I set out to finally configure the time on the SG 200-08 switch. Configuring things locally is straight-forward enough, but I had to tinker with the SNTP settings for a little bit before it dawned on me what I was doing wrong (supplemented by some reading in the Administration Guide). I guess my main queston comes down to: Who is the target user for this device? It's labeled as a Small Business device, so I'm inclined to assume that most business have IT/networking guys who know what they're doing install these things for them, but I'm not sure where the line is drawn in regards to business size, ie, smaller businesses may very well not have IT/networking guys available, and would have to install these devices themselves.
In other words, the SNTP configuration options could use some clearer descriptions, etc. if it's intended for non-tech people to figure out. Otherwise, once I tinkered, the correct settings made perfect sense to me, so I reckon that an IT guy should know exactly what to do given those configuration options.