 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 20577 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3088 20497 20196 0% 0% 0% S 19980 psd 20332 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 20196 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 20086 19763 0% 0% 0% S 24004 cli_agent 19941 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 19934 19549 0% 0% 0% S 8008 cmm 19763 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 19737 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 19703 19408 0% 0% 0% S 58084 dbm 19549 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 19521 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 19408 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 19388 19114 0% 0% 0% S 65984 fman_rp 19238 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 19114 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 18977 18675 0% 0% 0% S 12032 tms 18811 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 18804 11120 0% 0% 0% S 408 sleep 18728 18708 0% 0% 0% S 2028 journalctl 18708 18280 0% 0% 0% S 8480 plogd 18697 11418 0% 0% 0% S 408 sleep 18675 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 18567 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 18541 17935 0% 0% 0% S 29552 repm 18280 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 18193 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 18050 17416 0% 0% 0% S 75676 sessmgrd 17935 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 17849 10867 0% 0% 0% S 680 inotifywait 17768 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 17617 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 17532 17510 0% 0% 0% S 820 sntp 17510 1 0% 0% 0% S 1776 17416 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3088 17290 11116 0% 0% 0% S 3088 17217 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/u12:0 15798 8709 0% 0% 0% S 680 inotifywait 15714 4262 0% 0% 0% S 672 inotifywait 15523 9392 0% 0% 0% S 680 inotifywait 15515 9392 0% 0% 0% S 8800 15514 9392 0% 0% 0% S 680 inotifywait 15510 9392 0% 0% 0% S 8668 15509 9392 0% 0% 0% S 680 inotifywait 14193 13884 0% 0% 0% S 7816 epc_ws_liaison 14032 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 13884 11116 0% 0% 0% S 3088 13667 13465 0% 0% 0% S 10256 tams_proc 13587 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 13566 13248 0% 0% 0% S 6688 tamd_proc 13465 1 0% 0% 0% S 3092 13449 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 13418 13105 0% 0% 0% S 6012 tam_svcs_ng3k_c 13248 1 0% 0% 0% S 3092 13233 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 13105 1 0% 0% 0% S 3092 12776 12217 0% 0% 0% S 11024 btman 12682 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/u12:2 12538 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 12217 11116 0% 0% 0% S 3088 12186 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 11986 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 11940 11116 0% 0% 0% S 3088 11676 11116 0% 0% 0% S 672 inotifywait 11620 1 0% 0% 0% S 2044 rotee 11536 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 11418 10945 0% 0% 0% S 7408 11167 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 11120 10724 0% 0% 0% S 1812 sort_files_by_i 11116 1 0% 0% 0% S 5392 10945 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3096 10917 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 10867 10505 0% 0% 0% S 9812 auto_upgrade_cl 10724 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3096 10686 1 0% 0% 0% S 2016 rotee 10648 10287 0% 0% 0% S 2308 auto_upgrade_se 10505 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3096 10472 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 10446 10075 0% 0% 0% S 12476 btman 10287 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 10264 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 10233 9909 0% 0% 0% S 13884 bt_logger 10075 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 10048 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 9955 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 9909 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 9878 9534 0% 0% 1% R 15560 hman 9717 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 9534 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 9456 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 9392 9006 0% 0% 0% S 9708 9187 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 9162 8771 0% 0% 0% S 9552 keyman 9006 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3096 8961 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 8952 8551 0% 0% 0% S 12988 lman 8771 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3088 8737 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 8709 8336 0% 0% 0% S 10008 8551 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 8515 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 8471 8127 0% 0% 0% S 63672 platform_mgr 8336 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3096 8295 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 8240 7898 0% 0% 0% S 7812 nif_mgr 8127 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 8070 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 8027 7675 0% 0% 0% S 58708 sif_mgr 7898 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3092 7856 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 7818 7482 0% 0% 0% S 16468 stack_mgr 7675 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3088 7640 1 0% 0% 0% S 1904 rotee 7482 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3088 7404 1 0% 0% 0% S 1900 rotee 7267 6983 0% 0% 0% S 3096 7122 6983 0% 0% 0% S 672 inotifywait 7030 1 0% 0% 0% S 2040 rotee 6983 1 0% 0% 0% S 5668 6978 6924 0% 0% 0% S 672 inotifywait 6971 1 0% 0% 0% S 1896 rotee 6924 1 0% 0% 0% S 5760 6838 6560 0% 0% 0% S 272 inotifywait 6826 1 0% 0% 0% S 3644 rotee 6579 1 0% 0% 0% S 2368 xinetd 6561 1 0% 0% 0% S 2172 xinetd 6560 1 0% 0% 0% S 9024 rollback_timer. 5440 1 0% 0% 0% S 2404 xinetd 4726 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 lfts_sar_aux 4717 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 lsmpi-rx 4716 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 lsmpi-xmit 4715 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 lsmpi-refill 4567 4313 0% 0% 0% S 284 inotifywait 4454 1 0% 0% 0% S 3764 rotee 4420 1 0% 0% 0% S 3996 rotee 4313 1 0% 0% 0% S 5520 4262 1 0% 0% 0% S 6824 4257 3946 0% 0% 0% S 272 inotifywait 4231 1 0% 0% 0% S 4012 rotee 4135 3949 0% 0% 0% S 276 sleep 4121 1 0% 0% 0% S 3752 rotee 4059 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 nfsd 4058 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 nfsd 4057 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 nfsd 4056 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 nfsd 4055 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 nfsd 4054 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 nfsd 4051 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 nfsd 4050 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 nfsd 4049 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 lockd 4028 1 0% 0% 0% S 712 rpc.mountd 4015 4014 0% 0% 0% S 280 inotifywait 4014 1 0% 0% 0% S 408 boothelper_evt. 4002 1 0% 0% 0% S 2564 rpc.statd 3984 1 0% 0% 0% S 2760 rpcbind 3983 1 0% 0% 0% S 2300 xinetd 3959 3944 0% 0% 0% S 6476 libvirtd 3957 1 0% 0% 0% S 1848 virtlogd 3949 1 0% 0% 0% S 3996 3946 1 0% 0% 0% S 6860 3944 1 0% 0% 0% S 3336 1399 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 1397 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 1396 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 1394 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 1392 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 1390 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 1388 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 1233 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 loop7 1211 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 loop6 987 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 loop5 944 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 loop4 922 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 loop3 864 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 loop2 842 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 loop1 758 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 loop0 623 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/5:3 436 1 0% 0% 0% S 4416 dbus-daemon 418 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/1:2 398 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/5:2 359 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/5:1H 347 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/4:1H 340 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/2:1H 333 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/0:1H 328 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/3:1H 283 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/1:1H 210 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/2:2 209 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/4:2 207 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/0:2 187 1 0% 0% 0% S 3912 systemd-udevd 176 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 175 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/3:2 170 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kauditd 167 1 0% 0% 0% S 3560 systemd-journal 151 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 ipv6_addrconf 149 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/2:1 148 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 146 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/4:1 142 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 dm_bufio_cache 141 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 octeon-ethernet 137 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 scsi_tmf_0 136 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 scsi_eh_0 135 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 134 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 133 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 132 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 131 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 130 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 129 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 128 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 127 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 126 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 125 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 124 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 123 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 122 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 121 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 120 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 119 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 118 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 117 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 116 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 115 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 114 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 113 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 112 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 111 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 110 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 109 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 108 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 107 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 106 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 105 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 104 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 103 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 102 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 101 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 100 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 99 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 98 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 97 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 96 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 95 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 94 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 93 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 92 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 91 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 90 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 89 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 88 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 87 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 86 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 85 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 84 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 83 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 82 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 81 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 80 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 79 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 78 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 77 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 76 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 75 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 74 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 73 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 72 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 71 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 70 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 69 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/1:1 57 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 nfsiod 56 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 vmstat 55 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kswapd0 52 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 xprtiod 50 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 rpciod 49 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 watchdogd 48 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 edac-poller 47 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 md 46 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 ata_sff 45 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kblockd 44 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 bioset 43 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 crypto 42 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 ksmd 41 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kcompactd0 40 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 writeback 39 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 oom_reaper 38 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 netns 37 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kdevtmpfs 36 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/5:0H 34 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 ksoftirqd/5 33 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 migration/5 32 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 cpuhp/5 31 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/4:0H 29 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 ksoftirqd/4 28 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 migration/4 27 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 cpuhp/4 26 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/3:0H 25 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/3:0 24 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 ksoftirqd/3 23 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 migration/3 22 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 cpuhp/3 21 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/2:0H 19 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 ksoftirqd/2 18 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 migration/2 17 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 cpuhp/2 16 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/1:0H 14 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 ksoftirqd/1 13 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 migration/1 12 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 cpuhp/1 11 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 cpuhp/0 10 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 lru-add-drain 9 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 migration/0 8 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 rcu_bh 7 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 rcu_sched 5 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 kworker/0:0H 3 2 0% 0% 0% S 0 ksoftirqd/0 2 0 0% 0% 0% S 0 kthreadd 1 0 0% 0% 0% S 6608 systemd ------------------ show process cpu extended history ------------------ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 3%/0% Timestamp 12:38:22 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 9 1 0/0 1/1 High 380 17 0/1 1/2 Normal 1472 126 0/7 1/8 Low 11 0 0/0 1/1 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 2%/0% Timestamp 12:38:17 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 8 1 0/0 1/1 High 379 28 0/1 1/2 Normal 1410 77 0/4 1/6 Low 17 6 0/1 1/1 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 500 HSRP IPv4 H New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ 500 16 1 Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 10%/0% Timestamp 12:38:12 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 9 2 0/0 1/1 High 369 14 0/1 1/2 Normal 1636 442 0/18 1/7 Low 25 11 0/2 1/1 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 269 SSH Process M New 500 HSRP IPv4 H New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 269 324 88 3/21 63 5/41 1600 0/19 Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ 500 15 1 Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 16%/1% Timestamp 12:38:07 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 9 0 0/0 1/1 High 365 10 0/1 1/2 Normal 1995 767 0/45 1/10 Low 12 1 33/204 1/2 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 269 SSH Process M New 144 Per-minute Jobs M New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 269 583 193 3/21 131 4/344 5766 0/21 Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ 144 2 1 Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 4%/0% Timestamp 12:38:02 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 9 2 0/0 1/1 High 375 12 0/1 1/2 Normal 1468 196 0/12 1/7 Low 20 5 0/1 1/2 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 370 LOCAL AAA M New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 370 139 76 1/12 1 139/139 41026 0/2 Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 1%/0% Timestamp 12:37:57 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 8 0 0/0 1/1 High 383 17 0/1 1/2 Normal 1375 55 0/1 1/8 Low 13 2 0/0 1/1 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 500 HSRP IPv4 H New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ 500 19 2 Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 4%/0% Timestamp 12:37:52 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 9 0 0/1 1/1 High 377 13 0/1 1/2 Normal 1391 182 0/13 1/9 Low 15 4 0/1 1/2 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 269 SSH Process M New 500 HSRP IPv4 H New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 269 108 12 9/12 5 21/94 155 0/13 Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ 500 15 1 Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 1%/0% Timestamp 12:37:47 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 8 1 0/0 1/1 High 383 13 0/1 1/2 Normal 1371 57 0/1 1/5 Low 15 6 0/0 1/2 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 500 HSRP IPv4 H New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ 500 19 4 Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 4%/0% Timestamp 12:37:42 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 9 1 0/0 1/1 High 375 16 0/1 1/2 Normal 1366 63 0/1 1/7 Low 18 106 0/1 1/2 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 9 Check heaps L New 500 HSRP IPv4 H New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 105 7 15/20 6 17/20 82 0/6 Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ 500 15 1 Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 1%/0% Timestamp 12:37:37 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 8 1 0/0 1/1 High 378 17 0/1 1/2 Normal 1362 57 0/2 1/5 Low 12 4 0/0 1/2 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 2%/0% Timestamp 12:37:32 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 9 1 0/0 1/1 High 380 20 0/1 1/2 Normal 1361 51 0/3 1/5 Low 15 36 4/32 1/3 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 500 HSRP IPv4 H New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ 500 17 1 Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ################################################################################ Global Statistics ----------------- 5 sec CPU util 1%/0% Timestamp 12:37:27 Queue Statistics ---------------- Exec Count Total CPU Response Time Queue Length (avg/max) (avg/max) Critical 8 0 0/0 1/1 High 383 13 0/1 1/2 Normal 1397 58 0/1 1/5 Low 13 3 0/0 1/2 Common Process Information ------------------------------- PID Name Prio Style ------------------------------- 499 HSRP Common H New 500 HSRP IPv4 H New CPU Intensive processes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PID Total Exec Quant Burst Burst size Schedcall Schedcall CPUms Count avg/max Count avg/max(ms) Count Per avg/max ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Priority Suspends ------------------------------------ PID Exec Count Prio-Susps ------------------------------------ 500 18 4 499 312 2 Latencies ------------------------- PID Exec Count Latency avg/max ------------------------- ################################################################################ ------------------ show process cpu history ------------------ 1111111111 333332222200000666664444411111444441111144444111112222211111 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 ***** 10 ********** 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 CPU% per second (last 60 seconds) 1 42 1 1 637164334333343343434424443443434243444324034444333433333434 100 90 80 70 60 50 * 40 * 30 * 20 * ** 10 * ##* * * 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 CPU% per minute (last 60 minutes) * = maximum CPU% # = average CPU% 111111111115 333456546372 100 90 80 70 60 50 * 40 * 30 * 20 *** * ** 10 ************ 0....5....1....1....2....2....3....3....4....4....5....5....6....6....7.. 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 CPU% per hour (last 72 hours) * = maximum CPU% # = average CPU% ------------------ show license all ------------------ Smart Licensing Status ====================== Smart Licensing is ENABLED Registration: Status: UNREGISTERED Export-Controlled Functionality: NOT ALLOWED License Authorization: Status: IN-USE License Conversion: Automatic Conversion Enabled: False Status: Not started Export Authorization Key: Features Authorized: Utility: Status: DISABLED Data Privacy: Sending Hostname: yes Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED Version privacy: DISABLED Transport: Type: Callhome License Usage ============== (C3850-12XS IP Base): Description: Count: 1 Version: 1.0 Status: IN-USE Export status: NOT RESTRICTED Product Information =================== UDI: PID:WS-C3850-12S,SN:FOC2343U0P0 Agent Version ============= Smart Agent for Licensing: 4.8.18_rel/86 Reservation Info ================ License reservation: DISABLED ------------------ show license summary ------------------ Smart Licensing is ENABLED Registration: Status: UNREGISTERED Export-Controlled Functionality: NOT ALLOWED License Authorization: Status: IN-USE License Usage: License Entitlement tag Count Status ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (C3850-12XS IP Base) 1 IN-USE ------------------ show switch detail ------------------ Switch/Stack Mac Address : 6c71.0d88.c300 - Local Mac Address Mac persistency wait time: Indefinite H/W Current Switch# Role Mac Address Priority Version State ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *1 Active 6c71.0d88.c300 1 V02 Ready Stack Port Status Neighbors Switch# Port 1 Port 2 Port 1 Port 2 -------------------------------------------------------- 1 DOWN DOWN None None ------------------ show platform oir states ------------------ Card # Type Provisioned State ===================================================== 1 16399 Yes ADDED 2 0 No UNPROVISIONED 3 0 No UNPROVISIONED 4 0 No UNPROVISIONED 5 0 No UNPROVISIONED 6 0 No UNPROVISIONED 7 0 No UNPROVISIONED 8 0 No UNPROVISIONED 9 0 No UNPROVISIONED ------------------ show ipc nodes ------------------ There is 1 node in this IPC realm. ID Type Name Last Last MTU Sent Heard 0.10000 Local IPC Master 0 0 1450 ------------------ show ipc ports ------------------ IPC ACTIVE PORT TABLE There are 17 ports defined. Port ID Type Name (current/peak/total) 10000.1 unicast IPC Master:Zone 10000.2 unicast IPC Master:Echo 10000.3 multicast IPC Master:Control 10000.4 unicast License:Active 10000.5 unicast ERP Agent Port #1 10000.6 unicast IPC-Apps:Active 10000.7 unicast RF : Active 10000.8 unicast RED MODE: Active Port 10000.9 unicast ifindex_sync_active_port 10000.A unicast CF : Active 10000.B unicast KEYSTORE:ACTIVE 10000.C unicast Remote TTY Server Port 10000.D unicast RTTYEnh Master Port 10000.E unicast FIB Master: DFS.process_level.msgs 10000.F unicast FIB Master: DFS.interrupt.msgs 10000.10 unicast RP: MRIB.control.RIL 10000.11 unicast Config Sync ISSU nego active RPC packets: current/peak/total IPC STANDBY PORT TABLE There are 0 ports defined. Port ID Type Name (current/peak/total) RPC packets: current/peak/total ------------------ show ipc queue ------------------ There are 0 IPC messages waiting for acknowledgement in the transmit queue. There are 0 IPC messages waiting for a response. There are 0 IPC messages waiting for additional fragments. There are 0 IPC messages currently on the IPC inboundQ[0]. There are 0 IPC messages currently on the IPC inboundQ[1]. There are 0 IPC messages currently on the RX controller inboundQ. There are 0 IPC messages currently on the TX controller inboundQ. There are 0 IPC messages currently on the zone inboundQ. Messages currently in use : 0 Message cache size : 1000 Maximum message cache usage : 1000 0 times message cache crossed 5000 [max] Emergency messages currently in use : 0 There are 0 messages currently reserved for reply msg. Cache low watermark [default/new]: [100/100] No of low watermark reached : 0 Total get cache after low watermark : 0 No of times zero cache reached : 0 No of times one cache added : 0 No of times cache chunk added : 0 Max no of get cache between wake2grow : 0 ------------------ show ipc status ------------------ IPC System Status Time last IPC stat cleared all zones : 00:00:00 This processor is the IPC master server in zone 0 (default). Do not drop output of IPC frames for test purposes. 1000 IPC Message Headers Cached. Rx Side Tx Side Total Frames 0 0 Total from Local Ports 0 0 Total Protocol Control Frames 0 0 Total Frames Dropped 0 0 Service Usage Total via Unreliable Connection-Less Service 0 0 Total via Unreliable Sequenced Connection-Less Svc 0 0 Total via Reliable Connection-Oriented Service 0 0 Total Messages via Fragmentation 0 0 Total Fragments 0 0 Total Internal IPC Messages 0 0 Total Messages Flushed 0 0 IPC Protocol Version 0 Total Acknowledgements 0 0 Total Negative Acknowledgements 0 0 Device Drivers Total via Local Driver 0 0 Total via Platform Driver 0 0 Total Frames Dropped by Platform Drivers 0 0 Total Frames Sent when media is quiesced 0 Reliable Tx Statistics Re-Transmission 0 Re-Tx Timeout 0 Rx Errors Tx Errors Unsupp IPC Proto Version 0 Tx Session Error 0 Corrupt Frame 0 Tx Seat Error 0 Duplicate Frame 0 Tx No Send Vector 0 Unrel Out-of-Seq Frame 0 Tx Driver Failed 0 Rx IPC Transform Errors 0 Tx IPC Transform Errors 0 Unable to Deliver Msg 0 Tx Test Drop 0 Rx Msg Callback Hog 0 BP HOG 0 Ack Alloc Failed 0 Rel Out-of-Seq Frame 0 Dest Port does Not Exist 0 Rx IPC Msg Alloc Failed 0 Rx IPC Frag Dropped 0 Rx Bootstrap Delivered 0 Rx Bootstrap Dropped 0 Buffer Errors Misc Errors IPC Msg Alloc 0 IPC Open Port 2 Emer IPC Msg Alloc 0 No HWQ 0 IPC Frame PakType Alloc 0 Hardware Error 0 IPC Frame MemD Alloc 0 Invalid Messages 0 RPC reply PI blocked Alloc 0 RPC reply PI blocked failed 0 RPC reply PI blocked free 0 RPC reply PI unblocked Alloc 0 RPC reply PI unblocked failed 0 RPC Reply PI Free 0 RPC reply PI magic err 0 RPC reply PI dup ack 0 Invalid port info magic err 0 IPC Backup Open Port 0 IPC Fragment Errors 0 Message Timer Errors 0 Messages no xmt pending flag 0 Invalid port info 0 Tx Driver Errors No Transport 0 MTU Failure 0 Dest does not Exist 0 IPC Message Bundling Statistics Seat-level Tx Bundling (bdl/sub/nonbdl/urgent/err) 0/0/0/0/0 Seat-level Rx Bundling (bdl/sub/nonbdl/err) 0/0/0/0 Session-level Tx Bundling (bdl/sub/nonbdl/urgent/err) 0/0/0/0/0 Session-level Rx Bundling (bdl/sub/nonbdl/err) 0/0/0/0 ------------------ show interfaces status ------------------ Port Name Status Vlan Duplex Speed Type Gi1/0/1 Connection_to_router_B connected trunk full 1000 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP Gi1/0/2 Connection_to_Netowrk_1_Switch_1_C3850 connected routed a-full 1000 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP Gi1/0/3 Connection_to_Netowrk_2_Switch_1_C3850 connected routed a-full a-1000 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP Gi1/0/4 shutdown disabled 1 auto auto unknown Gi1/0/5 Connection_to_Netowrk_3_Switch_1_C2960x connected routed a-full a-1000 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP Gi1/0/6 shutdown disabled 1 auto auto unknown Gi1/0/7 shutdown disabled routed auto auto unknown Gi1/0/8 NGFW_2 connected 305 a-full a-1000 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP Gi1/0/9 Connection_to_Netowrk_4_Switch_1_C3850 connected routed a-full a-100 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP Gi1/0/10 Shutdown disabled 1 auto auto 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP Gi1/0/11 Shutdown disabled routed auto 1000 10/100/1000BaseTX SFP Gi1/0/12 shutdown disabled routed auto auto unknown Po1 notconnect unassigned auto auto N/A ------------------ show interfaces status err-disabled ------------------ ------------------ show interfaces switchport ------------------ Name: Gi1/0/1 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: trunk Operational Mode: trunk Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q Operational Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q Negotiation of Trunking: On Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled Voice VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan host-association: none Administrative private-vlan mapping: none Administrative private-vlan trunk native VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan trunk Native VLAN tagging: enabled Administrative private-vlan trunk encapsulation: dot1q Administrative private-vlan trunk normal VLANs: none Administrative private-vlan trunk associations: none Administrative private-vlan trunk mappings: none Operational private-vlan: none Trunking VLANs Enabled: 301,305 Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001 Capture Mode Disabled Capture VLANs Allowed: ALL Protected: false Unknown unicast blocked: disabled Unknown multicast blocked: disabled Vepa Enabled: false Appliance trust: none Name: Gi1/0/4 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Operational Mode: down Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q Negotiation of Trunking: On Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled Voice VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan host-association: none Administrative private-vlan mapping: none Administrative private-vlan trunk native VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan trunk Native VLAN tagging: enabled Administrative private-vlan trunk encapsulation: dot1q Administrative private-vlan trunk normal VLANs: none Administrative private-vlan trunk associations: none Administrative private-vlan trunk mappings: none Operational private-vlan: none Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001 Capture Mode Disabled Capture VLANs Allowed: ALL Protected: false Unknown unicast blocked: disabled Unknown multicast blocked: disabled Vepa Enabled: false Appliance trust: none Name: Gi1/0/6 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: static access Operational Mode: down Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q Negotiation of Trunking: Off Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled Voice VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan host-association: none Administrative private-vlan mapping: none Administrative private-vlan trunk native VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan trunk Native VLAN tagging: enabled Administrative private-vlan trunk encapsulation: dot1q Administrative private-vlan trunk normal VLANs: none Administrative private-vlan trunk associations: none Administrative private-vlan trunk mappings: none Operational private-vlan: none Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001 Capture Mode Disabled Capture VLANs Allowed: ALL Protected: false Unknown unicast blocked: disabled Unknown multicast blocked: disabled Vepa Enabled: false Appliance trust: none Name: Gi1/0/8 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: static access Operational Mode: static access Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q Operational Trunking Encapsulation: native Negotiation of Trunking: Off Access Mode VLAN: 305 (VLAN0305) Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled Voice VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan host-association: none Administrative private-vlan mapping: none Administrative private-vlan trunk native VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan trunk Native VLAN tagging: enabled Administrative private-vlan trunk encapsulation: dot1q Administrative private-vlan trunk normal VLANs: none Administrative private-vlan trunk associations: none Administrative private-vlan trunk mappings: none Operational private-vlan: none Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001 Capture Mode Disabled Capture VLANs Allowed: ALL Protected: false Unknown unicast blocked: disabled Unknown multicast blocked: disabled Vepa Enabled: false Appliance trust: none Name: Gi1/0/10 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Operational Mode: down Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q Negotiation of Trunking: On Access Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 1 (default) Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled Voice VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan host-association: none Administrative private-vlan mapping: none Administrative private-vlan trunk native VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan trunk Native VLAN tagging: enabled Administrative private-vlan trunk encapsulation: dot1q Administrative private-vlan trunk normal VLANs: none Administrative private-vlan trunk associations: none Administrative private-vlan trunk mappings: none Operational private-vlan: none Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001 Capture Mode Disabled Capture VLANs Allowed: ALL Protected: false Unknown unicast blocked: disabled Unknown multicast blocked: disabled Vepa Enabled: false Appliance trust: none Name: Gi1/1/1 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Name: Gi1/1/2 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Name: Gi1/1/3 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Name: Gi1/1/4 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Name: Te1/1/1 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Name: Te1/1/2 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Name: Te1/1/3 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Name: Te1/1/4 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Name: Po1 Switchport: Enabled Administrative Mode: dynamic auto Operational Mode: down Administrative Trunking Encapsulation: dot1q Negotiation of Trunking: On Access Mode VLAN: unassigned Trunking Native Mode VLAN: 0 (Inactive) Administrative Native VLAN tagging: disabled Voice VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan host-association: none Administrative private-vlan mapping: none Administrative private-vlan trunk native VLAN: none Administrative private-vlan trunk Native VLAN tagging: enabled Administrative private-vlan trunk encapsulation: dot1q Administrative private-vlan trunk normal VLANs: none Administrative private-vlan trunk associations: none Administrative private-vlan trunk mappings: none Operational private-vlan: none Trunking VLANs Enabled: ALL Pruning VLANs Enabled: 2-1001 Protected: false Unknown unicast blocked: disabled Unknown multicast blocked: disabled Vepa Enabled: false Appliance trust: none ------------------ show interfaces trunk ------------------ Port Mode Encapsulation Status Native vlan Gi1/0/1 on 802.1q trunking 1 Port Vlans allowed on trunk Gi1/0/1 301,305 Port Vlans allowed and active in management domain Gi1/0/1 305 Port Vlans in spanning tree forwarding state and not pruned Gi1/0/1 305 ------------------ show vlan ------------------ VLAN Name Status Ports ---- -------------------------------- --------- ------------------------------- 1 default active Gi1/0/4, Gi1/0/6, Gi1/0/10 305 VLAN0305 active Gi1/0/8 1002 fddi-default act/unsup 1003 token-ring-default act/unsup 1004 fddinet-default act/unsup 1005 trnet-default act/unsup VLAN Type SAID MTU Parent RingNo BridgeNo Stp BrdgMode Trans1 Trans2 ---- ----- ---------- ----- ------ ------ -------- ---- -------- ------ ------ 1 enet 100001 1500 - - - - - 0 0 305 enet 100305 1500 - - - - - 0 0 1002 fddi 101002 1500 - - - - - 0 0 1003 tr 101003 1500 - - - - - 0 0 1004 fdnet 101004 1500 - - - ieee - 0 0 1005 trnet 101005 1500 - - - ibm - 0 0 Remote SPAN VLANs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Primary Secondary Type Ports ------- --------- ----------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------------ show spanning-tree ------------------ VLAN0305 Spanning tree enabled protocol ieee Root ID Priority 33073 Address 6c71.0d88.c300 This bridge is the root Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Bridge ID Priority 33073 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 305) Address 6c71.0d88.c300 Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 sec Aging Time 300 sec Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type ------------------- ---- --- --------- -------- -------------------------------- Gi1/0/1 Desg FWD 4 128.1 P2p Gi1/0/8 Desg FWD 4 128.8 P2p ------------------ show spanning-tree summary ------------------ Switch is in pvst mode Root bridge for: VLAN0305 EtherChannel misconfig guard is enabled Extended system ID is enabled Portfast Default is disabled PortFast BPDU Guard Default is disabled Portfast BPDU Filter Default is disabled Loopguard Default is disabled UplinkFast is disabled BackboneFast is disabled Configured Pathcost method used is short Name Blocking Listening Learning Forwarding STP Active ---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- VLAN0305 0 0 0 2 2 ---------------------- -------- --------- -------- ---------- ---------- 1 vlan 0 0 0 2 2 ------------------ show etherchannel summary ------------------ Flags: D - down P - bundled in port-channel I - stand-alone s - suspended H - Hot-standby (LACP only) R - Layer3 S - Layer2 U - in use f - failed to allocate aggregator M - not in use, minimum links not met u - unsuitable for bundling w - waiting to be aggregated d - default port A - formed by Auto LAG Number of channel-groups in use: 1 Number of aggregators: 1 Group Port-channel Protocol Ports ------+-------------+-----------+----------------------------------------------- 1 Po1(SD) - ------------------ show mac address-table ------------------ Mac Address Table ------------------------------------------- Vlan Mac Address Type Ports ---- ----------- -------- ----- All 0100.0ccc.cccc STATIC CPU All 0100.0ccc.cccd STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0000 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0001 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0002 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0003 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0004 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0005 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0006 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0007 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0008 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0009 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.000a STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.000b STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.000c STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.000d STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.000e STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.000f STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0010 STATIC CPU All 0180.c200.0021 STATIC CPU All ffff.ffff.ffff STATIC CPU 305 0000.0c07.ac23 STATIC Vl305 305 6c71.0d88.c37a STATIC Vl305 305 a4b4.3934.397a DYNAMIC Gi1/0/1 305 b40c.25e5.0042 DYNAMIC Gi1/0/8 Total Mac Addresses for this criterion: 25 ------------------ show lacp counters ------------------ ------------------ show lacp neighbor detail ------------------ ------------------ show fips status ------------------ Switch and Stacking are not running in fips mode ------------------ show diagnostic result switch all ------------------ Current bootup diagnostic level: minimal switch 1: SerialNo : FOC2343U0P0 Overall Diagnostic Result for switch 1 : PASS Diagnostic level at card bootup: minimal Test results: (. = Pass, F = Fail, U = Untested) 1) DiagGoldPktTest: Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------- U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 2) DiagThermalTest -----------------> . 3) DiagFanTest ---------------------> . 4) DiagPhyLoopbackTest: Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------- U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 5) DiagScratchRegisterTest ---------> . 6) TestUnusedPortLoopback: Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------- U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U U 7) TestPortTxMonitoring: Port 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------- . . . U . U U . . U U U U U U U U U U U 8) DiagStackCableTest --------------> U 9) DiagMemoryTest ------------------> U ------------------ show platform software infrastructure lsmpi driver ------------------ LSMPI Driver stat ver: 3 Packets: In: 726838 Out: 415178 Rings: RX: 4095 free 0 in-use 4096 total TX: 2047 free 0 in-use 2048 total RXDONE: 4094 free 1 in-use 4096 total TXDONE: 2046 free 1 in-use 2048 total Buffers: RX: 8193 free 1 in-use 8194 total Transmit fail retry: Disabled Reason for RX drops (sticky): Ring full : 0 Ring put failed : 0 No free buffer : 0 Receive failed : 0 Packet too large : 0 Other inst buf : 0 Consecutive SOPs : 0 No SOP or EOP : 0 EOP but no SOP : 0 Particle overrun : 0 Bad particle ins : 0 Bad buf cond : 0 DS rd req failed : 0 HT rd req failed : 0 Reason for TX drops (sticky): Bad packet len : 0 Bad buf len : 0 Bad ifindex : 0 No device : 0 No skbuff : 0 Device xmit fail : 0 Device xmit rtry : 0 Tx Done ringfull : 0 Bad u->k xlation : 0 No extra skbuff : 0 Consecutive SOPs : 0 No SOP or EOP : 0 EOP but no SOP : 0 Particle overrun : 0 Other inst buf : 0 Dual stack: Registration : 1 De-registration : 0 Rx packets : 726838 Rx packets err : 0 L2 Rx packets : 0 L3 Rx packets : 0 Looped packets : 0 skb nonlinear : 0 Rx IP frag : 0 Rx IP frag err : 0 Drv stat: Rx particles : 0 Tx particles : 0 Rx err : 0 Tx err : 0 Total Err : 0 Transport stat: Registration : 1 De-registration : 0 Tx packets : 41 Rx packets : 0 ------------------ show platform software infrastructure lsmpi driver 0 ------------------ LSMPI driver stat for the application id: 0 LSMPI Driver stat ver: 3 Packets: In: 415216 Out: 726823 Rings: RX: 4095 free 0 in-use 4096 total TX: 2047 free 0 in-use 2048 total RXDONE: 4095 free 0 in-use 4096 total TXDONE: 6784 free 1407 in-use 8192 total Buffers: RX: 4089 free 9 in-use 4098 total Transmit fail retry: Disabled Reason for RX drops (sticky): Ring full : 0 Ring put failed : 0 No free buffer : 0 Receive failed : 0 Packet too large : 0 Other inst buf : 0 Consecutive SOPs : 0 No SOP or EOP : 0 EOP but no SOP : 0 Particle overrun : 0 Bad particle ins : 0 Bad buf cond : 0 DS rd req failed : 0 HT rd req failed : 0 Reason for TX drops (sticky): Bad packet len : 0 Bad buf len : 0 Bad ifindex : 0 No device : 0 No skbuff : 0 Device xmit fail : 0 Device xmit rtry : 0 Tx Done ringfull : 0 Bad u->k xlation : 0 No extra skbuff : 0 Consecutive SOPs : 0 No SOP or EOP : 0 EOP but no SOP : 0 Particle overrun : 0 Other inst buf : 0 Dual stack: Registration : 0 De-registration : 0 Rx packets : 415216 Rx packets err : 0 L2 Rx packets : 0 L3 Rx packets : 0 Looped packets : 0 skb nonlinear : 0 Rx IP frag : 0 Rx IP frag err : 0 Drv stat: Rx particles : 0 Tx particles : 0 Rx err : 0 Tx err : 0 Total Err : 0 Transport stat: Registration : 0 De-registration : 0 Tx packets : 0 Rx packets : 0 ------------------ show platform software fed switch active punt cause summary ------------------ Statistics for all causes Cause Cause Info Rcvd Dropped ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7 ARP request or response 159437 0 11 For-us data 37150 0 21 RP<->QFP keepalive 22665 0 24 Glean adjacency 85470 698 29 RP handled ICMP 85725 0 55 For-us control 138145 0 60 IP subnet or broadcast packet 16694 0 96 Layer2 control protocols 182236 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ show platform software fed switch active punt tag summary ------------------ ------------------ show platform software fed switch active punt cpuq all ------------------ Punt CPU Q Statistics =========================================== CPU Q Id : 0 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_DOT1X_AUTH Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 1 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_L2_CONTROL Packets received from ASIC : 1513 Send to IOSd total attempts : 1513 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 1513 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 1513 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 2 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_FORUS_TRAFFIC Packets received from ASIC : 37150 Send to IOSd total attempts : 37150 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 36916 RX packets dq'd after intack : 380 Active RxQ event : 36917 RX spurious interrupt : 797 CPU Q Id : 3 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_ICMP_GEN Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 4 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_ROUTING_CONTROL Packets received from ASIC : 138110 Send to IOSd total attempts : 138110 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 137825 RX packets dq'd after intack : 857 Active RxQ event : 137825 RX spurious interrupt : 1468 CPU Q Id : 5 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_FORUS_ADDR_RESOLUTION Packets received from ASIC : 159437 Send to IOSd total attempts : 159437 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 145842 RX packets dq'd after intack : 2688 Active RxQ event : 145916 RX spurious interrupt : 4165 CPU Q Id : 6 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_ICMP_REDIRECT Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 7 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_INTER_FED_TRAFFIC Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 8 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_L2LVX_CONTROL_PKT Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 9 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_EWLC_CONTROL Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 10 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_EWLC_DATA Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 11 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_L2LVX_DATA_PKT Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 12 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_BROADCAST Packets received from ASIC : 16694 Send to IOSd total attempts : 16694 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 16717 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 16717 RX spurious interrupt : 39 CPU Q Id : 13 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_LEARNING_CACHE_OVFL Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 14 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_SW_FORWARDING Packets received from ASIC : 85475 Send to IOSd total attempts : 84777 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 698 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 698 RX INTACK count : 27498 RX packets dq'd after intack : 621 Active RxQ event : 34144 RX spurious interrupt : 2788 CPU Q Id : 15 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_TOPOLOGY_CONTROL Packets received from ASIC : 180727 Send to IOSd total attempts : 180727 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 180866 RX packets dq'd after intack : 57 Active RxQ event : 180866 RX spurious interrupt : 282 CPU Q Id : 16 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_PROTO_SNOOPING Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 17 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_DHCP_SNOOPING Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 18 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_TRANSIT_TRAFFIC Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 19 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_RPF_FAILED Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 20 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_MCAST_END_STATION_SERVICE Packets received from ASIC : 38 Send to IOSd total attempts : 38 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 39 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 39 RX spurious interrupt : 1 CPU Q Id : 21 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_LOGGING Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 22 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_PUNT_WEBAUTH Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 23 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_HIGH_RATE_APP Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 24 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_EXCEPTION Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 25 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_SYSTEM_CRITICAL Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 26 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_NFL_SAMPLED_DATA Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 27 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_LOW_LATENCY Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 28 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_EGR_EXCEPTION Packets received from ASIC : 85725 Send to IOSd total attempts : 85725 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 6796 RX packets dq'd after intack : 2391 Active RxQ event : 15533 RX spurious interrupt : 2342 CPU Q Id : 29 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_FSS Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 30 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_MCAST_DATA Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 CPU Q Id : 31 CPU Q Name : CPU_Q_GOLD_PKT Packets received from ASIC : 0 Send to IOSd total attempts : 0 Send to IOSd failed count : 0 RX suspend count : 0 RX unsuspend count : 0 RX unsuspend send count : 0 RX unsuspend send failed count : 0 RX consumed count : 0 RX dropped count : 0 RX non-active dropped count : 0 RX conversion failure dropped : 0 RX INTACK count : 0 RX packets dq'd after intack : 0 Active RxQ event : 0 RX spurious interrupt : 0 Replenish Stats for all rxq: ------------------------------------------- Number of replenish : 557250 Number of replenish suspend : 0 Number of replenish un-suspend : 0 ------------------------------------------- ------------------ sh platform software fed switch active inject cause summary ------------------ Statistics for all causes Cause Cause Info Rcvd Dropped ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 L2 control/legacy 48334 0 2 QFP destination lookup 123194 0 5 QFP <->RP keepalive 22665 0 7 QFP adjacency-id lookup 128293 0 12 ARP request or response 92786 0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ show platform software fed switch active inject cpuq all ------------------ Inject CPU Q Statistics =========================================== CPU Q Id : 0 CPU Q Name : TX_CPUQ_PRIO_LOW Packets received from IOSd : 240166 Enq to pkt driver total attempts : 217516 Enq to pkt driver failed count : 0 Count of TX CMPL received : 217515 TX suspend count : 0 TX unsuspend count : 0 TX dropped count : 0 TX punted count : 0 TX App enq failed : 0 CPU Q Id : 6 CPU Q Name : TX_CPUQ_PRIO_CR Packets received from IOSd : 0 Enq to pkt driver total attempts : 0 Enq to pkt driver failed count : 0 Count of TX CMPL received : 0 TX suspend count : 0 TX unsuspend count : 0 TX dropped count : 0 TX punted count : 0 TX App enq failed : 0 CPU Q Id : 7 CPU Q Name : TX_CPUQ_PRIO_HI Packets received from IOSd : 175117 Enq to pkt driver total attempts : 175101 Enq to pkt driver failed count : 0 Count of TX CMPL received : 175101 TX suspend count : 0 TX unsuspend count : 0 TX dropped count : 0 TX punted count : 0 TX App enq failed : 0 Stats for all txq: --------------------------------------------- TX chunk malloc fail count : 0 --------------------------------------------- ------------------ show platform hardware fed switch active qos queue stats internal cpu policer ------------------ CPU Queue Statistics ============================================================================================ (default) (set) Queue QId PlcIdx Queue Name Enabled Rate Rate Drop(Bytes) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 11 DOT1X Auth Yes 1000 1000 0 1 1 L2 Control Yes 2000 2000 0 2 14 Forus traffic Yes 4000 4000 0 3 0 ICMP GEN Yes 600 600 0 4 2 Routing Control Yes 5400 5400 0 5 14 Forus Address resolution Yes 4000 4000 0 6 0 ICMP Redirect Yes 600 600 0 7 16 Inter FED Traffic Yes 2000 2000 0 8 4 L2 LVX Cont Pack Yes 1000 1000 0 9 16 EWLC Control Yes 2000 2000 0 10 16 EWLC Data Yes 2000 2000 0 11 13 L2 LVX Data Pack Yes 1000 1000 0 12 0 BROADCAST Yes 600 600 0 13 10 Openflow Yes 100 6200 0 14 13 Sw forwarding Yes 1000 1000 0 15 8 Topology Control Yes 13000 6200 0 16 12 Proto Snooping Yes 2000 2000 0 17 6 DHCP Snooping Yes 500 500 0 18 13 Transit Traffic Yes 1000 1000 0 19 10 RPF Failed Yes 100 6200 0 20 15 MCAST END STATION Yes 2000 2000 0 21 13 LOGGING Yes 1000 1000 0 22 7 Punt Webauth Yes 1000 1000 0 23 10 High Rate App Yes 100 6200 0 24 10 Exception Yes 100 6200 0 25 3 System Critical Yes 1000 1000 0 26 10 NFL SAMPLED DATA Yes 100 6200 0 27 2 Low Latency Yes 5400 5400 0 28 10 EGR Exception Yes 100 6200 0 29 5 Stackwise Virtual OOB Yes 8000 8000 0 30 9 MCAST Data Yes 500 500 0 31 3 Gold Pkt Yes 1000 1000 0 * NOTE: CPU queue policer rates are configured to the closest hardware supported value CPU Queue Policer Statistics ==================================================================== Policer Policer Accept Policer Drop Index Bytes Bytes ------------------------------------------------ 0 3364757 0 1 96832 0 2 9196342 0 3 0 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 6 0 0 7 0 0 8 22229913 0 9 0 0 10 5886450 0 11 0 0 12 0 0 13 6170870 0 14 15233354 0 15 3576 0 16 0 0 17 0 0 CPP Classes to queue map ====================================================================================== PlcIdx CPP Class : Queues -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 system-cpp-police-data : ICMP GEN/ BROADCAST/ ICMP Redirect/ 10 system-cpp-police-sys-data : Openflow/ High Rate App/ Exception/ EGR Exception/ NFL SAMPLED DATA/ RPF Failed/ 13 system-cpp-police-sw-forward : Sw forwarding/ LOGGING/ L2 LVX Data Pack/ Transit Traffic/ 9 system-cpp-police-multicast : MCAST Data/ 15 system-cpp-police-multicast-end-station : MCAST END STATION / 7 system-cpp-police-punt-webauth : Punt Webauth/ 1 system-cpp-police-l2-control : L2 Control/ 2 system-cpp-police-routing-control : Routing Control/ Low Latency/ 3 system-cpp-police-system-critical : System Critical/ Gold Pkt/ 4 system-cpp-police-l2lvx-control : L2 LVX Cont Pack/ 8 system-cpp-police-topology-control : Topology Control/ 11 system-cpp-police-dot1x-auth : DOT1X Auth/ 12 system-cpp-police-protocol-snooping : Proto Snooping/ 6 system-cpp-police-dhcp-snooping : DHCP Snooping/ 14 system-cpp-police-forus : Forus Address resolution/ Forus traffic/ 5 system-cpp-police-stackwise-virt-control : Stackwise Virtual OOB/ 16 system-cpp-default : Inter FED Traffic/ EWLC Control/ EWLC Data/ ------------------ show platform software fed switch active lsmpi stat ------------------ LSMPI Statistics ------------------------------------------- Transmit: Packet Count : 726886 Bytes Count : 87004916 particle Count : 749001 particle with App : 7483 Ring Full Error : 0 No Buff Error : 0 TX Ring Free : 2047 TX Ring Busy : 0 TX Ring Size : 2048 TXDone Ring Free : 6784 TXDone Ring Busy : 1407 TXDone Ring Size : 8192 Receive: Packet Count : 415305 Bytes Count : 42870249 Particle Count : 418892 Particles with App : 4294966598 RX Done Count : 419590 No SOP : 0 No EOP : 0 Not Enough Buf : 0 Max Not Enough Buf : 0 RX Ring Free : 4095 RX Ring Busy : 0 RX Ring Size : 4096 RXDone Ring Free : 4095 RXDone Ring Busy : 0 RXDone Ring Size : 4096 ------------------------------------------- ------------------ show platform hardware fed switch active fwd-asic resource utilization ------------------ Resource Info for ASIC Instance: 0 Resource Name Allocated Free ------------------------------------------ RSC_DI 22 25463 RSC_FAST_DI 0 192 RSC_RIET_0 1 1364 RSC_RIET_1 0 2 RSC_RIET_2 0 1365 RSC_RIET_3 0 1365 RSC_RIET_4 0 2 RSC_RIET_5 0 2 RSC_RIET_6 0 2 RSC_RIET_7 0 2 RSC_VLAN_LE 2 4090 RSC_L3IF_LE 10 2002 RIM_RSC_DGT 1 255 RSC_VPN_PREFIX_ID 1 4095 RSC_LABEL_STACK_ID 1 65536 RSC_RI 132 40804 RSC_LI_RI 0 129 RSC_PORT_LE_RI 0 2048 RSC_PORT_LE 0 317 RSC_RI_REP 10 49143 RSC_SI 135 38604 RSC_SI_IND 1 255 RSC_SI_STATS 1 8191 RSC_RCP1_FID 1 1023 RSC_RCP2_FID 1 1023 RSC_RCP3_FID 1 1023 RSC_RCP4_FID 1 1023 RSC_LV1_ECR 1 63 RSC_LV2_ECR 1 255 RSC_ENH_ECR 1 0 RSC_RPF_MATCH 1 255 RSC_PLC 1 2047 RSC_PLC_PF 1 255 RSC_MTU_INDEX 5 251 RSC_EGR_REDIRECT_INDEX 2 2046 RSC_RIL_INDEX 1 32767 RSC_SIF 2 1022 RSC_GROUP_LE 1 1023 RSC_RI_REP_LOCAL 1 0 RSC_EXT_SI 1 0 ------------------ show platform hardware fed switch standby fwd-asic resource utilization ------------------ The process for the command is not responding or is otherwise unavailable ------------------ show platform hardware fed switch active fwd-asic resource tcam utilization ------------------ CAM Utilization for ASIC [0] Table Max Values Used Values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unicast MAC addresses 32768/512 27/21 L3 Multicast entries 4096/512 0/9 L2 Multicast entries 4096/512 0/11 Directly or indirectly connected routes 16384/7168 148/29 QoS Access Control Entries 2560 40 Security Access Control Entries 3072 126 Netflow ACEs 768 15 Policy Based Routing ACEs 1024 9 Flow SPAN ACEs 512 5 Output Flow SPAN ACEs 512 8 Control Plane Entries 512 236 Tunnels 256 17 Lisp Instance Mapping Entries 768 3 SGT_DGT 4096/512 0/1 CLIENT_LE 4096/64 0/0 INPUT_GROUP_LE 6144 0 OUTPUT_GROUP_LE 6144 0 Macsec SPD 256 2 ------------------ show platform hardware fed switch standby fwd-asic resource tcam utilization ------------------ The process for the command is not responding or is otherwise unavailable ------------------ show software authenticity running ------------------ PACKAGE cat3k_caa-srdriver.16.12.07.SPA.pkg --------------------------------------------- Image type : Production Signer Information Common Name : CiscoSystems Organization Unit : NG3K Organization Name : CiscoSystems Certificate Serial Number : 61FAA88F Hash Algorithm : SHA512 Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : A Verifier Information Verifier Name : rp_base Verifier Version : 16.12.07 PACKAGE cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.12.07.SPA.pkg ----------------------------------------------- Image type : Production Signer Information Common Name : CiscoSystems Organization Unit : NG3K Organization Name : CiscoSystems Certificate Serial Number : 61FAA893 Hash Algorithm : SHA512 Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : A Verifier Information Verifier Name : rp_base Verifier Version : 16.12.07 PACKAGE cat3k_caa-webui.16.12.07.SPA.pkg ------------------------------------------ Image type : Production Signer Information Common Name : CiscoSystems Organization Unit : NG3K Organization Name : CiscoSystems Certificate Serial Number : 61FAA895 Hash Algorithm : SHA512 Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : A Verifier Information Verifier Name : rp_base Verifier Version : 16.12.07 PACKAGE cat3k_caa-rpbase.16.12.07.SPA.pkg ------------------------------------------- Image type : Production Signer Information Common Name : CiscoSystems Organization Unit : NG3K Organization Name : CiscoSystems Certificate Serial Number : 61FAA889 Hash Algorithm : SHA512 Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : A Verifier Information Verifier Name : rp_base Verifier Version : 16.12.07 PACKAGE cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg ------------------------------------------- Image type : Production Signer Information Common Name : CiscoSystems Organization Unit : NG3K Organization Name : CiscoSystems Certificate Serial Number : 61FAA8E1 Hash Algorithm : SHA512 Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : A Verifier Information Verifier Name : rp_base Verifier Version : 16.12.07 SYSTEM IMAGE ------------ Image type : Production Signer Information Common Name : CiscoSystems Organization Unit : NG3K Organization Name : CiscoSystems Certificate Serial Number : 61FAA889 Hash Algorithm : SHA512 Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : A Verifier Information Verifier Name : ROMMON Verifier Version : CAT3K_CAA Boot Loader (CAT3K_CAA-HBOOT-M) Version 5.08, RELEASE SOFTWARE (P) Compiled Wed Jan 12 03:53:47 PST 2022 by rel ROMMON 2 -------- %Error parsing signature envelope information: Invalid paramter value passed by caller ROMMON 1 -------- %Error parsing signature envelope information: Invalid paramter value passed by caller MONLIB ------ %Error parsing signature envelope information: Invalid paramter value passed by caller ROMMON ------ Image type : Production Signer Information Common Name : CiscoSystems Organization Unit : Catalyst 3850 Organization Name : CiscoSystems Certificate Serial Number : 61DEC159 Hash Algorithm : SHA512 Signature Algorithm : 2048-bit RSA Key Version : A Verifier Information Verifier Name : Microloader Verifier Version : MD0002R01.0112182013 Microloader ----------- Image type : Release Signer Information Common Name : CiscoSystems Organization Name : CiscoSystems Certificate Serial Number : caae1ca8eb31c3f9b3a917c4ddf7f1f6 Hash Algorithm : HMAC-SHA256 Verifier Information Verifier Name : Hardware Anchor Verifier Version : F01015R12.07d36e35d2013-12-18 IOS IMAGE --------- %Error parsing signature envelope information: Invalid paramter value passed by caller Bootloader Verifier ------------------- %Error parsing signature envelope information: Invalid paramter value passed by caller ------------------ show power inline ------------------ ------------------ show power inline police ------------------ ------------------ show platform software ilpower details ------------------ ------------------ show stack-power budgeting ------------------ Power Stack Stack Stack Total Rsvd Alloc Sw_Avail Num Num Name Mode Topolgy Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) SW PS -------------------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- Powerstack-1 SP-PS Stndaln 350 0 230 120 1 1 Power Stack PS-A PS-B Power Alloc Poe_Avail Consumd Pwr SW Name (W) (W) Budgt(W) Power(W) Pwr(W) Sys/PoE(W) -- -------------------- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------------ 1 Powerstack-1 350 0 230 230 0 68/0 -- -------------------- ----- ----- -------- -------- -------- ------------ Totals: 230 0 68/0 ------------------ show stack-power detail ------------------ Power Stack Stack Stack Total Rsvd Alloc Sw_Avail Num Num Name Mode Topolgy Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) SW PS -------------------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- Powerstack-1 SP-PS Stndaln 350 0 230 120 1 1 Power stack name: Powerstack-1 Stack mode: Power sharing Stack topology: Standalone Switch 1: Power budget: 230 Power allocated: 230 Low port priority value: 22 High port priority value: 13 Switch priority value: 4 Port 1 status: Not connected Port 2 status: Not connected Neighbor on port 1: 0000.0000.0000 Neighbor on port 2: 0000.0000.0000 ------------------ show stack-power load-shedding ------------------ Power Stack Stack Stack Total Rsvd Alloc Sw_Avail Num Num Name Mode Topolgy Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) SW PS -------------------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- Powerstack-1 SP-PS Stndaln 350 0 230 120 1 1 Power Stack Priority Consumd Consumd Consumd Alloc Alloc SW Name Sw-Hi-Lo Sw(W) Hi(W) Lo(W) Hi(W) Lo(W) -- -------------------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ----- ----- 1 Powerstack-1 4-13-22 68 0 0 0 0 -- -------------------- -------- ------- ------- ------- ----- ----- Totals: 68 0 0 0 0 ------------------ show stack-power neighbors ------------------ Power Stack Stack Stack Total Rsvd Alloc Sw_Avail Num Num Name Mode Topolgy Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) SW PS -------------------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- Powerstack-1 SP-PS Stndaln 350 0 230 120 1 1 Power Stack Port 1 Port 1 Port 2 Port 2 SW Name Status Neighbor SW:MAC Status Neighbor SW:MAC -- -------------------- ------ ---------------- ------ ---------------- 1 Powerstack-1 NoConn - NoConn - ------------------ show platform resources ------------------ **State Acronym: H - Healthy, W - Warning, C - Critical Resource Usage Max Warning Critical State ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Processor 18.10% 100% 90% 95% H DRAM 1569MB(40%) 3842MB 90% 95% H TMPFS 125MB(3%) 3842MB 40% 50% H ------------------ show processes memory platform sorted ------------------ System memory: 3934644K total, 1606020K used, 2328624K free, Lowest: 2320956K Pid Text Data Stack Dynamic RSS Name ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 7590 204191 571500 136 360 571500 linux_iosd-imag 12532 247 154792 132 67616 154792 fed main event 18050 179 75872 128 5856 75872 sessmgrd 20872 911 71660 132 16800 71660 smand 19388 8794 66028 128 2912 66028 fman_rp 8471 1088 63976 128 2608 63976 platform_mgr 8027 418 59488 128 2496 59488 sif_mgr 17949 9880 58632 128 8436 58632 fman_fp_image 19703 227 58172 128 2340 58172 dbm 22602 108 52164 132 2396 52164 pubd 18541 637 29636 128 1936 29636 repm 21805 8 25888 136 7380 25888 python2.7 20086 76 24108 128 76 24108 cli_agent 20497 100 19988 128 1748 19988 psd 7818 535 16560 128 1680 16560 stack_mgr 9878 601 15676 480 2768 15676 hman 10233 99 14004 128 1584 14004 bt_logger 8952 202 13092 128 1876 13092 lman 10446 248 12476 132 1628 12476 btman 18977 306 12208 128 3176 12208 tms 12776 248 11056 128 1480 11056 btman 13667 89 10348 128 2208 10348 tams_proc 8709 1095 10008 404 7824 10008 9162 147 9984 128 1144 9984 keyman 10867 1095 9812 404 7640 9812 auto_upgrade_cl 9392 1095 9708 404 7492 9708 6560 1095 9024 404 5288 9024 rollback_timer. 15515 1095 8800 404 7492 8800 15510 1095 8760 404 7492 8760 18708 112 8504 128 1528 8504 plogd 19934 170 8132 128 1124 8132 cmm 8240 345 8044 128 268 8044 nif_mgr 14193 120 7948 128 1104 7948 epc_ws_liaison 11418 1095 7408 408 5276 7408 3946 1095 6912 400 3072 6912 4262 1095 6824 400 3072 6824 13566 130 6820 136 920 6820 tamd_proc 3959 545 6744 132 132 6744 libvirtd 1 1450 6608 132 1488 6608 systemd 13418 76 6080 136 672 6080 tam_svcs_ng3k_c 6924 1095 5760 404 3636 5760 6983 1095 5668 400 3496 5668 22710 82 5556 136 396 5556 pttcd 4313 1095 5520 400 1816 5520 11116 1095 5392 400 3236 5392 436 252 4500 132 132 4500 dbus-daemon 4231 10 4012 132 268 4012 rotee 4420 10 3996 132 268 3996 rotee 3949 1095 3996 132 656 3996 4454 10 3992 132 268 3992 rotee 4121 10 3988 132 268 3988 rotee 6826 10 3940 132 268 3940 rotee 187 434 3912 132 396 3912 systemd-udevd 3957 687 3824 132 132 3824 virtlogd 167 328 3800 132 132 3800 systemd-journal 3944 1095 3416 132 132 3416 10945 1095 3100 404 964 3100 10724 1095 3100 404 968 3100 10505 1095 3100 404 968 3100 9006 1095 3100 404 964 3100 8336 1095 3100 404 964 3100 7267 1095 3100 404 972 3100 22509 1095 3096 404 972 3096 22362 1095 3096 404 972 3096 21489 1095 3096 404 968 3096 20196 1095 3096 404 972 3096 19763 1095 3096 404 972 3096 19549 1095 3096 404 972 3096 19408 1095 3096 404 972 3096 19114 1095 3096 404 972 3096 18675 1095 3096 404 972 3096 18280 1095 3096 404 972 3096 17935 1095 3096 404 972 3096 13465 1095 3096 404 972 3096 13248 1095 3096 404 972 3096 13105 1095 3096 404 972 3096 10287 1095 3096 404 972 3096 10075 1095 3096 404 972 3096 9909 1095 3096 404 972 3096 9534 1095 3096 404 972 3096 8551 1095 3096 404 972 3096 8127 1095 3096 404 972 3096 7898 1095 3096 404 972 3096 20577 1095 3092 400 972 3092 17416 1095 3092 404 972 3092 17290 1095 3092 404 968 3092 13884 1095 3092 404 968 3092 12217 1095 3092 404 968 3092 11940 1095 3092 404 968 3092 8771 1095 3092 404 972 3092 7675 1095 3092 404 972 3092 7482 1095 3092 400 972 3092 3984 59 3064 132 132 3064 rpcbind 4002 87 2588 132 132 2588 rpc.statd 10648 68 2568 136 268 2568 auto_upgrade_se 6579 189 2440 132 132 2440 xinetd 5440 189 2404 132 132 2404 xinetd 3983 189 2372 132 132 2372 xinetd 18728 507 2180 136 1204 2180 journalctl 6561 189 2176 132 132 2176 xinetd 7404 10 2108 136 268 2108 rotee 7030 10 2072 132 268 2072 rotee 11620 10 2044 136 268 2044 rotee 11536 10 2040 132 268 2040 rotee 20332 10 2028 136 268 2028 rotee 19238 10 2028 136 268 2028 rotee 18811 10 2028 136 268 2028 rotee 22641 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 22487 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 21634 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 20713 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 19941 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 19737 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 19521 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 18567 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 18193 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 17768 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 17617 10 2024 136 268 2024 rotee 10686 10 2020 136 268 2020 rotee 9456 10 2020 136 268 2020 rotee 9955 10 2012 136 268 2012 rotee 9187 10 2012 136 268 2012 rotee 8515 10 2012 136 268 2012 rotee 13233 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 10917 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 9717 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 8295 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 7640 10 2008 136 268 2008 rotee 14032 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 13587 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 13449 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 12538 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 12186 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 11986 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 11167 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 10472 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 10264 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 10048 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 8961 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 8737 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 8070 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 7856 10 2004 136 268 2004 rotee 6971 10 2000 132 268 2000 rotee 4014 1095 1912 132 132 1912 boothelper_evt. 4028 123 1856 132 132 1856 rpc.mountd 11120 1095 1812 136 132 1812 sort_files_by_i 17510 1095 1776 136 132 1776 4567 27 1720 132 132 1720 inotifywait 21793 1095 1700 136 132 1700 4257 27 1676 132 132 1676 inotifywait 6838 27 1592 132 132 1592 inotifywait 4015 27 1592 132 132 1592 inotifywait 4135 48 1336 132 132 1336 sleep 17532 61 884 136 132 884 sntp 15509 27 796 136 132 796 inotifywait 15714 27 756 132 132 756 inotifywait 15514 27 736 136 132 736 inotifywait 17849 27 732 136 132 732 inotifywait 15798 27 732 136 132 732 inotifywait 15523 27 732 136 132 732 inotifywait 11676 27 728 132 132 728 inotifywait 7122 27 728 132 132 728 inotifywait 6978 27 724 132 132 724 inotifywait 18804 48 624 136 132 624 sleep 18697 48 624 136 132 624 sleep ------------------ show controllers cpu-interface ------------------ queue retrieved dropped invalid hol-block ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Routing Protocol 138131 0 0 0 L2 Protocol 1513 0 0 0 sw forwarding 85478 698 0 0 broadcast 16698 0 0 0 icmp gen 0 0 0 0 icmp redirect 0 0 0 0 logging 0 0 0 0 rpf-fail 0 0 0 0 DOT1X authentication 0 0 0 0 Forus Traffic 37224 0 0 0 Forus Resolution 159467 0 0 0 Inter FED 0 0 0 0 L2 LVX control 0 0 0 0 EWLC control 0 0 0 0 EWLC data 0 0 0 0 L2 LVX data 0 0 0 0 Openflow 0 0 0 0 Topology control 180755 0 0 0 Proto snooping 0 0 0 0 DHCP snooping 0 0 0 0 Transit Traffic 0 0 0 0 Multi End station 38 0 0 0 Webauth 0 0 0 0 High rate app 0 0 0 0 Exception 0 0 0 0 System Critical 0 0 0 0 NFL sampled data 0 0 0 0 Low latency 0 0 0 0 EGR exception 85725 0 0 0 Stackwise Virtual OOB 0 0 0 0 Multicast data 0 0 0 0 Gold packet 0 0 0 0 ------------------ show platform software process list switch active R0 sort memory ------------------ Name Pid PPid Group Id Status Priority Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ linux_iosd-imag 7590 7267 7590 S 20 571104 fed main event 12532 11940 12532 S 20 152792 sessmgrd 18050 17416 18050 S 20 75676 smand 20872 20577 20872 S 20 71808 fman_rp 19388 19114 19388 S 20 65984 platform_mgr 8471 8127 8471 S 20 63908 sif_mgr 8027 7675 8027 S 20 58708 fman_fp_image 17949 17290 17949 S 20 58420 dbm 19703 19408 19703 S 20 58084 pubd 22602 22362 22602 S 20 52052 repm 18541 17935 18541 S 20 29552 python2.7 21805 21793 21793 S 20 25888 cli_agent 20086 19763 20086 S 20 24004 psd 20497 20196 20497 S 20 19980 stack_mgr 7818 7482 7818 S 20 16468 hman 9878 9534 9878 R 20 15560 bt_logger 10233 9909 10233 S 20 13884 lman 8952 8551 8952 S 20 12988 btman 10446 10075 10446 S 20 12476 tms 18977 18675 18977 S 20 12032 btman 12776 12217 12776 S 20 11024 tams_proc 13667 13465 13667 S 20 10256 8709 8336 8709 S 20 10008 auto_upgrade_cl 10867 10505 10867 S 20 9812 9392 9006 9392 S 20 9708 keyman 9162 8771 9162 S 20 9552 rollback_timer. 6560 1 6560 S 20 9024 15515 9392 15515 S 20 8800 15510 9392 15510 S 20 8668 plogd 18708 18280 18708 S 20 8480 cmm 19934 19549 19934 S 20 8008 epc_ws_liaison 14193 13884 14193 S 20 7816 nif_mgr 8240 7898 8240 S 20 7812 11418 10945 11418 S 20 7408 3946 1 3946 S 20 6860 4262 1 4262 S 20 6824 tamd_proc 13566 13248 13566 S 20 6688 systemd 1 0 1 S 20 6608 libvirtd 3959 3944 3944 S 20 6476 tam_svcs_ng3k_c 13418 13105 13418 S 20 6012 6924 1 6924 S 20 5760 6983 1 6982 S 20 5668 4313 1 4313 S 20 5520 11116 1 11115 S 20 5392 pttcd 22710 22509 22710 S 20 5328 dbus-daemon 436 1 436 S 20 4416 rotee 4231 1 4230 S 20 4012 rotee 4420 1 4419 S 20 3996 3949 1 3949 S 20 3996 systemd-udevd 187 1 187 S 20 3912 rotee 4454 1 4453 S 20 3764 rotee 4121 1 4120 S 20 3752 rotee 6826 1 6825 S 20 3644 systemd-journal 167 1 167 S 20 3560 3944 1 3944 S 20 3336 10945 6983 6982 S 14 3096 10724 6983 6982 S 14 3096 10505 6983 6982 S 14 3096 9006 6983 6982 S 14 3096 8336 6983 6982 S 14 3096 7267 6983 6982 S 14 3096 22509 1 6982 S 14 3092 22362 1 6982 S 14 3092 21489 1 11115 S 14 3092 20196 6983 6982 S 14 3092 19763 6983 6982 S 14 3092 19549 6983 6982 S 14 3092 19408 6983 6982 S 14 3092 19114 6983 6982 S 14 3092 18675 6983 6982 S 14 3092 18280 6983 6982 S 14 3092 17935 6983 6982 S 14 3092 13465 1 6982 S 14 3092 13248 1 6982 S 14 3092 13105 1 6982 S 14 3092 10287 6983 6982 S 14 3092 10075 6983 6982 S 14 3092 9909 6983 6982 S 14 3092 9534 6983 6982 S 14 3092 8551 6983 6982 S 14 3092 8127 6983 6982 S 14 3092 7898 6983 6982 S 14 3092 20577 6983 6982 S 14 3088 17416 6983 6982 S 14 3088 17290 11116 11115 S 14 3088 13884 11116 11115 S 14 3088 12217 11116 11115 S 14 3088 11940 11116 11115 S 14 3088 8771 6983 6982 S 14 3088 7675 6983 6982 S 14 3088 7482 6983 6982 S 14 3088 rpcbind 3984 1 3984 S 20 2760 rpc.statd 4002 1 4002 S 20 2564 xinetd 5440 1 5440 S 20 2404 xinetd 6579 1 6579 S 20 2368 auto_upgrade_se 10648 10287 10648 S 20 2308 xinetd 3983 1 3983 S 20 2300 xinetd 6561 1 6561 S 20 2172 rotee 11620 1 11619 S 20 2044 rotee 7030 1 7029 S 20 2040 journalctl 18728 18708 18708 S 20 2028 rotee 10686 1 10685 S 20 2016 rotee 20332 1 20331 S 20 1904 rotee 19238 1 19237 S 20 1904 rotee 18811 1 18810 S 20 1904 rotee 13233 1 13232 S 20 1904 rotee 10917 1 10916 S 20 1904 rotee 9955 1 9954 S 20 1904 rotee 9456 1 9452 S 20 1904 rotee 9187 1 9184 S 20 1904 rotee 8295 1 8294 S 20 1904 rotee 7640 1 7639 S 20 1904 rotee 22641 1 22640 S 20 1900 rotee 22487 1 22486 S 20 1900 rotee 21634 1 21633 S 20 1900 rotee 20713 1 20711 S 20 1900 rotee 19941 1 19939 S 20 1900 rotee 19737 1 19735 S 20 1900 rotee 19521 1 19520 S 20 1900 rotee 18567 1 18565 S 20 1900 rotee 18193 1 18191 S 20 1900 rotee 17768 1 17767 S 20 1900 rotee 17617 1 17616 S 20 1900 rotee 14032 1 14031 S 20 1900 rotee 13587 1 13586 S 20 1900 rotee 13449 1 13448 S 20 1900 rotee 12538 1 12537 S 20 1900 rotee 12186 1 12185 S 20 1900 rotee 11986 1 11985 S 20 1900 rotee 11536 1 11535 S 20 1900 rotee 11167 1 11166 S 20 1900 rotee 10472 1 10471 S 20 1900 rotee 10264 1 10263 S 20 1900 rotee 10048 1 10047 S 20 1900 rotee 9717 1 9716 S 20 1900 rotee 8961 1 8960 S 20 1900 rotee 8737 1 8736 S 20 1900 rotee 8515 1 8513 S 20 1900 rotee 8070 1 8069 S 20 1900 rotee 7856 1 7855 S 20 1900 rotee 7404 1 7403 S 20 1900 rotee 6971 1 6970 S 20 1896 virtlogd 3957 1 3957 S 20 1848 sort_files_by_i 11120 10724 11120 S 20 1812 17510 1 17419 S 20 1776 21793 21489 21793 S 20 1636 sntp 17532 17510 17419 S 20 820 rpc.mountd 4028 1 4028 S 20 712 inotifywait 17849 10867 17849 S 20 680 inotifywait 15798 8709 15798 S 20 680 inotifywait 15523 9392 15523 S 20 680 inotifywait 15514 9392 15514 S 20 680 inotifywait 15509 9392 15509 S 20 680 inotifywait 15714 4262 15714 S 20 672 inotifywait 11676 11116 11115 S 20 672 inotifywait 7122 6983 6982 S 20 672 inotifywait 6978 6924 6924 S 20 672 sleep 18804 11120 11120 S 20 408 sleep 18697 11418 11418 S 20 408 boothelper_evt. 4014 1 3964 S 20 408 inotifywait 4567 4313 4567 S 20 284 inotifywait 4015 4014 3964 S 20 280 sleep 4135 3949 4135 S 20 276 inotifywait 6838 6560 6838 S 20 272 inotifywait 4257 3946 4257 S 20 272 kworker/0:0 30205 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/u12:1 26104 2 0 S 20 0 SarIosdMond 24165 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/u12:0 17217 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/u12:2 12682 2 0 S 20 0 lfts_sar_aux 4726 2 0 S 20 0 lsmpi-rx 4717 2 0 S 15 0 lsmpi-xmit 4716 2 0 S 15 0 lsmpi-refill 4715 2 0 S 15 0 nfsd 4059 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4058 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4057 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4056 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4055 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4054 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4051 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4050 2 0 S 20 0 lockd 4049 2 0 S 20 0 bioset 1399 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1397 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1396 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1394 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1392 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1390 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1388 2 0 S 0 0 loop7 1233 2 0 S 0 0 loop6 1211 2 0 S 0 0 loop5 987 2 0 S 0 0 loop4 944 2 0 S 0 0 loop3 922 2 0 S 0 0 loop2 864 2 0 S 0 0 loop1 842 2 0 S 0 0 loop0 758 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/5:3 623 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/1:2 418 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/5:2 398 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/5:1H 359 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/4:1H 347 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/2:1H 340 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/0:1H 333 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/3:1H 328 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/1:1H 283 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/2:2 210 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/4:2 209 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/0:2 207 2 0 S 20 0 bioset 176 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/3:2 175 2 0 S 20 0 kauditd 170 2 0 S 20 0 ipv6_addrconf 151 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/2:1 149 2 0 S 20 0 bioset 148 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/4:1 146 2 0 S 20 0 dm_bufio_cache 142 2 0 S 0 0 octeon-ethernet 141 2 0 S 0 0 scsi_tmf_0 137 2 0 S 0 0 scsi_eh_0 136 2 0 S 20 0 bioset 135 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 134 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 133 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 132 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 131 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 130 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 129 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 128 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 127 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 126 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 125 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 124 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 123 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 122 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 121 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 120 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 119 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 118 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 117 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 116 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 115 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 114 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 113 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 112 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 111 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 110 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 109 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 108 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 107 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 106 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 105 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 104 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 103 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 102 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 101 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 100 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 99 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 98 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 97 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 96 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 95 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 94 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 93 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 92 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 91 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 90 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 89 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 88 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 87 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 86 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 85 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 84 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 83 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 82 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 81 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 80 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 79 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 78 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 77 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 76 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 75 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 74 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 73 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 72 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 71 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 70 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/1:1 69 2 0 S 20 0 nfsiod 57 2 0 S 0 0 vmstat 56 2 0 S 0 0 kswapd0 55 2 0 S 20 0 xprtiod 52 2 0 S 0 0 rpciod 50 2 0 S 0 0 watchdogd 49 2 0 S 0 0 edac-poller 48 2 0 S 0 0 md 47 2 0 S 0 0 ata_sff 46 2 0 S 0 0 kblockd 45 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 44 2 0 S 0 0 crypto 43 2 0 S 0 0 ksmd 42 2 0 S 25 0 kcompactd0 41 2 0 S 20 0 writeback 40 2 0 S 0 0 oom_reaper 39 2 0 S 20 0 netns 38 2 0 S 0 0 kdevtmpfs 37 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/5:0H 36 2 0 S 0 0 ksoftirqd/5 34 2 0 S 20 0 migration/5 33 2 0 S 4294967196 0 cpuhp/5 32 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/4:0H 31 2 0 S 0 0 ksoftirqd/4 29 2 0 S 20 0 migration/4 28 2 0 S 4294967196 0 cpuhp/4 27 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/3:0H 26 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/3:0 25 2 0 S 20 0 ksoftirqd/3 24 2 0 S 20 0 migration/3 23 2 0 S 4294967196 0 cpuhp/3 22 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/2:0H 21 2 0 S 0 0 ksoftirqd/2 19 2 0 S 20 0 migration/2 18 2 0 S 4294967196 0 cpuhp/2 17 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/1:0H 16 2 0 S 0 0 ksoftirqd/1 14 2 0 S 20 0 migration/1 13 2 0 S 4294967196 0 cpuhp/1 12 2 0 S 20 0 cpuhp/0 11 2 0 S 20 0 lru-add-drain 10 2 0 S 0 0 migration/0 9 2 0 S 4294967196 0 rcu_bh 8 2 0 S 20 0 rcu_sched 7 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/0:0H 5 2 0 S 0 0 ksoftirqd/0 3 2 0 S 20 0 kthreadd 2 0 0 S 20 0 ------------------ show lldp neighbors ------------------ % LLDP is not enabled ------------------ show sdm prefer ------------------ Showing SDM Template Info This is the Advanced template. Number of VLANs: 4094 Unicast MAC addresses: 32768 Overflow Unicast MAC addresses: 512 L2 Multicast entries: 4096 Overflow L2 Multicast entries: 512 L3 Multicast entries: 4096 Overflow L3 Multicast entries: 512 Directly connected routes: 16384 Indirect routes: 7168 Security Access Control Entries: 3072 QoS Access Control Entries: 2560 Policy Based Routing ACEs: 1024 Netflow ACEs: 768 Flow SPAN ACEs: 512 Tunnels: 256 LISP Instance Mapping Entries: 768 Control Plane Entries: 512 Input Netflow flows: 8192 Output Netflow flows: 16384 SGT/DGT (or) MPLS VPN entries: 4096 SGT/DGT (or) MPLS VPN Overflow entries: 512 Wired clients: 2048 MACSec SPD Entries: 256 MPLS L3 VPN VRF: 127 MPLS Labels: 2048 MPLS L3 VPN Routes VRF Mode: 7168 MPLS L3 VPN Routes Prefix Mode: 3072 MVPN MDT Tunnels: 256 L2 VPN EOMPLS Attachment Circuit: 256 MAX VPLS Bridge Domains : 128 MAX VPLS Peers Per Bridge Domain: 8 MAX VPLS/VPWS Pseudowires : 256 These numbers are typical for L2 and IPv4 features. Some features such as IPv6, use up double the entry size; so only half as many entries can be created. * values can be modified by sdm cli. ------------------ show logging onboard switch active uptime detail ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPTIME SUMMARY INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First customer power on : 10/26/2019 11:08:09 Total uptime : 2 years 34 weeks 2 days 18 hours 20 minutes Total downtime : 0 years 38 weeks 4 days 1 hours 9 minutes Number of resets : 36 Number of slot changes : 2 Current reset reason : CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure Current reset timestamp : 03/19/2023 18:32:59 Current slot : 1 Chassis type : 0 Current uptime : 0 years 0 weeks 0 days 12 hours 5 minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPTIME CONTINUOUS INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Stamp | Reset | Uptime MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS | Reason | years weeks days hours minutes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10/26/2019 11:08:09 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 10/26/2019 11:22:07 Reload reason not captured 0 0 0 0 0 10/26/2019 11:32:32 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 12/07/2019 02:12:51 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 12/07/2019 02:19:06 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 05/10/2020 08:58:58 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 05/10/2020 10:14:13 Reload 0 0 0 1 5 05/10/2020 11:50:47 Reload 0 0 0 0 5 05/11/2020 09:32:55 Reload 0 0 0 21 5 05/13/2020 10:49:45 Reload 0 0 2 1 5 05/14/2020 11:09:47 Reload 0 0 1 0 5 05/14/2020 11:15:29 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 05/20/2020 11:12:24 Reload 0 0 5 23 5 05/21/2020 07:52:11 Reload 0 0 0 20 5 05/21/2020 07:58:36 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 05/21/2020 08:07:03 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 05/21/2020 08:14:57 Reload 0 0 0 0 5 05/21/2020 08:20:08 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 05/21/2020 08:29:50 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 05/21/2020 08:36:30 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 05/21/2020 09:21:49 Reload 0 0 0 0 5 05/21/2020 09:43:00 Reload 0 0 0 0 0 06/01/2020 08:20:40 Reload 0 1 3 22 5 06/01/2020 08:38:40 Reload 0 0 0 0 5 06/03/2020 07:44:37 Reload 0 0 1 22 5 06/17/2020 07:35:56 Reload 0 1 6 23 5 08/30/2020 08:35:21 Reload 0 5 1 9 5 08/31/2020 07:55:38 Reload 0 0 0 22 5 10/06/2020 08:17:07 Power Failure or Unknown 0 0 0 17 50 03/31/2021 11:50:11 Reload Command 0 25 1 3 5 10/09/2022 08:14:14 Reload Command 1 27 2 20 4 03/19/2023 08:39:08 Reload Command 0 23 0 0 5 03/19/2023 09:15:34 Reload Command 0 0 0 0 5 03/19/2023 10:07:19 Reload Command 0 0 0 0 5 03/19/2023 10:40:14 Admin reload CLI 0 0 0 0 5 03/19/2023 14:01:47 Reload Command 0 0 0 3 5 03/19/2023 18:32:59 CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure 0 0 0 4 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- Only one switch in Ready state. No stack data ---- ------------------ show stack-power ------------------ Power Stack Stack Stack Total Rsvd Alloc Sw_Avail Num Num Name Mode Topolgy Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) Pwr(W) SW PS -------------------- ------ ------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- Powerstack-1 SP-PS Stndaln 350 0 230 120 1 1 ------------------ show cdp neighbor ------------------ % CDP is not enabled ------------------ show cdp neighbor detail ------------------ % CDP is not enabled ------------------ show subscriber statistics ------------------ Current Subscriber Statistics: Number of sessions currently up: 0 Number of sessions currently pending: 0 Number of sessions currently authenticated: 0 Number of sessions currently unauthenticated: 0 Highest number of sessions ever up at one time: 0 Mean up-time duration of sessions: 00:00:00 Total number of sessions up so far: 0 Mean call rate per minute: 0, per hour: 0 Number of calls in last one hour: 0 Number of sessions failed to come up: 0 Current Flow Statistics: Number of flows currently up: 0 Highest number of flows ever up at one time: 0 Mean up-time duration of flows: 00:00:00 Number of flows failed to come up: 0 Total number of flows up so far: 0 IP/DHCP session type count: Switch Id Cleanup Statistics: Number of sessions having invalid SMGR handle: 0 Number of sessions having invalid policy handle: 0 Number of sessions having invalid LTERM handle: 0 Number of sessions having invalid SIP handle: 0 Lterm Error Statistics: Lterm session delete errors: ------------------ show ip subscriber statistics errors ------------------ ------------------ show ip subscriber statistics dangling ------------------ ------------------ show pppoe statistics ------------------ ------------------ show pppoe summary ------------------ ------------------ show ppp statistics ------------------ Type PPP Statistic TOTAL SINCE CLEARED ---- ----------------------------------------- ---------- ------------- Type PPP MIB Counters PEAK CURRENT ---- ----------------------------------------- ---------- ------------- Type PPP Disconnect Reason TOTAL SINCE CLEARED ---- ----------------------------------------- ---------- ------------- ------------------ show ppp subscriber statistics ------------------ PPP Subscriber Events TOTAL SINCE CLEARED Encap 0 0 DeEncap 0 0 CstateUp 0 0 CstateDown 0 0 FastStart 0 0 LocalTerm 0 0 LocalTermVP 0 0 MoreKeys 0 0 Forwarding 0 0 Forwarded 0 0 SSSDisc 0 0 SSMDisc 0 0 PPPDisc 0 0 PPPBindResp 0 0 PPPReneg 0 0 RestartTimeout 0 0 PPP Subscriber Statistics TOTAL SINCE CLEARED IDB CSTATE UP 0 0 IDB CSTATE DOWN 0 0 APS UP 0 0 APS UP IGNORE 0 0 APS DOWN 0 0 READY FOR SYNC 0 0 ------------------ show ppp summary ------------------ Current Peak --------- --------- Non-MLP Sessions 0 0 MLP Sessions 0 0 --------------------- --------- --------- Total Sessions 0 0 Current Peak --------- --------- Non-MLP Links 0 0 MLP Links 0 0 --------------------- --------- --------- Total Links 0 0 PPP Stage (links&bundles) All Types non-MLP MLP ------------------------- --------- --------- --------- LCP Negotiation 0 0 0 Unauthenticated Name 0 0 0 Authenticated Name 0 0 0 No Authentication 0 0 0 Post Authentication 0 0 0 Forwarded 0 0 0 Local Termination 0 0 0 ------------------------- --------- --------- --------- Total Curent 0 0 0 ACK ACK REQ Stop- Clos- Stop- Clos- Start- Name Total Open sent rcvd sent ping ing ped ed ing Initial -------- ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- LCP 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------------------ show l2tp counters component errors ------------------ ------------------ show l2tp counters session fsm event icrq ------------------ ------------------ show l2tp counters session fsm event ocrq ------------------ ------------------ show l2tp counters session fsm event manual ------------------ ------------------ show l2tp counters session fsm state current icrq ------------------ ------------------ show l2tp counters session fsm state current manual ------------------ ------------------ show l2tp counters session fsm state current ocrq ------------------ ------------------ show l2tp counters session fsm state transition icrq ------------------ ------------------ show l2tp counters session fsm state transition ocrq ------------------ ------------------ show l2tp counters session fsm state transition manual ------------------ ------------------ show vpdn statistics call fsm ------------------ ------------------ show vpdn statistics mgr fsm ------------------ ------------------ show vpdn session stats pending ------------------ ------------------ show ip nbar version ------------------ NBAR software version: 37 NBAR minimum backward compatible version: 37 NBAR change ID: BLD_NBAR_ Loaded Protocol Pack(s): Name: Advanced Protocol Pack Version: 43.0 Publisher: Cisco Systems Inc. NBAR Engine Version: 37 State: Active ------------------ show ip nbar control-plane ------------------ NGCP Status: ============ graph sender info: NBAR state is DEACTIVATED NBAR config send mode is ASYNC NBAR config state is DEACTIVATED NBAR update ID 0 NBAR batch ID ACK 0 NBAR last batch ID ACK clients 0 (ID: NA) Active clients 1 (ID: 1) NBAR max protocol ID ever 0 NBAR Control-Plane Version: 37 Graph sender info: async config requests = 0, async config sent = 0 async buffering backoff = 0, async cooldown backoff = 0 async request timeouts = 0, graph sender batch nacks = 0 Graph sender process run time metrics (ms): Last: 0 Average: 0 Min: 0 Max: 1 Non-graph batch sender info: is_initialized: TRUE is_batch_in_progress: FALSE batch_id: 0 num_of_batches_created: 0 num_of_batches_destroyed: 0 num_of_errs_not_initialized: 0 num_of_errs_invalid_batch_pointer: 0 num_of_errs_wrong_batch_id: 0 num_of_errs_invalid_batch_state: 0 num_of_errs_batch_in_progress: 0 num_of_errs_msg_reset_failed: 0 num_of_errs_failed_to_create: 0 num_of_errs_user_record_empty: 0 num_of_errs_user_record_too_long: 0 num_of_errs_failed_to_add_record: 0 num_of_errs_invalid_batch: 0 num_of_errs_invalid_user_record: 0 num_of_errs_failed_to_send_msg: 0 num_of_errs_failed_to_show_batch_info: 0 num_of_errs_failed_to_destroy_batch: 0 There is no batch to show - no batch was created. control-plane global lock info: Number of failures acquiring the lock on fast fail: 0 Number of failures acquiring the lock on slow fail: 0 DP to CP messaging info on CP: Number of messages received: 0 Number of invalid message buffers: 0 Number of messages with length too small: 0 Number of messages with length too big: 0 Number of time XDR decoder creation failed: 0 Number of ilegal message type: 0 Number of messages recieved with incorrect header magic: 0 Number of messages recieved with incorrect trailer magic: 0 Number of incorrect internal message length: 0 Number of messages not delivered due to lack of handler function: 0 Number of messages ignored due to version mismatch: 0 Number of messages fail to dispatch: 0 CPM Status: Active CPM Active Graph Handle: 0xFF8E59BE08 CPM Current ref point for DB mng: 0 CPM History size: 0 CPM License: Advanced CPM PPack - max proto ID ever: 0 NBAR classification granularity info: Global granularity: coarse-grain User granularity: dont care fine_grain_ref_cnt: 0 coarse_grain_ref_cnt: 0 DBM active graph status: ====================== DBM XDR length: fine: 0 coarse: 0 global: 2496472 Graph active_cnt: 0 Graph xdr_ref_point: 0 Graph num_nodes: 656 Graph num_wkp: 110 Graph max_proto_id: 1935 Graph num_supported_protocols: 1482 Graph max_static_mtp_sig_id: 5422 Graph max_static_mpe_sig_id: 432 Graph max_socket_cache: 1486 Graph max_l3l4: 0 Graph mtp_sc_sig_idx: 0 NGCP Chunk Manager db_mng_chunk_graph_id_1 ========================================== NGCP chunk 'dbm_config_db_st' ----------------------------------------- each block size : 4 KB number of blocks : 386 number of allocations : 63035 max requested memory : 727936 B avg request : 40 B total memory requested : 2580631 B memory consumed from OS : 2606736 B error count : 0 reqs. bigger than blk size : 1 total waste : [%] Temporary Memory Management ------------------------------------------- temporary chunks created : 0 temporary chunks reused : 0 temporary chunks destroyed : 0 ------------------------------------------ total memory requested : 2580631 total memory consumed from OS : 2606736 total waste : [%] DBM counters: dbm_ctr_deinit_graph: 0 dbm_ctr_create_graph: 1 dbm_ctr_graph_destroyed: 0 dbm_ctr_graph_not_destroyed_ref_not_zero: 0 dbm_ctr_graph_not_destroyed_gen_fail: 0 dbm_ctr_graph_inc_ref_from_graph_create: 1 dbm_ctr_graph_inc_ref_from_iter_create: 29101 dbm_ctr_graph_dec_ref_from_graph_destroy: 0 dbm_ctr_graph_dec_ref_from_iter_destroy: 29101 dbm_ctr_iter_destroy_inval_iter: 0 dbm_ctr_iter_destroy_unused_iter: 0 dbm_ctr_iter_destroy_diff_iter_called_directl: 0 dbm_ctr_iter_destroy_dyn_mem_free_failed: 0 dbm_ctr_destroy_old_graph_of_diff_iter: 0 dbm_ctr_create_old_graph_for_diff_iter: 0 NBAR software version: 37 NBAR minimum backward compatible version: 37 NBAR change ID: BLD_NBAR_ Loaded Protocol Pack(s): Name: Advanced Protocol Pack Version: 43.0 Publisher: Cisco Systems Inc. NBAR Engine Version: 37 State: Active NBAR state: DEACTIVATED NGCP User configuration history: ================================ Auto learn status: ============================ Generic protocol counters: batch count: 0 new batch in the middle: 0 last partially batch received records: 0 last partially batch received msgs: 0 last partially batch last msg: 0 last partially batch expected msg in batch: 0 message count: 0 ooo message count: 0 node allocation error: 0 host name allocation error: 0 parsing error: 0 error validate data: 0 first message count: 0 pending swap db count: 0 actual swap db count: 0 Active DB wasn't removed during swap db: 0 active db is null during show request: 0 invalid show params: 0 invalid show totals: 0 invalid field id: 0 avoid print zeroed entries: 0 allocated node count: 0 free node count: 0 record without flows: 0 allocated host name count: 0 invalid l3 protocol in xdr: 0 free host name count: 0 free socket host name count: 0 allocated db entry count: 0 free db entry count: 0 alloc db entry fail count: 0 Hash table overflow: 0 Hash table failed to add record: 0 incompatible db seq count: 0 config sample rate called: 0 config sample rate invalid val: 0 cpm config sample rate called: 0 cpm config sample rate msg prep err: 0 cpm config sample rate msg send err: 0 cpm config sample rate msg send ok: 0 cpm send uv sample rate called: 1 cpm send uv sample rate needed: 0 already not active: 0 already active: 0 uv protocol not active: 1 nbar not active: 0 handle conf called: 1 cpm config uv stats called: 0 cpm config uv stats msg prep err: 0 cpm config uv stats msg to send: 0 cpm config uv stats msg not to send: 1 cpm send uv sample rate not needed: 1 cpm config uv stats msg send err: 0 cpm config uv stats msg send ok: 0 reverse dns do batch: 0 reverse dns request fail: 0 reverse dns string alloc fail: 0 skip non-active member: 0 Unknown port counters: batch count: 0 new batch in the middle: 0 last partially batch received records: 0 last partially batch received msgs: 0 last partially batch last msg: 0 last partially batch expected msg in batch: 0 message count: 0 ooo message count: 0 node allocation error: 0 host name allocation error: 0 parsing error: 0 error validate data: 0 first message count: 0 pending swap db count: 0 actual swap db count: 0 Active DB wasn't removed during swap db: 0 active db is null during show request: 0 invalid show params: 0 invalid show totals: 0 invalid field id: 0 avoid print zeroed entries: 0 allocated node count: 0 free node count: 0 record without flows: 0 allocated host name count: 0 invalid l3 protocol in xdr: 0 free host name count: 0 free socket host name count: 0 allocated db entry count: 0 free db entry count: 0 alloc db entry fail count: 0 Hash table overflow: 0 Hash table failed to add record: 0 incompatible db seq count: 0 config sample rate called: 0 config sample rate invalid val: 0 cpm config sample rate called: 0 cpm config sample rate msg prep err: 0 cpm config sample rate msg send err: 0 cpm config sample rate msg send ok: 0 cpm send uv sample rate called: 1 cpm send uv sample rate needed: 0 already not active: 0 already active: 0 uv protocol not active: 1 nbar not active: 0 handle conf called: 1 cpm config uv stats called: 0 cpm config uv stats msg prep err: 0 cpm config uv stats msg to send: 0 cpm config uv stats msg not to send: 1 cpm send uv sample rate not needed: 1 cpm config uv stats msg send err: 0 cpm config uv stats msg send ok: 0 reverse dns do batch: 0 reverse dns request fail: 0 reverse dns string alloc fail: 0 skip non-active member: 0 Asymmetric socket counters: batch count: 0 new batch in the middle: 0 last partially batch received records: 0 last partially batch received msgs: 0 last partially batch last msg: 0 last partially batch expected msg in batch: 0 message count: 0 ooo message count: 0 node allocation error: 0 host name allocation error: 0 parsing error: 0 error validate data: 0 first message count: 0 pending swap db count: 0 actual swap db count: 0 Active DB wasn't removed during swap db: 0 active db is null during show request: 0 invalid show params: 0 invalid show totals: 0 invalid field id: 0 avoid print zeroed entries: 0 allocated node count: 0 free node count: 0 record without flows: 0 allocated host name count: 0 invalid l3 protocol in xdr: 0 free host name count: 0 free socket host name count: 0 allocated db entry count: 0 free db entry count: 0 alloc db entry fail count: 0 Hash table overflow: 0 Hash table failed to add record: 0 incompatible db seq count: 0 config sample rate called: 0 config sample rate invalid val: 0 cpm config sample rate called: 0 cpm config sample rate msg prep err: 0 cpm config sample rate msg send err: 0 cpm config sample rate msg send ok: 0 cpm send uv sample rate called: 1 cpm send uv sample rate needed: 0 already not active: 0 already active: 0 uv protocol not active: 1 nbar not active: 0 handle conf called: 1 cpm config uv stats called: 0 cpm config uv stats msg prep err: 0 cpm config uv stats msg to send: 0 cpm config uv stats msg not to send: 1 cpm send uv sample rate not needed: 1 cpm config uv stats msg send err: 0 cpm config uv stats msg send ok: 0 reverse dns do batch: 0 reverse dns request fail: 0 reverse dns string alloc fail: 0 skip non-active member: 0 DNS Learning Status: ==================== dns learning is enabled dns classification by domain is enabled dns guard is disabled DNS Learning counters: ======================= configuration count: 0 pending configuration count: 0 enable configuration count: 0 disable configuration count: 0 enable classification by domain configuration count: 0 disable classification by domain configuration count: 0 enable guard configuration count: 0 disable guard configuration count: 0 enable/disable messages sent: 0 enable/disable messages failure: 0 clear messages sent: 0 clear messages failure: 0 Interface Protocol-Discovery Counters: num_of_intf_with_enabled_pd = 0, disabled_intf_count = 0 update_intf_count = 0, error_count = 0 update_count = 0 Platform API Counters: set_nbar_on_interface = 0, config_pd = 0 update_nodes = 0, deactivate_graph = 0 activate_graph = 0, get_misc_param = 0 interface_config_supported = 0, is_feature_supported = 42 nbar_implemented = 0, get_sw_family = 0 update_nodes_done = 0, get_active_flow_param = 0 set_pd_profile = 0, set_batch_config = 0 enable_if_clr_txt_mode = 0, disable_if_clr_txt_mode = 0 set_batch_config_start = 0, set_batch_config_end = 0 Dataplane info (last update was 45401 seconds ago): Counters from dataplane: TCP_OPENED_FLOWS: 0 UDP_OPENED_FLOWS: 0 TCP_CLOSED_FLOWS: 0 UDP_CLOSED_FLOWS: 0 TRACKED_TCP_FLOWS: 0 TRACKED_UDP_FLOWS: 0 TRACKED_TCP_ASYM_FLOWS: 0 TRACKED_UDP_ASYM_FLOWS: 0 DNS_FLOWS: 0 DNS_ASYM_FLOWS: 0 TCP_FINAL_CLASSIFIED_FLOWS: 0 UDP_FINAL_CLASSIFIED_FLOWS: 0 FIF_CLASSIFIED_FLOWS: 0 FIF_SDAVC_CLASSIFIED_FLOWS: 0 SDAVC_EARLY_CLASSIFIED_FLOWS: 0 SDAVC_CLASSIFIED_FLOWS: 0 MAX_FT_FLOWS: 0 CURR_FT_FLOWS: 0 CURR_FT_NBAR_FLOWS: 0 FT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE: 0 CPR_TOTAL_EXMEM_USED: 0 CPR_TOTAL_GRAPH_PROCESSING_TIME: 0 SUPPORTED_NUM_OF_GRAPHS: 0 CPU_UTILIZATION: 0 KEEP_ALIVE_COUNTER: 0 MEM_TOTAL: 0 MEM_USED: 0 MEM_FREE: 0 MEM_LOW_WATERMARK: 0 Loaded protocol-packs from dataplane: Dataplane info monitor: Max num of flows: 0 Current num of flows: 0 Num of free flows: 0 Num of free flows low threshold: 0 (5%) Num of free flows high threshold: 0 (10%) Flows over-subscription state: FALSE Total DP memory (bytes): 0 Free DP memory (bytes): 0 Free memory low threshold: 0 (5%) Free memory high threshold: 0 (10%) Memory over-subscription state: FALSE Traffic over-subscription state: FALSE PP Monitor info: Secondary PP validation status : SUCCESS Secondary PP validation cycle : 0 Keep alive counter : 0 Is task running : 1 PP Monitor configuration: Cycle interval in sec : 60 Num of load validation cycles : 5 Total num of validation cycles : 5 PP Monitor stats: Primary PP validation fail : 0 Secondary PP validation fail : 0 Secondary PP validation success : 0 PP version validation fail : 0 KeepAlive validation fail : 0 Flow boundary Info: flows_boundary = 0, max_mem_boundary = 2936012 ctrlr_type = 65535, err_cnt = 0 periodic_correction_cnt = 0, init = 1 max_flows_boundary = 10000000, min_flows_boundary = 50000 default_flows_boundary = 10000000, max_links_conf = 0 max_mem_conf = 0, curr_links = 0 curr_mem = 0, max_links_ever = 0 max_mem_ever = 0 No TDL messages were sent since last counters clear. There were no TDL Epoch errors since last counters clear. AUTO-CUSTOM custom_create_succeeded = 0, custom_in_cache = 0 remove_custom = 0, avoid remove since promoted = 0 custom_create_failed = 0, task_triggered = 756 alloc mem = 0, free mem = 0 invalid_regex = 0, invalid_proto_name = 0 failed_to_remove_custom = 0, alloc_fail = 0 custom_already_exists = 0, custom_add_failed = 0 custom_add_succeeded = 0, auto_custom_protocols_created= 0 some_ac_protocols_not_found_to_be_removed= 0, custom_creation_failed = 0 list_is_empty = 0, in_progress_on_other_thread = 0 Protocol pack counters ---------------------- Secondary pack populate failed due to XDR error: 0 General Memory Section: Num callocs: 207303 Num free: 141608 Diff: 65695 Num reallocs: 0 Num dynamic memory callocs: 40894 Num dynamic memory free: 35014 Diff: 5880 NGCP Chunk Manager CPM_CHUNK_MNG ========================================== NGCP chunk 'ppack chunk' ----------------------------------------- each block size : 0 KB number of blocks : 1 number of allocations : 1 max requested memory : 752 B avg request : 752 B total memory requested : 752 B memory consumed from OS : 752 B error count : 0 reqs. bigger than blk size : 1 total waste : [%] Temporary Memory Management ------------------------------------------- temporary chunks created : 0 temporary chunks reused : 0 temporary chunks destroyed : 0 ------------------------------------------ total memory requested : 752 total memory consumed from OS : 752 total waste : [%] Total used dynamic memory: 410300 ------------------ show crypto tls-tunnel stats ------------------ Global SSL CLient Stats: TCP sockets created : 0 TCP connects done : 0 TCP sockets closed : 0 SSL handshake started : 0 SSL handshake done : 0 Pkts in (GW->Cl) : 0 Pkts out(Cl->GW) : 0 Pkts in (idb) : 0 Pkts out(idb) : 0 Pkts in (VA) : 0 Bytes in (VA) : 0 Pkts out (VA) : 0 Bytes out (VA) : 0 Pkts drop (VA) : 0 Bytes drop (VA) : 0 Pkts to Binos : 0 Pkts from Binos : 0 Pkts drops(to Binos) : 0 Pkts drops(from Binos): 0 To encrypt : 0 Encryption done : 0 To decrypt : 0 Decryption done : 0 Sess Alloc : 0 Sess Freed : 0 Conn Alloc : 0 Conn Freed : 0 SSL rec Alloc : 0 SSL rec Freed : 0 SSL rec Bad : 0 SSL rec re queue : 0 SSL ctrl rec dEq : 0 Route Injected : 0 Route Deleted : 0 Swsb created : 0 Swsb Deleted : 0 IDB created : 0 IDB Deleted : 0 Config Req sent : 0 Config Resp Received : 0 DPD Req sent : 0 DPD Resp Received : 0 NATD Req sent : 0 NATD Resp Received : 0 Encrypt Failed : 0 Decrypt Failed : 0 DP State Change msg : 0 ------------------ show crypto tls-tunnel sessions ------------------ ------------------ show crypto key mypubkey rsa ------------------ % Key pair was generated at: 11:38:06 KSA May 21 2020 Key name: TP-self-signed-3179448597 Key type: RSA KEYS Storage Device: private-config Usage: General Purpose Key Key is not exportable. Redundancy enabled. Key Data: 30820122 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 82010F00 3082010A 02820101 00A5F8EC 68091B42 69E6F36E 02495D0D 297626FA B10D8A3A 6EBE707A 44F49201 FC66533A C960B194 60FAFEDC D973F171 4E91F81D B22B8A28 C8341250 12754F00 B0AD98A1 77F98AFA DA8953A8 204EA4E0 5B999FCA DB7A9AB6 AB3577A9 9AF40020 B05D14A5 162C4753 1C4A194B FB7737AD C212E70E 6B7E87A5 3C07FF41 47B4E244 07630101 D384C0C9 B9B130A8 81D0100A 46C1B1A3 5930A986 6C57CDB7 5125ECE9 9B621D1D 311157A4 3ED6A575 1C395E13 5DC1194C 0AE6CF3E A8D002BF 77815787 1D403D9C F65C57E0 A8379BE0 6A52F5E4 79C777BA 6F304504 ED1EB4C6 DA796044 A749E60A 0173EEE6 EF9024CF 1AB20B4E 02849588 34C072CE 86EB7174 0D06254B CD020301 0001 % Key pair was generated at: 12:16:29 KSA May 21 2020 Key name: router_A.domain.local Key type: RSA KEYS Storage Device: private-config Usage: General Purpose Key Key is not exportable. Redundancy enabled. Key Data: 30819F30 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000381 8D003081 89028181 00936287 0F15519E AB59D4C3 151BB243 C480A003 EBAFBE7B 59631052 E262474A 7840FFD6 A519AAB7 56855205 9D426CBC A899A58F BE5A86F3 FF17FE3F 3087AB04 44A15292 B9C866CB 0A8227D5 C2EE98F1 67276DDD 1076D7EF 4C4B0D17 BAFC08B7 18640416 837C96FB F206D276 3049E493 B00DF2A2 7BE82525 152EDBE2 77238BB5 FB020301 0001 % Key pair was generated at: 21:33:38 KSA Mar 19 2023 Key name: TP-self-signed-3179448597.server Key type: RSA KEYS Temporary key Usage: Encryption Key Key is not exportable. Key Data: 307C300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010105 00036B00 30680261 00ADC329 2FFCE3FB FC06F755 38C65CB7 308052FE D2F0B57F 5E5A3D19 B2A30958 72930B8F 44A17026 2487956B 0AC4993D 57062FC3 C123E21A D3F8405D 70635804 FF74B9A2 289A2A11 29A1CEFA 9A7A846F D870C333 7C668BA2 D07AF0C6 0E60AFE2 11020301 0001 % Key pair was generated at: 21:33:49 KSA Mar 19 2023 Key name: CISCO_IDEVID_SUDI_LEGACY Key type: RSA KEYS Storage Device: not specified Usage: General Purpose Key Key is not exportable. Key Data: 30819F30 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000381 8D003081 89028181 00BEF68C 1D7187CC CD777426 B3E065BD 3FBBC338 AD68662D DBBF0EF1 C66F97C1 E3BF1232 B15CF94C A176189D A37AEFBA 01DD14AF 5F4F2079 148D545F 8FA35444 212F0B50 984167AD 6331A068 F1C7911F 3E6E90F7 75576B37 04EF4A81 8E9042D1 5A7C3CCD C831BFE7 188E445F ABAD75E0 AD90D6A2 D7D29951 F0D7EDB2 49E849E1 11020301 0001 % Key pair was generated at: 21:33:49 KSA Mar 19 2023 Key name: CISCO_IDEVID_SUDI Key type: RSA KEYS Storage Device: not specified Usage: General Purpose Key Key is not exportable. Key Data: 30820122 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 82010F00 3082010A 02820101 00CD05FA 2C84E6BF 99081F1A 4932B659 4AD49629 A534A5FC FE3443EC D85C063F A400FFBB 36624E8E C27DF2FC B95DD891 6C3E9C08 D76ACDDB 9F9962F2 734F8BCD 95086338 5DD9B7F8 519F3ED6 2A9FD081 47D3E452 A7086677 FEFD108B 783ADFB1 616FE888 2E693CB2 FAF8D485 3FA6A7C6 EF71487C 33520D85 60507629 1C636638 7522807E 8712A12E 1C440C05 74084E97 65330069 8B9F0B61 E23EBD19 D7DFED10 5FF1FFD6 C60F8D9D 0C6527EB F382B0DC 734085D6 CEF1AD59 04CA74CE B4E14384 9C893A26 A8F989AF 12C4EDA1 CC6DF7EA 0D7E06FE 75DDDD39 00BA93A8 620FA476 93278902 C0309131 9E4319C5 B87DB1DB F2C23AEB B0AB00E6 326B32C7 562C29F4 91020301 0001 ------------------ show crypto call admission statistics ------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- Crypto Call Admission Control Statistics --------------------------------------------------------------------- System Resource Limit: 0 Max IKE SAs: 0 Max in nego: 1000 Total IKE SA Count: 0 active: 0 negotiating: 0 Incoming IKE Requests: 0 accepted: 0 rejected: 0 Outgoing IKE Requests: 0 accepted: 0 rejected: 0 Rejected IKE Requests: 0 rsrc low: 0 Active SA limit: 0 In-neg SA limit: 0 IKE packets dropped at dispatch: 0 Max IPSEC SAs: 0 Total IPSEC SA Count: 0 active: 0 negotiating: 0 Incoming IPSEC Requests: 0 accepted: 0 rejected: 0 Outgoing IPSEC Requests: 0 accepted: 0 rejected: 0 Phase1.5 SAs under negotiation: 0 ------------------ show license udi ------------------ UDI: PID:WS-C3850-12S,SN:FOC2343U0P0 ------------------ show license udi standby ------------------ ------------------ show license status ------------------ Smart Licensing is ENABLED Utility: Status: DISABLED Data Privacy: Sending Hostname: yes Callhome hostname privacy: DISABLED Smart Licensing hostname privacy: DISABLED Version privacy: DISABLED Transport: Type: Callhome Registration: Status: UNREGISTERED Export-Controlled Functionality: NOT ALLOWED License Authorization: Status: IN-USE License Conversion: Automatic Conversion Enabled: False Status: Not started Export Authorization Key: Features Authorized: ------------------ show license status standby ------------------ ------------------ show platform integrity sign nonce 4805 ------------------ Platform: WS-C3850-12S Boot 0 Version: F01015R12.07d36e35d2013-12-18 Boot 0 Hash: Boot Loader Version: CAT3K_CAA Boot Loader (CAT3K_CAA-HBOOT-M) Version 5.08, RELEASE SOFTWARE (P) Boot Loader Hash: OS Version: 16.12.07 OS Hash: OS Hashes: cat3k_caa-srdriver.16.12.07.SPA.pkg: AA163839DBAA408E870F510CC3DFDEAB13F1239F85068063E5B3DF7C47EBFE7014699A45509AECB27DCB373AEC920DB3C36DAF49C822B39238658C83BB4185F5 cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.12.07.SPA.pkg: B14F6C072CDEFA3D3918C4FDE4B3F183DF35081593106F8E577EEAAB20699881529F8F5E0111A6092D66C233E34BD4381407CDB7A20CD2DF98743F8DB3149553 cat3k_caa-webui.16.12.07.SPA.pkg: B631614C5EB807ECEB915C1095A2864B764FDFDE313AEA721F74CE31EB26EBD59705B472DC84994C0F7D0A915DFEE412DC2ED9E5F144854389CA18DC88741CF7 cat3k_caa-rpbase.16.12.07.SPA.pkg: B2E468AC35DF380505C5AC2D653DCE3CE08BCCD09992737E857D46CEEF459656A16F58010E6B82F32A3CF4A2C1700FB3B79A2D9596C705C971E597D5B3F63B46 cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg: 080A9A6ECD58A9C3491F974514A89D3BC1A47A57EEC4CC954C8B8CF319336611B2D4FC9EC14919A872DE439EA647FD9408B313370463AB66C69BC403AD1903F9 ------------------ show platform sudi certificate sign nonce 3711 ------------------ ------------------ show buffers ------------------ Tracekey : 1#553367939f11ff7794276752ee588130 Buffer elements: 1037 in free list 1126770 hits, 0 misses, 1019 created Public buffer pools: Small buffers, 104 bytes (total 600, permanent 600): 600 in free list (100 min, 1250 max allowed) 747142 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Middle buffers, 600 bytes (total 450, permanent 450, peak 483 @ 12:36:39): 448 in free list (50 min, 1000 max allowed) 336912 hits, 11 misses, 33 trims, 33 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Big buffers, 1536 bytes (total 450, permanent 450, peak 451 @ 12:36:39): 450 in free list (25 min, 1800 max allowed) 34457 hits, 0 misses, 1 trims, 1 created 0 failures (0 no memory) VeryBig buffers, 4520 bytes (total 50, permanent 50, peak 51 @ 12:36:39): 50 in free list (0 min, 300 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 1 trims, 1 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Large buffers, 5024 bytes (total 50, permanent 50, peak 51 @ 12:36:39): 50 in free list (0 min, 150 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 1 trims, 1 created 0 failures (0 no memory) VeryLarge buffers, 8280 bytes (total 50, permanent 50): 50 in free list (0 min, 150 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Huge buffers, 20000 bytes (total 20, permanent 20): 20 in free list (0 min, 33 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Interface buffer pools: CF Small buffers, 104 bytes (total 101, permanent 100, peak 101 @ 12:36:46): 101 in free list (100 min, 200 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 4 trims, 5 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Generic ED Pool buffers, 512 bytes (total 101, permanent 100, peak 101 @ 12:36:35): 101 in free list (100 min, 100 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses CF Middle buffers, 600 bytes (total 101, permanent 100, peak 101 @ 12:36:46): 101 in free list (100 min, 200 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 4 trims, 5 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Syslog ED Pool buffers, 600 bytes (total 1057, permanent 1056, peak 1057 @ 12:36:35): 1025 in free list (1056 min, 1056 max allowed) 318 hits, 0 misses EOBC18/1 buffers, 1524 bytes (total 256, permanent 256): 256 in free list (0 min, 256 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 fallbacks CF Big buffers, 1536 bytes (total 26, permanent 25, peak 26 @ 12:36:46): 26 in free list (25 min, 50 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 4 trims, 5 created 0 failures (0 no memory) IPC buffers, 4096 bytes (total 2496, permanent 2496): 2495 in free list (832 min, 8320 max allowed) 1 hits, 0 fallbacks, 0 trims, 0 created 0 failures (0 no memory) CF VeryBig buffers, 4520 bytes (total 3, permanent 2, peak 3 @ 12:36:46): 3 in free list (2 min, 4 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 4 trims, 5 created 0 failures (0 no memory) CF Large buffers, 5024 bytes (total 2, permanent 1, peak 2 @ 12:36:46): 2 in free list (1 min, 2 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 4 trims, 5 created 0 failures (0 no memory) IPC Medium buffers, 16384 bytes (total 2, permanent 2): 2 in free list (1 min, 8 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 fallbacks, 0 trims, 0 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Private Huge IPC buffers, 18024 bytes (total 1, permanent 0, peak 1 @ 12:37:01): 1 in free list (0 min, 4 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 4 trims, 5 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Private Huge buffers, 65280 bytes (total 1, permanent 0, peak 1 @ 12:37:01): 1 in free list (0 min, 4 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 4 trims, 5 created 0 failures (0 no memory) IPC Large buffers, 65535 bytes (total 17, permanent 16, peak 17 @ 12:37:01): 17 in free list (16 min, 16 max allowed) 0 hits, 0 misses, 756 trims, 757 created 0 failures (0 no memory) Header pools: Header buffers, 0 bytes (total 266, permanent 256, peak 266 @ 12:35:42): 10 in free list (10 min, 512 max allowed) 253 hits, 3 misses, 0 trims, 10 created 0 failures (0 no memory) 256 max cache size, 256 in cache 415621 hits in cache, 0 misses in cache Particle Clones: 1024 clones, 0 hits, 0 misses Public particle pools: F/S buffers, 256 bytes (total 384, permanent 384): 128 in free list (128 min, 1024 max allowed) 256 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created 0 failures (0 no memory) 256 max cache size, 256 in cache 0 hits in cache, 0 misses in cache Normal buffers, 512 bytes (total 512, permanent 512): 384 in free list (128 min, 1024 max allowed) 128 hits, 0 misses, 0 trims, 0 created 0 failures (0 no memory) 128 max cache size, 128 in cache 0 hits in cache, 0 misses in cache Private particle pools: lsmpi_rx buffers, 416 bytes (total 8194, permanent 8194): 0 in free list (0 min, 8194 max allowed) 8194 hits, 0 misses 8194 max cache size, 0 in cache 757560 hits in cache, 0 misses in cache lsmpi_tx buffers, 416 bytes (total 4098, permanent 4098): 0 in free list (0 min, 4098 max allowed) 4098 hits, 0 misses 4098 max cache size, 4097 in cache 419387 hits in cache, 0 misses in cache ------------------ show buffers usage ------------------ Tracekey : 1#553367939f11ff7794276752ee588130 Statistics for the Small pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 600 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the Middle pool Caller pc : :AAACB62000+2166954 count: 1 Resource User: IOSXE-RP P count: 1 Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 449 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 1 Statistics for the Big pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 450 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the VeryBig pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 50 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the Large pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 50 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the VeryLarge pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 50 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the Huge pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 20 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the CF Small pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 101 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the Generic ED Pool pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 101 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the CF Middle pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 101 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the Syslog ED Pool pool Caller pc : :AAACB62000+6AF0AE0 count: 32 Resource User: EEM ED Sys count: 32 Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 1057 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the EOBC18/1 pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 256 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the CF Big pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 26 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the IPC pool Caller pc : :AAACB62000+4B4B260 count: 1 Resource User: Init count: 1 Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 2496 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the CF VeryBig pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 3 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the CF Large pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 2 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the IPC Medium pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 2 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the Private Huge IPC pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 1 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the Private Huge pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 1 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the IPC Large pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 17 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the Header pool Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 266 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the FS Header pool Caller pc : :AAACB62000+2157320 count: 1 Resource User: Init count: 10 Caller pc : :AAACB62000+216D2B4 count: 1 Caller pc : :AAACB62000+3E5BD50 count: 1 Caller pc : :AAACB62000+3E5BDA8 count: 1 Caller pc : :AAACB62000+3E5BE58 count: 1 Caller pc : :AAACB62000+3E5BEB0 count: 1 Caller pc : :AAACB62000+3E5BF60 count: 1 Caller pc : :AAACB62000+3E5BCB0 count: 1 Caller pc : :AAACB62000+3E5BE00 count: 1 Caller pc : :AAACB62000+3E5BF08 count: 1 Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 26 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the SW Crypto Header pool Caller pc : :AAACB62000+96D3200 count: 1 Resource User: Init count: 1 Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 2 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 Statistics for the Crypto Fragmentation Header pool Caller pc : :AAACB62000+5FA64B8 count: 1 Resource User: Init count: 1 Number of Buffers used by packets generated by system: 2 Number of Buffers used by incoming packets: 0 ------------------ show inventory ------------------ NAME: "c38xx Stack", DESCR: "c38xx Stack" PID: WS-C3850-12S-S , VID: V02 , SN: FOC2343U0P0 NAME: "Switch 1", DESCR: "WS-C3850-12S-S" PID: WS-C3850-12S-S , VID: V02 , SN: FOC2343U0P0 NAME: "Switch 1 - Power Supply A", DESCR: "Switch 1 - Power Supply A" PID: PWR-C1-350WAC , VID: V02 , SN: ART2346D2WJ NAME: "Gi1/0/1", DESCR: "10/100/1000BaseTX SFP" PID: GLC-T , VID: , SN: 00000MTC1410041J NAME: "Gi1/0/2", DESCR: "10/100/1000BaseTX SFP" PID: GLC-T , VID: , SN: 00000MTC141003KD NAME: "Gi1/0/3", DESCR: "10/100/1000BaseTX SFP" PID: GLC-T , VID: , SN: 00000MTC141003ZJ NAME: "Gi1/0/5", DESCR: "10/100/1000BaseTX SFP" PID: GLC-T , VID: , SN: 00000MTC141003ZF NAME: "Gi1/0/8", DESCR: "10/100/1000BaseTX SFP" PID: GLC-T , VID: , SN: 00000MTC141004B5 NAME: "Gi1/0/9", DESCR: "10/100/1000BaseTX SFP" PID: GLC-TE , VID: V02 , SN: MTC240605BK NAME: "Gi1/0/10", DESCR: "10/100/1000BaseTX SFP" PID: GLC-TE , VID: V02 , SN: MTC2406054E NAME: "Gi1/0/11", DESCR: "10/100/1000BaseTX SFP" PID: GLC-T , VID: , SN: 00000MTC1410041G ------------------ show region ------------------ Region Manager: Start End Size(b) Class Media Name 0xAAAECA9940 0xAAB78DC637 147008760 IText R/O text 0xAABA85E4F0 0xAABD18891F 43164720 IData R/W data 0xAABD188920 0xAABF20A83F 34086688 IBss R/W bss 0xFF853C81A8 0xFF859C8FFF 6295128 Iomem R/W lsmpi_mem 0xFF861BC010 0xFFB69CA32F 813753120 Local R/W heap 0xFF861BC068 0xFF861D506B 102404 Local R/W heap:reserve Processor 0xFF93ED28B8 0xFF93FCC8BB 1024004 Criti R/W heap:Critical Processor 0xFFB69F7000 0xFFB6B9B773 1722228 IText R/O libaom_db.so_text 0xFFB6BAB778 0xFFB6BB0E9F 22312 IData R/W libaom_db.so_data 0xFFB6BB6000 0xFFB6C89DD3 867796 IText R/O libcep_filter.so_text 0xFFB6C9A000 0xFFB6C9F84F 22608 IData R/W libcep_filter.so_data 0xFFB6CA2000 0xFFB6CA6233 16948 IText R/O libtam_platform_ipc.so_text 0xFFB6CB6238 0xFFB6CB678F 1368 IData R/W libtam_platform_ipc.so_data 0xFFB6CBA000 0xFFB6D09843 325700 IText R/O 0xFFB6D19B78 0xFFB6D1B26F 5880 IData R/W 0xFFB6D1E000 0xFFB6D5B2D3 250580 IText R/O libtdlaobjman.so_text 0xFFB6D6B2D8 0xFFB6D6CB6F 6296 IData R/W libtdlaobjman.so_data 0xFFB6D6F000 0xFFB6E00D93 597396 IText R/O libtdldb_dbdm_ui.so_text 0xFFB6E11000 0xFFB6E1372F 10032 IData R/W libtdldb_dbdm_ui.so_data 0xFFB6E16000 0xFFB6E60733 304948 IText R/O libtdldb_dbdm_aom.so_text 0xFFB6E71000 0xFFB6E72C0F 7184 IData R/W 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libewlc_iosd_nexthop_mac.so_text 0xFFF07FC4D8 0xFFF07FD9AF 5336 IData R/W libewlc_iosd_nexthop_mac.so_data 0xFFF0800000 0xFFF083C8BB 247996 IText R/O libevt_log_msg.so_text 0xFFF084D000 0xFFF084EA5F 6752 IData R/W libevt_log_msg.so_data 0xFFF0850000 0xFFF085A523 42276 IText R/O libewlc_sanet.so_text 0xFFF086B000 0xFFF086BC2F 3120 IData R/W libewlc_sanet.so_data 0xFFF086E000 0xFFF0888C23 109604 IText R/O libewlc_epm.so_text 0xFFF0899000 0xFFF0899A3F 2624 IData R/W libewlc_epm.so_data 0xFFF089B000 0xFFF08C5923 174372 IText R/O libaaa_acct_sid_ewlc.so_text 0xFFF08D6000 0xFFF08D77EF 6128 IData R/W libaaa_acct_sid_ewlc.so_data 0xFFF08DA000 0xFFF08F82AB 123564 IText R/O libavc_fnf_internal.so_text 0xFFF09082B0 0xFFF09092EF 4160 IData R/W libavc_fnf_internal.so_data 0xFFF090B000 0xFFF091EE83 81540 IText R/O libavc_fnf_def.so_text 0xFFF092F000 0xFFF093037F 4992 IData R/W libavc_fnf_def.so_data 0xFFF0934000 0xFFF09B1FCB 516044 IText R/O libavc_fnf.so_text 0xFFF09C2000 0xFFF09C4CEF 11504 IData 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libewlc_config_mobility.so_data 0xFFF11CB000 0xFFF1204F5B 237404 IText R/O libewlc_config_mstream.so_text 0xFFF1215000 0xFFF121663F 5696 IData R/W libewlc_config_mstream.so_data 0xFFF1219000 0xFFF12C7ED3 716500 IText R/O libewlc_config_rrm.so_text 0xFFF12D7ED8 0xFFF12DAF2F 12376 IData R/W libewlc_config_rrm.so_data 0xFFF12DE000 0xFFF13A55D3 816596 IText R/O libewlc_config_rogue.so_text 0xFFF13B6000 0xFFF13B9EDF 16096 IData R/W libewlc_config_rogue.so_data 0xFFF13BB000 0xFFF14001AB 283052 IText R/O libewlc_config_location.so_text 0xFFF14101B0 0xFFF14119EF 6208 IData R/W libewlc_config_location.so_data 0xFFF1417000 0xFFF15871C3 1507780 IText R/O libewlc_config_rf.so_text 0xFFF15971C8 0xFFF159C42F 21096 IData R/W libewlc_config_rf.so_data 0xFFF159F000 0xFFF1636383 619396 IText R/O libewlc_config_flex.so_text 0xFFF1647000 0xFFF1649DAF 11696 IData R/W libewlc_config_flex.so_data 0xFFF1651000 0xFFF192F2AB 3007148 IText R/O libewlc_apfvap.so_text 0xFFF193F2B0 0xFFF194A2AF 45056 IData R/W libewlc_apfvap.so_data 0xFFF194D000 0xFFF19AC74B 390988 IText R/O libewlc_lsc_internal.so_text 0xFFF19BC750 0xFFF19BEBDF 9360 IData R/W libewlc_lsc_internal.so_data 0xFFF19C1000 0xFFF19FEC6B 253036 IText R/O libewlc_lsc.so_text 0xFFF1A0F000 0xFFF1A10B0F 6928 IData R/W libewlc_lsc.so_data 0xFFF1A12000 0xFFF1A2A7C3 100292 IText R/O libewlc_tunnel_types.so_text 0xFFF1A3B000 0xFFF1A3BACF 2768 IData R/W libewlc_tunnel_types.so_data 0xFFF1A3E000 0xFFF1A7668B 231052 IText R/O libtunnel_types.so_text 0xFFF1A86690 0xFFF1A879CF 4928 IData R/W libtunnel_types.so_data 0xFFF1A90000 0xFFF1B484E3 754916 IText R/O libewlc_config_db.so_text 0xFFF1B584E8 0xFFF1B92CF7 239632 IData R/W libewlc_config_db.so_data 0xFFF1B96000 0xFFF1C111B3 504244 IText R/O libewlc_fabric_config.so_text 0xFFF1C211B8 0xFFF1C23CCF 11032 IData R/W libewlc_fabric_config.so_data 0xFFF1C33000 0xFFF249A1FB 8811004 IText R/O libsnmp_traps.so_text 0xFFF24AA200 0xFFF24D03EF 156144 IData R/W libsnmp_traps.so_data 0xFFF24D5000 0xFFF252B1BB 352700 IText R/O libsmd_snmp_traps.so_text 0xFFF253B1C0 0xFFF2548A6F 55472 IData R/W libsmd_snmp_traps.so_data 0xFFF254A000 0xFFF2574223 172580 IText R/O libsmd_bidb.so_text 0xFFF2584228 0xFFF25854CF 4776 IData R/W libsmd_bidb.so_data 0xFFF2588000 0xFFF25AC453 148564 IText R/O libaaa_acct_sid.so_text 0xFFF25BD000 0xFFF25BDEDF 3808 IData R/W libaaa_acct_sid.so_data 0xFFF25BF000 0xFFF25FC75B 251740 IText R/O libeedge_cisp.so_text 0xFFF260C760 0xFFF260DDDF 5760 IData R/W libeedge_cisp.so_data 0xFFF2613000 0xFFF27D16AB 1828524 IText R/O libeedge_epm.so_text 0xFFF27E2000 0xFFF27E8F2F 28464 IData R/W libeedge_epm.so_data 0xFFF27EE000 0xFFF2A7FC6B 2694252 IText R/O libeedge_sm.so_text 0xFFF2A90000 0xFFF2A9A84F 43088 IData R/W libeedge_sm.so_data 0xFFF2AA0000 0xFFF2BAFEEB 1113836 IText R/O librcl_event_ipc.so_text 0xFFF2BB0000 0xFFF2BC05CF 67024 IData R/W librcl_event_ipc.so_data 0xFFF2BC2000 0xFFF2BE1B73 129908 IText R/O libwlan_def.so_text 0xFFF2BF1B78 0xFFF2BF2FBF 5192 IData R/W libwlan_def.so_data 0xFFF2BF6000 0xFFF2C27AD3 203476 IText R/O libewlcrp_iosd.so_text 0xFFF2C38000 0xFFF2C4056F 34160 IData R/W libewlcrp_iosd.so_data 0xFFF2C43000 0xFFF2D069B3 801204 IText R/O libdbal_root.so_text 0xFFF2D17000 0xFFF2D1DC5F 27744 IData R/W libdbal_root.so_data 0xFFF2D22000 0xFFF2E674AB 1332396 IText R/O libcli_agent.so_text 0xFFF2E774B0 0xFFF2E7E83F 29584 IData R/W libcli_agent.so_data 0xFFF2E80000 0xFFF2EB9693 235156 IText R/O libfed_pm_comm.so_text 0xFFF2ECA000 0xFFF2ECBA5F 6752 IData R/W libfed_pm_comm.so_data 0xFFF2ECE000 0xFFF2ED0AEB 10988 IText R/O libtppiosrp.so_text 0xFFF2EE1000 0xFFF2EE15EF 1520 IData R/W libtppiosrp.so_data 0xFFF2EE4000 0xFFF2F4B513 423188 IText R/O libdbal.so_text 0xFFF2F5C000 0xFFF30C1DAF 1465776 IData R/W libdbal.so_data 0xFFF30C4000 0xFFF30CEAA3 43684 IText R/O libbipc_assist.so_text 0xFFF30DF000 0xFFF30DF6BF 1728 IData R/W libbipc_assist.so_data 0xFFF30E1000 0xFFF3118203 225796 IText R/O libsyshw.so_text 0xFFF3129000 0xFFF3133E2F 44592 IData R/W libsyshw.so_data 0xFFF3136000 0xFFF315C173 156020 IText R/O libcpld_driver.so_text 0xFFF316C178 0xFFF316CC9F 2856 IData R/W libcpld_driver.so_data 0xFFF316E000 0xFFF32AC87B 1304700 IText R/O libhwlib.so_text 0xFFF32BD000 0xFFF32C2B97 23448 IData R/W libhwlib.so_data 0xFFF32C5000 0xFFF32CD413 33812 IText R/O libtrccfg.so_text 0xFFF32DD418 0xFFF32DFFEF 11224 IData R/W libtrccfg.so_data 0xFFF32E0000 0xFFF35A64D3 2909396 IText R/O libbinos.so_text 0xFFF35B7000 0xFFF35C0FBF 40896 IData R/W libbinos.so_data 0xFFF35C1000 0xFFF360CE93 310932 IText R/O libcdlcore.so_text 0xFFF361CE98 0xFFF3622F0F 24696 IData R/W libcdlcore.so_data 0xFFF3623000 0xFFF369B863 493668 IText R/O libuipeer.so_text 0xFFF36AC000 0xFFF36B18FF 22784 IData R/W libuipeer.so_data 0xFFF36B2000 0xFFF36BE95B 51548 IText R/O libuiutil.so_text 0xFFF36CF000 0xFFF36CFC1F 3104 IData R/W libuiutil.so_data 0xFFF36D0000 0xFFF36DC817 51224 IText R/O libprelib.so_text 0xFFF36EC818 0xFFF36EFA2F 12824 IData R/W libprelib.so_data 0xFFF375B000 0xFFF3783883 166020 IText R/O 0xFFF3793000 0xFFF3793777 1912 IText R/O 0xFFF3794258 0xFFF379996F 22296 IData R/W 0xFFFFD45000 0xFFFFD66FFF 139264 Local R/W stack Free Region Manager: Start End Size(b) Class Media Name ------------------ Mempool statistics ------------------ Head Total(b) Used(b) Free(b) Lowest(b) Largest(b) Processor FF861BC010 813753120 259871180 553881940 551774176 553272748 reserve P FF861BC068 102404 92 102312 102312 102312 lsmpi_io FF853C81A8 6295128 6294304 824 824 412 Critical FF93ED28B8 1024004 92 1023912 1023912 1023912 -------------- Top 100 allocator pc summary ----------- Tracekey : 1#553367939f11ff7794276752ee588130 Allocator PC Summary for: Processor Total Count Name PC 27514280 502 *Init* :AAACB62000+21700A0 19049112 2 session :AAACB62000+386AB88 17570776 6084 *Packet Header* :AAACB62000+52CCAD8 16707320 5834 *Packet Data* :AAACB62000+52CCB28 13408264 65669 nbar-cp-alloc :AAACB62000+5600714 10897520 3 PM port_data :AAACB62000+2F11CD0 10485856 1 dpidb index allocati :AAACB62000+54B38A0 8463800 1 L2RIB dtrace stridx :AAACB62000+AA4F1F4 8245472 1857 XOS_MEM_UTILS :AAACB62000+933C354 6166720 70 Init :AAACB62000+556D364 4546400 25 event_trace_tbs :AAACB62000+65E8150 3507496 56 DynCmd object c :AAACB62000+221E9B0 3495472 2 platf :AAACB62000+386AAC0 3320712 2 table :AAACB62000+386A9F8 2480272 2 bfd_critical :AAACB62000+58291D0 2097248 1 Init :AAACB62000+2172724 2097248 1 dpidb lookup table :AAACB62000+54B3850 2063360 416 Init :AAACB62000+493CFA8 1994112 100 TW Buckets :AAACB62000+90F4C10 1903328 29 DynCmd tree chu :AAACB62000+2227A28 1893768 14 Normal :AAACB62000+52D6A9C 1672864 103 Init :AAACB62000+6FA67AC 1441888 1 Init :AAACB62000+52DE0E8 1441888 1 Init :AAACB62000+52DE108 1296000 9000 *Init* :AAACB62000+50862D0 1279864 24 pak subblock chunk :AAACB62000+52D4560 1179648 8192 Init :AAACB62000+4D5CC64 1161664 7591 Init :AAACB62000+6569384 1120272 2 platform_fib_ipv4 :AAACB62000+53D42C0 1120272 2 platform_fib_ipv6 :AAACB62000+53D6DB0 1050112 16 DynCmd object c :AAACB62000+2220514 1048832 2 fsm :AAACB62000+386A930 1048672 1 CEF: fibidb table :AAACB62000+3C68AE4 1048672 1 CEF: fibhwidb table :AAACB62000+3C68B10 1048672 1 Init :AAACB62000+6B41ADC 1040272 2 cef_interface :AAACB62000+3C6F0C8 1040272 2 adjacency :AAACB62000+3D9537C 1024096 1 Init :AAACB62000+65DF4C8 976960 114 SSH Process :AAACB62000+64F5050 971136 28 Hashtable Buckets :AAACB62000+AA148B4 960272 2 event :AAACB62000+8BE35E0 960272 2 multicast topology :AAACB62000+73DB00C 853216 13 DynCmd object c :AAACB62000+2220404 800272 2 cpdp :AAACB62000+4A1EE08 800272 2 ARP :AAACB62000+6075B70 800272 2 cef_ipv4 :AAACB62000+3E0E144 800272 2 cef_ipv6 :AAACB62000+3E76F6C 800272 2 xdr_events :AAACB62000+526E27C 786912 12 DynCmd object c :AAACB62000+2220294 730368 4271 *Init* :AAACB62000+4F95A74 722920 3191 IPC Global Info :AAACB62000+4B550B4 712096 1 epm fwd database :AAACB62000+28234E4 706392 4410 Init :AAACB62000+6568E9C 673200 495 Process :AAACB62000+9161CE8 663432 3593 Init :AAACB62000+4364EE8 638864 1 Image License Master :AAACB62000+31F8BE0 630896 4138 Init :AAACB62000+437C330 544864 1 Init :AAACB62000+2DF6C0C 544864 1 Init :AAACB62000+2E683B0 534896 16 SPA variable msg chu :AAACB62000+576B760 531192 1062 *Init* :AAACB62000+9104D60 525056 8 IDB List Elemen :AAACB62000+5338538 520184 3593 Init :AAACB62000+4364F08 519368 3406 Init :AAACB62000+4378C04 504272 2 bfd_events :AAACB62000+5829138 495256 3400 Init :AAACB62000+4364F18 480272 2 oce_events :AAACB62000+3D07868 480272 2 mfib_cable :AAACB62000+7190B24 480272 2 mfib_events :AAACB62000+71CF96C 460848 12 Redundancy Even :AAACB62000+5073014 460096 14 List Headers :AAACB62000+90EE6FC 459424 7 DynCmd object c :AAACB62000+2224DC4 459424 7 DynCmd object c :AAACB62000+2220AEC 459424 7 DynCmd object c :AAACB62000+22209D8 456272 2 pki_event :AAACB62000+94F1190 456272 2 pki_error :AAACB62000+94F1240 456272 2 pki_event :AAACB62000+5EC2CC0 456272 2 pki_error :AAACB62000+5EC2D18 435032 79 Watched Semapho :AAACB62000+91585B0 427232 13 nbar-attr-chunk :AAACB62000+8E08EA0 418640 25 RMI RO-RU Chunk :AAACB62000+908B654 402208 16 Normal :AAACB62000+52D65D4 400272 2 ppcp :AAACB62000+8752110 393792 6 IPC Message Hea :AAACB62000+4B5536C 393792 6 STP Port Control Blo :AAACB62000+8E639B4 393792 6 DynCmd object c :AAACB62000+2224CB4 393504 3 CEF: hash table :AAACB62000+3C5CE88 383800 2647 Init :AAACB62000+95E75B4 368720 1139 XOS_MEM_XDT :AAACB62000+933C4E4 360272 2 cef_linecard :AAACB62000+3B7D0C0 357920 8 mDNS snp pkt small p :AAACB62000+706264C 352768 208 Init :AAACB62000+49C2DB0 344256 10 FNF string db chunk :AAACB62000+43FDC80 340288 52 Init :AAACB62000+21AF0EC 295776 9 List Elements :AAACB62000+90EE5CC 295104 2 Init :AAACB62000+65DBAEC 288128 2 tracking :AAACB62000+68B6914 279736 1087 Init :AAACB62000+4340E5C 272456 5 DynCmd object chunk :AAACB62000+221E990 272272 2 tunnel :AAACB62000+905BA60 Allocator PC Summary for: reserve Processor Total Count Name PC Allocator PC Summary for: lsmpi_io Total Count Name PC 6293696 2 lsmpi_rx :AAACB62000+52D6A9C 424 1 Init :AAACB62000+215C350 Allocator PC Summary for: Critical Processor Total Count Name PC ------------------ show wsma tech-support ------------------ ------------------ show wsma summary ------------------ WSMA Schema Version: 1.0, Baseline Tracking: rel27.1.20180206 WSMA Summary 2, T:45398586 ------------------ show wsma profiles ------------------ wsma agent exec: 2 profile(s) profile 2.1: hidden [webui_wsma_http] profile 2.2: hidden [webui_wsma_https] wsma agent config: 2 profile(s) profile 2.1: hidden [webui_wsma_http] profile 2.2: hidden [webui_wsma_https] wsma agent filesys: 2 profile(s) profile 2.1: hidden [webui_wsma_http] profile 2.2: hidden [webui_wsma_https] wsma agent notify: 2 profile(s) profile 2.1: hidden [webui_wsma_http] profile 2.2: hidden [webui_wsma_https] Listener Profile webui_wsma_http: 0 open connections: 0 closing connections Encap: soap11 WSSE header is not required. Configured authorization level is 15 Max message (RX) is 50 Kbytes SOAP Faults are sent Idle timeout infinite Keepalive not configured Listening via http Listening to path /webui_wsma_http. Max Idle 0 ms. Accepting post on plaintext connections. Established at 21:33:38.535 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023 Tx 0 bytes (0 msg), Tx 0 errors, Last message sent at never Rx 0 bytes (0 msg), 0 empty msg Last message received at never Listener Profile webui_wsma_https: 0 open connections: 0 closing connections Encap: soap11 WSSE header is not required. Configured authorization level is 15 Max message (RX) is 50 Kbytes SOAP Faults are sent Idle timeout infinite Keepalive not configured Listening via https Listening to path /webui_wsma_https. Max Idle 0 ms. Accepting post on encrypt connections. Established at 21:33:38.548 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023 Tx 0 bytes (0 msg), Tx 0 errors, Last message sent at never Rx 0 bytes (0 msg), 0 empty msg Last message received at never ------------------ show wsma services ------------------ WSMA Service Statistics: Service name: WSMA Exec, Status: Never Run Service name: WSMA Config, Status: Never Run Service name: WSMA FileSys, Status: Never Run Service name: WSMA Notify, Status: Never Run Service name: WSMA Hello, Status: Never Run Service name: WSMA Response, Status: Never Run Service name: WSMA Fault, Status: Never Run ------------------ show wsma history ------------------ ------------------ show platform ------------------ Switch Ports Model Serial No. MAC address Hw Ver. Sw Ver. ------ ----- --------- ----------- -------------- ------- -------- 1 20 WS-C3850-12S-S FOC2343U0P0 6c71.0d88.c300 V02 16.12.07 Switch/Stack Mac Address : 6c71.0d88.c300 - Local Mac Address Mac persistency wait time: Indefinite Current Switch# Role Priority State ------------------------------------------- *1 Active 1 Ready ------------------ show platform resources ------------------ **State Acronym: H - Healthy, W - Warning, C - Critical Resource Usage Max Warning Critical State ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Control Processor 18.84% 100% 90% 95% H DRAM 1567MB(40%) 3842MB 90% 95% H TMPFS 125MB(3%) 3842MB 40% 50% H ------------------ show romvar ------------------ ROMMON variables: ASIC_PCI_RESET="1" CFG_MODEL_NUM="WS-C3850-12S-S" CLEI_CODE_NUMBER="IPMWZ00ARB" DDR_SPEED="667" ECI_CODE_NUMBER="468639" LICENSE_BOOT_LEVEL="ipbasek9,all:ngwc;" MAC_ADDR="6C:71:0D:88:C3:00" MANUAL_BOOT="no" MODEL_NUM="WS-C3850-12S" MODEL_REVISION_NUM="L0" MOTHERBOARD_ASSEMBLY_NUM="73-15839-07" MOTHERBOARD_REVISION_NUM="B0" MOTHERBOARD_SERIAL_NUM="FOC23425FYN" RECOVERY_BUNDLE="sda9:cat3k_caa-recovery.bin" SBC_CFG="17-12196-05.SBC_cfg" STKPWR_ASSEMBLY_NUM="73-11956-08" STKPWR_REVISION_NUM="B0" STKPWR_SERIAL_NUM="FOC2340446Y" SWITCH_IGNORE_STARTUP_CFG="0" SWITCH_NUMBER="1" SYSTEM_SERIAL_NUM="FOC2343U0P0" TAN_NUM="800-41089-06" TAN_REVISION_NUMBER="J0" TEMPLATE="advanced" TERMLINES="0" USB_ASSEMBLY_NUM="73-16167-02" USB_REVISION_NUM="A0" USB_SERIAL_NUM="FOC23393GHB" VERSION_ID="V02" BAUD="9600" DC_COPY="yes" D_STACK_DOMAIN_NUM="1" ABNORMAL_RESET_COUNT="0" AUTO_SWITCH_CONSOLE_DISABLE="0" STACK_1_1="1_0" BOOT="flash:packages.conf;flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.07.SPA.bin;" RET_2_RTS="16:54:51 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023" CALL_HOME_DEBUG="1111111111111" BSI="0" RANDOM_NUM="1209074753" ------------------ show platform software tech-support ------------------ ---- show version installed ---- Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active Role: provisioning file File: /flash/packages.conf, on: RP0 Built: n/a, by: n/a File SHA1 checksum: 717288f2c2d961513afe25f3d888db46de5ca2aa Package: rpbase, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_base File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpbase.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 1efb8f3741f76119a9ec776ad78f86a179da6b9b Package: Provisioning, version: n/a, status: active Role: rp_boot File: /flash/, on: RP0 Built: n/a, by: n/a File SHA1 checksum: 717288f2c2d961513afe25f3d888db46de5ca2aa Package: guestshell, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: guestshell File: /flash/cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 6a24d16925de2c1cbe1b09746de81beb319bdbc1 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_core File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_daemons File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_iosd File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_security File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 Package: webui, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_webui File: /flash/cat3k_caa-webui.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: b83c2681aa20cf7a84f5a197a7183ff94a983bc3 Package: srdriver, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: srdriver File: /flash/cat3k_caa-srdriver.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 925af4ab9ec82b7febcc84250ebacef81d0ea9a5 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: fp File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: ESP0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 ---- show version running ---- Package: Provisioning File, version: n/a, status: active Role: provisioning file File: /flash/packages.conf, on: RP0 Built: n/a, by: n/a File SHA1 checksum: 717288f2c2d961513afe25f3d888db46de5ca2aa Package: rpbase, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_base File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpbase.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 1efb8f3741f76119a9ec776ad78f86a179da6b9b Package: Provisioning, version: n/a, status: active Role: rp_boot File: /flash/, on: RP0 Built: n/a, by: n/a File SHA1 checksum: 717288f2c2d961513afe25f3d888db46de5ca2aa Package: guestshell, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: guestshell File: /flash/cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 6a24d16925de2c1cbe1b09746de81beb319bdbc1 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_core File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_daemons File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_iosd File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_security File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 Package: webui, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: rp_webui File: /flash/cat3k_caa-webui.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: b83c2681aa20cf7a84f5a197a7183ff94a983bc3 Package: srdriver, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: srdriver File: /flash/cat3k_caa-srdriver.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: RP0/0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 925af4ab9ec82b7febcc84250ebacef81d0ea9a5 Package: rpcore, version: 16.12.07, status: active Role: fp File: /flash/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg, on: ESP0 Built: 2022-02-02_07.35, by: mcpre File SHA1 checksum: 4e5ed49c6ea8e1499f07a5c4272a848e1383e490 ---- show platform software mount switch active R0 brief ---- Mount point: rootfs Type : rootfs Location : / Options : rw,size=1953300k,nr_inodes=488325 Mount point: sysfs Type : sysfs Location : /sys Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime Mount point: proc Type : proc Location : /proc Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime Mount point: devtmpfs Type : devtmpfs Location : /dev Options : rw,nosuid,size=1953300k,nr_inodes=488325,mode=755 Mount point: securityfs Type : securityfs Location : /sys/kernel/security Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime Mount point: selinuxfs Type : selinuxfs Location : /sys/fs/selinux Options : rw,relatime Mount point: tmpfs Type : tmpfs Location : /dev/shm Options : rw,nosuid,nodev Mount point: devpts Type : devpts Location : /dev/pts Options : rw,nosuid,noexec,relatime,gid=5,mode=620,ptmxmode=000 Mount point: tmpfs Type : tmpfs Location : /run Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,mode=755 Mount point: tmpfs Type : tmpfs Location : /sys/fs/cgroup Options : ro,nosuid,nodev,noexec,mode=755 Mount point: cgroup Type : cgroup Location : /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,xattr,release_agent=/lib/systemd/systemd-cgroups-agent,name=systemd Mount point: cgroup Type : cgroup Location : /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,freezer Mount point: cgroup Type : cgroup Location : /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,net_cls Mount point: cgroup Type : cgroup Location : /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpu,cpuacct Mount point: cgroup Type : cgroup Location : /sys/fs/cgroup/memory Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,memory Mount point: cgroup Type : cgroup Location : /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,cpuset Mount point: cgroup Type : cgroup Location : /sys/fs/cgroup/devices Options : rw,nosuid,nodev,noexec,relatime,devices Mount point: tmpfs Type : tmpfs Location : /var Options : rw Mount point: tmpfs Type : tmpfs Location : /tmp Options : rw Mount point: hugetlbfs Type : hugetlbfs Location : /dev/hugepages Options : rw,relatime Mount point: debugfs Type : debugfs Location : /sys/kernel/debug Options : rw,relatime Mount point: nfsd Type : nfsd Location : /proc/fs/nfsd Options : rw,relatime Mount point: /dev/sda5 Type : ext2 Location : /mnt/sd5 Options : rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=continue Mount point: /dev/sda9 Type : ext2 Location : /mnt/sd9 Options : rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=continue Mount point: /dev/sda1 Type : ext2 Location : /mnt/sd1 Options : rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=continue Mount point: /dev/sda8 Type : ext2 Location : /mnt/sd8 Options : ro,noatime,nodiratime,errors=continue Mount point: /dev/sda3 Type : ext2 Location : /mnt/sd3 Options : rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=continue Mount point: /dev/sda7 Type : ext2 Location : /mnt/sd7 Options : rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=continue Mount point: /dev/sda6 Type : ext2 Location : /mnt/sd6 Options : rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=continue Mount point: tmpfs Type : tmpfs Location : /var/run/netns Options : rw Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/2 Options : rw Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/2 Options : rw Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/8 Options : rw Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/8 Options : rw Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/0 Options : rw Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/0 Options : rw Mount point: /dev/loop0 Type : iso9660 Location : /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-srdriver.16.12.07.SPA.pkg Options : ro,relatime Mount point: /dev/loop1 Type : iso9660 Location : /tmp/sw/wrapper_mount/cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.12.07.SPA.pkg Options : ro,relatime Mount point: /dev/loop2 Type : squashfs Location : /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-guestshell.16.12.07.SPA.pkg Options : ro,relatime Mount point: /dev/loop3 Type : iso9660 Location : /tmp/sw/wrapper_mount/cat3k_caa-webui.16.12.07.SPA.pkg Options : ro,relatime Mount point: /dev/loop4 Type : squashfs Location : /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-webui.16.12.07.SPA.pkg Options : ro,relatime Mount point: /dev/loop5 Type : iso9660 Location : /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-rpbase.16.12.07.SPA.pkg Options : ro,relatime Mount point: /dev/loop6 Type : iso9660 Location : /tmp/sw/wrapper_mount/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg Options : ro,relatime Mount point: /dev/loop7 Type : squashfs Location : /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-rpcore.16.12.07.SPA.pkg Options : ro,relatime Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/16 Options : rw Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/16 Options : rw Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/1 Options : rw Mount point: nsfs Type : nsfs Location : /var/run/netns/1 Options : rw Mount point: tmpfs Type : tmpfs Location : /tmp/rp/tdldb Options : rw,relatime,size=3147716k,mode=777 Mount point: tmpfs Type : tmpfs Location : /tmp/fp/tdldb Options : rw,relatime,size=3147716k,mode=777 ---- show platform software mount switch active R0 ---- Filesystem Used Available Use % Mounted on ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rootfs 64012 1889288 4% / sysfs 0 0 - /sys proc 0 0 - /proc devtmpfs 0 1953300 0% /dev securityfs 0 0 - /sys/kernel/security selinuxfs 0 0 - /sys/fs/selinux tmpfs 8364 1958956 1% /dev/shm devpts 0 0 - /dev/pts tmpfs 5604 1961716 1% /run tmpfs 0 1967320 0% /sys/fs/cgroup cgroup 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd cgroup 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/freezer cgroup 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/net_cls cgroup 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu,cpuacct cgroup 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/memory cgroup 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuset cgroup 0 0 - /sys/fs/cgroup/devices tmpfs 148 1967172 1% /var tmpfs 96516 1870804 5% /tmp hugetlbfs 0 0 - /dev/hugepages debugfs 0 0 - /sys/kernel/debug nfsd 0 0 - /proc/fs/nfsd /dev/sda5 39 2281 2% /mnt/sd5 /dev/sda9 20774 31035 41% /mnt/sd9 /dev/sda1 41377 188635 18% /mnt/sd1 /dev/sda8 2 36531 1% /mnt/sd8 /dev/sda3 1412952 90540 94% /mnt/sd3 /dev/sda7 549 35984 2% /mnt/sd7 /dev/sda6 25 2295 2% /mnt/sd6 tmpfs 148 1967172 1% /var/run/netns nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/2 nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/2 nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/8 nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/8 nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/0 nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/0 /dev/loop0 3334 0 100% /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-srdriv /dev/loop1 19626 0 100% /tmp/sw/wrapper_mount/cat3k_ca /dev/loop2 19328 0 100% /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-guests /dev/loop3 22478 0 100% /tmp/sw/wrapper_mount/cat3k_ca /dev/loop4 22784 0 100% /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-webui. /dev/loop5 354 0 100% /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-rpbase /dev/loop6 391462 0 100% /tmp/sw/wrapper_mount/cat3k_ca /dev/loop7 468480 0 100% /tmp/sw/mount/cat3k_caa-rpcore nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/16 nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/16 nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/1 nsfs 0 0 - /var/run/netns/1 tmpfs 17440 3130276 1% /tmp/rp/tdldb tmpfs 332 3147384 1% /tmp/fp/tdldb ---- show platform software ipc queue-based forwarding-manager switch active R0 connection ---- Name: -fman_rp_to_smd-b0 Number : 0 Mode : writer Created on : 03/19/23 21:33:06 Queue Size : 524288 bytes, 0 bytes currently used Enqueued : 0 msgs, 0 bytes, 0 err, 0 back-pressures, 0 bytes max queue utilization, 0 times reached above 90%, 0 times reached above 75% Name: -bt_logger_fman-rp Number : 1 Mode : writer Created on : 03/19/23 21:33:06 Queue Size : 524288 bytes, 0 bytes currently used Enqueued : 0 msgs, 0 bytes, 0 err, 0 back-pressures, 0 bytes max queue utilization, 0 times reached above 90%, 0 times reached above 75% Name: -iosd_to_forwarding_mgr-b0 Number : 2 Mode : reader Created on : 03/19/23 21:33:24 Queue Size : 1048576 bytes, 0 bytes currently used Dequeued : 1955 msgs, 407967 bytes, 0 err Name: -fman-log-bay0-peer1 Number : 3 Mode : writer Created on : 03/19/23 21:33:37 Queue Size : 524288 bytes, 0 bytes currently used Enqueued : 539 msgs, 4149148 bytes, 0 err, 0 back-pressures, 172626 bytes max queue utilization, 0 times reached above 90%, 0 times reached above 75% Name: -fman-log-bay0-peer1 Number : 4 Mode : reader Created on : 03/19/23 21:33:37 Queue Size : 524288 bytes, 0 bytes currently used Dequeued : 539 msgs, 4149148 bytes, 0 err Name: -smd_to_fman_rp Number : 5 Mode : reader Created on : 03/19/23 21:33:37 Queue Size : 524288 bytes, 0 bytes currently used Dequeued : 0 msgs, 0 bytes, 0 err ---- show platform software ipc stream-based forwarding-manager switch active R0 manager ---- Manager: uipeer command manager, number: 1, created: 03/19/23 21:33:06 Managed connections: 1, write pool buffers: 15, maximum: 32 Manager: uipeer sman manager, number: 2, created: 03/19/23 21:33:06 Managed connections: 1, write pool buffers: 16, maximum: 32 ---- show platform software ipc stream-based host-manager switch active R0 connection ---- Server List (Local Location 1:R0:0): ------------------------------------ Server Name: hman-ui__ripc Type: remote IPC, Port: 2060, Channel Number: 1, FD: 12 Number of connection(s): 33 accepted, 31 closed Accepted Connection List: Created: 03/20/23 10:10:10, Channel Number: 46, FD: 17 Channel information:, Client Port: 57477, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: uipeer downlink Sent: 51 Buffers, 101 Msgs, 39526 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 51/3899/775 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4 Msgs, 936 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/20/23 10:10:12, Channel Number: 51, FD: 22 Channel information:, Client Port: 43967, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: uipeer downlink Sent: 0 Buffers, 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 0/0/0 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4 Msgs, 978 Bytes, 0 Err Client List (Local Location 1:R0:0): ------------------------------------ Number of connection(s): 17 connected, 15 closed Status: Connected, Created: 03/19/23 21:33:25, Channel Number: 15, FD: 19 Type: remote IPC, Server Name: iosd-hmrp-stats__ripc, Remote Location: 1:R0 Channel information:, Port: 49271, Server Port: 2900 Sent: 4544 Buffers, 18165 Msgs, 16417623 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 58/3616/3613 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 31 Msgs, 1941 Bytes, 0 Err Status: Connected, Created: 03/19/23 21:33:51, Channel Number: 18, FD: 20 Type: remote IPC, Server Name: sman-ui-serv__ripc, Remote Location: 1:R0 Channel information:, Port: 45815, Server Port: 2028 Note: uipeer uplink to slot 1 Sent: 4538 Buffers, 14520 Msgs, 6268435 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 380/1454/1381 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Err ---- show platform software ipc stream-based host-manager switch active R0 manager ---- Manager: uipeer command manager, number: 1, created: 03/19/23 21:33:01 Managed connections: 2, write pool buffers: 15, maximum: 32 Manager: uipeer sman manager, number: 2, created: 03/19/23 21:33:01 Managed connections: 1, write pool buffers: 16, maximum: 32 ---- show platform software ipc stream-based shell-manager switch active R0 connection ---- Server List (Local Location 1:R0:0): ------------------------------------ Server Name: sman-bshell-serv__lipc Type: local IPC, Port: shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket, Channel Number: 1, FD: 15 Number of connection(s): 10 accepted, 1 closed Accepted Connection List: Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 9, FD: 43 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket Note: connection from bshell Sent: 291 Buffers, 2550 Msgs, 804229 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 70/8184/2763 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 124 Msgs, 24859 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 10, FD: 44 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket Note: connection from bshell Sent: 0 Buffers, 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 0/0/0 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 11, FD: 45 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket Note: connection from bshell Sent: 0 Buffers, 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 0/0/0 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 12, FD: 46 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket Note: connection from bshell Sent: 0 Buffers, 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 0/0/0 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 13, FD: 47 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket Note: connection from bshell Sent: 0 Buffers, 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 0/0/0 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 14, FD: 48 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket Note: connection from bshell Sent: 0 Buffers, 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 0/0/0 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 15, FD: 49 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket Note: connection from bshell Sent: 0 Buffers, 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 0/0/0 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 16, FD: 50 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket Note: connection from bshell Sent: 0 Buffers, 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 0/0/0 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/20/23 10:10:11, Channel Number: 136, FD: 77 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_bshell_serv_socket Note: connection from bshell Sent: 18 Buffers, 54 Msgs, 23522 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 170/6001/1306 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 140 Msgs, 14396 Bytes, 0 Err Server Name: sman-ui-serv__ripc Type: remote IPC, Port: 2028, Channel Number: 2, FD: 18 Number of connection(s): 25 accepted, 0 closed Accepted Connection List: Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 7, FD: 40 Channel information:, Client Port: 39237, Remote Location: 1:F0 Note: 1:F0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4540 Msgs, 903430 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:51, Channel Number: 17, FD: 51 Channel information:, Client Port: 45815, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 14520 Msgs, 6268435 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:51, Channel Number: 18, FD: 52 Channel information:, Client Port: 53839, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903240 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:51, Channel Number: 19, FD: 53 Channel information:, Client Port: 39199, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903244 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:52, Channel Number: 20, FD: 54 Channel information:, Client Port: 54111, Remote Location: 1:F0 Note: 1:F0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903237 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:52, Channel Number: 21, FD: 55 Channel information:, Client Port: 55301, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903258 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:52, Channel Number: 22, FD: 56 Channel information:, Client Port: 56855, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903244 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:52, Channel Number: 23, FD: 57 Channel information:, Client Port: 39821, Remote Location: 1:F0 Note: 1:F0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903227 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:52, Channel Number: 24, FD: 58 Channel information:, Client Port: 54641, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903243 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:55, Channel Number: 25, FD: 59 Channel information:, Client Port: 46003, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903243 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:55, Channel Number: 26, FD: 60 Channel information:, Client Port: 33911, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903256 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:55, Channel Number: 27, FD: 61 Channel information:, Client Port: 34489, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903240 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:55, Channel Number: 28, FD: 62 Channel information:, Client Port: 56521, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903243 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:56, Channel Number: 29, FD: 63 Channel information:, Client Port: 44873, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903240 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:56, Channel Number: 30, FD: 64 Channel information:, Client Port: 42577, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903244 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:56, Channel Number: 31, FD: 65 Channel information:, Client Port: 33031, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903259 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:56, Channel Number: 32, FD: 66 Channel information:, Client Port: 49339, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903246 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:56, Channel Number: 33, FD: 67 Channel information:, Client Port: 59735, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903240 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:56, Channel Number: 34, FD: 68 Channel information:, Client Port: 43985, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903258 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:57, Channel Number: 35, FD: 69 Channel information:, Client Port: 35067, Remote Location: 1:F0 Note: 1:F0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903248 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:57, Channel Number: 36, FD: 70 Channel information:, Client Port: 41885, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4538 Msgs, 903059 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:57, Channel Number: 37, FD: 71 Channel information:, Client Port: 46519, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903240 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:58, Channel Number: 38, FD: 72 Channel information:, Client Port: 47777, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4539 Msgs, 903258 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:58, Channel Number: 39, FD: 73 Channel information:, Client Port: 54583, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4538 Msgs, 903037 Bytes, 0 Err Created: 03/19/23 21:33:59, Channel Number: 41, FD: 74 Channel information:, Client Port: 60241, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: 1:R0:0 Sent: 1 Buffers, 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 578/578/578 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4535 Msgs, 902448 Bytes, 0 Err Server Name: sman-ui-serv__lipc Type: local IPC, Port: shell_mgr_ui_serv_socket, Channel Number: 3, FD: 16 Number of connection(s): 0 accepted, 0 closed Accepted Connection List: Server Name: sman-ui__ripc Type: remote IPC, Port: 2052, Channel Number: 4, FD: 20 Number of connection(s): 19 accepted, 18 closed Accepted Connection List: Created: 03/20/23 10:10:12, Channel Number: 146, FD: 79 Channel information:, Client Port: 34181, Remote Location: 1:R0 Note: uipeer downlink Sent: 0 Buffers, 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 0/0/0 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 4 Msgs, 979 Bytes, 0 Err Server Name: sman__lipc Type: local IPC, Port: shell_mgr_iosd_socket, Channel Number: 5, FD: 19 Number of connection(s): 1 accepted, 0 closed Accepted Connection List: Created: 03/19/23 21:33:50, Channel Number: 8, FD: 42 Channel information: /tmp/rp/lipc/shell_mgr_iosd_socket Note: R0:0 Sent: 502 Buffers, 3589 Msgs, 3609913 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 104/8199/7191 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 2 Msgs, 207 Bytes, 0 Err Server Name: sman-dbal-bipc__lipc Type: local IPC, Port: sman_dbal_socket, Channel Number: 6, FD: 29 Number of connection(s): 0 accepted, 0 closed Accepted Connection List: Client List (Local Location 1:R0:0): ------------------------------------ Number of connection(s): 85 connected, 82 closed Status: Connected, Created: 03/19/23 21:33:59, Channel Number: 40, FD: 76 Type: remote IPC, Server Name: sman-ui-serv__ripc, Remote Location: 1:R0 Channel information:, Port: 60241, Server Port: 2028 Note: uipeer uplink to slot 1 Sent: 4534 Buffers, 4535 Msgs, 902448 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 199/381/199 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 1 Msgs, 578 Bytes, 0 Err Status: Connected, Created: 03/20/23 10:10:10, Channel Number: 135, FD: 80 Type: remote IPC, Server Name: hman-ui__ripc, Remote Location: 1:R0 Channel information:, Port: 57477, Server Port: 2060 Note: command connection to hman-ui-1-R0-0:hman-ui-p:0xaabe27c208-loc:1:R0:0-ipc:RIPC Sent: 1 Buffers, 4 Msgs, 936 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 936/936/936 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 129 Msgs, 48018 Bytes, 0 Err Status: Connected, Created: 03/20/23 10:10:12, Channel Number: 145, FD: 82 Type: remote IPC, Server Name: sman-ui__ripc, Remote Location: 1:R0 Channel information:, Port: 34181, Server Port: 2052 Note: command connection to sman-ui-1-R0-0:sman-ui-p:0xaabe7dce18-loc:1:R0:0-ipc:RIPC Sent: 1 Buffers, 4 Msgs, 979 Bytes, 0 Partial Sent, 0 Err 0 Back-pressure, 979/979/979 (min/max/avg) Bytes per buffer Received: 0 Msgs, 0 Bytes, 0 Err ---- show platform software ipc stream-based shell-manager switch active R0 manager ---- Manager: bshell manager, number: 1, created: 03/19/23 21:33:49 Managed connections: 9, write pool buffers: 14, maximum: 256 Manager: uipeer server manager, number: 2, created: 03/19/23 21:33:49 Managed connections: 25, write pool buffers: 16, maximum: 256 Manager: uipeer command manager, number: 3, created: 03/19/23 21:33:49 Managed connections: 1, write pool buffers: 15, maximum: 32 Manager: uipeer sman manager, number: 4, created: 03/19/23 21:33:49 Managed connections: 1, write pool buffers: 16, maximum: 32 Manager: outbound connections manager, number: 5, created: 03/19/23 21:33:49 Managed connections: 2, write pool buffers: 16, maximum: 256 Manager: IOSd conn manager, number: 6, created: 03/19/23 21:33:49 Managed connections: 1, write pool buffers: 16, maximum: 256 Manager: DBAL BIPC Manager, number: 7, created: 03/19/23 21:33:49 Managed connections: 0, write pool buffers: 16, maximum: 256 ---- show platform software peer forwarding-manager switch active R0 ---- IOSD Connection Information: MQIPC (reader) Connection State: Connected, Read-selected Connections: 1, Failures: 18 1955 packet received (0 dropped), 407967 bytes Read attempts: 1141, Yields: 0 BIPC Connection state: Connected, Ready Accepted: 1, Rejected: 0, Closed: 0, Backpressures: 0 2 packets sent, 156 bytes SMD Connection Information: MQIPC (reader) Connection State: Connected, Read-selected Connections: 1, Failures: 31 0 packet received (0 dropped), 0 bytes Read attempts: 1, Yields: 0 MQIPC (writer) Connection State: Connected, Ready Connections: 1, Failures: 0, Backpressures: 0 0 packet sent, 0 bytes FP Peers Information: Slot: 1 Peer state: connected OM ID: 0, Download attempts: 491 Complete: 491, Yields: 0, Spurious: 0 IPC Back-Pressure: 0, IPC-Log Back-Pressure: 0 Back-Pressure asserted for IPC: 0, IPC-Log: 0 Number of FP FMAN peer connection expected: 4 Number of FP FMAN online msg received: 1 IPC state: unknown Config IPC Context: State: Connected, Read-selected BIPC Handle: 0xb635d828, BIPC FD: 33, Peer Context: 0xb63398a8 Tx Packets: 539, Messages: 1157, ACKs: 34 Rx Packets: 35, Bytes: 1956 IPC Log: Peer name: fman-log-bay0-peer1 Flags: Recovery-Complete Send Seq: 34, Recv Seq: 34, Msgs Sent: 0, Msgs Recovered: 0 Upstream FMRP IPC Context: State: Connected, Read-selected BIPC Handle: 0xb636faf8, BIPC FD: 34, Peer Context: 0xb63398a8 TX Packets: 0, Bytes: 0, Drops: 0 Rx Packets: 0, Bytes: 0 Upstream FMRP-IOSd IPC Context: State: Connected, Read-selected BIPC Handle: 0xb6381dc8, BIPC FD: 35, Peer Context: 0xb63398a8 TX Packets: 0, Bytes: 0, Drops: 0 Rx Packets: 3, Bytes: 212 Rx ACK Requests: 1, Tx ACK Responses: 1 Upstream FMRP-SMD IPC Context: State: Connected, Read-selected BIPC Handle: 0xb6394098, BIPC FD: 36, Peer Context: 0xb63398a8 TX Packets: 0, Bytes: 0, Drops: 0 Rx Packets: 0, Bytes: 0 Rx ACK Requests: 0, Tx ACK Responses: 0 ---- show platform software peer shell-manager ---- Peer: fed-ui Role: active, process ID: 12532, instance: 1-F0-0:fed-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:50, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:50 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/F0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/F0/0 Peer: hman-ui Role: active, process ID: 9878, instance: 1-R0-0:hman-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:51, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:51 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: smd-ui Role: active, process ID: 18050, instance: 1-R0-0:smd-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:51, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:51 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: iosd-ui Role: active, process ID: 7590, instance: 1-R0-0:iosd-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:51, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:51 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: fman-ui Role: active, process ID: 17949, instance: 1-F0-0:fman-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:52, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:52 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/F0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/F0/0 Peer: stack-mgr-ui Role: active, process ID: 7818, instance: 1-R0-0:stack-mgr-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:52, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:52 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: plog-ui Role: active, process ID: 18708, instance: 1-R0-0:plog-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:52, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:52 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: btman-ui Role: active, process ID: 12776, instance: btman Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:52, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:52 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/F0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/F0/0 Peer: repm-ui Role: active, process ID: 18541, instance: 1-R0-0:repm-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:52, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:52 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: lman-ui Role: active, process ID: 8952, instance: 1-R0-0:lman-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:55, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:55 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: keyman-ui Role: active, process ID: 9162, instance: 1-R0-0:keyman-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:55, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:55 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: tms-ui Role: active, process ID: 18977, instance: 1-R0-0:tms-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:55, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:55 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: pubd-ui Role: active, process ID: 22602, instance: 1-R0-0:pubd-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:55, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:55 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: cmm-ui Role: active, process ID: 19934, instance: 1-R0-0:cmm-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:56, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:56 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: sif-ui Role: active, process ID: 8027, instance: 1-R0-0:sif-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:56, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:56 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: plfm-mgr-ui Role: active, process ID: 8471, instance: 1-R0-0:plfm-mgr-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:56, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:56 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: fman-ui Role: active, process ID: 19388, instance: 1-R0-0:fman-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:56, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:56 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: dbm-ui Role: active, process ID: 19703, instance: 1-R0-0:dbm-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:56, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:56 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: tams-proc-ui Role: active, process ID: 13667, instance: 1-R0-0:tams-proc-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:56, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:56 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: epc-ws-ui Role: active, process ID: 14193, instance: 1-F0-0:epc-ws-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:57, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:57 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/F0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/F0/0 Peer: cli-agent-ui Role: active, process ID: 20086, instance: 1-R0-0:cli-agent-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:57, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:57 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: psd-ui Role: active, process ID: 20497, instance: 1-R0-0:psd-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:57, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:57 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: bt-logger-ui Role: active, process ID: 10233, instance: 1-R0-0:bt-logger-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:58, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:58 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: btman-ui Role: active, process ID: 10446, instance: btman Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:58, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:58 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Peer: sman-ui Role: active, process ID: 20872, instance: 1-R0-0:sman-ui Connected: 2023-03-19 18:33:59, updated: 2023-03-19 18:33:59 Uplink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 Downlink: remote IPC, from: 1/R0/0 ---- show platform software peer shell-manager brief ---- Peer Role Pid Downlink Uplink Time ----------------------------------------------------------------- bt-logger-ui active 10233 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45375 btman-ui active 10446 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45375 btman-ui active 12776 1/F0/0 1/F0/0 45381 cli-agent-ui active 20086 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45376 cmm-ui active 19934 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45377 dbm-ui active 19703 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45377 epc-ws-ui active 14193 1/F0/0 1/F0/0 45376 fed-ui active 12532 1/F0/0 1/F0/0 45383 fman-ui active 19388 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45377 fman-ui active 17949 1/F0/0 1/F0/0 45381 hman-ui active 9878 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45382 iosd-ui active 7590 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45382 keyman-ui active 9162 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45378 lman-ui active 8952 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45378 plfm-mgr-ui active 8471 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45377 plog-ui active 18708 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45381 psd-ui active 20497 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45376 pubd-ui active 22602 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45378 repm-ui active 18541 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45381 sif-ui active 8027 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45377 sman-ui active 20872 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45374 smd-ui active 18050 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45382 stack-mgr-ui active 7818 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45381 tams-proc-ui active 13667 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45377 tms-ui active 18977 1/R0/0 1/R0/0 45378 ---- show platform software process environment host-manager switch active R0 ---- Name Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRACEKEY 1#2ed6adffdca2cd41015f0747bbdcded8 BINOS_FRU_BASE_PKG rp_core BINOS_BAY_LOCAL 0 PROC_CONF_RESTART respawn BINOS_CONF_DIR /usr/binos/conf OOBND_DEBUG_FLAG oobnd_debug=0 PROCESS_FRU rp SLOT 0 BINOS_BTRACE_FILE_PATH /tmp/rp/trace ROMMON_EMP_RELAY_DEV oobnd1 BINOS_LOCAL_CHASSIS_PATH /tmp/chassis/local LD_LIBRARY_PATH_COPY /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/lib64:/tmp/sw BOARD_TYPE RP PROC_CONF_FAILURE_ACTION critical ROMMON_REAL_EMP_DEV mgmtbr FED_POST_RESULT_PATH /tmp/fed_post_result BINOS_SLOT 0 TAN_FILE_ROTATE_INTERVAL_IN_SE BINOS_FRU rp CHASSIS_SERIAL_NUM FOC2343U0P0 BINOS_BOOT_MODE non-NFS BINOS_BASE_DIR /tmp/rp AUDIT_SIZE 5 MQIPC_PREFIX_NAME IOSD_NVRAM_DIR /config BTRACE_FILE_SIZE_MAX_BYTES 131072 REAL_MGMTE_DEV mgmtbr BINOS_BAY 0 PVP_STARTED TRUE USER root HOLD_INTERVAL 1800 PROC_SCOREBOARD_BKTRACE_FILE /tmp/rp/process/hman%rp_0_0%0/ ROMMON_BOARDID 16399 BINOS_CHASSIS_PATH /tmp/chassis LD_LIBRARY_PATH /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/lib64:/tmp/sw BINOS_LOCAL_CHASSIS_NON_STACK_ /tmp/chassis/local/non_stk_mgr_crtcl_proc_fail BINOS_CHASFS_ROOT /tmp/chassis/local/rp/chasfs BINOS_NVRAM_DIR /config PROCESS_SLOT 0 SW_FRU_BASE /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount PROCESS_PACKAGE_VERSION 16.12.07 BTRACE_FILE_MAX_NUM 10 PVP_SH_BTRACE_LEVEL NOTICE BINOS_INSTANCE_LOCAL 0 ROMMON_REAL_MGMTE_DEV mgmtbr BINOS_LOCAL_CHASSIS_GEN_SYSTEM /tmp/chassis/local/gen_system_report CPP_STARTUP_WAIT 120 PLATFORM_TYPE ngwc BINOS_ROOT binos DEVICE_SUDI FOC23425FYN DEVICE_SERIAL_NUM FOC23425FYN PROCESS_SWIFT_REPL_PORT 8010 PRODUCT_ID WS-C3850-12S BINOS_CMRP_TFTP_PORT 69 REAL_AUX /dev/ttyS1 PWD / BINOS_CHASSIS_NUM local BINOS_LOCAL_FRU_CHASFS_PATH /tmp/chassis/local/rp/chasfs BINOS_LOCAL_CHASSIS_SV_PATH /tmp/chassis/local/stack_mgr/distr_stack PROCESS_PACKAGE rp_security BINOS_CMRP_IMAGE_ROOT /tftp LUA_PATH /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/lua/?.lua CPP_CONF_DIR /usr/cpp/conf PVP_WORK_RP_BASE_DIR /tmp/rp/pvp BINOS_RAMFS_DIR /tmp LUA_CPATH /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/lib SM_POST_RESULT_PATH /tmp/sm_post_result BOARD_SUBTYPE EDISON WIRELESS_BINARIES wncd, wncmgrd, mobilityd, rrm, rogued, wstatsd BINOS_TDLDB_PATH /tmp/rp/tdldb BINOS_DUAL_IOS_CAPABLE 0 IOSD_RTU_LIC_LVL null TARGET_PROC_PATH /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/bin LOGFILE /tmp/rp/pvp_log HMAN_BTRACE_LEVEL NOTICE SHLVL 4 GMON_OUT_PREFIX /harddisk/hman SR_BAY_IS_GLOBAL 1 BINOS_RP_BASE_DIR /tmp/rp PROCESS_BAY 0 HOLD_FAILURES 2 PROCESS hman SW_SROLL_BASE /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/srdriver/mount FULL_PROC_PATH /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/bin TEST_DIR /usr/binos/conf CGROUP BINOS_FSS_CHASSIS_PATH /tmp/sv ROMMON_EMP_MGMTE_DEV eth0 BINOS_BTRACE_LEVEL NOTICE BINARY_ARCH mips64_cge7 BINOS_CHASSIS_XML /usr/binos/conf/chassis.xml PROCESS_ARGUMENTS -c TARGET mips64 LOGDIR /tmp/rp BTRACE_FILE_NAME /tmp/rp/trace/hman_pmanlog PROC_CONF_SCOPE global PROF_DIR /harddisk FRU rp IOSD_MEMORY_MB 1024 CC_COUNT 0 PROCESS_SCOPE global PROCESS_SCOREBOARD_DIR /tmp/rp/process/hman%rp_0_0%0 PVP_STATE_DIR /tmp/rp/pvp/process_state OOBHAL_DEBUG_FLAG oobhal_debug=0 BTRACE_FILE_ROTATE_INTERVAL_IN ARCH mips64 BINOS_SLOT_LOCAL 0 STORAGE_TARGET /flash BINOS_BTRACE_PUBLISH_TIMED_PAT /tmp/rp/trace/publish/timed PSVP_SH_BTRACE_LEVEL NOTICE BTRACE_FILE_NUM_PRESERVED REAL_CONSOLE /dev/ttyS0 WIRELINE_BINARIES smd, fman_fp, fman-fp, fman_rp, fman-rp, iosd, PROCESS_INSTANCE 0 PM_POST_RESULT_PATH /tmp/pm_post_result BAY 0 BINOS_LIPC_PATH /tmp/rp/lipc BINOS_FRU_LOCAL BINOS_FRU_RP BINOS_DUAL_IOS_REQUESTED 0 PROCESS_SENTINEL hman%rp_0_0%0 RESOLVED_PROCESS /tmp/sw/mount/ DOPP_ASIC_GT_1_0_FLAG dopp_asic_gt_1_0=1 ALL_BINARIES wncd, wncmgrd, mobilityd, rrm, rogued, wstatsd _ /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/bin ---- show platform software process environment shell-manager switch active R0 ---- Name Value ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TRACEKEY 1#b4571548c7f478a576e6c9ac2045ec95 BINOS_FRU_BASE_PKG rp_core BINOS_BAY_LOCAL 0 PROC_CONF_RESTART respawn BINOS_CONF_DIR /usr/binos/conf OOBND_DEBUG_FLAG oobnd_debug=0 PROCESS_FRU rp SLOT 0 BINOS_BTRACE_FILE_PATH /tmp/rp/trace ROMMON_EMP_RELAY_DEV oobnd1 BINOS_LOCAL_CHASSIS_PATH /tmp/chassis/local LD_LIBRARY_PATH_COPY /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/lib64:/tmp/sw BOARD_TYPE RP PROC_CONF_FAILURE_ACTION critical ROMMON_REAL_EMP_DEV mgmtbr FED_POST_RESULT_PATH /tmp/fed_post_result BINOS_SLOT 0 TAN_FILE_ROTATE_INTERVAL_IN_SE BINOS_FRU rp CHASSIS_SERIAL_NUM FOC2343U0P0 BINOS_BOOT_MODE non-NFS BINOS_BASE_DIR /tmp/rp AUDIT_SIZE 5 MQIPC_PREFIX_NAME IOSD_NVRAM_DIR /config BTRACE_FILE_SIZE_MAX_BYTES 131072 REAL_MGMTE_DEV mgmtbr BINOS_BAY 0 PVP_STARTED TRUE USER root HOLD_INTERVAL 1800 PROC_SCOREBOARD_BKTRACE_FILE /tmp/rp/process/smand%rp_0_0%0/smand%rp_0_0%0. ROMMON_BOARDID 16399 BINOS_CHASSIS_PATH /tmp/chassis LD_LIBRARY_PATH /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/lib64:/tmp/sw BINOS_LOCAL_CHASSIS_NON_STACK_ /tmp/chassis/local/non_stk_mgr_crtcl_proc_fail BINOS_CHASFS_ROOT /tmp/chassis/local/rp/chasfs BINOS_NVRAM_DIR /config PROCESS_SLOT 0 SW_FRU_BASE /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount PROCESS_PACKAGE_VERSION 16.12.07 BTRACE_FILE_MAX_NUM 10 PVP_SH_BTRACE_LEVEL NOTICE BINOS_INSTANCE_LOCAL 0 ROMMON_REAL_MGMTE_DEV mgmtbr BINOS_LOCAL_CHASSIS_GEN_SYSTEM /tmp/chassis/local/gen_system_report CPP_STARTUP_WAIT 120 SMAND_BTRACE_LEVEL NOTICE PLATFORM_TYPE ngwc BINOS_ROOT binos DEVICE_SUDI FOC23425FYN DEVICE_SERIAL_NUM FOC23425FYN PROCESS_SWIFT_REPL_PORT 8032 PRODUCT_ID WS-C3850-12S BINOS_CMRP_TFTP_PORT 69 REAL_AUX /dev/ttyS1 PWD / BINOS_CHASSIS_NUM 1 BINOS_LOCAL_FRU_CHASFS_PATH /tmp/chassis/local/rp/chasfs BINOS_LOCAL_CHASSIS_SV_PATH /tmp/chassis/local/stack_mgr/distr_stack PROCESS_PACKAGE rp_security BINOS_CMRP_IMAGE_ROOT /tftp LUA_PATH /tmp/sw/rp/local/0/rp_daemons/mount/lua/?.lua; CPP_CONF_DIR /usr/cpp/conf PVP_WORK_RP_BASE_DIR /tmp/rp/pvp BINOS_RAMFS_DIR /tmp LUA_CPATH /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/lib SM_POST_RESULT_PATH /tmp/sm_post_result BOARD_SUBTYPE EDISON WIRELESS_BINARIES wncd, wncmgrd, mobilityd, rrm, rogued, wstatsd BINOS_TDLDB_PATH /tmp/rp/tdldb BINOS_DUAL_IOS_CAPABLE 0 IOSD_RTU_LIC_LVL null TARGET_PROC_PATH /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/bin LOGFILE /tmp/rp/pvp_log SHLVL 4 GMON_OUT_PREFIX /harddisk/smand SR_BAY_IS_GLOBAL 1 BINOS_RP_BASE_DIR /tmp/rp PROCESS_BAY 0 HOLD_FAILURES 2 PROCESS smand SW_SROLL_BASE /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/srdriver/mount FULL_PROC_PATH /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/bin TEST_DIR /usr/binos/conf CGROUP BINOS_FSS_CHASSIS_PATH /tmp/sv ROMMON_EMP_MGMTE_DEV eth0 BINOS_BTRACE_LEVEL NOTICE BINARY_ARCH mips64_cge7 BINOS_CHASSIS_XML /usr/binos/conf/chassis.xml PROCESS_ARGUMENTS -i /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/ TARGET mips64 LOGDIR /tmp/rp BTRACE_FILE_NAME /tmp/rp/trace/smand_pmanlog PROC_CONF_SCOPE global PROF_DIR /harddisk FRU rp IOSD_MEMORY_MB 1024 CC_COUNT 0 PROCESS_SCOPE global PROCESS_SCOREBOARD_DIR /tmp/rp/process/smand%rp_0_0%0 PVP_STATE_DIR /tmp/rp/pvp/process_state OOBHAL_DEBUG_FLAG oobhal_debug=0 BTRACE_FILE_ROTATE_INTERVAL_IN ARCH mips64 BINOS_SLOT_LOCAL 0 STORAGE_TARGET /flash BINOS_BTRACE_PUBLISH_TIMED_PAT /tmp/rp/trace/publish/timed PSVP_SH_BTRACE_LEVEL NOTICE BTRACE_FILE_NUM_PRESERVED REAL_CONSOLE /dev/ttyS0 WIRELINE_BINARIES smd, fman_fp, fman-fp, fman_rp, fman-rp, iosd, PROCESS_INSTANCE 0 PM_POST_RESULT_PATH /tmp/pm_post_result BAY 0 BINOS_LIPC_PATH /tmp/rp/lipc BINOS_FRU_LOCAL BINOS_FRU_RP BINOS_DUAL_IOS_REQUESTED 0 PROCESS_SENTINEL smand%rp_0_0%0 RESOLVED_PROCESS /tmp/sw/mount/ DOPP_ASIC_GT_1_0_FLAG dopp_asic_gt_1_0=1 ALL_BINARIES wncd, wncmgrd, mobilityd, rrm, rogued, wstatsd _ /tmp/sw/rp/0/0/rp_security/mount/usr/binos/bin ---- show platform software process list switch active R0 ---- Name Pid PPid Group Id Status Priority Size ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ systemd 1 0 1 S 20 6608 kthreadd 2 0 0 S 20 0 ksoftirqd/0 3 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/0:0H 5 2 0 S 0 0 rcu_sched 7 2 0 S 20 0 rcu_bh 8 2 0 S 20 0 migration/0 9 2 0 S 4294967196 0 lru-add-drain 10 2 0 S 0 0 cpuhp/0 11 2 0 S 20 0 cpuhp/1 12 2 0 S 20 0 migration/1 13 2 0 S 4294967196 0 ksoftirqd/1 14 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/1:0H 16 2 0 S 0 0 cpuhp/2 17 2 0 S 20 0 migration/2 18 2 0 S 4294967196 0 ksoftirqd/2 19 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/2:0H 21 2 0 S 0 0 cpuhp/3 22 2 0 S 20 0 migration/3 23 2 0 S 4294967196 0 ksoftirqd/3 24 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/3:0 25 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/3:0H 26 2 0 S 0 0 cpuhp/4 27 2 0 S 20 0 migration/4 28 2 0 S 4294967196 0 ksoftirqd/4 29 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/4:0H 31 2 0 S 0 0 cpuhp/5 32 2 0 S 20 0 migration/5 33 2 0 S 4294967196 0 ksoftirqd/5 34 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/5:0H 36 2 0 S 0 0 kdevtmpfs 37 2 0 S 20 0 netns 38 2 0 S 0 0 oom_reaper 39 2 0 S 20 0 writeback 40 2 0 S 0 0 kcompactd0 41 2 0 S 20 0 ksmd 42 2 0 S 25 0 crypto 43 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 44 2 0 S 0 0 kblockd 45 2 0 S 0 0 ata_sff 46 2 0 S 0 0 md 47 2 0 S 0 0 edac-poller 48 2 0 S 0 0 watchdogd 49 2 0 S 0 0 rpciod 50 2 0 S 0 0 xprtiod 52 2 0 S 0 0 kswapd0 55 2 0 S 20 0 vmstat 56 2 0 S 0 0 nfsiod 57 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/1:1 69 2 0 S 20 0 bioset 70 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 71 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 72 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 73 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 74 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 75 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 76 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 77 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 78 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 79 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 80 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 81 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 82 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 83 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 84 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 85 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 86 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 87 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 88 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 89 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 90 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 91 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 92 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 93 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 94 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 95 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 96 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 97 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 98 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 99 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 100 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 101 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 102 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 103 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 104 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 105 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 106 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 107 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 108 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 109 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 110 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 111 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 112 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 113 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 114 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 115 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 116 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 117 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 118 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 119 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 120 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 121 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 122 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 123 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 124 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 125 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 126 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 127 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 128 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 129 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 130 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 131 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 132 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 133 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 134 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 135 2 0 S 0 0 scsi_eh_0 136 2 0 S 20 0 scsi_tmf_0 137 2 0 S 0 0 octeon-ethernet 141 2 0 S 0 0 dm_bufio_cache 142 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/4:1 146 2 0 S 20 0 bioset 148 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/2:1 149 2 0 S 20 0 ipv6_addrconf 151 2 0 S 0 0 systemd-journal 167 1 167 S 20 3560 kauditd 170 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/3:2 175 2 0 S 20 0 bioset 176 2 0 S 0 0 systemd-udevd 187 1 187 S 20 3912 kworker/0:2 207 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/4:2 209 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/2:2 210 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/1:1H 283 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/3:1H 328 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/0:1H 333 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/2:1H 340 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/4:1H 347 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/5:1H 359 2 0 S 0 0 kworker/5:2 398 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/1:2 418 2 0 S 20 0 dbus-daemon 436 1 436 S 20 4416 kworker/5:3 623 2 0 S 20 0 loop0 758 2 0 S 0 0 loop1 842 2 0 S 0 0 loop2 864 2 0 S 0 0 loop3 922 2 0 S 0 0 loop4 944 2 0 S 0 0 loop5 987 2 0 S 0 0 loop6 1211 2 0 S 0 0 loop7 1233 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1388 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1390 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1392 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1394 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1396 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1397 2 0 S 0 0 bioset 1399 2 0 S 0 0 3944 1 3944 S 20 3336 3946 1 3946 S 20 6860 3949 1 3949 S 20 3996 virtlogd 3957 1 3957 S 20 1848 libvirtd 3959 3944 3944 S 20 6476 xinetd 3983 1 3983 S 20 2300 rpcbind 3984 1 3984 S 20 2760 rpc.statd 4002 1 4002 S 20 2564 boothelper_evt. 4014 1 3964 S 20 408 inotifywait 4015 4014 3964 S 20 280 rpc.mountd 4028 1 4028 S 20 712 lockd 4049 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4050 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4051 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4054 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4055 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4056 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4057 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4058 2 0 S 20 0 nfsd 4059 2 0 S 20 0 rotee 4121 1 4120 S 20 3752 sleep 4135 3949 4135 S 20 276 rotee 4231 1 4230 S 20 4012 inotifywait 4257 3946 4257 S 20 272 4262 1 4262 S 20 6824 4313 1 4313 S 20 5520 rotee 4420 1 4419 S 20 3996 rotee 4454 1 4453 S 20 3764 inotifywait 4567 4313 4567 S 20 284 lsmpi-refill 4715 2 0 S 15 0 lsmpi-xmit 4716 2 0 S 15 0 lsmpi-rx 4717 2 0 S 15 0 lfts_sar_aux 4726 2 0 S 20 0 xinetd 5440 1 5440 S 20 2404 rollback_timer. 6560 1 6560 S 20 9024 xinetd 6561 1 6561 S 20 2172 xinetd 6579 1 6579 S 20 2368 rotee 6826 1 6825 S 20 3644 inotifywait 6838 6560 6838 S 20 272 6924 1 6924 S 20 5760 rotee 6971 1 6970 S 20 1896 inotifywait 6978 6924 6924 S 20 672 6983 1 6982 S 20 5668 rotee 7030 1 7029 S 20 2040 inotifywait 7122 6983 6982 S 20 672 7267 6983 6982 S 14 3096 rotee 7404 1 7403 S 20 1900 7482 6983 6982 S 14 3088 linux_iosd-imag 7590 7267 7590 S 20 571104 rotee 7640 1 7639 S 20 1904 7675 6983 6982 S 14 3088 stack_mgr 7818 7482 7818 S 20 16468 rotee 7856 1 7855 S 20 1900 7898 6983 6982 S 14 3092 sif_mgr 8027 7675 8027 S 20 58708 rotee 8070 1 8069 S 20 1900 8127 6983 6982 S 14 3092 nif_mgr 8240 7898 8240 S 20 7812 rotee 8295 1 8294 S 20 1904 8336 6983 6982 S 14 3096 platform_mgr 8471 8127 8471 S 20 63908 rotee 8515 1 8513 S 20 1900 8551 6983 6982 S 14 3092 8709 8336 8709 S 20 10008 rotee 8737 1 8736 S 20 1900 8771 6983 6982 S 14 3088 lman 8952 8551 8952 S 20 12988 rotee 8961 1 8960 S 20 1900 9006 6983 6982 S 14 3096 keyman 9162 8771 9162 S 20 9552 rotee 9187 1 9184 S 20 1904 9392 9006 9392 S 20 9708 rotee 9456 1 9452 S 20 1904 9534 6983 6982 S 14 3092 rotee 9717 1 9716 S 20 1900 hman 9878 9534 9878 R 20 15532 9909 6983 6982 S 14 3092 rotee 9955 1 9954 S 20 1904 rotee 10048 1 10047 S 20 1900 10075 6983 6982 S 14 3092 bt_logger 10233 9909 10233 S 20 13884 rotee 10264 1 10263 S 20 1900 10287 6983 6982 S 14 3092 btman 10446 10075 10446 S 20 12476 rotee 10472 1 10471 S 20 1900 10505 6983 6982 S 14 3096 auto_upgrade_se 10648 10287 10648 S 20 2308 rotee 10686 1 10685 S 20 2016 10724 6983 6982 S 14 3096 auto_upgrade_cl 10867 10505 10867 S 20 9812 rotee 10917 1 10916 S 20 1904 10945 6983 6982 S 14 3096 11116 1 11115 S 20 5392 sort_files_by_i 11120 10724 11120 S 20 1812 rotee 11167 1 11166 S 20 1900 11418 10945 11418 S 20 7408 rotee 11536 1 11535 S 20 1900 rotee 11620 1 11619 S 20 2044 inotifywait 11676 11116 11115 S 20 672 11940 11116 11115 S 14 3088 rotee 11986 1 11985 S 20 1900 rotee 12186 1 12185 S 20 1900 12217 11116 11115 S 14 3088 fed main event 12532 11940 12532 S 20 152792 rotee 12538 1 12537 S 20 1900 kworker/u12:2 12682 2 0 S 20 0 btman 12776 12217 12776 S 20 11024 13105 1 6982 S 14 3092 rotee 13233 1 13232 S 20 1904 13248 1 6982 S 14 3092 tam_svcs_ng3k_c 13418 13105 13418 S 20 6012 rotee 13449 1 13448 S 20 1900 13465 1 6982 S 14 3092 tamd_proc 13566 13248 13566 S 20 6688 rotee 13587 1 13586 S 20 1900 tams_proc 13667 13465 13667 S 20 10256 13884 11116 11115 S 14 3088 rotee 14032 1 14031 S 20 1900 epc_ws_liaison 14193 13884 14193 S 20 7816 inotifywait 15509 9392 15509 S 20 680 15510 9392 15510 S 20 8668 inotifywait 15514 9392 15514 S 20 680 15515 9392 15515 S 20 8800 inotifywait 15523 9392 15523 S 20 680 inotifywait 15714 4262 15714 S 20 672 inotifywait 15798 8709 15798 S 20 680 kworker/u12:0 17217 2 0 S 20 0 17290 11116 11115 S 14 3088 17416 6983 6982 S 14 3088 17510 1 17419 S 20 1776 sntp 17532 17510 17419 S 20 820 rotee 17617 1 17616 S 20 1900 rotee 17768 1 17767 S 20 1900 inotifywait 17849 10867 17849 S 20 680 17935 6983 6982 S 14 3092 fman_fp_image 17949 17290 17949 S 20 58420 sessmgrd 18050 17416 18050 S 20 75676 rotee 18193 1 18191 S 20 1900 18280 6983 6982 S 14 3092 repm 18541 17935 18541 S 20 29552 rotee 18567 1 18565 S 20 1900 18675 6983 6982 S 14 3092 sleep 18697 11418 11418 S 20 408 plogd 18708 18280 18708 S 20 8480 journalctl 18728 18708 18708 S 20 2028 rotee 18811 1 18810 S 20 1904 tms 18977 18675 18977 S 20 12032 19114 6983 6982 S 14 3092 sleep 19191 11120 11120 S 20 408 19195 9878 9878 S 20 1800 platform_tech_s 19197 19195 9878 S 20 2324 19213 19197 9878 S 20 4496 rotee 19238 1 19237 S 20 1904 bshell 19325 19213 19325 S 20 6924 fman_rp 19388 19114 19388 S 20 65984 19408 6983 6982 S 14 3092 rotee 19521 1 19520 S 20 1900 19549 6983 6982 S 14 3092 dbm 19703 19408 19703 S 20 58120 rotee 19737 1 19735 S 20 1900 19763 6983 6982 S 14 3092 cmm 19934 19549 19934 S 20 8008 rotee 19941 1 19939 S 20 1900 cli_agent 20086 19763 20086 S 20 24004 20196 6983 6982 S 14 3092 rotee 20332 1 20331 S 20 1904 psd 20497 20196 20497 S 20 19980 20577 6983 6982 S 14 3088 rotee 20713 1 20711 S 20 1900 smand 20872 20577 20872 S 20 74528 21489 1 11115 S 14 3092 rotee 21634 1 21633 S 20 1900 21793 21489 21793 S 20 1636 python2.7 21805 21793 21793 S 20 25888 22362 1 6982 S 14 3092 rotee 22487 1 22486 S 20 1900 22509 1 6982 S 14 3092 pubd 22602 22362 22602 S 20 52052 rotee 22641 1 22640 S 20 1900 pttcd 22710 22509 22710 S 20 5328 SarIosdMond 24165 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/u12:1 26104 2 0 S 20 0 kworker/0:0 30205 2 0 S 20 0 ---- show platform software process list switch active R0 summary ---- Total number of processes: 339 Running : 1 Sleeping : 338 Disk sleeping : 0 Zombies : 0 Stopped : 0 Paging : 0 Up time : 45543 Idle time : 0 User time : 598730 Kernel time : 161322 Virtual memory : 10434035712 Pages resident : 472920 Major page faults: 5189 Minor page faults: 2162688 Architecture : mips64 Memory (kB) Physical : 3934644 Total : 3934644 Used : 1613244 Free : 2321400 Active : 2473384 Inactive : 1174296 Inact-dirty : 0 Inact-clean : 0 Dirty : 20 AnonPages : 912852 Bounce : 0 Cached : 2087272 Commit Limit : 1967320 Committed As : 2511436 High Total : 0 High Free : 0 Low Total : 3934644 Low Free : 2320936 Mapped : 379032 NFS Unstable : 0 Page Tables : 16476 Slab : 160740 Writeback : 0 HugePages Total: 0 HugePages Free : 0 HugePages Rsvd : 0 HugePage Size : 2048 Swap (kB) Total : 0 Used : 0 Free : 0 Cached : 0 Buffers (kB) : 647604 Load Average 1-Min : 0.87 5-Min : 0.47 15-Min : 0.29 ------------------ show install summary ------------------ [ Switch 1 ] Installed Package(s) Information: State (St): I - Inactive, U - Activated & Uncommitted, C - Activated & Committed, D - Deactivated & Uncommitted -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Type St Filename/Version -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMG C -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Auto abort timer: inactive -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ show environment all ------------------ Switch 1 FAN 1 is OK Switch 1 FAN 2 is OK Switch 1 FAN 3 is OK FAN PS-1 is OK FAN PS-2 is NOT PRESENT Switch 1: SYSTEM TEMPERATURE is OK Inlet Temperature Value: 23 Degree Celsius Temperature State: GREEN Yellow Threshold : 46 Degree Celsius Red Threshold : 56 Degree Celsius Hotspot Temperature Value: 43 Degree Celsius Temperature State: GREEN Yellow Threshold : 105 Degree Celsius Red Threshold : 125 Degree Celsius SW PID Serial# Status Sys Pwr PoE Pwr Watts -- ------------------ ---------- --------------- ------- ------- ----- 1A PWR-C1-350WAC ART2346D2WJ OK Good n/a 350 1B Not Present ------------------ show logging ------------------ Syslog logging: enabled (0 messages dropped, 2 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled) No Active Message Discriminator. No Inactive Message Discriminator. Console logging: disabled Monitor logging: level debugging, 0 messages logged, xml disabled, filtering disabled Buffer logging: level debugging, 6917 messages logged, xml disabled, filtering disabled Exception Logging: size (4096 bytes) Count and timestamp logging messages: disabled File logging: disabled Persistent logging: disabled No active filter modules. Trap logging: level notifications, 210 message lines logged Logging to XX.YY.XX.XX (udp port 9008, audit disabled, link up), 209 message lines logged, 0 message lines rate-limited, 0 message lines dropped-by-MD, xml disabled, sequence number disabled filtering disabled Logging Source-Interface: VRF Name: GigabitEthernet1/0/5 Log Buffer (10240 bytes): is : 4, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 5, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_reply_to_address(): reply_to_address 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 12, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 14, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 13, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 9, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 6, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 1, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 2, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_snapshot_mode_cmd() is called 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_snapshot_mode_cmd : csb->nvgen is 1 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_data_privacy_nvgen(), csb->nvgen is true 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_data_privacy_level_get_with_lock : level 0 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 17, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 20, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 19, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: cfg_call_home_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: csb->which is : 18, CALLHOME_BUF_LEN_MAX 201 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_profile_nvgen() is called. 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_profile() is entered profile CiscoTAC-1 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: NVGEN on profile CiscoTAC-1 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_is_profile_default_config is called 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_default_transport_method is called 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: profile's transport method is:2 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 0 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 1 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 2 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 3 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 4 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 5 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 6 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 7 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 8 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 1 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3FFH 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 1 allows severity 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 1 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 1 does not allow severity 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 1 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 2 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3F0H 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 2 allows severity 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 2 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 2 does allow severity 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 2 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 3 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3F8H 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 3 allows severity 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 3 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 3 does allow severity 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 3 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 4 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3FEH 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 4 allows severity 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 does not allow severity 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Checking if alert-group 8 is supported 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3F8H 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Severity mask 3E0H 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Index of selected periodic timer 1 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 0 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Periodic configuration info(Active, Monthly-Day 1 -09:15) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 0 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Index of selected periodic timer 0 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Periodic inventory info(Active, Monthly-Day 1 -09:00) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Index of selected periodic timer 0 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 4 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Periodic inventory info(Active, Monthly-Day 1 -09:00) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_periodic_info() is entered 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: Index of selected periodic timer 1 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Alert group 0 is valid(9) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Periodic configuration info(Active, Monthly-Day 1 -09:15) 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_get_profile_from_id profile with id 0 doesn't exist 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_profile_exit_submode() is entered 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_profile_exit_submode() is called 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_profile() is entered profile 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_get_profile() found profile 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-TRACE: call_home_get_profile() is entered profile CiscoTAC-1 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: lock call home database semaphore 12:38:06: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: unlock call home database sempahore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_mode_cmd[80], enter ds configuation mode, csb->nvgen is true 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_lock[46], lock call home ds semaphore 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_env_all_get[1466], no env var configured. 12:38:06: DS-API-TRACE: call_home_ds_unlock[56], unlock call home ds sempahore 12:38:11: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: call_home_process_timer_event() is entered 12:38:11: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: Adjust rate limit counter to 0 12:38:11: CALL-HOME-DETAIL: rate limit timer: httpc_enabled 1, status 0, sid 2 ------------------ show pnp tech-support ------------------ --------------- PnP Tech Summary (2) ------------------ ------------------ show pnp time ------------------ Current Clock Time: [10:10:30 KSA Mon Mar 20 2023] PnP Uptime: 45418577 ms, Device Uptime: 45448 sec, ClockSet:Yes PnP Started after system had restarted: 29423 ms 1. Setup Start PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 2. Setup Abort PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 3. Load Startup Config PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 4. Load Other Config PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 5. Init Restarted PT: 7882 ms, FirstPT: 7882 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] 6. Initial Banner PT: 11693 ms, FirstPT: 11693 ms, LastPT: 11693 ms, Notified:2, Annotation:[pid=77, pname=TTY Background, time=21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] 7. Press RETURN PT: 11693 ms, FirstPT: 11693 ms, LastPT: 11693 ms, Notified:2, Annotation:[pid=77, pname=TTY Background, time=21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] 8. Auto Install Init PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 9. Auto Install Start PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 10. Auto Install Stop PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 11. Stdio Deallocate PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 12. Write Memory Start PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 13. Write Memory Done PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 14. Write Erase PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 15. Config Change PT: 7877 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 7851 ms, Notified:28, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] 16. PnP Subsystem Init PT: 17 ms, FirstPT: 17 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=18:33:30 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] 17. PnP Discovery Start PT: 279 ms, FirstPT: 279 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=477, pname=PnP Agent Discovery, time=18:33:30 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] 18. PnP Discovery Done PT: 12138 ms, FirstPT: 12138 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=477, pname=PnP Agent Discovery, time=21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] 19. PnP Profile Create PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 20. PnP Profile Delete PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 21. PnP Save Startup Config Start PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 22. PnP Save Startup Config Done PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 23. PnP Certificate Changed PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 24. PnP Cert-Service Failed PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 25. PnP Config-Upgrade Started PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 26. PnP Config-Upgrade Done PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 27. PnP Config-Upgrade Failed PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 28. PnP CLI-Config Started PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 29. PnP CLI-Config Done PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 30. PnP CLI-Config Failed PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 31. PnP Image-Install Started PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 32. PnP Image-Install Done PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 33. PnP Image-Install Failed PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 34. PnP Script Loaded PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 35. PnP Script Aborted PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 36. PnP Script Started PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 37. PnP TCL Script Done PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 38. PnP Python Script Done PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 39. PKI Init-Wait Started PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 40. PKI Init-Wait Done PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 41. PKI Init-Wait Failed PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 42. PnP Monitor Started PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 43. PnP Monitor Stopped PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 44. PnP Set-Clock Started PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 45. PnP Set-Clock Stopped PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 46. PnP State Changed PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 47. PnP State Unclaimed PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 48. PnP State Provisioned PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] 49. PnP State Error PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:0, Annotation:[-] System restarted at 21:33:02 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023 Elapsed time between System-Restart and Press-RETURN: 41116 ms ------------------ show pnp version ------------------ PnP Schema Version: 1.0, Baseline Tracking: rel30.1.20200127 Device UDI: PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0 UDI Checking: Yes SID: AuthOnly:No, MustValidate:No, MustRenew:No Security Enforced: No, PostReloadPriv'd Profile: N/A SUDI Certificate: CISCO_IDEVID_SUDI Device SUDI: PID:WS-C3850-12S,SN:FOC2343U0P0 ------------------ show pnp udi tracking --------- Best UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] Good UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] Incomplete UDI:[-] UDI by Master Registry:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:L0,SN:FOC2343U0P0] UDI by Entity MIBS:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] UDI by Platform Registry:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] Platform PID:[WS-C3850-12S] MotherBoard PID:[-] Platform VID:[-] ------------------ show pnp image information --------- Version=[16.12.7] Image File=[flash:packages.conf], Hash=[-], Size=4780 bytes ReturnToRomReason=[CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure exceeds threshold] SystemReloadReason=[CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure exceeds threshold] NextReloadReason: Code=[PnP Service Info 2408], Msg=[CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure exceeds threshold] Diag Variable=[-] Boot Variable=[flash:packages.conf;flash:cat3k_caa-universalk9.16.12.07.SPA.bin;], LdrVariable=[-] Config Variable=[-], Register=[0x102], RegNextBoot=[] PnP Image-Install Registries: Must-Use-Image-Installer:No Platform-Install-Image-Ext:Yes Platform-Installer-Name:ng3k_install_image Digital-Signature-Verify:No Startup-Boot-Config:No Get-Rommon-Boot-Var:No Set-Rommon-Boot-Var:No Total Image-Install Requests Serviced: 0 ------------------ show pnp hardware info --------- Host name:[router_a] Vendor:[cisco] Platform name:[WS-C3850-12S] Processor type:[MIPS] Hardware revision string:[L0] Main memory size in bytes: 813892384 I/O memory size in bytes: 6295128 Board ID:[FOC2343U0P0] Board rework:[-] Processor revision:[-] Midplane revision:[-] Device Type:[-] Location:[-] ------------------ show pnp file system info --------- FS Query: Count:2, Elapsed Time:2, Last Time:1, Worst Time:2 sec File System: Total:4, Last Total:4 Filesystem crashinfo: Name:[crashinfo], Type:[disk] Local buffer Size in bytes: 248354816, FreeSize in bytes: 193162240 Read flag:1, Write flag: 0 Filesystem flash: Name:[flash], Type:[disk] Local buffer Size in bytes: 1621966848, FreeSize in bytes: 92712960 Read flag:1, Write flag: 1 Filesystem webui: Name:[webui], Type:[disk] Local buffer Size in bytes: 2000179200, FreeSize in bytes: 1934630912 Read flag:1, Write flag: 0 Filesystem nvram: Name:[nvram], Type:[nvram] Local buffer Size in bytes: 2097152, FreeSize in bytes: 2062766 Read flag:1, Write flag: 0 ------------------ show pnp profile info --------- PnP Profile: Count:0 ------------------ show pnp stack information --------- Stackable:Yes, Registry GetStackUDI:Yes, GetStackInfo:Yes Slot:1, Role:[Active], UDI=[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:L0,SN:FOC2343U0P0], Mode=INSTALLED, Priority=1 Mac Address:[6c71.0d88.c300], LastReloadReason:[CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure exceeds threshold] ------------------ show pnp smu info ------------------ SMU Service Registry:Yes, Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0 Last-Svc-OK:No, Last-Failure:[-] SMU-Add: Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Bundle-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Bundle-Name:[-] SMU-Activate: Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Bundle-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Bundle-Name:[-] SMU-Commit: Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Bundle-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Bundle-Name:[-] SMU-Deactivate: Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Bundle-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Bundle-Name:[-] SMU-Remove: Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Bundle-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Bundle-Name:[-] SMU-Rollback: Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Bundle-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Bundle-Name:[-] SMU-Unsupported: Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Bundle-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Bundle-Name:[-] --------------- show pnp server tracking --------------- Server Issues: OK-to-ignore:Yes, Total Ignored:0 Server Possible Retry Count:0, Critical Issues Count:0 Last Issue Outstanding:No, Found on Profile:[-] -------------- show pnp config tracking --------------- Config Monitor: Off, Switched: 2 Config Control Level:[Basic-Check], Last-ConfControl:[Basic-Check] Config Retry: 300, Interval: 1000 ms Config Reserved By:[-], Last-ConfReserve:[-] Startup Config: Found, Write Started: 0, Done: 0, PID: 0, Last-PID: 0 Running Config: Not Locked, Safe Now: Yes, CLI Changed: 601, Bulk Count: 28, Last Delta: 0, PID: 3, Last-PID: 3 Config Ext Service: Data: No, File: No -------------- show pnp wait time info --------------- (0) [Discovery-Auto-Install-Wait]: Time (Default:300, Current:300, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (1) [Discovery-Method-Interval-Wait]: Time (Default:1, Current:1, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (2) [Discovery-Loop-Interval-Wait]: Time (Default:10, Current:10, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (3) [Discovery-NAPP-Wait]: Time (Default:60, Current:60, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (4) [Discovery-Hello-Wait]: Time (Default:10, Current:10, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (5) [Discovery-NTP-Wait]: Time (Default:30, Current:30, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (6) [Discovery-SNTP-Wait]: Time (Default:30, Current:30, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (7) [Work-Req-Local-Wait]: Time (Default:5, Current:5, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (8) [Work-Req-Proxy-Wait]: Time (Default:6, Current:6, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (9) [Work-Req-Abnormal-Wait]: Time (Default:60, Current:60, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (10) [PnP-Resp-Ack-Wait]: Time (Default:5, Current:5, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:16, Last:0) (11) [Service-Hello-Response-Wait]: Time (Default:90, Current:90, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (12) [Service-Hello-Unlock-Wait]: Time (Default:10, Current:10, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (13) [Service-Backoff-Minimum-Local-Wait]: Time (Default:60, Current:60, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (14) [Service-Backoff-Minimum-Proxy-Wait]: Time (Default:61, Current:61, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (15) [Service-Cert-Install-Wait]: Time (Default:10, Current:10, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:2, Last:0) (16) [Service-Config-Retry-Wait]: Time (Default:3, Current:3, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:10, Last:0) (17) [Service-Config-Rollback-Wait]: Time (Default:5, Current:5, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:8, Last:0) (18) [Message-HTTP-Flush-Wait]: Time (Default:20, Current:20, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (19) [Transport-First_Switchover]: Time (Default:180, Current:180, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (20) [Discovery-CCO-Short-Wait]: Time (Default:180, Current:180, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (21) [Discovery-CCO-Long-Wait]: Time (Default:300, Current:300, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (22) [Discovery-CCO-Backoff-Wait]: Time (Default:60, Current:60, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (23) [Discovery-CCO-Resp_Ack-Wait]: Time (Default:10, Current:10, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (24) [Discovery-CCO-Check-Interval]: Time (Default:3, Current:3, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:0, Last:0) (25) [Service-Backoff-Warning-Limit]: Time (Default:86400, Current:86400, Last:0 sec), Retry (Current:3, Last:0) -------------- show pnp lock info ------------------- PnP Bypass Lock Control: No PnP Config Locks: OK:2, Failed:0, Bypassed:0 PnP Config Unlocks: OK:1, Bypassed:0 PnP Config NowLocked: Yes, By:(pid=269)[show-pnp-tech], LastLockedBy:(pid=269)[show-pnp-tech], LastUnlockedBy:[show-pnp-tech] PnP Exec Locks: OK:2, Failed:0, Bypassed:0 PnP Exec Unlocks: OK:1, Bypassed:0 PnP Exec NowLocked: Yes, By:(pid=269)[show-pnp-tech], LastLockedBy:(pid=269)[show-pnp-tech], LastUnlockedBy:[show-pnp-tech] Configuration mode is not locked -------------- show pnp ha tracking --------------- HA Presence Checking: No, RF Support Yes RF Op-Mode Registry: Yes, State: 0 Config-Sync Registry: Yes, State: - Standby Notify Hot: 0, Cold: 0 -------------- show pnp bootstrap tracking --------------- Bootstrap Handlers Count:12 Notifications: Inited:1, Started:1, Stopped:1, Terminated:0 LastTermination By:0.[PnP Discovery Manager], Reason:0.[-] PrevLastTermination By:0.[PnP Discovery Manager], Reason:0.[-] LastDiscoverySuccessBy:0.[PnP-DHCP-IPv6] Interface Bringup: Total:0 LastBringup By:0.[PnP Discovery Manager], InterfaceName:[-] PrevLastBringup By:0.[PnP Discovery Manager], InterfaceName:[-] Handler.0:[PnP Discovery Manager]: Inited:1, Started:1, Stopped:1, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:4.[Startup Config Present], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.1:[Config Wizard]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.2:[Auto Installer]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.3:[Smart Installer]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.4:[USB Loader]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.5:[CNS Discovery Agent]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.6:[WebUI Installer]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.7:[SMI Director]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.8:[AP Installer]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.9:[AN Installer]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.10:[PnP Redirection]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Handler.11:[Alternate Startup Config]: Inited:0, Started:0, Stopped:0, OKToRun:Yes, Running:No Terminate Now:No, Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0, LastReason:0.[-], PrevLastReason:0.[-] Interface Bringup: Issued:0, Noted:0, Ignored:0 Discovery Method Count:12 Method.0:[PnP-DHCP-IPv6-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.1:[PnP-DHCP-IPv4-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.2:[PnP-DNS-IPv6-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.3:[PnP-DNS-IPv4-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.4:[PnP-Platform-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.5:[PnP-CCO-IPv6-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.6:[PnP-CCO-IPv4-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.7:[PnP-WebUI-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.8:[PnP-NAPP-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.9:[PnP-SMI-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.10:[PnP-4G-CCO-IPv4-discovery]: OKToRun:No Method.11:[PnP-4G-CCO-IPv6-discovery]: OKToRun:No ------------------ show pnp discovery ----------------- Auto-Install: Started: 1, Done: 0, PID: 0, Last-PID: 0 DHCP Auto-Install: Registry: Yes, Running: No, IP-Resolved: No Network Download: Enabled: No, Loaded: No Host Download: Enabled: No, Loaded: No PnP Auto-Wait: Complete: No, BT-Stopped: No, PID: -1, Last-PID: -1 PnP Auto-Install IPv6 control:0, lastControl:0, TotalValidated:0 Auto Interface Bringup On:No, Last:No Auto Unicast Routing On:No, Last:No, Enabled:No, Check:0, Ignored:0 Auto IPv6 Enable On:No, Last:No, Enabled:No, Check:0, Ignored:0 Auto Address DHCP On:No, Last:No, Enabled:No, Check:0, Ignored:0 DHCP Address Monitor Added:No, Notified:0, LastInterfaceNotified:[-] Auto Address Auto Config Default On:No, Last:No, Enabled:No, Check:0, Ignored:0 Auto DHCP Request Vendor On:No, Last:No, Enabled:No, Check:0, Ignored:0 Auto DNS Set Domain On:No, Last:No Discovery IPv4 Goes First:Yes, IPv6 OKtoRun:Yes Time in sec: Method-Interval:1, Loop-Interval:10, Hello-Wait:10, NAPP-Wait:60 VRF Checked:No, Name:[-] Active Discovery Methods:0 PnP Discovery: PFD:[-], Run Count: 1, Status: Finished, Last Run: Not run PnP DHCP IPv6 Discovery: InterfaceName:[-] Op17-Text:[-], Last-Op17-Text:[-] PnP DHCP IPv4 Discovery: InterfaceName:[-] Op43-Text:[-], Last-Op43-Text:[-] PnP DNS Discovery: Domain Name Cache: Notified:0, Active:[-], Last:[-] DNS Server Cache: Notified:0, Active:[-], OptLen=0 Last DNS Server Cache: [-], LastOptLen=0 - DNS Resolution Stats: Interface Lookup: Total:0, Skipped:0, OK:0, Failed:0 Resolved Count: Total:0, IPv4:0, IPv6:0, IPany:0 Unresolved Count: Total:0, IPv4:0, IPv6:0, IPany:0 Domain Resolved:0, Unresolved:0 Hostname Resolved:0, Unresolved:0 Trustpool Resolved:0, Unresolved:0 NTP Server Resolved:0, Unresolved:0 PnP CCO Discovery: Timer Running: No CCO SID:[-], LastSID:[-], NullSIDCount:0 CCO Request Check:[CCO-Current-Request-Only] CCO Trustpool URL:[] CCO PnP Server:[], Resolved:No, IPv6:No CCO NTP Server:[], Resolved:No, IPv6:No - DNS Resolution Stats: Interface Lookup: Total:0, Skipped:0, OK:0, Failed:0 Resolved Count: Total:0, IPv4:0, IPv6:0, IPany:0 Unresolved Count: Total:0, IPv4:0, IPv6:0, IPany:0 Domain Resolved:0, Unresolved:0 Hostname Resolved:0, Unresolved:0 Trustpool Resolved:0, Unresolved:0 NTP Server Resolved:0, Unresolved:0 PnP NAPP Discovery: Running: No PnP NAPP PID: pxd: -1, pxc: -1, pxc_xmt: -1 PnP WebUI Discovery: Enabled: No, Allowed: Yes PnP WebUI Config: IP: No, DHCP: No, DNS: No, HTTP: No ------------------ show pnp ca bundles ------------------ PnP NTP/SNTP Sync Total:0, Ignored:0, OK:0, Failed:0 PnP Trustpool Backup Total:0, OK:0, Failed:0 Validated:0, Invalidated:0 PnP Trustpool Install Total:0, OK:0, Failed:0 PnP CA Bundle Validation Total:0, OK:0, Failed:0 PnP CA Bundle Clenup Total:0, OK:0, Failed:0 PnP CCO Trustpool: OKToBackup:Yes Backup Total:0, OK:0, Failed:0 Validated=0, Invalidated:0, Tolerance=10 Current Backup Size:0 bytes, FilePath:[-], Source:[-] Last Backup Size:0 bytes, FilePath:[-], Source:[-] PnP DNS Trustpool: OKToBackup:Yes Backup Total:0, OK:0, Failed:0 Validated:0, Invalidated:0, Tolerance:10 Current Backup Size:0 bytes, FilePath:[-], Source:[-] Last Backup Size:0 bytes, FilePath:[-], Source:[-] PnP DHCP Snooping: Supported: Yes, Validation: No, Registry: DHCP: Yes, Vlan: Yes, Trust Interfaces: Yes PnP DHCP-Op43: N/A, Ready: No, DHCP-Op60: ciscopnp, Ready: Yes PnP Proxy Name: none(Not Ready), Associated Profile: none(Not Found) PnP Proxy Service Count: Change=0 Up=0 Down=0 NoOP=0 Fail=0 UDI=0 RSP=0 ------------------ show pnp profiles ------------------ PnP Profiles: Active:0, Created:0, Deleted:0, Hidden:0 Name CBType Node Primary-Path Primary-Trans Backup-Trans ------------------ show pnp counters ------------------ ------------------ show pnp tasks --------------------- Certificate-Install Task - Never Run Device-Auth Task - Never Run Device-Info Task - Never Run Image-Install Task - Never Run SMU Task - Never Run Config-Upgrade Task - Never Run CLI-Config Task - Never Run Licensing Task - Never Run File-Transfer Task - Never Run Redirection Task - Never Run CLI-Exec Task - Never Run Script Task - Never Run Backoff Task - Never Run Capability Task - Never Run Topology Task - Never Run Interface-Info Task - Never Run Device-ID-Cert Task - Never Run EEM-Proxy Task - Never Run Fault Task - Never Run NAPP Task - Never Run NAPP-Notify Task - Never Run NAPP-Server Task - Never Run Reload Task - Never Run SNMP Task - Never Run Snooping Task - Never Run Syslog Task - Never Run Tag Task - Never Run Work-Info Task - Never Run Discovery Task - Last Run ID:1, ST:7001, Result:Failed, Time=[21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] (elapsed 2 ms) Src:[Startup Config Present], Dst:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] Error Code:0, Msg:[PnP Discovery Manager] Monitoring Task - Never Run Swift-UT Task - Last Run ID:2, ST:7001, Result:Failed, Time=[21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] (elapsed 2 ms) Src:[Startup Config Present], Dst:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] Error Code:0, Msg:[PnP Discovery Manager] ---------- show pnp file backup tracking ------------- Last Backup Result:[-] Last Src File Path:[-], Size: 0, Checksum=[-] Last Src Backup Path:[-], Size: 0 Last Src Backup Result:[-] Total Src Backup Count: 0 Last Dest File Path:[-], Size: 0 Last Dest Backup Path:[-] Last Dest Backup Result:[-] Total Dest Backup Count: 0 Last Free FS0 Dir Name:[], Free Bytes: 0 Last Free FS1 Dir Name:[], Free Bytes: 0 ------------------ show pnp services ------------------ Service name: PnP Bootstrap Service, Run Count: 1 (S=0/F=1/O=0), Status: Last Run Failed, Elapsed Time: 2 ms Service name: PnP Auto-Install Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Discovery Service, Run Count: 1 (S=0/F=1/O=0), Status: Last Run Failed, Elapsed Time: 2 ms Service name: PnP DHCP Discovery Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP DNS Discovery Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Platform Discovery Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP CCO Discovery Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Webui Discovery Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP NAPP Discovery Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP SMI Discovery Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Capability Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Certificate-Install Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Config-Change Service, Run Count: 28 (S=5/F=23/O=0), Status: Last Run Failed, Elapsed Time: 1616 ms Service name: PnP Config-Upgrade Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Config-Rollback Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP CLI-Config Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Device-Info Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP EEM Proxy Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Devie ID Cert Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP CLI-Exec Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP File-Transfer Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Hello Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Image-Install Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Interface Info Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Licensing Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Location Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Monitoring Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Napp Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP NappServer Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Notify Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Proxy Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Server redirection Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Script Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP SMU Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Snmp Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Snooping Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Syslog Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Topology Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Device-Auth Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Work-Req Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Work-Backoff Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Response Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Fault Service, Status: Never Run Service name: PnP Work-Info Service, Status: Never Run ---------------- show pnp cert service info --------------- Installed Certificates: pnplabel:Not Found primary-cert:Not Found backup-cert:Not Found PnP Cert Service Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0 Last-Svc-OK:No, Last-Failure:[-] PnP Trustpool Install: LastSvcIndex:0, Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0, PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Label-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Label-Name:[-] PnP Trustpool Uninstall: LastSvcIndex:0, Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0, PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Label-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Label-Name:[-] PnP Trustpoint Install: LastSvcIndex:0, Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0, PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Label-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Label-Name:[-] PnP Trustpoint Uninstall: LastSvcIndex:0, Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0, PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Label-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Label-Name:[-] PnP Trustpoint Rollback: LastSvcIndex:0, Total:0, OK:0, Fail:0, PT: 0 ms, FirstPT: 0 ms, LastPT:0 OP-OK:No, Src-Path:[-], Label-Name:[-] Last-OP-OK:No, Last-Src-Path:[-], Last-Label-Name:[-] --------------- show pnp errors tracking --------------- Total Tracking Count:0 Certificate-Install Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] CLI-Config Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] CLI-Exec Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] Config-Upgrade Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] Copy-File Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] Device-ID-Cert Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] File-Transfer Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] Image-Install Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] Monitor Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] Script Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] XML-Parse Error: Total-Update:0, Tracking-Index:0, Time=[-] Msg=[-] --------------- show pnp reconfig --------------- Reconfiguration Malloc:0, Free:0, Reconfig'd:0 ------------------ show pnp topology ------------------ -------------- show pnp interface tracking --------------- Interface [Vlan305]: status:up, protocol:up, ok:YES, method:NVRAM ipv4: [XX.YY.45.251] Interface [GigabitEthernet1/0/1]: status:up, protocol:up, ok:YES, method:unset ipv4: [unassigned] Interface [GigabitEthernet1/0/2]: status:up, protocol:up, ok:YES, method:NVRAM ipv4: [XX.XX.1.254] Interface [GigabitEthernet1/0/3]: status:up, protocol:up, ok:YES, method:NVRAM ipv4: [XX.XX.2.254] Interface [GigabitEthernet1/0/5]: status:up, protocol:up, ok:YES, method:NVRAM ipv4: [XX.YY.31.3] Interface [GigabitEthernet1/0/8]: status:up, protocol:up, ok:YES, method:unset ipv4: [unassigned] Interface [GigabitEthernet1/0/9]: status:up, protocol:up, ok:YES, method:NVRAM ipv4: [XX.YY.3.254] Interface [Loopback0]: status:up, protocol:up, ok:YES, method:unset ipv4: [unassigned] ---------------- show pnp cmd tracking --------------- PnP Cmd(01): [pnp copy], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(02): [pnp certify], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(03): [pnp config-upgrade], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(04): [pnp diag], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(05): [pnp hello], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(06): [pnp image-install], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(07): [pnp notify], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(08): [pnp reload], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(09): [pnp save-tech], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(10): [pnp script], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(11): [pnp service proxy-control], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(12): [pnp summary], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(13): [pnp trustpoint-install], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(14): [pnp trustpoint-uninstall], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(15): [pnp trustpool-install], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(16): [pnp trustpool-uninstall], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(17): [pnp validate], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(18): [pnp verify], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(19): [pnp verify], Run Count: 0 PnP Cmd(20): [pnp webui], Run Count: 0 PnP Service Internal: OFF PnP Proxy Registry: GetNext: No, DoRequest: No PnP Proxy Index: Max=1, Last=0 PnP Proxy UDI: [-], Service Type: 0 PnP Proxy Req(1): [pnp proxy get-next], Run Count: 0 PnP Proxy Req(2): [pnp proxy backoff], Run Count: 0 PnP Proxy Req(3): [pnp proxy capability], Run Count: 0 PnP Proxy Req(4): [pnp proxy config-upgrade], Run Count: 0 PnP Proxy Req(5): [pnp proxy device-info], Run Count: 0 PnP Proxy Req(6): [pnp proxy image-install], Run Count: 0 PnP Proxy Req(7): [pnp proxy work-info], Run Count: 0 PnP Proxy Req(8): [pnp proxy unsupported], Run Count: 0 -------------- show pnp monitor tracking (2) --------------- PnP Monitor: Inited:Yes, pid=476, Watcher-Inted:Yes, Event-Watcher:FF8FA111C0 PnP Event Handlers (Total:6) Notifications: Started:0, Stopped:0 Event-Handler.0:[PnP-Profile-Monitor]: OKToRun:Yes, Running:No, Started:0, Stopped:0 Event-Handler.1:[PnP-Server-Monitor]: OKToRun:No, Running:No, Started:0, Stopped:0 Event-Handler.2:[PnP-TLS-Tunnel-Monitor]: OKToRun:Yes, Running:No, Started:0, Stopped:0 Event-Handler.3:[PnP-Service-Monitor]: OKToRun:Yes, Running:No, Started:0, Stopped:0 Event-Handler.4:[PnP-Config-Monitor]: OKToRun:Yes, Running:No, Started:0, Stopped:0 Event-Handler.5:[PnP-State-Monitor]: OKToRun:Yes, Running:No, Started:0, Stopped:0 PnP Event Watch Type (Total:11) Event-Watching.1:[no-pnp-profile-found]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.2:[pnp-profile-tracking]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.3:[pnp-server-still-unreachable]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.4:[pnp-server-tracking]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.5:[pnp-connect-still-unreachable]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.6:[pnp-connect-tracking]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.7:[tls-tunnel-still-down]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.8:[tls-tunnel-tracking]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.9:[pnp-service-tracking]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.10:[pnp-config-tracking]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 Event-Watching.11:[pnp-state-tracking]: OKToWatch:No, TotalEnabled:0, TotalDisabled:0, TotalNotified:0 WatchID=[], LastWatchID=[], Event ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0 Action ToTake:[], ParamStr:[], ParamValue:0, DelayInSec:0, IntervalInSec:0 PnP Event Action Type (Total:10) Event-Action.0:[no-op], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] Event-Action.1:[syslog], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] Event-Action.2:[notify-pnp-server-now], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] Event-Action.3:[wakeup-pnp-server-now], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] Event-Action.4:[restart-pnp-discovery], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] Event-Action.5:[device-reload-as-is], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] Event-Action.6:[device-save-then-reload], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] Event-Action.7:[device-write-erase-reload], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] Event-Action.8:[pnp-hard-reset], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] Event-Action.9:[run-script], Result OK:0, Failed:0, Last:[-] PnP Event Notification Type (Total:23) Notify Outstanding Total:0, Last:0 Event-Notify.0:[unknown]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.1:[no-pnp-profile-found]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.2:[pnp-profile-added]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.3:[pnp-profile-modified]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.4:[pnp-profile-deleted]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.5:[pnp-server-still-unreachable]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.6:[pnp-server-unreachable]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.7:[pnp-server-reachable]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.8:[pnp-connect-still-unreachable]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.9:[pnp-connect-unreachable]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.10:[pnp-connect-reachable]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.11:[tls-tunnel-still-down]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.12:[tls-tunnel-down]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.13:[tls-tunnel-up]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.14:[pnp-service-start]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.15:[pnp-service-update]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.16:[pnp-service-stop]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.17:[pnp-config-change]: TotalNotified:28, JustNotified ID:28, By:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0], At:[21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023], Reason:[config-change-done] LastNotified ID:27, By:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0], At:[21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023], Reason:[config-change-done] Event-Notify.18:[pnp-config-write-memory]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.19:[pnp-config-write-erase]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.20:[pnp-state-change]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.21:[pnp-state-unclaimed]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.22:[pnp-state-provisioned]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] Event-Notify.23:[pnp-state-error]: TotalNotified:0, JustNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] LastNotified ID:0, By:[], At:[], Reason:[] -------------- show pnp performance stats ------------- XMLMI and XMLPI Performance Statistics PStat: Parser CLI(action_func), type 111, count 1207 (ok 1207, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 540777, avg 448, best 1, worst 97660, last 10 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Bootstrap Service, type 7601, count 1 (ok 0, fault 1, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 2, avg 2, best 2, worst 2, last 2 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Auto-Install Service, type 7602, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Discovery Service, type 7001, count 1 (ok 0, fault 1, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 2, avg 2, best 2, worst 2, last 2 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP DHCP Discovery Service, type 7002, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP DNS Discovery Service, type 7003, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Platform Discovery Service, type 7004, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP CCO Discovery Service, type 7005, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Webui Discovery Service, type 7006, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP NAPP Discovery Service, type 7007, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP SMI Discovery Service, type 7008, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Capability Service, type 5101, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Certificate-Install Service, type 7201, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP CLI-Config Service, type 5201, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Config-Change Service, type 5203, count 28 (ok 5, fault 23, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 2076, avg 415, best 1, worst 1968, last 1 fault elapsed (ms) total 11781, avg 512, best 271, worst 2119, last 1616 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Config-Upgrade Service, type 5202, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Config-Rollback Service, type 5204, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Device-Info Service, type 5301, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP EEM Proxy Service, type 7701, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Devie ID Cert Service, type 7901, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP CLI-Exec Service, type 5401, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Execute Service, type 5404, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Exec-Shell Parser, type 5402, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Exec-CLI Parser, type 5403, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Fault Service, type 7301, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP FileSys Service, type 5501, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP File-Transfer Service, type 5502, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Hello Service, type 8101, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Image-Install Service, type 5601, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Interface Info Service, type 8001, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Licensing Service, type 5701, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Location Service, type 5801, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Management Service, type 5901, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Monitoring Service, type 8201, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Napp Service, type 6001, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP NappServer Service, type 6002, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Notify Service, type 6101, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Proxy Service, type 6201, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Server redirection Service, type 7101, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Reload Service, type 6301, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Response Service, type 7401, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Script Service, type 6401, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP SMU Service, type 7801, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Snmp Service, type 6501, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Snooping Service, type 6601, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Syslog Service, type 6701, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Topology Service, type 6801, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Device-Auth Service, type 7501, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Work-Backoff Service, type 6901, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Work-Req Service, type 6902, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: PnP Work-Info Service, type 6903, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: CSVC Config, type 901, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: CSVC Event, type 902, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: CSVC Exec, type 903, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: CSVC Initial, type 904, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: CSVC Inventory, type 905, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: CSVC Retrieve, type 906, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA Exec, type 1101, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA Exec Shell Parser, type 1102, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA Exec CLI Parser, type 1103, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA Config, type 1201, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA FileSys, type 1301, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA Notify, type 1401, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA Hello, type 1501, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA Response, type 1601, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA Fault, type 1701, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 PStat: WSMA Management, type 1301, count 0 (ok 0, fault 0, others 0) ok elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 fault elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 others elapsed (ms) total 0, avg 0, best 0, worst 0, last 0 ------------------ show pnp trace ------------------ [03/19/23 21:33:30.672 KSA 1 3] Non-redundancy mode (0) after 1 retries. [03/19/23 21:33:30.684 KSA 2 3] Info: Checking if PnP discovery should start [03/19/23 21:33:30.684 KSA 3 3] Info: PnP discovery process is not running [03/19/23 21:33:30.685 KSA 4 3] Info: Started PnP Discovery Process, pid=477 [03/19/23 21:33:30.688 KSA 5 3] 1 (1) 16. PnP Subsystem Init PT: 17 ms, FirstPT: 17 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=18:33:30 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:30.688 KSA 6 3] 1 System Subsystem Init (PT=17). [03/19/23 21:33:30.949 KSA 7 477] 2 (2) 17. PnP Discovery Start PT: 279 ms, FirstPT: 279 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=477, pname=PnP Agent Discovery, time=18:33:30 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:30.949 KSA 8 477] 1 System PnP Discovery Start (PT=279). [03/19/23 21:33:30.949 KSA 9 477] 1 [PnP Discovery Manager] inited [03/19/23 21:33:30.949 KSA A 477] No platform. No wait [03/19/23 21:33:32.028 KSA B 267] 3 (3) 15. Config Change PT: 1358 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=267, pname=MGMT VRF Process, time=18:33:32 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:32.046 KSA C 267] 4 (4) 15. Config Change PT: 1376 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 1358 ms, Notified:2, Annotation:[pid=267, pname=MGMT VRF Process, time=18:33:32 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:34.677 KSA D 3] 5 (5) 15. Config Change PT: 4006 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 1376 ms, Notified:3, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=18:33:34 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:36.689 KSA E 3] 6 (6) 15. Config Change PT: 6019 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 4006 ms, Notified:4, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:36.839 KSA F 310] 7 (7) 15. Config Change PT: 6169 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6019 ms, Notified:5, Annotation:[pid=310, pname=CPP MQC QoS Policy manager, time=21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:36.932 KSA 10 3] 8 (8) 15. Config Change PT: 6261 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6169 ms, Notified:6, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.203 KSA 11 3] 9 (9) 15. Config Change PT: 6532 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6261 ms, Notified:7, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.212 KSA 12 3] 10 (10) 15. Config Change PT: 6542 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6532 ms, Notified:8, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.217 KSA 13 3] 11 (11) 15. Config Change PT: 6547 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6542 ms, Notified:9, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.222 KSA 14 3] 12 (12) 15. Config Change PT: 6551 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6547 ms, Notified:10, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.227 KSA 15 3] 13 (13) 15. Config Change PT: 6556 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6551 ms, Notified:11, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.231 KSA 16 3] 14 (14) 15. Config Change PT: 6561 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6556 ms, Notified:12, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.238 KSA 17 3] 15 (15) 15. Config Change PT: 6568 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6561 ms, Notified:13, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.243 KSA 18 3] 16 (16) 15. Config Change PT: 6573 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6568 ms, Notified:14, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.248 KSA 19 3] 17 (17) 15. Config Change PT: 6577 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6573 ms, Notified:15, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.252 KSA 1A 3] 18 (18) 15. Config Change PT: 6581 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6577 ms, Notified:16, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.256 KSA 1B 3] 19 (19) 15. Config Change PT: 6586 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6581 ms, Notified:17, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.263 KSA 1C 3] 20 (20) 15. Config Change PT: 6592 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6586 ms, Notified:18, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.267 KSA 1D 3] 21 (21) 15. Config Change PT: 6597 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6592 ms, Notified:19, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.272 KSA 1E 3] 22 (22) 15. Config Change PT: 6601 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6597 ms, Notified:20, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.276 KSA 1F 3] 23 (23) 15. Config Change PT: 6606 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6601 ms, Notified:21, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.280 KSA 20 3] 24 (24) 15. Config Change PT: 6610 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6606 ms, Notified:22, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.287 KSA 21 3] 25 (25) 15. Config Change PT: 6616 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6610 ms, Notified:23, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.293 KSA 22 3] 26 (26) 15. Config Change PT: 6623 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6616 ms, Notified:24, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.297 KSA 23 3] 27 (27) 15. Config Change PT: 6627 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6623 ms, Notified:25, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:37.302 KSA 24 3] 28 (28) 15. Config Change PT: 6631 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6627 ms, Notified:26, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:38.522 KSA 25 3] 29 (29) 15. Config Change PT: 7851 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 6631 ms, Notified:27, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:38.548 KSA 26 3] 30 (30) 15. Config Change PT: 7877 ms, FirstPT: 1358 ms, LastPT: 7851 ms, Notified:28, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:38.553 KSA 27 3] 31 (31) 5. Init Restarted PT: 7882 ms, FirstPT: 7882 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=3, pname=Init, time=21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:38.553 KSA 28 3] 1 System restarted (PT=7882). [03/19/23 21:33:42.363 KSA 29 77] 32 (32) 7. Press RETURN PT: 11693 ms, FirstPT: 11693 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=77, pname=TTY Background, time=21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:42.363 KSA 2A 77] 1 System press RETURN to get started (PT=11693). [03/19/23 21:33:42.363 KSA 2B 77] 33 (33) 6. Initial Banner PT: 11693 ms, FirstPT: 11693 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=77, pname=TTY Background, time=21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:42.363 KSA 2C 77] 1 System initial banner ready (PT=11693). [03/19/23 21:33:42.364 KSA 2D 77] 34 (34) 7. Press RETURN PT: 11693 ms, FirstPT: 11693 ms, LastPT: 11693 ms, Notified:2, Annotation:[pid=77, pname=TTY Background, time=21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:42.364 KSA 2E 77] 2 System press RETURN to get started (PT=11693). [03/19/23 21:33:42.364 KSA 2F 77] 35 (35) 6. Initial Banner PT: 11693 ms, FirstPT: 11693 ms, LastPT: 11693 ms, Notified:2, Annotation:[pid=77, pname=TTY Background, time=21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:42.364 KSA 30 77] 2 System initial banner ready (PT=11693). [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 31 477] 1 [PnP Discovery Manager] started [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 32 477] Info: Startup config exists [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 33 477] Info: HW reset status is: 0 [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 34 477] 1 Discovery did not start due to presence of startup config or is a standby or not reqd by platform o [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 35 477] 1 [PnP Discovery Manager] stopped, reason:[Startup Config Present] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 36 477] 1 spd.dle: PnP Discovery Loop exited on 1.0th run [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA 37 477] 1 _pdfdnc.don: last_dnc_str=[-] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA 38 477] 1 no more cw check Yes [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA 39 477] 36 (36) 18. PnP Discovery Done PT: 12138 ms, FirstPT: 12138 ms, LastPT: 0 ms, Notified:1, Annotation:[pid=477, pname=PnP Agent Discovery, time=21:33:42 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA 3A 477] 1 System PnP Discovery done (PT=12138). [03/20/23 10:06:55.947 KSA 3B 269] 1 _pcc3nin.wAr.lst: cant find label start from version_str [Cisco IOS Software [Gibraltar], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.12.7, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2022 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 02-Feb-22 07:28 by mcpre] [03/20/23 10:06:57.372 KSA 3C 269] Non-redundancy mode (0) after 2 retries. [03/20/23 10:10:30.536 KSA 3D 269] 2 _pcc3nin.wAr.lst: cant find label start from version_str [Cisco IOS Software [Gibraltar], Catalyst L3 Switch Software (CAT3K_CAA-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 16.12.7, RELEASE SOFTWARE (fc2) Technical Support: Copyright (c) 1986-2022 by Cisco Systems, Inc. Compiled Wed 02-Feb-22 07:28 by mcpre] [03/20/23 10:10:32.092 KSA 3E 269] Non-redundancy mode (0) after 3 retries. 62 entries printed ------------------ show pnp history ---------------- [03/19/23 21:33:32.028 KSA 1 267] 1: ---- T:1357, Job 1:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:53 ms, Status: Success, -: Running Config Change Done [03/19/23 21:33:32.046 KSA 2 267] 2: ---- T:1376, Job 2:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:13 ms, Status: Success, -: Running Config Change Done [03/19/23 21:33:34.677 KSA 3 3] 3: ---- T:4006, Job 3:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:41 ms, Status: Success, -: Running Config Change Done [03/19/23 21:33:36.689 KSA 4 3] 4: ---- T:6018, Job 4:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:1968 ms, Status: Success, -: Running Config Change Done [03/19/23 21:33:36.839 KSA 5 310] 5: -uf- T:6169, Job 5:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:2119 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:36.932 KSA 6 3] 6: ---- T:6261, Job 6:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:1 ms, Status: Success, -: Running Config Change Done [03/19/23 21:33:37.203 KSA 7 3] 7: -uf- T:6532, Job 7:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:271 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.212 KSA 8 3] 8: -uf- T:6542, Job 8:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:281 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.217 KSA 9 3] 9: -uf- T:6546, Job 9:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:285 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.222 KSA A 3] 10: -uf- T:6551, Job 10:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:290 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.227 KSA B 3] 11: -uf- T:6556, Job 11:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:295 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.231 KSA C 3] 12: -uf- T:6561, Job 12:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:300 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.238 KSA D 3] 13: -uf- T:6568, Job 13:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:307 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.243 KSA E 3] 14: -uf- T:6573, Job 14:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:312 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.248 KSA F 3] 15: -uf- T:6577, Job 15:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:316 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.252 KSA 10 3] 16: -uf- T:6581, Job 16:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:320 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.256 KSA 11 3] 17: -uf- T:6586, Job 17:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:325 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.263 KSA 12 3] 18: -uf- T:6592, Job 18:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:331 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.267 KSA 13 3] 19: -uf- T:6597, Job 19:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:336 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.272 KSA 14 3] 20: -uf- T:6601, Job 20:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:340 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.276 KSA 15 3] 21: -uf- T:6606, Job 21:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:345 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.280 KSA 16 3] 22: -uf- T:6610, Job 22:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:349 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.287 KSA 17 3] 23: -uf- T:6616, Job 23:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:355 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.293 KSA 18 3] 24: -uf- T:6623, Job 24:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:362 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.297 KSA 19 3] 25: -uf- T:6627, Job 25:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:366 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:37.301 KSA 1A 3] 26: -uf- T:6631, Job 26:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:370 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:38.522 KSA 1B 3] 27: -uf- T:7851, Job 27:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:1590 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:38.548 KSA 1C 3] 28: -uf- T:7877, Job 28:PnP Config-Change Service, Elapsed:1616 ms, Status: Failed, -: Running Config Change Aborted [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 1D 477] 29: -uf- T:12137, Job 29:PnP Discovery Service, Elapsed:2 ms, Status: Failed, -: PnP Discovery Loop [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 1E 477] 30: -uf- T:12137, Job 30:PnP Bootstrap Service, Elapsed:2 ms, Status: Failed, -: PnP Bootstrap Stop 30 entries printed ------------------ show pnp diag ------------------ [03/19/23 21:33:30.678 KSA 1 3] 1 _ppmgd.cwd: Creating ppm wait data. [03/19/23 21:33:30.678 KSA 2 3] 1 _pttmgd.cwd: Creating ttm wait data. [03/19/23 21:33:30.678 KSA 3 3] _pttmi.rat: reg_add_tls_notify_tunnel_state [03/19/23 21:33:30.678 KSA 4 3] 1 _psmgd.cwd: Creating psm wait data. [03/19/23 21:33:30.678 KSA 5 3] 1 _pcmgd.cwd: Creating psm wait data. [03/19/23 21:33:30.678 KSA 6 3] 1 _psmgd.cwd: Creating psm wait data. [03/19/23 21:33:30.678 KSA 7 3] 1 _pmpc.don: process [PnP-Monitor] created [03/19/23 21:33:32.029 KSA 8 267] 1 _pdgmu.udi: UDI generated by master registry:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:L0,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:32.029 KSA 9 267] 1 _pdgpu.udi: UDI generated by platform: pid:[WS-C3850-12S] vid:[-] sn:[FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:32.029 KSA A 267] 1 _pdgpu.udi: UDI generated by platform:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:32.029 KSA B 267] 1 _pdgus: Good UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:32.029 KSA C 267] PNP-MONITOR 1 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [18:33:32 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:32.029 KSA D 267] 1 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:32.029 KSA E 267] PNP-MONITOR 1 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [18:33:32 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:32.029 KSA F 267] 1 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [18:33:32 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:32.047 KSA 10 267] 2 _pdgmu.udi: UDI generated by master registry:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:L0,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:32.047 KSA 11 267] 2 _pdgpu.udi: UDI generated by platform: pid:[WS-C3850-12S] vid:[-] sn:[FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:32.047 KSA 12 267] 2 _pdgpu.udi: UDI generated by platform:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:32.047 KSA 13 267] 2 _pdgus: Good UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:32.047 KSA 14 267] PNP-MONITOR 2 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [18:33:32 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:32.047 KSA 15 267] 2 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:32.047 KSA 16 267] PNP-MONITOR 2 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [18:33:32 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:32.047 KSA 17 267] 2 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [18:33:32 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:32.053 KSA 18 476] 1 _pmpjne.don: watch_id=[-], pmen_type=[pnp-config-change], pmew_type=[pnp-config-tracking], notified: by=[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0], at=[18:33:32 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023], reason=[config-change-done], progress=100%% [03/19/23 21:33:34.677 KSA 19 3] 3 _pdgus: Good UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:34.677 KSA 1A 3] PNP-MONITOR 3 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [18:33:34 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:34.677 KSA 1B 3] 3 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:34.677 KSA 1C 3] PNP-MONITOR 3 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [18:33:34 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:34.677 KSA 1D 3] 3 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [18:33:34 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:34.685 KSA 1E 476] 2 _pmpjne.don: watch_id=[-], pmen_type=[pnp-config-change], pmew_type=[pnp-config-tracking], notified: by=[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0], at=[18:33:34 UTC Sun Mar 19 2023], reason=[config-change-done], progress=100%% [03/19/23 21:33:36.690 KSA 1F 3] 4 _pdgus: Good UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:36.690 KSA 20 3] PNP-MONITOR 4 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:36.690 KSA 21 3] 4 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:36.690 KSA 22 3] PNP-MONITOR 4 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:36.690 KSA 23 3] 4 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:36.840 KSA 24 310] 5 _pdgus: Good UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:36.840 KSA 25 310] PNP-MONITOR 5 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:36.840 KSA 26 310] 5 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:36.840 KSA 27 310] PNP-MONITOR 5 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:36.840 KSA 28 310] 5 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:36.841 KSA 29 476] 3 _pmpjne.don: watch_id=[-], pmen_type=[pnp-config-change], pmew_type=[pnp-config-tracking], notified: by=[PID:WS-C3850-12S,VID:,SN:FOC2343U0P0], at=[21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023], reason=[config-change-done], progress=100%% [03/19/23 21:33:36.932 KSA 2A 3] 6 _pdgus: Best UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:36.932 KSA 2B 3] PNP-MONITOR 6 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:36.932 KSA 2C 3] 6 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:36.932 KSA 2D 3] PNP-MONITOR 6 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:36.932 KSA 2E 3] 6 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:36.976 KSA 2F 476] 4 _pmpjne.don: watch_id=[-], pmen_type=[pnp-config-change], pmew_type=[pnp-config-tracking], notified: by=[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0], at=[21:33:36 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023], reason=[config-change-done], progress=100%% [03/19/23 21:33:37.203 KSA 30 3] PNP-MONITOR 7 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.203 KSA 31 3] 7 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.203 KSA 32 3] PNP-MONITOR 7 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.203 KSA 33 3] 7 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.207 KSA 34 476] 5 _pmpjne.don: watch_id=[-], pmen_type=[pnp-config-change], pmew_type=[pnp-config-tracking], notified: by=[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0], at=[21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023], reason=[config-change-done], progress=100%% [03/19/23 21:33:37.212 KSA 35 3] PNP-MONITOR 8 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.212 KSA 36 3] 8 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.212 KSA 37 3] PNP-MONITOR 8 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.212 KSA 38 3] 8 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.217 KSA 39 3] PNP-MONITOR 9 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.217 KSA 3A 3] 9 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.217 KSA 3B 3] PNP-MONITOR 9 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.217 KSA 3C 3] 9 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.222 KSA 3D 3] PNP-MONITOR 10 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.222 KSA 3E 3] 10 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.222 KSA 3F 3] PNP-MONITOR 10 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.222 KSA 40 3] 10 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.227 KSA 41 3] PNP-MONITOR 11 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.227 KSA 42 3] 11 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.227 KSA 43 3] PNP-MONITOR 11 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.227 KSA 44 3] 11 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.231 KSA 45 3] PNP-MONITOR 12 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.231 KSA 46 3] 12 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.231 KSA 47 3] PNP-MONITOR 12 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.231 KSA 48 3] 12 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.238 KSA 49 3] PNP-MONITOR 13 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.238 KSA 4A 3] 13 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.238 KSA 4B 3] PNP-MONITOR 13 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.238 KSA 4C 3] 13 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.243 KSA 4D 3] PNP-MONITOR 14 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.243 KSA 4E 3] 14 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.243 KSA 4F 3] PNP-MONITOR 14 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.243 KSA 50 3] 14 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.248 KSA 51 3] PNP-MONITOR 15 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.248 KSA 52 3] 15 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.248 KSA 53 3] PNP-MONITOR 15 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.248 KSA 54 3] 15 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.252 KSA 55 3] PNP-MONITOR 16 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.252 KSA 56 3] 16 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.252 KSA 57 3] PNP-MONITOR 16 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.252 KSA 58 3] 16 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.256 KSA 59 3] PNP-MONITOR 17 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.256 KSA 5A 3] 17 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.256 KSA 5B 3] PNP-MONITOR 17 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.256 KSA 5C 3] 17 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.260 KSA 5D 476] 6 _pmpjne.don: watch_id=[-], pmen_type=[pnp-config-change], pmew_type=[pnp-config-tracking], notified: by=[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0], at=[21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023], reason=[config-change-done], progress=100%% [03/19/23 21:33:37.263 KSA 5E 3] PNP-MONITOR 18 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.263 KSA 5F 3] 18 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.263 KSA 60 3] PNP-MONITOR 18 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.263 KSA 61 3] 18 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.267 KSA 62 3] PNP-MONITOR 19 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.267 KSA 63 3] 19 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.267 KSA 64 3] PNP-MONITOR 19 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.267 KSA 65 3] 19 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.272 KSA 66 3] PNP-MONITOR 20 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.272 KSA 67 3] 20 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.272 KSA 68 3] PNP-MONITOR 20 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.272 KSA 69 3] 20 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.276 KSA 6A 3] PNP-MONITOR 21 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.276 KSA 6B 3] 21 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.276 KSA 6C 3] PNP-MONITOR 21 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.276 KSA 6D 3] 21 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.280 KSA 6E 3] PNP-MONITOR 22 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.280 KSA 6F 3] 22 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.280 KSA 70 3] PNP-MONITOR 22 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.280 KSA 71 3] 22 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.287 KSA 72 3] PNP-MONITOR 23 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.287 KSA 73 3] 23 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.287 KSA 74 3] PNP-MONITOR 23 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.287 KSA 75 3] 23 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.293 KSA 76 3] PNP-MONITOR 24 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.293 KSA 77 3] 24 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.293 KSA 78 3] PNP-MONITOR 24 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.293 KSA 79 3] 24 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.297 KSA 7A 3] PNP-MONITOR 25 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.297 KSA 7B 3] 25 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.297 KSA 7C 3] PNP-MONITOR 25 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.297 KSA 7D 3] 25 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.302 KSA 7E 3] PNP-MONITOR 26 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.302 KSA 7F 3] 26 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:37.302 KSA 80 3] PNP-MONITOR 26 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:37.302 KSA 81 3] 26 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:37.312 KSA 82 476] 7 _pmpjne.don: watch_id=[-], pmen_type=[pnp-config-change], pmew_type=[pnp-config-tracking], notified: by=[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0], at=[21:33:37 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023], reason=[config-change-done], progress=100%% [03/19/23 21:33:38.522 KSA 83 3] PNP-MONITOR 27 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:38.522 KSA 84 3] 27 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:38.522 KSA 85 3] PNP-MONITOR 27 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:38.522 KSA 86 3] 27 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:38.548 KSA 87 3] PNP-MONITOR 28 _pmune.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:38.548 KSA 88 3] 28 _pmpnew.don: event_watcher set [03/19/23 21:33:38.548 KSA 89 3] PNP-MONITOR 28 _pmmnewp.don: event=[pnp-config-change], notified by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%) OK [03/19/23 21:33:38.548 KSA 8A 3] 28 _xmnse.don: Notify event [pnp-config-change] by [PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] at [21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023] reason [config-change-done] progress (100%%) [03/19/23 21:33:38.555 KSA 8B 476] 8 _pmpjne.don: watch_id=[-], pmen_type=[pnp-config-change], pmew_type=[pnp-config-tracking], notified: by=[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0], at=[21:33:38 KSA Sun Mar 19 2023], reason=[config-change-done], progress=100%% [03/19/23 21:33:42.478 KSA 8C 477] 1 _parss.wfs: startup_waited_ok = 1 [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 8D 477] Send UDI [03/19/23 21:33:42.805 KSA 8E 477] 1 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 8F 477] 2 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 90 477] 3 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 91 477] 4 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 92 477] 5 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 93 477] 6 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 94 477] 7 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 95 477] 8 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 96 477] 9 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 97 477] 10 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 98 477] 11 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 99 477] 12 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 9A 477] 13 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.806 KSA 9B 477] 14 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 9C 477] 15 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 9D 477] 16 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 9E 477] 17 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA 9F 477] 18 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A0 477] 19 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A1 477] 20 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A2 477] 21 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A3 477] 22 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A4 477] 23 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A5 477] 24 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A6 477] 25 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A7 477] Send UDI [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A8 477] 26 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA A9 477] 27 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA AA 477] 28 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA AB 477] 29 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA AC 477] 30 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA AD 477] 31 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA AE 477] 32 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA AF 477] 33 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA B0 477] 34 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA B1 477] 35 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA B2 477] 36 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA B3 477] 37 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA B4 477] 38 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA B5 477] 39 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA B6 477] 40 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA B7 477] 41 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA B8 477] 42 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA B9 477] 43 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA BA 477] 44 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.807 KSA BB 477] 45 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA BC 477] 46 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA BD 477] 47 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA BE 477] 48 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA BF 477] 49 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/19/23 21:33:42.808 KSA C0 477] 50 _psutc.udi: Value of udi:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/20/23 10:06:55.947 KSA C1 269] 81 _pdgus: Best UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/20/23 10:06:55.947 KSA C2 269] 1 _pimid.don: inventory allocated ok (86B79A90) [03/20/23 10:06:55.947 KSA C3 269] Platform is ng3k [03/20/23 10:06:55.948 KSA C4 269] PnP inventory image information Image version:[16.12.7] Image name:[flash:packages.conf] Return to rommon reason:[CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure exceeds threshold] Diag variable: [03/20/23 10:06:55.951 KSA C5 269] 2 _pimid.don: inventory allocated ok (86B79A90) [03/20/23 10:06:55.952 KSA C6 269] PnP inventory hardware information Host name:[router_a] Vendor:[cisco] Platform name:[WS-C3850-12S] Processor type:[MIPS] Hardware [03/20/23 10:06:55.952 KSA C7 269] 3 _pimid.don: inventory allocated ok (86B79A90) [03/20/23 10:06:55.952 KSA C8 269] Peer is Ready [03/20/23 10:06:55.952 KSA C9 269] Peer is ready/disabled [03/20/23 10:06:55.952 KSA CA 269] 1 _pdlfiq.don: locked ok (86B79A90) [03/20/23 10:06:55.952 KSA CB 269] 1 _pmfsef.don: fs data (crashinfo) queued [03/20/23 10:06:56.990 KSA CC 269] 2 _pmfsef.don: fs data (flash) queued [03/20/23 10:06:57.299 KSA CD 269] 3 _pmfsef.don: fs data (webui) queued [03/20/23 10:06:57.354 KSA CE 269] 4 _pmfsef.don: fs data (nvram) queued [03/20/23 10:06:57.359 KSA CF 269] 1 _pdufiq.don: unlocked ok (86B79A90) [03/20/23 10:06:57.360 KSA D0 269] 1 _pigfi.don: file info collected (elapsed=1 sec) [03/20/23 10:06:57.360 KSA D1 269] 4 _pimid.don: inventory allocated ok (86B79A90) [03/20/23 10:06:57.360 KSA D2 269] 1 _pipi.eRr.gfp: Failed to get profile head pointer [03/20/23 10:06:57.386 KSA D3 269] 1 _xctd.mLc: 94946940 (48 bytes) [03/20/23 10:06:57.386 KSA D4 269] 1 _ptgt.eRr.cwh: cant find cdp entry [03/20/23 10:06:57.386 KSA D5 269] 1 _xdtd.fRe: 94946940 (48 bytes) [03/20/23 10:06:57.387 KSA D6 269] 1 Interface info: get all interface success [03/20/23 10:10:30.536 KSA D7 269] 83 _pdgus: Best UDI:[PID:WS-C3850-12S-S,VID:V02,SN:FOC2343U0P0] [03/20/23 10:10:30.536 KSA D8 269] 5 _pimid.don: inventory allocated ok (958E5CB8) [03/20/23 10:10:30.536 KSA D9 269] Platform is ng3k [03/20/23 10:10:30.536 KSA DA 269] PnP inventory image information Image version:[16.12.7] Image name:[flash:packages.conf] Return to rommon reason:[CPU Usage due to Memory Pressure exceeds threshold] Diag variable: [03/20/23 10:10:30.540 KSA DB 269] 6 _pimid.don: inventory allocated ok (891BFBF0) [03/20/23 10:10:30.540 KSA DC 269] PnP inventory hardware information Host name:[router_a] Vendor:[cisco] Platform name:[WS-C3850-12S] Processor type:[MIPS] Hardware [03/20/23 10:10:30.541 KSA DD 269] 7 _pimid.don: inventory allocated ok (86B7A618) [03/20/23 10:10:30.541 KSA DE 269] Peer is ready/disabled [03/20/23 10:10:30.541 KSA DF 269] 2 _pdlfiq.don: locked ok (86B7A618) [03/20/23 10:10:30.541 KSA E0 269] 5 _pmfsef.don: fs data (crashinfo) queued [03/20/23 10:10:31.369 KSA E1 269] 6 _pmfsef.don: fs data (flash) queued [03/20/23 10:10:31.718 KSA E2 269] 7 _pmfsef.don: fs data (webui) queued [03/20/23 10:10:32.067 KSA E3 269] 8 _pmfsef.don: fs data (nvram) queued [03/20/23 10:10:32.073 KSA E4 269] 2 _pdufiq.don: unlocked ok (86B7A618) [03/20/23 10:10:32.073 KSA E5 269] 2 _pigfi.don: file info collected (elapsed=2 sec) [03/20/23 10:10:32.075 KSA E6 269] 8 _pimid.don: inventory allocated ok (891BFBF0) [03/20/23 10:10:32.076 KSA E7 269] 2 _pipi.eRr.gfp: Failed to get profile head pointer [03/20/23 10:10:32.104 KSA E8 269] 2 _xctd.mLc: 94948270 (48 bytes) [03/20/23 10:10:32.104 KSA E9 269] 2 _ptgt.eRr.cwh: cant find cdp entry [03/20/23 10:10:32.104 KSA EA 269] 2 _xdtd.fRe: 94948270 (48 bytes) [03/20/23 10:10:32.105 KSA EB 269] 2 Interface info: get all interface success 235 entries printed router_a#