<% //DB and URL settings Const IPCCversion = "10" //valid options are 3 4 8 9 10 Const ServerURL = "XXXXXXXXX" //The Server URL with this script in it with trailing / Const DBsource = "XXXXXXXXX" //the IP of your UCCX primary server Const DBServer = "ucm_uccx_pri_uccx" //The properly formatted DB server Const DBdatabase = "db_cra" //the UCCX database name. usually db_cra Const DBuserID = "uccxwallboard" //Leave this as uccxwallboard. this will allow pulling of queue stats. agent stats require uccxhruser Const DBpass = "XXXXXXXXX" //whatever password you made your uccxwallboard user Const DSN = "wallboard" //the database connection you created on your windows server //General Settings Const LogoOn = 1 //logo image on or off Const LogoFile = "assets/images/ucm-logo.png" //customer logo Const RefreshTime = 5 //time in seconds until the page refreshes Const holdPageLink = 1 //display a clickable link to hold the page. Pretty useless for most setups //Page names & titles Const strPageTitle = "WALLBOARD TEST" //name at the top of the page Const displayPageHeader = 1 //0 or 1 - should we show the page header //Choosing which queues to show and setting up pretty names for them Const OnlyOneQueue = 1 //1 if you only have 1 queue - 0 if you want to display multiple. This will switch between a 9 colum row and a 3 x 3 table Const DisplaySpecificCSQ = 1 //0 to show all CSQs 1 to show specific queues (you will then have to put the name of each below). CSQs will be displayed in the order entered. Const usePrettyNamesIfDefined = 1 //if you enter something a pretty name for the queue - should we use it Const UCCXCSQ1 = "CSQ_OPERACIONES" //Name of your queue - i.e. My_Callcenter_CSQ Const UCCXCSQ1friendlyName = "COLA OPERACIONES" //friendly name for this queue (that will be displayed in the row title) Const UCCXCSQ2 = "" Const UCCXCSQ2friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ3 = "" Const UCCXCSQ3friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ4 = "" Const UCCXCSQ4friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ5 = "" Const UCCXCSQ5friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ6 = "" Const UCCXCSQ6friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ7 = "" Const UCCXCSQ7friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ8 = "" Const UCCXCSQ8friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ9 = "" Const UCCXCSQ9friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ10 = "" Const UCCXCSQ10friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ11 = "" Const UCCXCSQ11friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ12 = "" Const UCCXCSQ12friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ13 = "" Const UCCXCSQ13friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ14 = "" Const UCCXCSQ14friendlyName = "" Const UCCXCSQ15 = "" Const UCCXCSQ15friendlyName = "" //what to show on the page Const DisplayCSQStatsTrue = 1 Const DisplayCSQloggedInAgents = 1 Const DisplayCSQavailableAgents = 1 Const DisplayCSQtalkingAgents = 1 Const DisplayCSQcallsWaiting = 1 Const DisplayCSQcallsHandled = 1 Const DisplayCSQcallsDequeued = 1 //determines the calls dequeued by (callsDequeued = totalCalls - callsHandled - callsAbandoned) Const DisplayCSQtotalCalls = 1 Const DisplayCSQcallsAbandoned = 1 Const DisplayCSQlongestWaitCurrent = 1 Const DisplayCSQlongestWaitDuration = 1 Const DisplayOverallStatsTrue = 1 Const DisplayICDTotalCSQs = 1 Const DisplayICDStatsTrue = 1 //show the stats for all CSQs totaled Const DisplayICDloggedInAgents = 1 Const DisplayICDavailableAgents = 1 Const DisplayICDcallsWaiting = 1 Const DisplayICDcallsHandled = 1 Const DisplayICDtotalCalls = 1 Const DisplayICDcallsAbandoned = 1 Const DisplayICDlongestWaitCurrent = 1 Const DisplayICDlongestWaitDuration = 1 Const intAgentStatsMaxDays = 1 Const intAgentStatsMaxHours = 8 Const intAgentStatsMaxNotReady = 5 Const intCSQStatsMinAgentsAvailable = 1 Const intCSQStatsMaxQueuedCalls = 0 Const TextColor_PageHeader = "Navy" Const TextColor_TableHeader_CSQStats = "Navy" Const TextColor_TableHeader_AgentStats = "Navy" Const TextColor_TableHeader_ICDStats = "Navy" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column1 = "CSQ Name" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column2 = "Logged In Agents" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column3 = "Available Agents" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column4 = "Talking Agents" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column5 = "Calls In Queue" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column6 = "Calls Handled" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column7 = "Total Calls" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column8 = "Calls Abandoned" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column9 = "Current Wait Time" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column10 = "Longest Wait Time" Const TableColumnHeader_CSQStats_Column11 = "Calls Dequeued" Const TableColumnHeader_ICDStats_Column1 = "Total CSQs" Const TableColumnHeader_ICDStats_Column2 = "Logged In Agents" Const TableColumnHeader_ICDStats_Column3 = "Available Agents" Const TableColumnHeader_ICDStats_Column4 = "Calls In Queue" Const TableColumnHeader_ICDStats_Column5 = "Calls Handled" Const TableColumnHeader_ICDStats_Column6 = "Total Calls" Const TableColumnHeader_ICDStats_Column7 = "Calls Abandoned" Const TableColumnHeader_ICDStats_Column8 = "Current Wait Time" Const TableColumnHeader_ICDStats_Column9 = "Longest Wait Time" Const TableColor_ICDStats = "White" Const TextColor_ICDStats = "Green" Const TableColor_CSQStats_StatusOkay = "White" Const TableColor_CSQStats_AlertNoAgents = "White" Const TableColor_CSQStats_AlertCallsInQueue = "White" Const TableColor_CSQStats_ArtNoAgentsAndCallsInQueue = "White" Const TextColor_CSQStats_StatusOkay = "#262626" Const TextColor_CSQStats_AlertNoAgents = "Orange" Const TextColor_CSQStats_AlertCallsInQueue = "Orange" Const TextColor_CSQStats_ArtNoAgentsAndCallsInQueue = "Red" Const TextSize_ICDStats = 5 Const wallboardFooterCredit = 1 //THE BELOW SECTION IS NOT FOR MOST USERS. YOU SHOULD KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEFORE ACTIVATING THESE FEATURES //Only used if you are pulling stats as uccxhruser - not recommended Const DisplayAgentsStatsTrue = 0 //you will have to use the uccxhruser to see any agent details. not Cisco supported Const strPageHeader_AgentStats = "Agent Statistics" Const TableColumnHeader_AgentStats_Column1 = "Customer Service Representative" Const TableColumnHeader_AgentStats_Column2 = "Current Status" Const TableColumnHeader_AgentStats_Column3 = "Time in Status" Const TableColor_AgentStats_LoggedOut = "White" Const TableColor_AgentStats_Ready = "White" Const TableColor_AgentStats_NotReady = "White" Const TableColor_AgentStats_Talking = "White" Const TableColor_AgentStats_Working = "White" Const TableColor_AgentStats_Reserved = "White" Const TableColor_AgentStats_LoggedIn = "White" Const TextColor_AgentStats_LoggedOut = "Gray" Const TextColor_AgentStats_Ready = "Green" Const TextColor_AgentStats_NotReady = "Red" Const TextColor_AgentStats_Talking = "Teal" Const TextColor_AgentStats_Working = "Teal" Const TextColor_AgentStats_Reserved = "Teal" Const TextColor_AgentStats_LoggedIn = "Gray" Const TextSize_AgentStats = 5 Const UCCXTeamID1 = "" //MANDATORY - the ID of the team you like to track. Without a valid entry you will get an error message. Const UCCXTeamID2 = "" //the ID of next the team you like to track. Leave blank for no additional Const UCCXTeamID3 = "" //the ID of next the team you like to track. Leave blank for no additional Const UCCXTeamID4 = "" //the ID of next the team you like to track. Leave blank for no additional Const UCCXTeamID5 = "" //the ID of next the team you like to track. Leave blank for no additional //There is logic to allow you to pull agent stats from the secondary member of your HA cluster to help reduce the load on the primary. Const PullAgentStatsFromSecondary = 0 //This will allow you pull agent stats from the secondary member of your HA cluster Const DBServerSecondary = "" //The properly formatted secondary DB server Const DBsourceSecondary = "" //ip address of secondary Const DSNSecondary = "" //the connection to the secondary server that you built on the windows box. %>