Collaboration powered by your voice
Use voice to join meetings, make calls, and more with your AI-powered Webex Assistant. Meeting and collaborating on Webex Boards* has never been easier.
Here's everything you need to get started.
“OK Webex, what can you do?”
To hear more of what Webex Assistant can do for you, just ask about
my features.
Join meetings with your
Enter any room scheduled for a
meeting and say, "OK Webex, start the meeting". You're
all set.
Make instant, hands-free
Ask Webex Assistant to call contacts, and accept or
reject calls without lifting a finger.
Control your device with
Adjust the volume, mute the microphone, and hide the
self-view using voice commands.
* Cisco Webex Assistant is
available only on certain cloud-registered
Let's get started.
The Cisco Customer Success Team
Need help? Contact us.