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The Role of SEO in Web Development With JavaScript

Level 1
Level 1

With the ever growing and evolving nature of the internet and the different websites you find online, it is expected to come across with a number of mixed messages along the way. One of the longest debated topics when it comes to the role of search engine optimization in web development is whether or not using JavaScript is a great idea when optimizing a website for search engines.

The online crowd is divided - some people firmly believe that Java should not be used at all, while others think that using JavaScript is essential and contributes a lot to the overall success of a website. If you are one of the many who is considering whether to use JavaScript on your website or not, this article will help you clear your head and let you see both the good side and the bad side of using Java and how it relates to search engine marketing.

One of the main reasons why a lot of website developers and web designers are big on JavaScript is its being simple and providing a lot of options for the website owner - Java is a relatively simple programming language that will let you create several web effects that is impossible for traditional HTML to do. On top of that, using Java in a website also provides a great solution to the common problem of code bloat.

Code bloat is a situation where the size of an HTML file used for a certain web page reaches its threshold, usually the limits set by the different search engines. When your website or even just a single web page on your website goes beyond the specified limits of codes, you will be penalized with a lower ranking in the results pages which is not good news.

On the other side of the fence however, a lot of [url=]Web Designing[/url] also think that applying Java will only harm your rankings simply because it makes it harder for the search engine web spiders to crawl on your website for indexing. Search engine crawlers already have a lot of ground to cover these days and crawling through overwhelming volumes of JavaScript codes makes it very hard for them to find what they are looking for.

Search engine crawlers look for keywords and relevant text and information in your website before it gets indexed and ranked, and if you have lots of JavaScript embedded within your website the crawlers will have a hard time figuring out if your website is relevant or not, thus harming your SEO strategy.

All things considered, using Java will not make or break your SEO strategy. As long as you have your online marketing strategy all planned out, you will not have a hard time deciding whether to use JavaScript or not.

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This discussion has been reposted from Community Ideas to the Cisco Cafe community.