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Level 5
Level 5

MEF's LSO Hackathon is the place for hands-on collaboration and development of OpenCS and OpenLSO implementations!

MEF is holding its third LSO Hackathon co-located with MEF16 to accelerate the development of LSO/SDN/NFV based solutions for Third Network services. The MEF16 LSO Hackathon will facilitate discussion, collaboration and the development of ideas, sample code and solutions that can be used both in the Open Source projects (e.g. OpenDaylight, ON.Lab, PNDA) and to further development of MEF specifications for the benefit of service providers and technology vendors alike.

Cisco DevNet is helping MEF organize and run the hackathon, and experts from Cisco will be leading and participating in projects  involving OpenDaylight and Cisco NSO. It is free to participate, but space is limited to 80 attendees. Come join us!

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Location :Baltimore, MD
Event Visibility Public
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