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############################ Introdução

Muitas vezes nos deparamos com problemas de comunicação ou resultado não esperando e precisamos realizar a captura de pacotes com objetivo de identificar uma possível causa.

Este documento busca brevemente descrever os passos necessários para validar se o tráfego está sendo tratado pela política correta, assim como capturar o fluxo de comunicação entre a origem e o destino.

########################## Verificando política

The next step is to check if ACE does count the client request against the appropriate VIP.  For that you will use the command show service-policy <policy_name>.

switch/Admin# show service-policy SLB

Status     : ACTIVE


Interface: vlan 10 20

  service-policy: SLB

    class: VIP-122-80


        L7 loadbalance policy: l7-vmware-8080

        VIP Route Metric     : 62

        VIP Route Advertise  : ENABLED-WHEN-ACTIVE

        VIP ICMP Reply       : DISABLED

        VIP State: INSERVICE

        curr conns       : 0         , hit count        : 17

        dropped conns    : 3

        client pkt count : 24        , client byte count: 960

        server pkt count : 24        , server byte count: 1040

        conn-rate-limit      : 0         , drop-count : 0

        bandwidth-rate-limit : 0         , drop-count : 0

Check if the   “client pkt count” counter is increasing.  Also check the “server pkt count”. 

If you do not see the server packet counter incrementing, it is often indication of asymmetric routing.  You can quickly confirm this by configuring client nat.  If that solves the problem, it does confirm that you have asymmetric routing.  You then need to either fix the server routing table or keep client nat.

If your client packet counter does not increment and the “hit count” counter also stays unchanged, the traffic does not match this rule or it is not getting to the ACE device.

########################## Simulando tráfego

A quick way to check the traffic hits the correct rule is to call the following command :

show np 1 access-list trace vlan <inbound vlan> in pro <protocol> source <src ip> <src port> destination <dst ip> <dst port>

You can usually ignore the first part of the output from this command.  It begins to be interesting from the “version+aceid”.

In our case the client ip address is  The source port is unknown so I use the value "0".  The virtual ip address is on port 80. Vlan 20 is the interface on which client traffic is coming into my ACE.

switch/Admin# show np 1 access-list trace vlan 20 in pro 6 source 0 des 80


Context ID: 0

<… ignore first part …>

version+aceid 0x16c (version 0 ace_id 364 dirty no)

action_flag 0x2 (permit yes log no punt_to_cp no capture no bridge no)

path ID 0x0

src nat 0x0 dst nat 0x0 vserver 0x51 fixup 0x0

TCP conn 0x0 AAA 0x0 Websense 0x0 QOS Policer 0x0

Syslog Info 0

Hitcount 0

Syslog info:

  idx:[364:0] name_idx:[0:0] hash1:0x0 hash2:0x0 name_len:0 invalid

Number of DRAM access: 16 (5 mtrie 11 non-mtrie)

What you want to look at first is the vserver id.  In our example, the id is 0x51 or 81 in decimal.

You can then check if it corresponds to your policy-map and class-map by checking the config manager tables.

switch/Admin# show cfgmgr internal table l3-rule | i 81

81              135             104             0       0      DATA_VALID,


This command gives us a line matching our rule 81 and this rule is from policy-map 135 and class-map 104.

Again we can check the internal tables to identify those objects.

switch/Admin# show cfgmgr internal table policy-map | i 135

135             SLB                                 0      DATA_VALID,

switch/Admin# show cfgmgr internal table class-map | i 104

104             VIP-122-80                          0      DATA_VALID,


As you can see object 135 is policy-map “SLB” and object 104 is class-map “VIP-122-80”.  In my case, it does match the show service-policy command I initially typed.

If it does not match the rule you expected, it means ACE found a matching rule before the one you are testing.  Check your configuration and try to re-order the rules.

Don’t forget ACE looks into service policies sequentially and it stops when it finds a match.  So, it might not be the best match.  Try to order your rules accordingly.

If the rule is correct, but hit count is not incrementing, the traffic is probably dropped before it gets to the ACE device.  I will recommend reading the first post for troubleshooting connectivity issues.

Next time, I will focus on the other info contained in the show access-list trace command.

######################### Capturando tráfego

1- Criar uma lista de acesso com o fluxo que se deseja verificar;

access-list mycapture line 10 extended permit ip any any

2- Criar a captura especificando a interface, lista de acesso com o tráfego interessante, e quantidade de dados que devem ser coletados;

capture mycap interface vlan50 access-list acl1 bufsize 2048 circ

capture mycap start

capture mycap stop

copy capture mycap disk0: mycapturefile

show capture mycap status

show capture mycap detail

capture mycap remove

Primeiros Passos

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