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VoIP Caller ID and returning calls using the SPA3102

Level 1
Level 1

I've got my SPA3102 set up now, and have a configured dial plan that dials out of the PSTN if the number starts with 0-9, through my VoIP provider if the number starts with a #, and through sipbroker for VoIP to VoIP if the number starts with a *.

using a handset plugged into an SPA3102 at both ends:

With 0-9 calls, the recipient sees my 0441480xxxx PSTN number.

With # calls, the recipient sees my 044843xxxx number.

With * calls, the recipient sees only my VoIP provider account number (we are both on the same provider).

What I can't do is return the VoIP call, because the incomming number starts with a 9, it gets routed out of the PSTN.

I don't really understand who in the network puts on the various bits of the callerid - I am dialing from VoipTalk, but going through SipBroker for * calls (i.e. *xx.<>).

Ideally, I'd like to see the incomming number being fully routable back to source, and ideally starting with a '*' so that it doesn't get routed out of the PSTN if I return the call.

1) Is there any better 'standard' than SipBroker for cross-VoIP connections (ENUM means making your details public, and INUM is not particularly global yet).

2) Can the SPA3102 be configured to prefix incomming callerids with a *, or is this something that I must ask one of the 'middle men' to do?

3) and if so, which middle man?

Many Thanks and Regards,

Steve Clarke

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