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How to fail a finesse client over properly when a CCX server fails

Level 1
Level 1

I am creating a finesse client using qt/c++

I have 2 ccx servers that are master and slave

if i connect my client to the master (lets call it 01) and run it, login make a call etc.

I then go to the ccx login and then turn off the cisco unified ccx engine (for the Master)

it might ttake a few minutes to fail over

My current client process (which i have lots of questions about) is as follows.

I get a xmpp notification (SystemInfo)  and in the status i see OUT_OF_SERVICE

I see a primaryNode 01  a secondaryNode 02 and status  OUT_OF_SERVICE

I also see 2 ctiServers 01 and 02 , in 01 i see host, connectedDuration and active.

I actually don't know how to handle the failure. 

While watching the Finesse Web application i see it polling the SystemInfo endpoint and waiting to see if the status says IN_SERVICE

it does that a few times and sometimes will see it go back in service and sometime it will reset the url and point it to the 2nd server

i am unclear what to do , Poll SystemInfo  do i look for CtiServers that are active? or that have a connectedDuration? 

Also, it 01 turns completely off  and my base url is https://01:port/finesse/api/SystemInfo it fails and times out then https://02:port/finesse/api/SystemInfo

I have read the docs. It says the client is responsible. I just cannot see clearly what i should do.

I hope someone can help me. Thank you very much if you reply





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