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Unable To Change Host Name Of Device - No Exit or Back Capabilities

David Trad
VIP Alumni
VIP Alumni

Hi Team,

Another bug discovered when attempting to change the host name of a device.

Please refer to the screen shots, first one is "Name-Change" second one is "Topology-View" (After name change) and third one is "Settings-View" After going back to the settings page of the device.

Steps Taken:

  1. Click on the Topology View and then click on the device
  2. Click on the settings "... Symbol" an make a change to the Host Name
  3. Click the save button
  4. Change to a new location (As there is no go back option to the topology view)
  5. Change back to Topology View and see that host name is still the same
  6. Go back into settings and notice it has reverted back
  7. Attempt it again and wait 5 minutes before moving to topology view again, still same results

This issue was reproducible, I could change the Host Name on the AP itself and FindIT would recognise the change, however I reverted back to the original Host Name whilst undergoing these tests.

The other thing noticeable is that it is missing a "Go Back Option" to move back to topology view from within the device settings section, this needs to be put there next to the "Configuration" navigation menu option, otherwise we have to go to the right navigation menu, click on another section and then navigate back to topology view again (Discovery), clicking on "Discovery" view whilst in this section does nothing and will not return you to Topology view at all.

Please let me know if there is anything else you need me to test on this particular issue.



[EDIT] It should also be noted, that due to these AP's being in cluster mode, the settings option does not show up when clicking on the associated AP to the cluster, it only shows up on the primary AP. I understand the logic behind this, but I still think that the settings window should still show up but not allow any changes to be made, otherwise we have to log into each AP individually to see if the cluster AP pushed the correct settings to it.... Hope that makes sense :)

Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *
18 Replies 18

David Harper
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

The issue here is that you are not running the firmware with restconf support, so there is actually no API on the WAP for FindIT to perform the name change.

However, FindIT should fail with an error here rather than giving you the impression it was successful.  I'll log a bug for that.


Hi Dave,

Just a small update, I have managed to get one of them to change :)

After multiple attempts and just moving onto the next bug squashing adventure, I seen that it had somehow managed to update it.

Further more, the wrong AP is now cluster manager, and I have no idea how that happened :-/

.250 should be cluster manager and .251 should be associated AP, somehow this has now been flipped around, and logging into the AP's manually confirms this is the case.

But that does not explain why one updated and the other did not.... Yep I am officially miffed on this one, there were no errors on the screen, nothing, everything looked all normal and like it went through perfectly fine.

I think I will leave this one alone and move onto finding more things.



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

Did the actual device hostname change in this case?  We did have the concept of a device label that was purely local to FindIT, but I'm not sure there was ever a clear definition as to whether this field was the hostname, the label, or hostname for configurable devices and label otherwise.  I'll get engineering to comment on this.


Hi Dave,

Yes the Host Name on the AP did in fact change, just not the other one, which I am going to assume because it is part of the cluster, and FindIT will only change the Primary/Cluster Manager?



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

Actually, I've just realised something - you do have the restconf firmware, since that was the build I gave you when we were chasing that wireless problem.  So FindIT should be able to change the hostname.

But can I ask whether you have been consistently running the same version throughout the testing you have been doing with this?  I thought you had reverted back to the older image, which does not have restconf, so should not be able to have configuration changed.  Can you doublecheck what versions are being used in each case?


Hi Dave,

I checked the firmware on both devices and they match up to the one in this screenshot.

I am operating on the latest one you gave me as I have managed to stabiles some of the issues by taking it off auto channeling and locking it down to set channels, and disabling 80MHz bandwidth on the 5GHz radio (At least whilst I diagnose the problems more in depth).

So I believe I have restconf on the present active firmware in place.



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

Ok, that is the restconf build then.  So hostname changes and other configuration changes should definitely be applied.  Can you retest with each AP and see if you can consistently change the hostname?  And if you can't, can you do a screen capture video of a failure and send it through.  I'm totally guessing here, but if it is working sometimes and not others, there could be a timing problem in the workflow.


Errrrr Yeah sure why not.....!!

When I can work out how to take video screen captures on this MAC, remember I am a newbie at this whole MAC thing, I only learnt today on how to take a screen capture using CTRL+SHIFT+4 then I decided to really put that in good use today, as you can see :)

But yes the problem is still occurring, on the second WAP, I might film it with my mobile and transfer it over that way.



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

Use Quicktime Player and select File > New Screen Recording.  That should do the trick.

OH WOW! Didnt know it could be that easy :)

Anyway as per your request please find attached the video of it taking place.

NOTE: I had to ZIP it as it would not except it in the uploader any other way.



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

Can you doublecheck the credentials stored for this device?  I had a look at the screenshot you posted for the switch credential problem and saw that the username/password for this particular AP was not valid, which would explain exactly what you are seeing.  I've attached the screenshot here and highlighted the piece I am talking about.


Hi Dave,

I will give you 10/10 for effort on that, but I am staying one step ahead of you on this testing :)

I had already gone through and fixed up all the credentials once I hit that bug where I couldn't update and apply them.

We are all good on that front, I made sure of that before I reported the hostname change bug.

Screen shot provided :)



Cheers, David Trad. **When you rate a persons post, you are indicating a thank you or that it helped, but at the same time you are also helping to maintain the community spirit - You don't have to rate posts and you wont be looked down upon :) *

:( Oh well, it was worth a try.

I'll ask engineering to jump on this one then to give you specific debugs they want - though at this point they might simply ask you to try the next build.  There's been a fair number of changes made over the last three weeks, and a lot of problems have been fixed.  Anyway, let's see what they say.


And if it is happening consistently on one WAP but not the other, make sure you have a valid username/password credential stored for the problem WAP.