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Funny user trouble reports

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hello all,

I don't know why, but the trouble report I got yesterday just struck

me as being pretty humorous and I thought others might have some

similar user reporting that might brighten our day

Being a Voice guy I thought this was pretty sweet!

Good morning Rob,

I've received a complaint from xxxx xxxxxx that when  he picks up his phone's receiver, sometimes the call isn't
picked up. Maybe  the little "hanger upper" thingy is sticking ... not sure.

Anyway you can  swing by at some point and check it out?

Much  appreciated,

Please add some more here that struck your funny bone the same way this did mine



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78 Replies 78

Ben Lavender
Level 1
Level 1

Hehe we get some funny ones at work, normally the easiest as well!

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hey Folks,

Here's my latest.....(nobody wants a "Hinky" phone do they )

Hi Rob,

Something is hinky with my phone here, and neither Brenda nor i can figure out what it is.  There's either no dial tone-- or a dial tone that just don't quit!  are you able to check things out on xxxx from your end there?




Two in one day

Hi Rob,

We have a conference call happening in room xxx on Tuesday March 20th from 4pm - 5pm.

Can you assist in the setup of the conference call phone hub thingy?  (That's the technical term if you were wondering)...  I am not sure if it is always in ready to go mode, but let me know if I need to do anything else.

Let me know if you need anything else.

Thanks Rob



Hey Huff,

Yeah you got to love the user questions. 

I was working in a Tier2/3 call center and one of the client's called asking about their network and poorly it was put together.  I asked him, why do you think it is poorly put together?  His response was, "My 16 year old son said it was!"

Nice and thank you so much.



Thanks and Cheers! Kimberly Please remember to rate helpful posts.

I remember another call I received from one of my field engineers from a site and the conversation went like this:

Field Engineer:  "We suspect the router may have some water damage."

Me:  I thought, why is there water residue on it?  But insted asked him, "Why do you suspect there is water damage on the router?"

Field Engineer:  "Because there is water dripping into and out of the router."

Me:  "Right now?"

Field Engineer:  "Yes, because there is a big hole in the roof."

Me:  "Well, ok then."

We had to ship a replacement router to the site to bring them back on line once the roof was fixed.



Thanks and Cheers! Kimberly Please remember to rate helpful posts.

Kimberly Adams wrote:

I remember another call I received from one of my field engineers from a site and the conversation went like this:

Field Engineer:  "We suspect the router may have some water damage."

Me:  I thought, why is there water residue on it?  But insted asked him, "Why do you suspect there is water damage on the router?"

Field Engineer:  "Because there is water dripping into and out of the router."

Me:  "Right now?"

Field Engineer:  "Yes, because there is a big hole in the roof."

Me:  "Well, ok then."

We had to ship a replacement router to the site to bring them back on line once the roof was fixed.



Well, I laughed. :-)

Water, water everywhere, and nary a drop to drink.

I worked in a place once where the roof drains were *very* badly designed. Our office was in the top floor of a 10 (or so) floor tower - and the roof drains ran straight down into the false ceiling before taking a 90-degree turn to run to the downpipes through the service cavity.

Oh, and did I mentione that the roof drains were all 6 inch pipe - and at the 90-degree turn it dropped to a 4 inch pipe?

Oh - and the 90-degree joint was *PVC*.

I got this trouble call one day saying they were experiencing a flood - being in the days of coax 10Base2 networking, I thought packet-flood - wondered if someone had somehow managed to sandwich an extra workstation into a segment I didn't know about which was causing excessive collissions.

What they meant was a *real* flood. There had been a serious storm - something like 4 inches of rain in 30 minutes - and the downpipe *shattered* at the 90-degree joint under the load of water trying to get off the roof.

The floor was under 6 inches of water and rising.

I told 'em to throw the breaker on the server room and leave the rest to figure out once the legal case against the building owner was over and done with. :-)

Yes, it took at least 6 weeks to put the office back online.

Nice one.  My turn ... Not network-related.

Port Hedland, Western Australia is the gateway to all the iron ore being mined.  Unfortunately, Port Hedland is also a magnet for tropical cyclone (or hurricane).  The admin offices were in "portable" buildings.  They look like large 45 foot shipping containers.  But instead of high-corten shell, it's a thin corrugated steel with some paint.  It's that simple.

Anyway, when a typhoon approaches, the evacuation is very simple (with the blessing from the mother ship):  Evacuate, period.  This also means powering down everything that draws any current:  toasters, microwave ovens, electric fans, a/c, computer, network equipment.  Everything.

So one day they got a new regional manager.  He toured the area just as a typhoon warning came blaring into news.  So the staffs start their evacuation drill when he stopped them.

"Don't turn off the computers," he said, "`tis not going to be that strong.".

Staffs followed his instructions.  Except the typhoon didn't.  It came, it blew in, and it dumped everything it had.

When the staffs came back, they saw some of the demountables in smouldering ruins, some had the roofs ripped.  Some saw their PCs and monitors kilometres away.

But they never saw the regional manager again.

Got one even better ...

Causes of network issues ... See picture.

Marshmallows were clogging the ports.

OMG....this made me giggle!  +5 for the marshmellows!

Love it Leo.



Thanks and Cheers! Kimberly Please remember to rate helpful posts.

Rob Huffman
Hall of Fame
Hall of Fame

Hey Folks,

Love all the funny things in this thread (especially the "Candy" storage locker!)

Here's my most recent;

Hi Rob phone call volume is getting higher and higher.  I figure I can either start redirecting my phone line to an unsuspecting co-workers...(lol...I know, not an option) or I can look again into getting a wireless headset. 

I have my own wired headset but I keep forgetting I am wearing it and get up from my desk and start walking away and get lassoed back to my desk, very dangerous. 

Then it continues on from there ....hahahaha! I can just visualize this poor girl

getting lassoed by her "wired" headset. Needless to say we're getting her a new

cordless headset.

Cheers for now!


Don't drink and drive ...

NOTE:  I'd be jealous if Mike or George has this in their office.  Bl00dy oath!

Hey Leo,

I could use one of those carts as well +5

Here's my addition for this Friday;

Morning Rob,

Hope you had a great long weekend. Ronak is experiencing  issues with his phone. He says the "jibblet unit from the cord to the receiver won't stay engaged".

I hope that makes sense to you


I never knew that part was called a "jibblet" Hahahahahahahahaha!



Hey Huff!

REALLY a "JIBBLET"??????  LOL!  That is some funny stuff.  I should have some new ones soon, since I just started work at a new company. 



Thanks and Cheers! Kimberly Please remember to rate helpful posts.

Oh, the best one I had when I started at my current $POE came in like this

"Dear Helpdesk

Can you pleas install the Macquarie Online Dictionary on my new PC

Thank you"

Note the ONLINE word in the request. Accessing it is as simple as typing in a URL to a web browser and entering subscription login details.

God, I love users who do things by rote - I like to play with their heads by re-arranging their desktop icons - they panic when they can't find Micro$oft LookOut in its usual place!


Note the ONLINE word in the request. Accessing it is as simple as typing in a URL to a web browser and entering subscription login details.

People don't like change.