AP#capwap ap ip [AP地址] [子网掩码] [网关地址](AP地址不是管理地址)
Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max):管理员用户名
Enter Administrative Password(3 to 127 characters ):管理员密码
Re-enter Administrative Password:确认密码
System Name [Cisco-84f1.47bc.60a](31characters max): 系统名称
Enter User Name for AP(24 characters max): AP用户名
Enter password for AP (6 to 127characters):AP用户密码
Re-enter password for Ap: 确认密码
Enter EnabTe password for AP(6 to 127characters max):AP配置模式密码
Re-enter Enable password for AP:确认密码
Enter Country code list (enter "help' for a list of countries) [us]:CN选择国家
Configure a NTP server now? [YES][NO]:NO
Configure the system time now? [YES][NO]:YES
Enter the date in MM/DD/YY format: 07/06/23(日期)
Enter the time in HH:MM:SS format: 13:13:13(时间)
Enter timezone location index(enter "help" for a Tist of timezones): 25(时区)
Management Interface IP Address Configuration [STATIC][dhcp]: STATIC
Management Interface IP Address:管理地址
Management Interface Netmask: 子网掩码
Management Interface Default Router:网关地址
Create Management DHCP Scope? [yes][no]:NO
Employee Network Name (SSID)?: 无线名称
Employee Network Security? [PSK][enterprise]:psk
Emp]oyee PSKPassphrase (8-63 characters)?:无线密码
Re-enter Employee PSK Passphrase:确认密码
Enabie RF Parameter Optimizati on?[YES][no]:yes
Client Density [TYPICAL][LOW][High]: typical
Traffic with voice [NO]Yes]:yes
Set internal AP to Flex+Bridge mode [yes][no]: no
Configuration correct? If yes, system will save it and reset. [yes][no]: yes
还是如前面提到的帖子一样,建议检查:show country, 看你的AP是-H的,说明是CN的,那就通过配置修改Country Code为CN:
(Cisco Controller) >config country CN
Changing country code could reset channel & RRM grouping configuration.
If running in RRM One-Time mode, reassign channels after this command.
Check customized APs for valid channel values after this command.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n) y
(Cisco Controller) >show country
Configured Country............................. CN - China
Configured Country Codes
CN - China..................................... 802.11a Indoor,Outdoor / 802.11b / 802.11g
(Cisco Controller) >
AP#capwap ap ip [AP地址] [子网掩码] [网关地址](AP地址不是管理地址)
Enter Administrative User Name (24 characters max):管理员用户名
Enter Administrative Password(3 to 127 characters ):管理员密码
Re-enter Administrative Password:确认密码
System Name [Cisco-84f1.47bc.60a](31characters max): 系统名称
Enter User Name for AP(24 characters max): AP用户名
Enter password for AP (6 to 127characters):AP用户密码
Re-enter password for Ap: 确认密码
Enter EnabTe password for AP(6 to 127characters max):AP配置模式密码
Re-enter Enable password for AP:确认密码
Enter Country code list (enter "help' for a list of countries) [us]:CN选择国家
Configure a NTP server now? [YES][NO]:NO
Configure the system time now? [YES][NO]:YES
Enter the date in MM/DD/YY format: 07/06/23(日期)
Enter the time in HH:MM:SS format: 13:13:13(时间)
Enter timezone location index(enter "help" for a Tist of timezones): 25(时区)
Management Interface IP Address Configuration [STATIC][dhcp]: STATIC
Management Interface IP Address:管理地址
Management Interface Netmask: 子网掩码
Management Interface Default Router:网关地址
Create Management DHCP Scope? [yes][no]:NO
Employee Network Name (SSID)?: 无线名称
Employee Network Security? [PSK][enterprise]:psk
Emp]oyee PSKPassphrase (8-63 characters)?:无线密码
Re-enter Employee PSK Passphrase:确认密码
Enabie RF Parameter Optimizati on?[YES][no]:yes
Client Density [TYPICAL][LOW][High]: typical
Traffic with voice [NO]Yes]:yes
Set internal AP to Flex+Bridge mode [yes][no]: no
Configuration correct? If yes, system will save it and reset. [yes][no]: yes
还是如前面提到的帖子一样,建议检查:show country, 看你的AP是-H的,说明是CN的,那就通过配置修改Country Code为CN:
(Cisco Controller) >config country CN
Changing country code could reset channel & RRM grouping configuration.
If running in RRM One-Time mode, reassign channels after this command.
Check customized APs for valid channel values after this command.
Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n) y
(Cisco Controller) >show country
Configured Country............................. CN - China
Configured Country Codes
CN - China..................................... 802.11a Indoor,Outdoor / 802.11b / 802.11g
(Cisco Controller) >