Free memory heap: 139672592 bytes ( 4%) Free memory system: 2077601340 bytes (55%) Used memory: Allocated memory in use: 1090922128 bytes (29%) Reserved memory (DMA): 150994944 bytes ( 4%) Memory overhead: 0 bytes ( 0%) ----------------------------- ------------------ Total memory: 3772503244 bytes (100%) Least free memory: 2530582796 bytes (67%) Most used memory: 1241920448 bytes (33%) MEMPOOL_HEAPCACHE_0 POOL STATS: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 452984832 Number of free chunks = 1296 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Max memory footprint = 452984832 Keepcost = 137763600 Max contiguous free mem = 137763600 Allocated memory in use = 313312240 Free memory = 139672592 ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 32 367 11744 48 347 16656 64 323 20672 80 89 7120 96 1 96** 96 113 10848 112 4 448 144 1 144 160 1 160 176 1 176 192 1 192 208 3 624 224 1 224 256 6 1696 384 1 384 512 5 3296 2048 1 3056 4096 1 5760 6144 1 7088 8192 5 56048 12288 8 106592 16384 5 93568 24576 2 52752 32768 3 138464 49152 1 51424 98304 4 432960 131072 1 154272 262144 2 733216 137763600 1 137763600* * - top most releasable chunk. ** - contiguous memory on top of heap. ----- allocated memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 80 1801 144080 96 13313 1278048 112 6529 731248 128 4794 613632 144 3975 572400 160 602 96320 176 402 70752 192 423 81216 208 363 75504 224 402 90048 240 244 58560 256 6183 1582848 384 1222 469248 512 4041 2068992 768 720 552960 1024 1086 1112064 1536 239 367104 2048 292 598016 3072 51 156672 4096 406 1662976 6144 84 516096 8192 203 1662976 12288 174 2138112 16384 602 9863168 24576 40 983040 32768 133 4358144 49152 143 7028736 65536 540 35389440 98304 29 2850816 131072 71 9306112 196608 26 5111808 262144 21 5505024 393216 18 7077888 524288 9 4718592 786432 9 7077888 1048576 14 14680064 1572864 5 7864320 2097152 14 29360128 3145728 5 15728640 4194304 4 16777216 8388608 1 8388608 12582912 3 37748736 MEMPOOL_DMA POOL STATS: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 150994944 Number of free chunks = 156 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Max memory footprint = 150994944 Keepcost = 25965008 Max contiguous free mem = 25965008 Allocated memory in use = 124946320 Free memory = 26048624 ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 32 1 32 48 26 1248 64 4 256 80 1 80 96 1 96** 112 1 112 128 1 128 176 1 176 256 16 5504 384 32 15360 512 67 41856 768 2 1744 1536 1 1696 12288 1 15040 25965008 1 25965008* * - top most releasable chunk. ** - contiguous memory on top of heap. ----- allocated memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 160 1 160 224 4 896 240 26 6240 256 2 512 512 12 6144 768 2 1536 1024 175 179200 2048 7 14336 4096 4 16384 8192 1 8192 12288 14 172032 16384 2 32768 32768 37 1212416 49152 5 245760 65536 1 65536 98304 4 393216 131072 9 1179648 196608 2 393216 262144 4 1048576 393216 5 1966080 524288 2 1048576 786432 1 786432 1048576 11 11534336 1572864 6 9437184 3145728 3 9437184 6291456 2 12582912 8388608 1 8388608 12582912 2 25165824 MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED POOL STATS: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 135168 Number of free chunks = 4 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Max memory footprint = 0 Keepcost = 109808 Max contiguous free mem = 109808 Allocated memory in use = 4064 Free memory = 131104 ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 432 1 432 12288 1 14672 ----- allocated memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 96 1 96 112 1 112 160 1 160 208 3 624 Summary for all pools: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 604114944 Number of free chunks = 1456 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Max memory footprint = 603979776 Keepcost = 163838416 Allocated memory in use = 438262624 Free memory = 165852320