ASA-VPN# sh mem detail Heap Memory: Free Memory: Heapcache Pool: 27558304 bytes ( 1% ) Global Shared Pool: 192848 bytes ( 0% ) Message Layer Pool: 1978160 bytes ( 0% ) System: 1346415933 bytes ( 58% ) Used Memory: Heapcache Pool: 284917344 bytes ( 12% ) Global Shared Pool: 4513456 bytes ( 0% ) Reserved (Size of DMA Pool): 205520896 bytes ( 9% ) Reserved for messaging: 118992 bytes ( 0% ) MMAP usage: 8679424 bytes ( 0% ) System Overhead: 422326272 bytes ( 18% ) ------------------------------------- ---------------- Total Memory: 2302221629 bytes ( 100% ) Warning: The information reported here is computationally expensive to determine, and may result in CPU hogs and performance impact. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- MEMPOOL_MSGLYR POOL STATS: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 2097152 Number of free chunks = 10 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Max memory footprint = 2097152 Keepcost = 1976992 Max contiguous free mem = 1976992 Allocated memory in use = 118992 Free memory = 1978160 ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 32 5 160 64 2 128 96 1 96** 96 1 96 1976992 1 1976992* * - top most releasable chunk. ** - contiguous memory on top of heap. ----- allocated memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 80 19 1520 96 21 2016 112 19 2128 128 6 768 144 13 1872 160 3 480 176 5 880 192 4 768 208 2 416 224 4 896 240 3 720 256 10 2560 384 11 4224 512 5 2560 768 3 2304 1024 7 7168 4096 1 4096 8192 9 73728 MEMPOOL_HEAPCACHE_0 POOL STATS: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 312475648 Number of free chunks = 716 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Max memory footprint = 312475648 Keepcost = 48480 Max contiguous free mem = 6434592 Allocated memory in use = 284917344 Free memory = 27558304 ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 32 300 9600 48 222 10656 64 128 8192 80 18 1440 96 1 96** 96 4 384 112 8 896 128 1 128 144 2 288 192 1 192 224 1 224 240 1 240 256 2 544 384 5 2208 512 3 1792 1024 1 1408 2048 2 4864 3072 1 3600 4096 2 8384 8192 1 8384 48480 1 48480* 65536 1 73008 262144 3 960176 393216 1 456480 786432 1 851456 3145728 2 6878816 4194304 1 5242960 6291456 2 12973936 * - top most releasable chunk. ** - contiguous memory on top of heap. ----- allocated memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 80 1602 128160 96 12533 1203168 112 3176 355712 128 1616 206848 144 3445 496080 160 2197 351520 176 429 75504 192 467 89664 208 267 55536 224 231 51744 240 146 35040 256 2262 579072 384 580 222720 512 689 352768 768 537 412416 1024 241 246784 1536 170 261120 2048 346 708608 3072 56 172032 4096 877 3592192 6144 60 368640 8192 199 1630208 12288 109 1339392 16384 616 10092544 24576 23 565248 32768 68 2228224 49152 24 1179648 65536 925 60620800 98304 18 1769472 131072 17 2228224 196608 14 2752512 262144 18 4718592 393216 18 7077888 524288 13 6815744 786432 7 5505024 1048576 20 20971520 1572864 4 6291456 2097152 5 10485760 3145728 2 6291456 4194304 3 12582912 8388608 1 8388608 12582912 3 37748736 MEMPOOL_DMA POOL STATS: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 205520896 Number of free chunks = 174 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 0 Max memory footprint = 205520896 Keepcost = 47888688 Max contiguous free mem = 47888688 Allocated memory in use = 157494224 Free memory = 48026672 ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 32 2 64 64 5 320 80 1 80 96 1 96** 96 2 192 128 1 128 144 8 1152 160 5 800 176 1 176 208 9 1872 224 5 1120 240 1 240 256 14 4784 384 16 6816 512 6 4240 768 32 27776 1024 61 63776 1536 1 1936 3072 1 3424 16384 1 18832 47888688 1 47888688* * - top most releasable chunk. ** - contiguous memory on top of heap. ----- allocated memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 160 2 320 240 40 9600 256 18 4608 384 2 768 512 1 512 768 14 10752 1024 179 183296 1536 1023 1571328 2048 2 4096 4096 6 24576 12288 2 24576 16384 18 294912 24576 1 24576 32768 19 622592 65536 5 327680 131072 11 1441792 196608 1 196608 262144 7 1835008 393216 1 393216 524288 2 1048576 786432 6 4718592 1048576 3 3145728 1572864 9 14155776 2097152 4 8388608 3145728 3 9437184 12582912 3 37748736 MEMPOOL_GLOBAL_SHARED POOL STATS: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 348160 Number of free chunks = 4 Number of mmapped regions = 56 Mmapped bytes allocated = 4358144 Max memory footprint = 0 Keepcost = 108464 Max contiguous free mem = 0 Allocated memory in use = 155312 Free memory = 192848 ----- fragmented memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- ----- allocated memory statistics ----- fragment size count total (bytes) (bytes) ---------------- ---------- -------------- 88 1 88 104 1 104 168 1 168 184 3 552 65536 58 3801088 Summary for all pools: Non-mmapped bytes allocated = 520441856 Number of free chunks = 904 Number of mmapped regions = 0 Mmapped bytes allocated = 4358144 Max memory footprint = 520093696 Keepcost = 50022624 Allocated memory in use = 442685872 Free memory = 77755984 ASA-VPN#