Adopting Webex

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Forum Posts

Do you know if there is any foreseeable advantage to scheduling your meetings from the WebEx portal as opposed to scheduling directly from my Google Calendar and selecting WebEx as my videoconferencing platform? I did the latter and am not able to ac...

Resolved! Surveys

Is there a way to create surveys in my WebEx account and use them in another account (I am presenting at a virtual conference next week)?

SASpencer by Level 1
  • 2 replies
  • 5 Helpful votes

I am having trouble with allowing others to control my screen after I share it. They can't ask for control and I don't see a way for me it grant control on my side. Anyone what I might be doing wrong? 

trosson by Level 1
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The license purchased for use by my boss, our CEO, is in my name, as I'm the one setting up all of her meetings.  However, I'd like to be able to designate her as host for any meetings that I'm not required to attend so that I don't have to be there ...

suzy by Level 1
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はじめまして。 webexmeetingのデスクトップアプリからのログアウト方法を教えてください。 現在、ヤフーメールとグーグルの2つのメールアドレスで、アカウントを取得しており、デスクトップアプリはヤフーメールでつくったアカウントに紐づいています。 主に使うアカウントをグーグルの方にしたいので、アプリもこちらに紐づけたいです。何度かアプリをアンインストールして、インストールをしなおしたのですが、インストールし直すと自動的に、ヤフーメールのほうのアカウントにアプリが紐づいてしまします。 アプリか...