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SPA112 not allowing caller id to show

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Level 1

The new SPA112 ATA is not allowing caller id to be displayed on inbound calls.

ATA has been updated to firmware Spa112-Spa122_1.0.2_006_FW and has been configured for callcentric.

( in USA).

any suggestions ?

59 Replies 59

If it wasn't bad enough to have callerid broken, now my SPA112 has stopped working twice this week.  It just decides to stop providing dial tone.  When you browse to the Voice section on the web interface it simply says "Voice module not ready.".  When I try to reboot it from the web interface it says

"Changes cannot be applied while calls are in progress. Please try again when phones are idle.", although there are NO calls in progress.  Logs show nothing.  I just turned on debug level syslogs to see if I can catch this nice one in the future.


I haven't experienced the "Voice module not ready" and no dial tone issue yet. Have you opened a support ticket with Cisco for this issue?

Also I would like to than Eric for escalating my Caller ID ticket. Hopefully I will hear good news from an engineer tomorrow.

No support ticket yet, as I don't have any logs to submit to them. 

I don't want to hijack this thread with other issues, so let's see what Eric can come up with on the caller id issue.

Perhaps the next firmware can resolve both of my issues, or maybe I purchased a dud.

Alright, the locking up problem was caused by a faulty CallerID Superfecta module in my Elastix PBX passing an HTML doc as the Caller ID Name.

You can read about it here if you care:

At any rate, the SPA112 shouldn't LOCK UP when receiving erroneous caller id info either!

Perhaps this is linked to the caller id issue we're having in this thread.


I don't think it is related to your HTML Caller ID name issue.

It appears that the SPA112 does receive the Caller ID correctly. Even after Caller ID fails to come through over the phone, it still shows up under the "Last Caller Number" in the web interface. I doubt that both VoIP providers mentioned here would have anymajor configuration issues with their Caller ID setup as both have been around for several years now and are known for reliable service. This kind of issue would have been caught by now, since so many of their customers run Asterisk and would have seen and reported this behavior from looking at their console or logs.

Also, I'm not getting the hangs and voice module not ready issues.

However, your issue should still be reported as it creates a condition where emergency calls might not go through... basically a DoS attack on the ATA. Like you said, it shouldn't hang due to getting bad Caller ID data.

I still think the issue is with the FSK signaling sent theough the FXS ports, based on the behavior. However, this is speculation and it could be something else.

I did get a call back from a support engineer at Cisco... the problem was acknowledged again, but at this time they haven't given me a bug ID or description of what is actually going on. I'm expecting this information soon, but have been told that it could take a few days before they get it back from engineering. In other words, no updates, but the case has been escalated and is going in the right direction.

Hi Folks,

The Caller ID issue has been reported to Engineering & Development teams. The Developer reports they have a handle on the root cause, so it is only a matter of time before a fix is found, and added to a forthcoming Maintenance Release firmware.

I just received the Cisco SPA112 yesterday and set it up successfully with my provider I noticed that my phones weren't receiving caller ID info and found this thread while searching for causes. Today, after testing it by calling myself from another phone over and over again, the caller ID info finally came through once. However, the caller ID info hasn't come through any time after that. I do know that the SPA112 is receiving the caller ID info because I can see it in the web interface. It's just not sending it to my phones. I don't know if that helps but I thought I'd mention it. I'm anxiously waiting for a fix.

Richard De Guzman wrote:

Today, after testing it by calling myself from another phone over and over again, the caller ID info finally came through once. However, the caller ID info hasn't come through any time after that.

Those are the results I have been getting all along. Sometimes it works, but usually it does not. The exact behaviror seems to depend on what equipment is attached to the SPA 112 because all Caller ID equipment handles errors differently. Some will display an error message, and some will display nothing at all.

This issue has also been reported with the SPA122 which uses the same firmware. The only difference with that devices is that it has a built in router.

I tried to get updates from Cisco several times this week and have not had a single call back or reply to any of the emails that I sent. If any of the Cisco employees that monitor this board could provide an update, it would be greatly appreciated.

I was trying to at least get a bug ID since I don't want to post the trouble ticket number in a public forum. So far I haven't even been able to get that information.

Alex Delano entered the bug.  It's bug ID CSCtx11685.

Any ETA on this fix?  I'm getting tired of the wife nagging me about not having caller ID.  She won't even answer the phone now.

Level 1
Level 1

I noticed that Call Waiting Caller ID does work with the unit I have. (Only tested it once).  I can't belive this product was released without working caller id.

Yes, that is true, Call waiting CID does work and come thru

but not CID.

Yes, this is getting very frustrating & is ridiculous. It is very irresponsible for a company like Cisco to release a inferior and defective product like this.

Obviously Cisco released the product prematurely to the public without adequate field testing.

I noticed this thread/ticket is almost a month old now and we haven't heard anything back in weeks! Cisco is going to have to close this gap and prove themselves soon or it insinuates small business support is between low priority and non-existent.

I just bought this ATA and I'm shocked such a basic feature was not tested before release. I might have to add this example of terrible QA to the history books (Wikipedia) under SPA112/122.