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Community Live- CUCM Bulk Administration Tool: Practical Things You Can Use Every Day

(Live event - formerly known as Webcast-  Tuesday January 14, 2020 at 10 am Pacific/ 1 pm Eastern / 7 pm Paris)

This event had place on Tuesday 14th, January 2020 at 10hrs PDT 

This event provides a practical overview of Cisco Unified Communications Manager (Unified CM) Bulk Administration Tool (BAT) and the best practices to solve its common issues. In this session, Cisco Designated VIP Maren share and demonstrate the best practices to solve day-to-day BAT administrative tasks.
This session helps CUCM administrators with using BAT to solve day-to-day administrative tasks. If you've ever thought "I wish I could…” bulk edit the description field for all of your phones; find a way to make the Home Cluster checkbox consistent in multiple clusters; migrate a single phone to a new model; modify the Voice Mail Profile field on lines in bulk; deploy Access Lists for Single Number Reach users in bulk; deploy a set of Abbreviated Dials across multiple phones, or work with CSV and TAR files for editing the database.

  • Use a multi-argument query in a bulk edit
  • Generate and use a custom file for bulk edits
  • Use Import/Export to extract data and update data
  • Use Generate Phone Reports to extract data for use with Import
  • Work with CSV files and TAR files
  • Migrate a single phone (or multiple phones) to a new phone model
  • Additional BAT features
Featured Expert
maren.jpgMaren Mahoney has been in the information system industry for more than 25 years with roles in employee development, technical support and helpdesk administration, network administration, management and engineering, and networking courseware development and instruction. She is a Senior Technical Instructor at Sunset Learning Institute and teaches a range of technologies but specializes in Unified Communications. Before she joined Sunset Learning Institute (SLI), Maren worked for Cisco Systems as a Network Consulting Engineer. She also worked for several Cisco Reseller Partners in engineering and technical instructor roles. Maren is an official Cisco Certified Systems Instructor (CCSI). She holds a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Russian studies and plans one day to gain a master’s degree in Mathematics. Maren holds different certifications in Routing, Switching, and Data Center and a CCIE in Collaboration (#50569). Maren is also a US Army veteran.
Maren was recognized as a Cisco Designated VIP in 2019 for her contributions to the Cisco Community in the IP Telephony category.

For more information, visit the Unified Communications Infrastructure category. 

This event is open to everyone, including students, instructors, Cisco customers and partners.
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Level 1
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Hello Maren, You've just told us about third party tools for pool phone types migrations on enterprise level. The single phone migration will be mostly an exception and a viable method for the next migration wave will be needed natively, as it is difficult to find a current and well working method in the online communities. Many customers will need to migrate 79xx to 88xx phones when upgrading cucm 10.x, 11.x to 12.x or greater, or because of security, +e164 dialplan or...contracts. Could you provide the most efficient and detailled native method to migrate pools of 79xx SCCP to 88xx SIP phones with the bulk tool ? (it would be a great idea to simplify and enhance bulk for v14.x phone migrations) Anyway, can you help by posting the most efficient method in detail, by considering existing dependencies, like Jabber and UDP linked phones. Regards, Jacky
@jacky.reinbold Good question! When you ask for 'detailed' though, I could go on and on and on. So I'll give you two shorter answers and hope you can figure out the rest. First, CUCM BAT has a "Phone Migration" utility that allows you to migrate phones from one model to another on a model-by-model basis. The basic instructions are here: Bulk Administration Guide for CUCM 12, Chapter: Manage Phone Migration I would say that Jabber- and UDP-linked phones would have to have the Jabber or UDP updated manually (or via BAT) after the migration of the underlying phone. I have not done this myself and there may be a 'catch' I'm not aware of. The better bet at that point would be to use a 3rd-party tool like MigrationFX by UnifiedFX. I'm sure you were looking for more detail or some 'magic' that would make your migration task easier. If nothing else, I am able to confirm that this is not a small or easy thing you are wanting to do. Maren

@Maren Mahoney  I am having trouble with the Export/Import. I am on CUCM At the Import the Job Scheduer log gives the error that the first field in the csv file is not a supported field: "services provisioning is not a supported field."

I have done export/impot the exact same way as you did, only difference is that I cannot open the phone.csv file directly and start editing it. In order to get it in a readable Excel format, I have to use Excel fuction of formating the data: Data, From Text/CSV, and then do the editing I need there, save it as a CSV file. Then open it in notepad to change alle the ";" to ",". Save this, re-tar it.

PS: the import validation goes OK, just not the actual import

Any idea whats going wrong?

@Oernulf Lindblom 

It sounds like the CSV file format is not associated with Excel and/ or the data is being automatically reformatted by Excel. (Thanks bunches Microsoft!) Try this:

  1. Make a copy of the phone.csv and rename the copy phone.txt
  2. Launch Excel
  3. Navigate to open the txt file. That should launch the Text Import Wizard. 
  4. Choose "Delimited" on the first screen of the wizard.
  5. Choose "Comma" on the second screen and make sure other delimiters are unchecked.
  6. On the third screen, the first column of data will be selected. Scroll all the way to the right. Press the shift key and click the last column. That will select all columns. At the top of the wizard choose "Text" as the format. This will have Excel open all fields as plain text and it will not reformat numbers, plus signs, etc.
  7. Make your changes.
  8. Do a "Save As" and save the file as a CSV file to preserve the commas.
  9. Put the new phone.csv into the TAR file.
  10. Validate/Import into CUCM.

If you only need to make small changes to the file, you may want to consider editing the CSV file in Notepad++ or another text editor to avoid the Excel reformatting. But if you need to make lots of changes or compare data, the above process will allow you to open the CSV file in Excel while still preserving the data and formatting.

Note that if you have to do another round of edits you have to go back through the entire process listed above including renaming the file as .txt

I hope this helps. Let me know how it goes!



@Maren Mahoney 

Thank you Maren for your reply and suggestion. I did what you suggested, but unfortunately the result is exactly the same. BUT, I see in your video when you double click the phone.csv file, it opens directly opens up in Excel so you can edit directly there. In my case when I do the same it opens up and looks like you would see it in Notepad; just a comma separated content.

So somehow, the formatting that happens when editing directly like you did is the trick. Any advice on how I can configure Excel to do that? Or is it a version thing?

PS: I had a guy from TAC do this on his test lab. In his Excel he is able to open the phone.csv file and edit it directly just like you. And then the import works... 

@Maren MahoneyI found the solution to my problem described above. The trick is to open the CSV file in the un-tar'ed file with NOTEPAD++. At least this works for me. Notepad ++ opens the CSV file directly in an Excel style "editable format", and not just a as comma separated file like Notepad does. When I do my editing here, retar the csv file along with the header file, and import it, all goes well... It would be interesting to know what the actual difference is in the csv file I re-tar...

Level 1
Level 1

Hello Maren,

Can you tell me how I can use Import/Export to update data on User device profiles? In Export, I couldn't find User device profiles to export. 


@AlexPluzh : If you mean Extension Mobility Profiles, you can see that under Export > Device Data > Device Profile

If it's not EM Profile, can you be more specific about what you are trying to export?


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