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Level 5


What's it all about?
SuperOp! is an annual event hosted by IMTC. The goal of SuperOp! is to allow companies that manufacture multimedia telecommunications equipment to make their products work seamlessly with equipment from other companies. Because of the diversity of equipment, protocols and vendors, it is not practical or economical for a single organization to duplicate such large-scale connectivity in its own test lab. SuperOp! provides a unique opportunity to any company that produces multimedia telecommunications equipment to test their equipment and services at an unprecedented level.

What's DevNet's Doing?
Charles Eckel, a developer evangelist within DevNet who focuses on open source and standards, chairs the IMTC SIP Interconnect Activity Group and helps organize and run the event. Roughly ten developers and test engineers from Cisco's collaboration group will be participating in the event. Cisco is also providing the network for the event, including operating network impairment tools that help emulate challenging scenarios implementations encounter when deployed across a range of private and public networks. Additional background information is provided in this blogpost.

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Location :Orlando, FL
Event Visibility Public
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