2017-03-08T13:10:57.592+01:00 a8 eventlog[1702]: UDI: CTS-MX300-UNIT V04 FTT2030039S 2017-03-08T13:10:57.603+01:00 a8 eventlog[1702]: Serial number: FTT2030039S 2017-03-08T13:10:57.611+01:00 a8 eventlog[1702]: ce8.2.1.e9daf06 2017-03-08T13:10:57.612+01:00 a8 eventlog[1702]: SW Release Date: 2016-06-28 2017-03-08T13:10:57.613+01:00 a8 eventlog[1702]: Board name: 102330 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vpss: VPSS 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Product information 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Arctic: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: Audio 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Main board: I 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Waiting for SYSTEM_MAIN to initialise shared memory, will hang forever 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vpss: monitor_maintenance_mode 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Starting notify task 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: Product information 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: Arctic: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: Main board: I 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: Dumping Mar 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: MAR_0_31: 0x00010001 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: MAR_32_63: 0x00000000 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: MAR_64_95: 0x00000001 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: MAR_96_127: 0x00000000 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: MAR_128_159: 0x00000000 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: MAR_160_191: 0x00000006 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: MAR_192_223: 0x00000000 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: MAR_224_255: 0xf0000000 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: Dumping shared memory mmu/cache configuration 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: RegionType: Virtual -> Physical: Size ( mmu_attr/cache_attr) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x00000001: 0x10800000 -> 0x40800000: 0x00030000 (0x00000000/0x00000000) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x0000000a: 0xfc000000 -> 0xfc000000: 0x04000000 (0x80000080/0x00000001) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x00000002: 0xafd00000 -> 0xafd00000: 0x00100000 (0x80000080/0x00000000) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x0000000a: 0x40400000 -> 0x40400000: 0x00040000 (0x80000080/0x00000001) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x00000002: 0x48000000 -> 0x48000000: 0x01000000 (0x80000080/0x00000000) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x00000002: 0xa0000000 -> 0xa0000000: 0x00100000 (0x80000080/0x00000000) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x0000000a: 0xa1000000 -> 0xa1000000: 0x02000000 (0x80000080/0x00000001) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x00000002: 0x49000000 -> 0x49000000: 0x00100000 (0x80000080/0x00000000) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x00000002: 0x4c000000 -> 0x4c000000: 0x00100000 (0x80000080/0x00000000) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: Vcodec 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x00000002: 0x4d000000 -> 0x4d000000: 0x00100000 (0x80000080/0x00000000) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: Product information 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x00000002: 0xa0100000 -> 0xa0100000: 0x00100000 (0x80000080/0x00000000) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: Arctic: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: 0x00000008: 0x10000000 -> 0x10000000: 0x01000000 (0x00000000/0x00000001) 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: Main board: I 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: PRCM init of MCASP and EDMA 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: PRCM for IVHD is in Progress 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: Waiting for SYSTEM_MAIN to initialise shared memory, will hang forever 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: ivahd: done loop 0 2017-03-08T13:10:59.000+01:00 (none) audio: Starting notify task 2017-03-08T13:11:00.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: ivahd: done loop 1 2017-03-08T13:11:00.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: ivahd: done loop 2 2017-03-08T13:11:00.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: PRCM for IVHD is Done 2017-03-08T13:11:00.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: Waiting for SYSTEM_MAIN to initialise shared memory, will hang forever 2017-03-08T13:11:00.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: Starting notify task 2017-03-08T13:11:02.419+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: UDI: CTS-MX300-UNIT V04 FTT2030039S 2017-03-08T13:11:02.420+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Serial number: FTT2030039S 2017-03-08T13:11:02.424+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: ce8.2.1.e9daf06 2017-03-08T13:11:02.426+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: SW Release Date: 2016-06-28 2017-03-08T13:11:02.427+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Board name: 102330 2017-03-08T13:11:02.428+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Product information 2017-03-08T13:11:02.430+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Arctic: 55" 2017-03-08T13:11:02.430+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Main board: I 2017-03-08T13:11:02.453+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Option key: Option 1C000-1-75CE952A registered 2017-03-08T13:11:02.895+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Starting notify task 2017-03-08T13:11:02.897+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Creating and initialising shared memory 2017-03-08T13:11:02.898+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Shared memory configuration: base: 0xa0000000, total size: 1048576 2017-03-08T13:11:02.899+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Shared memory buffer pool: base: 0xa1000000, total size: 33554432 2017-03-08T13:11:02.901+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Shared memory configuration: used size: 130200 2017-03-08T13:11:02.902+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Shared memory buffer pool: used size: 33315776 2017-03-08T13:11:02.903+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Signal that shared memory has been initialised 2017-03-08T13:11:02.903+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Shared memory initialisation done 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Shared memory initialisation done 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: dmem_create: uncached memory segmented = 190754048, total available = 197132288, usage = 96% 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: dmem_create: cached memory segmented = 13434368, total available = 20971520, usage = 64% 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: === HDVPSS Clocks are enabled === 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: === HDVPSS is fully functional === 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: === HDVPSS module is not in standby === 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: === I2C1 Clk is active === 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Init fvid2 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Init buffer memory 0 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Allocate new stream for first capture 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Open capture 0 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: cap: 8 bit tile_alloc 32x1 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Allocate 10 buffers for VIP0 (31248000 bytes) 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Queue allocated buffers into capture 0 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Allocate new stream for second capture 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Open capture 1 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Allocate 10 buffers for VIP1 (31248000 bytes) 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Queue allocated buffers into capture 1 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Try open scalar 0 ... 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ... OK 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Try open scalar 1 ... 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ... OK 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Try open scalar 2 ... 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ... OK 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: NF_0 task started 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: NF_1 task started 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: NF_2 task started 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: NF_3 task started 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Try open HDMI - set 1280x720@60Hz format, and GRPX0 for graphics, and VID0 for video 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: Shared memory initialisation done 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: dmem_create: memory segmented = 236983296, total available = 245366784, usage = 96% 2017-03-08T13:11:03.000+01:00 (none) audio: Shared memory initialisation done 2017-03-08T13:11:04.814+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 53.76 RoomControl I: No active configuration 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: , OK! 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Allocate 5 buffers for DISP-0 (20736000 bytes) 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: DISP-0 started 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Try open DVO2 - set 1920x1080@60Hz format, and GRPX1 for graphics, and VID1 for video, OK! 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: Allocate 5 buffers for DISP-1 (20736000 bytes) 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: DISP-1 started 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: STREAM: create new stream s000 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: SET WIN: set win 0 10000x10000 at (0,0) on DISP-0, show s000 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACT WIN: activate DISP-0 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACTIVATE: start grpx on DISP-0 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: HDMI grpx to be started 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACTIVATE: DISP-0 done 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: SET WIN: set win 0 10000x10000 at (0,0) on DISP-1, show s000 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACT WIN: activate DISP-1 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) audio: transfer buffer at 40406680 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACTIVATE: start grpx on DISP-1 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) audio: transfer buffer at 40408000 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: DVO2 grpx to be started 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) audio: transfer buffer at 4040fc00 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACTIVATE: DISP-1 done 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) audio: transfer buffer at 40416680 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: FLOW: feed s000 with 1280x720 ARGB frame a3001000 (52786) 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) audio: setupPingPong ok! 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: HDMI grpx started 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) audio: setupPingPong ok! 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) vpss: DVO2 grpx started 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) audio: setupPingPong ok! 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) audio: setupSelfChainingRx ok! 2017-03-08T13:11:04.000+01:00 (none) audio: mcasp_init 2017-03-08T13:11:05.492+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Sending INIT message...(pid 1743) 2017-03-08T13:11:05.493+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: INIT message sent 2017-03-08T13:11:05.494+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Product ID: Cisco TelePresence MX300 G2 2017-03-08T13:11:05.532+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.48 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_initAlloc_Req: Platform: MX300_G2 (MX300 G2), number of DSPs: 1 2017-03-08T13:11:05.533+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.48 VIDEOLC-0 I: Initialize 1 VIDSRCCTRL_FSMs and 1 DISPCTRL_FSMs 2017-03-08T13:11:05.555+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.50 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Init OK 2017-03-08T13:11:05.555+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.50 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: connector status for Camera, sub device 0, present 2017-03-08T13:11:05.556+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.50 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: connector status for MUX-1, sub device 0, not present 2017-03-08T13:11:05.556+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.50 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: connector status for MUX-1, sub device 1, not present 2017-03-08T13:11:05.556+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.50 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: connector status for MUX-1, sub device 2, not present 2017-03-08T13:11:05.557+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.50 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: MUX-1 format change vpss msg - 0x0@0Hz 2017-03-08T13:11:05.557+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.50 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Format change msg received from vpss before any v4l2 format has been estabished - 0x0@0Hz 2017-03-08T13:11:05.558+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Camera format change vpss msg - 0x0@0Hz 2017-03-08T13:11:05.558+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Format change msg received from vpss before any v4l2 format has been estabished - 0x0@0Hz 2017-03-08T13:11:05.558+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 Received DISPCTRL_Init_Cnf from fsm-ind 0, status: 0 2017-03-08T13:11:05.558+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 Received VIDSRCCTRL_Init_Cnf from ind 0, status: 0 2017-03-08T13:11:05.558+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_initPendingInitCnf: vidsrc status=0x00010001, disp status=0x00010001 2017-03-08T13:11:05.560+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 VLC_commonSubscribeEvent_Req 2017-03-08T13:11:06.574+01:00 a8 appl: Last message '54.51 VIDEOLC-0 VLC' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on (none) 2017-03-08T13:11:05.560+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Connecting video input Camera 1 to link 1 2017-03-08T13:11:05.560+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Connecting video input DVI-I 2 to link 0 2017-03-08T13:11:05.561+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Configure DVI-I 2 to auto type 2017-03-08T13:11:05.561+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Set RGB quantization range for video source DVI-I 2 to 1 2017-03-08T13:11:05.561+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Set RGB quantization range for video source HDMI 3 to 0 2017-03-08T13:11:05.561+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Set RGB quantization range for video source HDMI 4 to 0 2017-03-08T13:11:05.561+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Configure LCD 1 output to 1920x1080@60Hz lvds timing 2017-03-08T13:11:05.561+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Overscan request for LCD 1 to h:0 v:0 2017-03-08T13:11:05.561+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Timing mode request, set HDMI 2 output in PnP timing mode 2017-03-08T13:11:05.562+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: New timing mode, configure HDMI 2 output to 1280x720@60Hz DVI-D timing 2017-03-08T13:11:05.562+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Overscan request for HDMI 2 to h:0 v:0 2017-03-08T13:11:05.562+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: Set RGB quantization range for display HDMI 2 to 1 2017-03-08T13:11:05.562+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: VIDEOLC_doReadyConfigureOutputHdmiCecModeReq:port HDMI 2 2017-03-08T13:11:05.562+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_readyQueryInputHwCookie_Req: Switch 1 2017-03-08T13:11:05.562+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_readyQueryInputHwCookie_Req: Switch 2 2017-03-08T13:11:05.562+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_readyQueryInputHwCookie_Req: Switch 3 2017-03-08T13:11:05.562+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_readyQueryOutputHwCookie_Req: LCD 1 2017-03-08T13:11:05.562+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.51 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_readyQueryOutputHwCookie_Req: HDMI 2 2017-03-08T13:11:05.606+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.55 VIDEOLC-0 I: Connection of video input Camera 1 confirmed 2017-03-08T13:11:05.607+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.55 VIDEOLC-0 I: Connection of video input DVI-I 2 confirmed 2017-03-08T13:11:05.607+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 54.55 VIDEOLC-0 I: Configuration of connector DVI-I 2 to auto confirmed 2017-03-08T13:11:05.597+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: System ready 2017-03-08T13:11:05.610+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: CEC-0: disabled 2017-03-08T13:11:07.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: 56.09 DEC_FSM-0 I: Opening framestorage 0 for write access. 2017-03-08T13:11:07.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: 56.21 DEC_FSM-0 I: create JPEG width=1920 height=1200 mbps=0 dec=ttvdec_mjpeg_ivahd 2017-03-08T13:11:07.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: cq pair: mjpeg_dec-0 <-> cq_wt-0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: TTVDecCreateDecoder: created dec instance "ttvdec_mjpeg_ivahd", w=1920 h=1200 host_ind=0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.000+01:00 (none) audio: mcasp_start, port 0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.000+01:00 (none) audio: mcasp_start, port 1 2017-03-08T13:11:07.000+01:00 (none) audio: mcasp_start, port 2 2017-03-08T13:11:06.509+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.46 CAMERA I: serial number configuration is ok 2017-03-08T13:11:06.558+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.50 MediaServerMsctrl I: CapabilityControllerImpl::setCapset() reductionLevel = 0, waitForDuoGate = 0 2017-03-08T13:11:06.574+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: tshelld: Listening to 2017-03-08T13:11:07.004+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.95 MicAsterixSensor I: getMicStatus:: mic1_status len =10, status = connected 2017-03-08T13:11:07.004+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.95 MicAsterixSensor I: updateApplication: mic=1, status=True 2017-03-08T13:11:07.004+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.95 MainEvents I: MainEventLogProducerImpl created 2017-03-08T13:11:07.005+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.95 MicAsterixSensor I: getMicStatus:: mic2_status len =6, status = error 2017-03-08T13:11:07.005+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.95 MicAsterixSensor I: updateApplication: mic=2, status=False 2017-03-08T13:11:07.005+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.95 MicAsterixSensor I: Open /dev/input/mic1-status 2017-03-08T13:11:07.005+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.95 MicAsterixSensor I: /dev/input/mic1-status have fd=102 2017-03-08T13:11:07.005+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.95 MicAsterixSensor I: Open /dev/input/mic2-status 2017-03-08T13:11:07.005+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.95 MicAsterixSensor I: /dev/input/mic2-status have fd=103 2017-03-08T13:11:07.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.98 Wx2 I: [DeviceStatus]: No CSDM url found, not posting updates 2017-03-08T13:11:07.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.98 CAMERA I: CameraFacade::Init_doCAMInitReq 2017-03-08T13:11:07.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 55.98 CAMERA I: CamVisca Init 2017-03-08T13:11:07.103+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.05 ViscaReader I: FileDescriptorIO::SerialFileDescriptorIO opened /dev/ttyS1 as 108 2017-03-08T13:11:07.127+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.07 CAMERA I: CamVisca: ReconfigureAll for local CC: 1 2017-03-08T13:11:07.132+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.08 SipStack I: EvNotify: (Idle) New sub to '54001@localhost', transid=0, event='message-summary', unsolicited=1, timeout=86400, autoResub=1, pkid='' 2017-03-08T13:11:07.133+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.08 SipStack I: EvNotify: (Idle) New sub to '54001@localhost', transid=1, event='service-control', unsolicited=1, timeout=0, autoResub=1, pkid='' 2017-03-08T13:11:07.134+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.08 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_readySignalSourceEvent port:Camera 1: have signal 2017-03-08T13:11:07.134+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.08 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_readySignalSourceEvent port:DVI-I 2: no signal 2017-03-08T13:11:07.135+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.08 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_readySignalSourceEvent port:HDMI 3: no signal 2017-03-08T13:11:07.135+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.08 VIDEOLC-0 I: VLC_readySignalSourceEvent port:HDMI 4: no signal 2017-03-08T13:11:07.135+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.08 VIDEOLC-0 I: Disconnection of HDMI 2 output, new suited format configure new 1280x720@60Hz DVI-D PnP timing 2017-03-08T13:11:07.146+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.09 APPL_Addons ERROR: LocalLayoutConfigImpl::executeConfigUpdate NO PresentationOnlyLayoutSetup so far 2017-03-08T13:11:07.146+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.09 APPL_Addons ERROR: LocalLayoutConfigImpl::executeConfigUpdate NO RecorderLayoutSetup so far 2017-03-08T13:11:07.149+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.10 SipStack I: [Idle] Received SIP config, configuring SIP stack 2017-03-08T13:11:07.154+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.10 SipStack I: SIP stack successfully configured; now ready 2017-03-08T13:11:07.212+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.16 SipReg I: SIPRegisterReq: URI: '54001@affidea.com' on proxy: '' (regNum=0, waitForNewConfig=0, ind=0) 2017-03-08T13:11:07.245+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.19 SipStack I: SIP config is new and 0 active sessions; reconfiguring SIP stack 2017-03-08T13:11:07.246+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.19 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Camera format change vidIo event - 0x0@0Hz, src 0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.253+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.20 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: MUX-1 format change vidIo event - 0x0@0Hz, src 1 2017-03-08T13:11:07.271+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.22 SipStack I: SIP stack successfully configured; now ready 2017-03-08T13:11:07.282+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Warning (MSCtrl-0:Idle): Unexpected message VIDEO_ALLOC_CNF from VIDEOCTRL-0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.300+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.25 MediaServerMsctrl I: CapabilityControllerImpl::setCapset() reductionLevel = 0, waitForDuoGate = 0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.315+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.26 DATACTRL I: FECCCAPSREQ(): received global controller fecc capabilities 2017-03-08T13:11:07.334+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.28 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,17) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:07.335+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.28 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,15) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:07.336+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.28 Wx2 I: [DeviceStatus]: No CSDM url found, not posting updates 2017-03-08T13:11:07.351+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.30 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Camera format change vpss msg - 0x0@0Hz 2017-03-08T13:11:07.351+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.30 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Send format change msg from Camera to requester - 0x0@0Hz, src 0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.361+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.31 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: MUX-1 format change vpss msg - 0x0@0Hz 2017-03-08T13:11:07.361+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.31 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Send format change msg from MUX-1 to requester - 0x0@0Hz, src 1 2017-03-08T13:11:07.368+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.32 VIDEOLC-0 I: Received SourceFormatEvent from video link 1 (0x0@0, unknown type, timings not found) in ready state 2017-03-08T13:11:07.369+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.32 VIDEOLC-0 I: Received SourceFormatEvent from video link 0 (0x0@0, unknown type, timings not found) in ready state 2017-03-08T13:11:07.375+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.32 AutoPairingManager I: AutoPairingManager NOD Started, mode=Nod multicast (ifname:br0) interval: 5000 2017-03-08T13:11:07.378+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.32 MainEvents I: Mic Unmuted 2017-03-08T13:11:07.382+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.33 MainEvents I: LocalParticipantCreated(p=1) 2017-03-08T13:11:07.405+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.35 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated(p=1) outputNo=2 og=112 2017-03-08T13:11:07.406+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.35 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated ...frame[GUI] gui p=1 src=2 ig=109 placeholder=0 avatar=0 x=0 y=0 w=10000 h=10000 l=0 b=0 letterbox fcref=0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.434+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.38 VIDEOLC-0 I: PowerManagement, request power save off 2017-03-08T13:11:07.437+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.38 VIDEOLC-0 VIDEOLC_doCommonCallStatusReq: Outside call 2017-03-08T13:11:07.443+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.39 CAMERA I: Visca initialization, 1 cameras detected, for local CC: 1. 2017-03-08T13:11:07.457+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.40 SipSubscriber I: [p=0] Registration Status: 'Registering', URI: '54001@affidea.com' 2017-03-08T13:11:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.41 MWI I: [subscribe_mbox] subscribing to mailbox 99@affidea.com on behalf of 54001@affidea.com 2017-03-08T13:11:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.41 SipStack I: EvNotify: New sub to '99@affidea.com', transid=2, event='message-summary', unsolicited=0, timeout=86400, autoResub=1, pkid='' 2017-03-08T13:11:07.474+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.42 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Outgoing => SUBSCRIBE, CSeq: 101 SUBSCRIBE, Remote:, CallId: 33c9ef2e8ef13ccaf767a28968787ed3 2017-03-08T13:11:07.494+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.44 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Incoming <= 503 Service Unavailable, CSeq: 101 SUBSCRIBE, Remote:, CallId: 33c9ef2e8ef13ccaf767a28968787ed3 2017-03-08T13:11:07.495+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.44 SipPacket W: SIP Msg: Warning: 399 HQ-CISCO-CM "Unable to find a device handler for the request received on port 59890 from" 2017-03-08T13:11:07.510+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.46 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Camera vidIo src 0 connect event 2017-03-08T13:11:07.537+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.48 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: MUX-1 vidIo src 1 connect event 2017-03-08T13:11:07.579+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: TmsConfig::web_ready_fire: still waiting for web to come up! 2017-03-08T13:11:07.580+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.53 TMS I: provision(): http request url/ bytes 2017-03-08T13:11:07.609+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.56 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated(p=1) outputNo=1 og=110 2017-03-08T13:11:07.609+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.56 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated ...frame[1.1] wallpaper p=1 src=0 ig=114 placeholder=0 avatar=0 x=0 y=0 w=10000 h=10000 l=1 b=0 clip fcref=0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.610+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.56 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated ...frame[GUI] gui p=1 src=1 ig=108 placeholder=0 avatar=0 x=0 y=0 w=10000 h=10000 l=0 b=0 letterbox fcref=0 2017-03-08T13:11:07.625+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.57 SipReg I: Registered as '54001@affidea.com' to '' 2017-03-08T13:11:07.626+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.57 SipStack I: Setting ''/ as new default proxy 2017-03-08T13:11:07.626+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.57 SipStack I: EvNotify: SipReg Refresh Subscriptions After Reset 2017-03-08T13:11:07.627+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.57 SipSubscriber I: [p=0] Registration Status: 'Registered', URI: '54001@affidea.com' 2017-03-08T13:11:07.642+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.59 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Incoming <= REFER, CSeq: 101 REFER, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288b-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.644+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.59 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Incoming <= NOTIFY, CSeq: 101 NOTIFY, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288c-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.645+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.59 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Incoming <= NOTIFY, CSeq: 101 NOTIFY, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288d-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.649+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.60 SipApps I: Incoming 'service-control' event (transaction id=1, subscription state='active', reason='') 2017-03-08T13:11:07.650+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.60 ServiceControl I: 'check-version' request received 2017-03-08T13:11:07.650+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.60 SipApps I: Incoming 'message-summary' event (transaction id=0, subscription state='active', reason='') 2017-03-08T13:11:07.655+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.60 MWI I: [handleEvent] MWI: messages are waiting: false. 2017-03-08T13:11:07.656+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.60 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Outgoing => 200 OK, CSeq: 101 NOTIFY, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288c-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.659+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.61 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Outgoing => 200 OK, CSeq: 101 NOTIFY, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288d-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.666+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.61 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Outgoing => 200 OK, CSeq: 101 REFER, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288b-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.669+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.62 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Incoming <= SUBSCRIBE, CSeq: 101 SUBSCRIBE, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288e-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.673+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.62 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Outgoing => 200 OK, CSeq: 101 SUBSCRIBE, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288e-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.675+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.62 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Outgoing => NOTIFY, CSeq: 101 NOTIFY, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288e-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.691+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.64 SipPacket I: SIP Msg: Incoming <= 200 OK, CSeq: 101 NOTIFY, Remote:, CallId: 4dc40500-8bf1f4db-288e-3d00000a@ 2017-03-08T13:11:07.798+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: TTPAR: sent 50 change messages in 2 seconds, new total: 50 2017-03-08T13:11:07.800+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.75 CAMERA I: ConfigureCamera camera controllerId=1/camId=1, model PrecisionHD 1080p 4XS2 2017-03-08T13:11:07.809+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 56.76 DATACTRL I: FECCCAPSREQ(): received global controller fecc capabilities 2017-03-08T13:11:08.275+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.22 TMS I: provision(): tms query succeeded, length 1095 2017-03-08T13:11:08.276+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.22 TMS I: executor(): Found heartbeat rate 0 2017-03-08T13:11:08.276+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.22 TMS I: provision(): ok ! heartbeat 0 ! upgrade no ! 0 files ! 0 docs 2017-03-08T13:11:08.483+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.43 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: MUX-1 vidIo src mode AUTO event for src 1 2017-03-08T13:11:08.488+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.43 VIDEOLC-0 I: RGB quantization range from video source DVI-I 2 confirmed 1 2017-03-08T13:11:08.489+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.44 VIDEOLC-0 I: Configuration of output LCD 1 to 1920x1080@60Hz timing confirmed 2017-03-08T13:11:08.491+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.44 VIDEOLC-0 I: Overscan confirmed for LCD 1, set to h:0 v:0 2017-03-08T13:11:08.494+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.44 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,15) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:08.495+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.44 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,17) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vcodec: DEC_FSM-0: incoming stream: std JPEG, res 1920x1080, sar 1x1 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: RM WIN: rm win 0 from DISP-0 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACT WIN: activate DISP-0 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACTIVATE: stop grpx on DISP-0 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: HDMI grpx stopped 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACTIVATE: DISP-0 done 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: RM WIN: rm win 0 from DISP-1 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACT WIN: activate DISP-1 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACTIVATE: stop grpx on DISP-1 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: FLOW: return frame a3001000 from s000 (57083) 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: DVO2 grpx stopped 2017-03-08T13:11:08.000+01:00 (none) vpss: ACTIVATE: DISP-1 done 2017-03-08T13:11:08.506+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.45 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,17) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:08.507+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.45 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,15) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:08.510+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.46 VIDEOLC-0 I: RGB quantization range from video source HDMI 3 confirmed 0 2017-03-08T13:11:08.511+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.46 VIDEOLC-0 I: Configuration of output HDMI 2 to 1280x720@60Hz timing confirmed 2017-03-08T13:11:08.512+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.46 VIDEOLC-0 I: Overscan confirmed for HDMI 2, set to h:0 v:0 2017-03-08T13:11:08.514+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.46 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,17) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:08.515+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.46 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,15) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:08.518+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.47 VIDEOLC-0 I: RGB quantization range from video source HDMI 4 confirmed 0 2017-03-08T13:11:08.519+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.47 VIDEOLC-0 I: RGB quantization range from display HDMI 2 confirmed 1 2017-03-08T13:11:08.550+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.50 VIDEOLC-0 I: Configuration of output HDMI 2 to 1280x720@60Hz timing confirmed 2017-03-08T13:11:08.551+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 57.50 VIDEOLC-0 I: PowerManagement confirm, backlight on 2017-03-08T13:11:10.726+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 59.67 CAMERA I: VideoFormatChangeInd cam: 1 mac: serial videoFmt: 60 2017-03-08T13:11:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 59.97 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Camera format change vidIo event - 1920x1080@60Hz, src 0 2017-03-08T13:11:11.123+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 60.07 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,4) from (***,65535) 2017-03-08T13:11:11.133+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 60.08 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,5) from (***,65535) 2017-03-08T13:11:11.148+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 60.09 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,6) from (***,65535) 2017-03-08T13:11:11.160+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 60.11 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,7) from (***,65535) 2017-03-08T13:11:11.170+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 60.12 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,8) from (***,65535) 2017-03-08T13:11:11.191+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 60.14 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,9) from (***,65535) 2017-03-08T13:11:11.765+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 60.71 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Camera format accepted vidIo event - 1920x1080@60Hz, src 0 2017-03-08T13:11:11.789+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 60.73 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Camera format change vidIo event - 1920x1080@60Hz, src 0 2017-03-08T13:11:11.813+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 60.76 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Camera format accepted vidIo event - 1920x1080@60Hz, src 0 2017-03-08T13:11:12.883+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 61.83 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Camera format change vpss msg - 1920x1080@60Hz 2017-03-08T13:11:12.884+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 61.83 VIDSRCCTRL-0 I: Send format change msg from Camera to requester - 1920x1080@60Hz, src 0 2017-03-08T13:11:12.884+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 61.83 VIDEOLC-0 I: Received SourceFormatEvent from video link 1 (1920x1080@60, digital, ok) in ready state 2017-03-08T13:11:13.450+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 62.40 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated(p=1) outputNo=2 og=112 2017-03-08T13:11:13.451+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 62.40 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated ...frame[GUI] gui p=1 src=2 ig=109 placeholder=0 avatar=0 x=0 y=0 w=10000 h=10000 l=0 b=0 letterbox fcref=0 2017-03-08T13:11:13.585+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 62.53 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: North_America' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:13.963+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 62.91 Wx2 I: [DeviceStatus]: No CSDM url found, not posting updates 2017-03-08T13:11:13.966+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 62.91 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated(p=1) outputNo=1 og=110 2017-03-08T13:11:13.966+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 62.91 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated ...frame[1.1] wallpaper p=1 src=0 ig=114 placeholder=0 avatar=0 x=0 y=0 w=10000 h=10000 l=1 b=0 clip fcref=0 2017-03-08T13:11:13.966+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 62.91 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated ...frame[GUI] gui p=1 src=1 ig=108 placeholder=0 avatar=0 x=0 y=0 w=10000 h=10000 l=0 b=0 letterbox fcref=0 2017-03-08T13:11:14.000+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 62.95 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,17) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:14.001+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 62.95 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/UserInterface/Extensions/List' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.061+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.01 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Proximity/Services/Activate' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.075+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.02 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Bookings/List' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.189+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.14 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search Limit: 4' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.191+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.14 Phonebook I: Reloading local phonebook 2017-03-08T13:11:14.192+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.14 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search Limit: 4 PhonebookType: Corporate' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.194+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.14 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/CallHistory/Recents Limit: 4' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.200+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.15 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/CallHistory/Get Filter: UnacknowledgedMissed' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.244+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.19 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Standby/Deactivate' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.245+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.19 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Camera/Preset/List' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.248+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.19 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Video/Input/SetMainVideoSource SourceId: 1' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.399+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.35 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/CallHistory/Get DetailLevel: Full Limit: 100' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.758+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.70 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search ContactType: Contact Limit: 10 Offset: 0 Recursive: True SearchField: Name SearchString: Tag: Favorite' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.916+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.86 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: North_America' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:14.927+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 63.87 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Conference/DoNotDisturb/Activate' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.127+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.07 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: South_America' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.218+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.16 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: South_America' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.274+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.22 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: Europe_And_Atlantic' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.344+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.29 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: Europe_And_Atlantic' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.413+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.36 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: Western_Asia' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.479+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.43 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: Western_Asia' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.549+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.50 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: North_and_Central_Asia' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.616+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.56 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: North_and_Central_Asia' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.687+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.63 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: South_Asia_and_Indian_Ocean' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.744+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.69 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: South_Asia_and_Indian_Ocean' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.809+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.75 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: East_and_Southeast_Asia' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.860+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.81 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: East_and_Southeast_Asia' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.899+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.85 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Conference/DoNotDisturb/Deactivate' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:15.946+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.89 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: Africa' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:16.006+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 64.95 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: Africa' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:16.063+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 65.01 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: Australia_and_Pacific' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:16.139+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 65.09 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: Australia_and_Pacific' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:16.268+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 65.21 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/Zone/Get Name: Europe/Prague' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:16.270+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 65.22 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/Get HasPrimaryInfo: True Zone: Europe/Prague' from . 2017-03-08T13:11:17.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 65.97 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated(p=1) outputNo=2 og=112 2017-03-08T13:11:17.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 65.97 MainEvents I: LayoutUpdated ...frame[GUI] gui p=1 src=2 ig=109 placeholder=0 avatar=0 x=0 y=0 w=10000 h=10000 l=0 b=0 letterbox fcref=0 2017-03-08T13:11:17.422+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 66.37 VIDEOCTRL-0 I: do_Ready_iVIDEOMIXERCONFIGUREREQ: redundant signal for mixer (rawvideo,17) from (MSCtrl,0) 2017-03-08T13:11:19.564+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 68.51 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Peripherals/Connect HardwareInfo: 102310-1 ID: 00:62:EC:8D:9A:28 Name: Cisco TelePresence Touch NetworkAddress: SoftwareInfo: ti8.2.1.e9daf06 Type: TouchPanel' from 2017-03-08T13:11:19.574+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Pairing device with sw info: ti8.2.1.e9daf06 2017-03-08T13:11:21.189+01:00 a8 eventlog: Last message 'Pairing device with ' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on (none) 2017-03-08T13:11:21.172+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.12 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Conference/DoNotDisturb/Activate' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.182+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.13 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Conference/DoNotDisturb/Activate' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.233+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.18 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: North_America' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.241+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.19 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/UserInterface/Extensions/List' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.284+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.23 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Proximity/Services/Activate' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.287+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.23 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Bookings/List' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.331+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.28 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search Limit: 4' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.336+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.28 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search Limit: 4 PhonebookType: Corporate' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.379+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.33 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/CallHistory/Recents Limit: 4' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.387+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.33 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/CallHistory/Get Filter: UnacknowledgedMissed' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.432+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.38 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Standby/Deactivate' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.435+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.38 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Camera/Preset/List' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.479+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.43 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Video/Input/SetMainVideoSource SourceId: 1' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.43 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/CallHistory/Get DetailLevel: Full Limit: 100' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.838+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.78 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search ContactType: Contact Limit: 10 Offset: 0 Recursive: True SearchField: Name SearchString: Tag: Favorite' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.869+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.81 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Conference/DoNotDisturb/Deactivate' from 2017-03-08T13:11:21.879+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 70.82 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: North_America' from 2017-03-08T13:11:22.113+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 71.06 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: South_America' from 2017-03-08T13:11:22.168+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 71.11 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: South_America' from 2017-03-08T13:11:22.232+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 71.18 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: Europe_And_Atlantic' from 2017-03-08T13:11:22.284+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 71.23 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List HasPrimaryInfo: True Region: Europe_And_Atlantic' from 2017-03-08T13:11:22.338+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 71.28 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Time/ZoneGroup/List Region: Western_Asia' from 2017-03-08T13:11:37.737+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 86.68 Wx2 I: [DeviceStatus]: No CSDM url found, not posting updates 2017-03-08T13:11:49.444+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 98.39 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Peripherals/Connect HardwareInfo: 102310-1 ID: 00:62:EC:8D:9A:28 Name: Cisco TelePresence Touch NetworkAddress: SerialNumber: FOC2024N8C2 SoftwareInfo: ti8.2.1.e9daf06 Type: TouchPanel' from 2017-03-08T13:11:49.458+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: Pairing device with sw info: ti8.2.1.e9daf06 2017-03-08T13:11:54.178+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.12 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Bookings/List' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.183+01:00 a8 appl: Last message '103.12 CuilApp Use' repeated 1 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on (none) 2017-03-08T13:11:54.185+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.13 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Audio/SoundsAndAlerts/Ringtone/List' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.229+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.17 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Camera/Preset/List' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.232+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.18 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search FolderId: Limit: 50 Offset: 0 PhonebookType: Corporate Recursive: False SearchField: Name SearchString: ' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.276+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.22 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search FolderId: Limit: 50 Offset: 0 PhonebookType: Corporate Recursive: False SearchField: Name SearchString: ' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.280+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.22 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Audio/Sound/Stop' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.284+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.23 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search FolderId: Limit: 50 Offset: 0 PhonebookType: Corporate Recursive: False SearchField: Name SearchString: ' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.329+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.27 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Audio/Sound/Stop' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.332+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.28 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search FolderId: Limit: 50 Offset: 0 PhonebookType: Corporate Recursive: False SearchField: Name SearchString: ' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.376+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.32 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Camera/Preset/List' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.379+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.32 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/UserInterface/Extensions/List' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.424+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.37 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Video/Layout/UnassignLocalOutput OutputId: 1' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.467+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.41 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Video/Selfview/Set FullscreenMode: Off' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.471+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.41 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Phonebook/Search FolderId: Limit: 50 Offset: 0 PhonebookType: Corporate Recursive: False SearchField: Name SearchString: ' from 2017-03-08T13:11:54.515+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 103.46 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/CallHistory/Recents DetailLevel: Full' from 2017-03-08T13:13:13.756+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 182.70 CuilApp User admin about to execute command '/Bookings/Update' from 2017-03-08T13:13:13.769+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 182.72 CuilApp User root about to execute command '/Bookings/List' from . 2017-03-08T13:13:13.815+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 182.76 CuilApp User __localtouchdevice__ about to execute command '/Bookings/List' from 2017-03-08T13:14:10.922+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.87 CuilApp User admin about to execute command '/Logging/ExtendedLogging/Start PacketDump: Full' from 2017-03-08T13:14:10.942+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.89 APPL_Addons I: Diagnostics enabled, dumping status and configuration 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Audio Input Connectors Microphone 1 ConnectionStatus: Connected 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Audio Input Connectors Microphone 2 ConnectionStatus: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Audio Input Connectors Microphone 3 ConnectionStatus: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Audio Microphones LedIndicator: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Audio Microphones Mute: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Audio Output Connectors Line 1 DelayMs: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Audio Volume: 70 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Audio VolumeKeyStepSize: 10 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Audio VolumeMute: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.010+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Bookings Current Id: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 Capabilities Options: "ptzf" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 Connected: True 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 DownloadProgress: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 HardwareID: "56000000" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 Manufacturer: "Cisco" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 Model: "PrecisionHD 1080p 4XS2" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 Position Focus: 353 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 Position Pan: 485 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 Position Tilt: -1292 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 Position Zoom: 4405 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 SoftwareID: "S01777-2.2 RC14 [ID:20037] 2016-03-31" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 State: Ready 2017-03-08T13:14:11.011+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Cameras Camera 1 UpgradeStatus: None 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Capabilities Conference MaxActiveCalls: 2 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Capabilities Conference MaxAudioCalls: 2 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Capabilities Conference MaxCalls: 7 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Capabilities Conference MaxVideoCalls: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference ActiveSpeaker CallId: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference DoNotDisturb: Inactive 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference Line 1 Mode: Private 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference Multipoint Mode: CUCMMediaResourceGroupList 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference Presentation CallId: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference Presentation LocalSendingMode: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference Presentation LocalSource: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference Presentation Mode: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference Presentation Protocol: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.012+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference Presentation Resolution Height: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference Presentation Resolution Width: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference SelectedCallProtocol: SIP 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference SpeakerLock CallId: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Conference SpeakerLock Mode: Auto 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Diagnostics LastRun: "2017-03-08T12:13:37Z" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental Audio Input Connectors HDMI 3 Activity: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental Audio Input Connectors Line 1 Activity: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental Audio Input Connectors Microphone 1 Activity: True 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental Audio Input Connectors Microphone 2 Activity: True 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental Audio Input Connectors Microphone 3 Activity: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental Audio Pairing Ultrasound Playing: True 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental Audio Pairing Ultrasound TestRunning: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.013+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental NumberOfAudioResourcesLeft: 2 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental NumberOfVideoResourcesLeft: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP CUCM 1 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP CUCM 1 Status: Active 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP CUCM 2 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP CUCM 2 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP CUCM 3 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP CUCM 3 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCM 1 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCM 1 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCM 1 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.014+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCM 2 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCM 2 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCM 2 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCM 3 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCM 3 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCM 3 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCMFailover Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge CUCMFailover Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 1 Action: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 1 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 1 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 1 Route: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.015+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 1 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 2 Action: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 2 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 2 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 2 Route: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 2 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 3 Action: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 3 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 3 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 3 Route: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsC 3 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 1 Action: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 1 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.016+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 1 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 1 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 1 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 2 Action: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 2 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 2 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.96 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 2 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 2 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 3 Action: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 3 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 3 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 3 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Experimental SIP Edge VcsE 3 Status: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.017+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H320 Gateway Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H320 Gateway Id: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H320 Gateway Mode: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H320 Gateway Number: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H320 Gateway Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H320 Gateway Status: Inactive 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H323 Gatekeeper Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H323 Gatekeeper Port: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H323 Gatekeeper Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H323 Gatekeeper Status: Inactive 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H323 Mode Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s H323 Mode Status: Disabled 2017-03-08T13:14:11.018+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 1 Expression: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.824+01:00 a8 appl: Last message '239.97 APPL_Addons ' repeated 14 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on (none) 2017-03-08T13:14:11.019+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 1 URL: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.020+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 2 Expression: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.920+01:00 a8 appl: Last message '239.97 APPL_Addons ' repeated 14 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on (none) 2017-03-08T13:14:11.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 2 URL: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 3 Expression: "/Status/Call[Status='Connected']" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 3 Expression: "/Status/H323/Gatekeeper" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 3 Expression: "/Status/SIP/Registration" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 3 Expression: "/Status/Network/Ethernet/Speed" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 3 Expression: "/Event/CallSuccessful" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 3 Expression: "/Event/UserInterface/Message/Prompt/Response" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 3 Expression: "/Event/CallDisconnect" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.021+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 3 Expression: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.936+01:00 a8 appl: Last message '239.97 APPL_Addons ' repeated 7 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on (none) 2017-03-08T13:14:11.022+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 3 URL: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.022+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 4 Expression: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.965+01:00 a8 appl: Last message '239.97 APPL_Addons ' repeated 14 times, suppressed by syslog-ng on (none) 2017-03-08T13:14:11.023+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s HttpFeedback 4 URL: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.023+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s ICE Configured: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.023+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s ICE DefaultCandidate: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.023+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Logging ExtendedLogging Mode: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.023+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Logging ExtendedLogging PacketDump: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP Capabilities: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP DeviceId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP Duplex: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP Platform: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP PortID: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP PrimaryMgmtAddress: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP SysName: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP SysObjectID: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP VTPMgmtDomain: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP Version: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 CDP VoIPApplianceVlanID: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.024+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 DNS Domain Name: "affidea.com" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 DNS Server 1 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 DNS Server 2 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 DNS Server 3 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 DNS Server 4 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 DNS Server 5 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 Ethernet MacAddress: "00:87:31:90:16:4F" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 Ethernet Speed: "100full" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv4 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv4 DHCP ProvisioningDomain: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.025+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv4 DHCP ProvisioningServer: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv4 DHCP TftpServer: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv4 DHCP TftpServerAddress: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv4 DHCP TmsServer: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv4 Gateway: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv4 SubnetMask: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv6 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 IPv6 Gateway: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Network 1 VLAN Voice VlanId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s NetworkServices NTP CurrentAddress: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s NetworkServices NTP Server 1 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s NetworkServices NTP Server 2 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s NetworkServices NTP Server 3 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.026+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s NetworkServices NTP Status: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Peripherals ConnectedDevice 1001 HardwareInfo: "102310-1" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Peripherals ConnectedDevice 1001 ID: "00:62:ec:8d:9a:28" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Peripherals ConnectedDevice 1001 Name: "Cisco TelePresence Touch" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Peripherals ConnectedDevice 1001 SoftwareInfo: "ti8.2.1.e9daf06" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Peripherals ConnectedDevice 1001 Status: Connected 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.97 APPL_Addons *s Peripherals ConnectedDevice 1001 Type: TouchPanel 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Peripherals ConnectedDevice 1001 UpgradeStatus: None 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Peripherals Pairing Ultrasound Volume: 60 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Phonebook HasFavorites: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM CAPF LSC: NotInstalled 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM CAPF Mode: IgnoreAuth 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM CAPF OperationResult: NotSet 2017-03-08T13:14:11.027+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM CAPF OperationState: NonPending 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM CAPF ServerName: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM CAPF ServerPort: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM CTL State: NotInstalled 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM ExtensionMobility Enabled: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM ExtensionMobility LastLoggedInUserId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM ExtensionMobility LoggedIn: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM ITL State: Installed 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM Phonebook URL: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM ProvisionSecurity: None 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning CUCM UserId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Discovered: None 2017-03-08T13:14:11.028+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning NextRetry: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Server: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software Current CompletedAt: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software Current URL: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software Current VersionId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software PreviousUpgrade Changed: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software PreviousUpgrade Message: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software PreviousUpgrade Status: None 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software PreviousUpgrade URL: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software PreviousUpgrade VersionId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software UpgradeStatus LastChange: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software UpgradeStatus Message: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software UpgradeStatus Phase: None 2017-03-08T13:14:11.029+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software UpgradeStatus SecondsUntilUpgrade: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software UpgradeStatus SessionId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software UpgradeStatus Status: None 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software UpgradeStatus URL: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Software UpgradeStatus VersionId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Provisioning Status: Provisioned 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Proximity Services Availability: Available 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 1 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 1 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 1 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 2 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 2 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 2 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.030+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 3 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 3 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 3 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 4 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 4 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 4 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 5 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 5 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 5 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 6 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 6 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 6 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 7 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.031+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 7 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 7 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 8 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 8 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 8 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 9 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 9 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 9 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 10 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 10 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 10 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 11 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 11 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.032+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 11 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 12 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 12 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 12 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 13 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 13 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 13 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 14 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 14 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 14 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 15 Defined: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 15 Description: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.033+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s RoomPreset 15 Type: All 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Authentication: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP CallForward DisplayName: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP CallForward Mode: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP CallForward URI: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Mailbox MessagesWaiting: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Mailbox URI: "99" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Proxy 1 Address: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Proxy 1 Status: Active 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Registration 1 Reason: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Registration 1 Status: Registered 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Registration 1 URI: "54001@affidea.com" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Secure: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SIP Verified: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.034+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Security Audit Server Port: 514 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Security FIPS Mode: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Security Persistency CallHistory: Persistent 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Security Persistency Configurations: Persistent 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Security Persistency DHCP: Persistent 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Security Persistency InternalLogging: Persistent 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Security Persistency LocalPhonebook: Persistent 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark AccessToken: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Account DisplayName: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Account Id: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.035+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Account OrganizationDisplayName: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Account OrganizationId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Account SipAddress: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Account Type: LyraSpace 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Services IdBrokerBaseUrl: "https://idbroker.webex.com" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Services IdStoreBaseUrl: "https://identity.webex.com" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Services WdmBaseUrl: "https://wdm-a.wbx2.com/wdm/api/v1" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Spark Status: Disabled 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s Standby State: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Hardware BootSoftware: "2010.06-40" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Hardware MainBoard SerialNumber: "F5172896" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Hardware Module CompatibilityLevel: "0" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Hardware Module SerialNumber: "FTT2030039S" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.036+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Hardware MonitoringSoftware: "42" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Hardware Temperature: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Hardware TemperatureThreshold: "85" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Hardware UDI: "CTS-MX300-UNIT V04 FTT2030039S" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Hardware VirtualEndpoint: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit ProductId: "Cisco TelePresence MX300 G2" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.98 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit ProductPlatform: "MX300 G2" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit ProductType: "Cisco Codec" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Software DisplayName: "ce 8.2.1 Final e9daf06 2016-06-28" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Software Name: "s52010" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Software OptionKeys Encryption: True 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Software OptionKeys MultiSite: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Software OptionKeys RemoteMonitoring: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.037+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Software ReleaseDate: "2016-06-28" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Software Version: "ce8.2.1.e9daf06" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit State NumberOfActiveCalls: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit State NumberOfInProgressCalls: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit State NumberOfSuspendedCalls: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit State Subsystem Application: Initialized 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit State System: Initialized 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s SystemUnit Uptime: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Time SystemTime: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s UserInterface ContactInfo ContactMethod 1 Number: "54001" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s UserInterface ContactInfo Name: "Telepresence Meeting Room - Budapest (Group)" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s UserInterface OSD Mode: Indicators 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s UserInterface OSD Output: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.038+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video ActiveSpeaker PIPPosition: UpperCenter 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 1 Connected: True 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 1 SignalState: OK 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 1 SourceId: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 1 Type: Camera 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 2 Connected: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 2 SignalState: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 2 SourceId: 2 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 2 Type: DVI 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 3 Connected: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 3 SignalState: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 3 SourceId: 2 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 3 Type: HDMI 2017-03-08T13:14:11.039+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 4 Connected: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 4 SignalState: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 4 SourceId: 2 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 4 Type: HDMI 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 5 Connected: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 5 SignalState: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 5 SourceId: 3 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Connector 5 Type: USB 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input MainVideoSource: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 1 ConnectorId: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 1 FormatStatus: Ok 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 1 FormatType: Digital 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 1 MediaChannelId: 105 2017-03-08T13:14:11.040+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 1 MsctrlId: 9 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 1 Resolution Height: 1080 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 1 Resolution RefreshRate: 60 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 1 Resolution Width: 1920 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 2 ConnectorId: 2 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 2 FormatStatus: NotFound 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 2 FormatType: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 2 MediaChannelId: 106 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 2 MsctrlId: 10 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 2 Resolution Height: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 2 Resolution RefreshRate: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 2 Resolution Width: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 3 ConnectorId: 5 2017-03-08T13:14:11.041+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 3 FormatStatus: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 3 FormatType: Unknown 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 3 MediaChannelId: 107 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 3 MsctrlId: 11 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 3 Resolution Height: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 3 Resolution RefreshRate: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Input Source 3 Resolution Width: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Engine Version: Old 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout LayoutFamily Local: "overlay" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 DiffFromActive: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 FamilyName: "equal" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Height: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 InputNumber: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.042+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Layer: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 MediaChannelId: 114 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 MsctrlId: 18 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 ParticipantId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 PositionX: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 PositionY: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceContent: wallpaper 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceId: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceInstance: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceType: "graphic" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Width: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 GraphicName: "fullscreen" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.043+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 1 OutputRole 1 RoleName: "First" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 DiffFromActive: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 FamilyName: "overlay" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Height: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 InputNumber: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Layer: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 MediaChannelId: 114 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 MsctrlId: 18 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 ParticipantId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 PositionX: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 PositionY: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceContent: wallpaper 2017-03-08T13:14:11.044+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceId: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceInstance: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceType: "graphic" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Width: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 GraphicName: "fullscreen" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 2 OutputRole 1 RoleName: "First" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 DiffFromActive: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 FamilyName: "prominent" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Height: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 InputNumber: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.045+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Layer: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 MediaChannelId: 114 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 MsctrlId: 18 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 ParticipantId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 PositionX: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 PositionY: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceContent: wallpaper 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceId: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceInstance: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceType: "graphic" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Width: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 GraphicName: "fullscreen" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.046+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 3 OutputRole 1 RoleName: "First" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 DiffFromActive: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 FamilyName: "single" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Height: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 InputNumber: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Layer: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 239.99 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 MediaChannelId: 114 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 MsctrlId: 18 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 ParticipantId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 PositionX: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 PositionY: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceContent: wallpaper 2017-03-08T13:14:11.047+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceId: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceInstance: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 VideoSourceType: "graphic" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 Frame 1 Width: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 GraphicName: "fullscreen" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 Family 4 OutputRole 1 RoleName: "First" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 FrameContainer OutputRole 1 Height: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 FrameContainer OutputRole 1 PositionX: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 FrameContainer OutputRole 1 PositionY: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 FrameContainer OutputRole 1 Width: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex Family 1 Hidden: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex Family 1 Name: "equal" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex Family 2 Hidden: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.048+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex Family 2 Name: "overlay" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex Family 3 Hidden: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex Family 3 Name: "prominent" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex Family 4 Hidden: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex Family 4 Name: "single" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex OutputRole 1 Name: "First" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex OutputRole 2 Name: "Second" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex OutputRole 3 Name: "Third" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Prediction Site 1 StatusIndex OutputRole 4 Name: "Fourth" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout PresentationView: Default 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 FamilyName: "overlay" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 FrameContainerId: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 Height: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.049+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 InputNumber: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 Layer: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 MediaChannelId: 114 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 MsctrlId: 18 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 ParticipantId: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 PositionX: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 PositionY: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 VideoSourceContent: wallpaper 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 VideoSourceId: 1 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 VideoSourceInstance: 0 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 VideoSourceType: "graphic" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 Frame 2 Width: 10000 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 FullFamilyName: "overlay_local_single" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.050+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 1 GraphicName: "fullscreen" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 2 FamilyName: "overlay" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 2 FullFamilyName: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Layout Site 1 Output 2 GraphicName: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Monitors: Single 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 1 Connected: True 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 1 MonitorRole: First 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 1 Resolution Height: 1080 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 1 Resolution RefreshRate: 60 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 1 Resolution Width: 1920 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 1 Type: LCD 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 2 Connected: False 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 2 ConnectedDevice Name: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.051+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 2 ConnectedDevice PreferredFormat: "" 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 2 MonitorRole: Second 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 2 Resolution Height: 720 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 2 Resolution RefreshRate: 60 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 2 Resolution Width: 1280 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Output Connector 2 Type: HDMI 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Presentation PIPPosition: CenterLeft 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Selfview FullscreenMode: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Selfview Mode: Off 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Selfview OnMonitorRole: First 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons *s Video Selfview PIPPosition: CenterRight 2017-03-08T13:14:11.052+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.00 APPL_Addons 2017-03-08T13:14:11.057+01:00 a8 eventlog[1743]: ERROR - rootNodeName does not match case insensitive 'status', 'configuration' or 'event'! 2017-03-08T13:14:11.057+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 240.01 APPL_Addons 2017-03-08T13:15:07.460+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket SIP Msg: Outgoing => REGISTER, CSeq: 28660 REGISTER, Remote:, CallId: e9297e63eabeb99487c1b31a29ff0beb 2017-03-08T13:15:07.460+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket REGISTER sip:affidea.com SIP/2.0 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKcd4a35bd2764d2c8ea8f092cc70b9e88;rport 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Call-ID: e9297e63eabeb99487c1b31a29ff0beb 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket CSeq: 28660 REGISTER 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Contact: ;+sip.instance="";+u.sip!model.ccm.cisco.com="690";audio=TRUE;video=TRUE;mobility="fixed";duplex="full";description="TANDBERG-SIP" 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket From: ;tag=c5f5a8ec40c1be9f 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket To: 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Max-Forwards: 70 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Route: 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Allow: INVITE,ACK,CANCEL,BYE,UPDATE,INFO,OPTIONS,REFER,NOTIFY 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket User-Agent: TANDBERG/529 (ce8.2.1.e9daf06) Cisco-MX300G2 2017-03-08T13:15:07.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Expires: 3600 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Supported: replaces,100rel,timer,gruu,path,outbound,X-cisco-serviceuri,X-cisco-callinfo,X-cisco-service-control,X-cisco-srtp-fallback,X-cisco-sis-7.1.1,norefersub,extended-refer,sdp-anat 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=uniqueBoundary 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Content-Length: 373 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket --uniqueBoundary 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Content-Type: application/x-cisco-remotecc-request+xml 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.41 SipPacket --uniqueBoundary-- 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket SIP Msg: Incoming <= 100 Trying, CSeq: 28660 REGISTER, Remote:, CallId: e9297e63eabeb99487c1b31a29ff0beb 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket SIP/2.0 100 Trying 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKcd4a35bd2764d2c8ea8f092cc70b9e88;rport 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket Call-ID: e9297e63eabeb99487c1b31a29ff0beb 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket CSeq: 28660 REGISTER 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket From: ;tag=c5f5a8ec40c1be9f 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket To: 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2017 12:15:07 GMT 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket Content-Length: 0 2017-03-08T13:15:07.476+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.42 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:15:07.481+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket SIP Msg: Incoming <= 200 OK, CSeq: 28660 REGISTER, Remote:, CallId: e9297e63eabeb99487c1b31a29ff0beb 2017-03-08T13:15:07.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket SIP/2.0 200 OK 2017-03-08T13:15:07.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bKcd4a35bd2764d2c8ea8f092cc70b9e88;rport 2017-03-08T13:15:07.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket Call-ID: e9297e63eabeb99487c1b31a29ff0beb 2017-03-08T13:15:07.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket CSeq: 28660 REGISTER 2017-03-08T13:15:07.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket Contact: ;+sip.instance="";+u.sip!model.ccm.cisco.com="690";audio=TRUE;video=TRUE;mobility="fixed";duplex="full";description="TANDBERG-SIP" 2017-03-08T13:15:07.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket From: ;tag=c5f5a8ec40c1be9f 2017-03-08T13:15:07.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket To: ;tag=1329707492 2017-03-08T13:15:07.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket Server: Cisco-CUCM10.5 2017-03-08T13:15:07.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket Expires: 120 2017-03-08T13:15:07.483+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket Date: Sun, 08 Mar 2017 12:15:07 GMT 2017-03-08T13:15:07.483+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket Supported: X-cisco-srtp-fallback,X-cisco-sis-7.1.1 2017-03-08T13:15:07.483+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket Content-Length: 0 2017-03-08T13:15:07.483+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 296.43 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.40 SipPacket SIP Msg: Outgoing => REGISTER, CSeq: 28661 REGISTER, Remote:, CallId: e9297e63eabeb99487c1b31a29ff0beb 2017-03-08T13:16:27.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.40 SipPacket REGISTER sip:affidea.com SIP/2.0 2017-03-08T13:16:27.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.40 SipPacket Via: SIP/2.0/TCP;branch=z9hG4bK249c4ee4c2d3f53a7335ddaa7f01c837;rport 2017-03-08T13:16:27.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.40 SipPacket Call-ID: e9297e63eabeb99487c1b31a29ff0beb 2017-03-08T13:16:27.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket CSeq: 28661 REGISTER 2017-03-08T13:16:27.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Contact: ;+sip.instance="";+u.sip!model.ccm.cisco.com="690";audio=TRUE;video=TRUE;mobility="fixed";duplex="full";description="TANDBERG-SIP" 2017-03-08T13:16:27.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket From: ;tag=c5f5a8ec40c1be9f 2017-03-08T13:16:27.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket To: 2017-03-08T13:16:27.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Max-Forwards: 70 2017-03-08T13:16:27.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Route: 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Allow: INVITE,ACK,CANCEL,BYE,UPDATE,INFO,OPTIONS,REFER,NOTIFY 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket User-Agent: TANDBERG/529 (ce8.2.1.e9daf06) Cisco-MX300G2 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Expires: 3600 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Supported: replaces,100rel,timer,gruu,path,outbound,X-cisco-serviceuri,X-cisco-callinfo,X-cisco-service-control,X-cisco-srtp-fallback,X-cisco-sis-7.1.1,norefersub,extended-refer,sdp-anat 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=uniqueBoundary 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Content-Length: 373 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket --uniqueBoundary 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Content-Type: application/x-cisco-remotecc-request+xml 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket Content-Disposition: session;handling=optional 2017-03-08T13:16:27.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket 2017-03-08T13:16:27.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 376.41 SipPacket --uniqueBoundary-- 2017-03-08T13:16:59.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 408.40 SipStack W: SipTransaction 30 timed out 2017-03-08T13:16:59.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 408.40 SipStack W: [Transaction 30]: Got exception 8 (Transaction timeout) from transport for 'REGISTER' request (SeqNumber=28661) 2017-03-08T13:16:59.461+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 408.40 SipReg I: All CUCM's are down! 2017-03-08T13:16:59.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 408.40 SipReg W: Transport failed to send registration (sipexcept: 8 Transaction timeout) 2017-03-08T13:16:59.462+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 408.40 SipStack I: Failed to find new default outbound proxy at present time. 2017-03-08T13:16:59.463+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 408.40 SipSubscriber I: [p=0] Registration Status: 'Failed', URI: '54001@affidea.com', Reason: 'Failed to send' 2017-03-08T13:16:59.473+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 408.41 PROV Provfsm: SIP unregistered 2017-03-08T13:16:59.482+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 408.42 Mari Mari: enabled with Reed-Solomon and max Rate: 6000000 2017-03-08T13:17:07.375+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 416.31 APPL_ConfCtrl Token 2017-03-08T13:17:10.924+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 419.86 APPL_Addons W: Diagnostics disabled 2017-03-08T13:17:17.497+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 426.43 SipStack ERROR: Failed to find flow for outbound proxy '' 2017-03-08T13:17:37.741+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 446.68 Wx2 I: [DeviceStatus]: No CSDM url found, not posting updates 2017-03-08T13:18:25.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 494.40 SipStack W: SipTransaction 30 timed out 2017-03-08T13:18:25.464+01:00 a8 appl[1743]: 494.40 SipStack W: [Transaction 30]: Got exception 8 (Transaction timeout) from transport for 'REGISTER' request (SeqNumber=28662)