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Cisco Cafe - now open for business

Leo Laohoo
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Right-o.  Here are the Club rules:

1.  Welcome mat is outside the door and it reads, "Leave your pride outside".
2.  No work-related stuffs here.  Whinging is acceptable.
3.  No religious topic/debate.
4.  No political topic/debate.
5.  No harassing and definitely no "below-da-belt" stuff.
6.  Jokes are welcome.  Just be sensible and have a good sense of humour.
7.  English language (`nuff said!) or provide translations.
8.  Aussie slangs and jargons exempted.  He he he ...
9.  Invites to your birthday party very much welcome, and a big thank you!
10.  Remember the explitive-filter-engine.  You've been warned.
11.  Giving points is optional ... it’s all up to you. 
12.  HAVE FUN!

Message was edited by: leolaohoo

197 Replies 197

I'm waiting for someone to comment on #9.  He he he ...

One day I came to the Cisco fourum
with a quandry that was sure to floor'em

but with Jon, Rob, Kevin, Dan, Leo and of course Maria
my questions were answered and I was overcome with glee-a   (glee-a is Italian...right?)

Then I came across the Cisco Cafe
At first I thought how risque

But then as I read the fine words of wisdom
I though to my self what a great way to help with boredom

So I carefully crafted a not so great poem
So it would nice if no one spewed too much venom

Let's keep it nice and have some fun
since this has only just begun

Let's keep religion and politics to other places
and let those fourums clean up those messes

So lets have some fun and not get too mean
after all we did that when we were sixteen

As for rule number nine I though the would put this fourth
My birthday is May 24th so you can all send gifts henceforth

So in closing I leave with with this final statement
Let's keep the talk out of the basement.


Crikey mate!

Mike, your poetry deserves some credits here.  (+5) 

Why thank you Leo glad you enjoyed and of course thanks for the high 5... 

Hey Leo,

Thanks for posting this up my friend

+5 for your good work and always humorous attitude, it's

refreshing to say the least!!

Mike +5 for the awesome poetry as well! It's not something

I ever thought I'd see on NetPro. I also love the irony of "Burleyman"

penning the first NetPro Poem. Rockin' for sure.



Level 8
Level 8

Thanks Rob... Yeah Burleyman has always been my nickname...I have had the Grizzly Adams look in the past...Long hair, beard, 6ft, short hair, beard, 6ft...have not started to shrink yet...250....ok so I am I guess the the Burleyman stuck.

Glad you enjoyed the little poem and that it put a smile on your face. Also I would like to say thank you to you for all your posts and help throughout the years. You have helped me with problem resolution and also I have learned a lot reading your posts. Please keep up the great work.

Mike "Burleyman" Burley

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hey Mike,

Too funny my friend! I used to wear size 30 jeans as well...hahaha! If

I've ever helped you over the years, it's truly my pleasure

Don't forget it goes both ways here and I've received many great tips

and some good laughs from you as well.



Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hey folks,

I thought I might take a moment to continue on with Kevin's good

start on Rule #1 (leave your pride outside) +5 Kevin for this great

look at how we are all fallible here

My "what not to do" for this week (one of many);

I was working on a major problem with our Unity Connection

publisher server. After spending many long nights with Cisco

TAC (Thanks Jing - Sydney TAC) They finally published an ES

for our issue.

I'm working in the lab trying to load the new ES version on our

Lab/Publisher. Download the ES - burn DVD - load on box - Test.

Should be a pretty straight forward process so here I go.....

Download the ES - burn DVD - load on box - "no valid upgrade file found"

hmmmmmmmmmmm......burn new DVD using a different product should be good

to go -  load on box - "no valid upgrade file found" .....starting to lose it!! OK ...

go to pop DVD out of Publisher MCS box and look at the label on the server

realize that I've been trying to upgrade the UC box but inserting the DVD in the

Communications manager Lab/Publisher .......probably won't work

Cheers! More next week!


Hi Rob,

If I truly leave my pride outside, I will have to admit I still don't get what you were doing wrong! So, what happened this week?

A year or so ago I decided to buy a small laptop. I am not a gudget person (really), but I needed it.  You know how it is, one thing led to another and I find myself in my cousin's store trying to buy some related accessories, and we soon come to the mouse. I can choose among 3: a pink, a red and a microsoft bluetooth (note that the most important technical characteristics of each mouse are listed). I want the pink by default, but laptop is red (only because vendor doesn't have pink), so I'm thinking red. In the end, I play it serious and buy the bluetooth. Cousin tests it and we are ok, so I take it home. Now, when I try to use it, something strange happens: I move the mouse to the right, cursor goes to the left. At the beginning I don't realize the pattern. It just feels strange. I'm thinking that cousin is left-handed, so maybe he did something to my settings, but settings look ok. I start thinking maybe there is a bug. I go to microsoft mouse site to look for known issues, and all of a sudden I see the picture of the mouse. Some metal on the mouse surface seems to be upside down in the picture. Or am I holding the mouse upside down???  Well, at least I haven't tried to upgrade drivers or anything. People asked how was it possible for me to hold it the wrong way and still be able to click. My excuse was that my hands are big and many mouses feel uncomfortable anyway   And why don't those wireless mouses have a wire to show to people like me the correct direction of usage? (In case you are wondering, I went back to the store and bought the pink mouse as well.)

And after all this humiliation, I'll try to impress you a little bit. I presented my master's thesis something like 5-6 hours ago. I am now a master of disaster or master of puppets (tribute to my heavy metal lost youth)! You know what I can do now? I can SLEEP!!!

Kind Regards,

Huge Contrats on your Master's!!! Good job.

Loved the mouse story....could you now be Master of Mouse Manipulation 

It must be IT Brain Burp week. Here is what I did. I was getting nine new HP servers ready for deployment. I got them all racked up and wired and ready to go. Then I was connecting up the power cords and as I connected them the fans started buzzing away no problem, even without having to go all the way around to the front and press the power except two servers did not come on auto-magically. I should also mention that two days before all the servers fired up with no problem. So I did my due diligent troubleshooting. I connected two other power cords from the other servers.....still nothing. I connected the power cords from the one that did not work and connected up two other servers and away the fans went but still nothing on those two pesky servers. I then swapped the power supplies and no luck but the other servers worked flawlessly. So based on my great troubleshooting I found out it was not the power cords, was not the power supplies, and was not the power whip I was using, so I concluded it was the servers system board. Call was placed to HP and I told them all my fantastic troubleshooting and they were truly impressed, well may not but they should have been . They were sending parts and a tech. When I got off the Phone I walked around the front and there it was the problem was starring me right in the face, no I was not in front of a mirror...but I probably should have been. You see the problem was............ I needed to hit the power button on those two...

So I swallowed my pride and call HP back to not send the tech or parts and that I found the problem....... I let them know that a wire on the system board came loose and that caused the problem     It was better than feeling stupid all over again, and in my defence...I did not have to hit the power button on the other 7 servers....darn HP.


Congrats Mari!

How do we address you now?  Master?  Your Royal Highness?

He he he ...

Well Leo, that's a good question and thanks for bringing this issue to my attention. You should avoid addressing me directly from now on! You could say something like "how is Maria today?" but not "how are YOU today?" And whenever I suggest you did something, you should not respond with anything other than "yes, master"!


I thought you would prefer the full title... "How is Master of Mouse Manipulation Maria today?" When you demand...I mean suggest we should respond with "yes, Master Mouse Manipulator."


A poem called the "Master Mouse Manipulator"

There once was a Cisco queen named Maria.

Who got herself a Masters Degree-a.

She went out to celebrate this joyous occasion.

Shopping is what she did because she is just that brazen.

Went back to her house with a brand new mouse.

But before she got home she must have stopped at an Alehouse.

For when when she used her new found toy.

She was most certainly not celebrating with joy.

You see the mouse was not working no matter how many time she slid it up and down

Because you see she had it up side down.

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hi Maria/Mike,

I loved both of your stories I was thinking that I'm the only one

out here doing any crazy stunts! +5 to both of you for sharing your latest

Faux pas!! No pride here.

Maria....HUGE Congrats on your most recent achievement! WOW. Great

work my friend, now get some rest.

The moral of last weeks "leave your pride at the door" story, when doing any

type of upgrade make sure the media has been inserted into the proper servers'

DVD tray

This weeks story is not IT related (well it is Nerdy!) but...

I had just walked into the main reception area of one of the departments here on campus

and I was chatting with the nice lady at the main desk. She is sitting at a really nice large

wooden "millwork" counter answering phones etc. So I'm playing it pretty cooool and I spot a

large jug of "hand sanitizer", since the H1N1 threat there is "hand sanitizer" everywhere you

go. As I'm talking with her I decide that b4 going in to my meeting I'll grab a little hand wash

so I proceed to push down on the top of the "hand sanitizer" jug, well instead of getting a little

cleanser on my hands it shoots right over my hands and all over the counter top. Pretty "smooth

move" I'm thinking as I ask for paper towel or anything available to wipe up She's probably still laughing!



Back in 2006, a lady walked up to our team and asked to borrow a switch because she was doing something to group of servers in a store-room.  She said doesn't need our help to set it up because she knows her way around the switch.  Okey, dokey.  One 2924XL signed out.  A few days later she came and said that the switch was defective and wanted to have it swapped out.  Confused, I went over there and see what happened.

All 25 ports were connected to all the servers.  25????  The switch I gave her only had 24 ports ... unless.

Yup, you guessed it.  She plugged one of the "important" servers to the Console port.

At least it wasn't a network fault.

(Unfortunately, she was a blondie.)

Yo Mike!  You're birthday's almost coming up.  When are we suppose to expect the invites???