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CWMS 2.6 250 user sizing question

Sarg .
Level 3
Level 3

Hello Community, 

I have been reading Cisco's CWMS 2.6 planning guide and the section on  250 user deployment is not very clear.   Here is my question: 

 In the first picture below,  we notice that Cisco has placed both the Admin Vm and the Media Vm in the same host. And in  the second picture, we notice that Cisco has specified that the " Admin and Media" needs 12 vCPU and 52GB Ram. But the document does not clearly say what each VM needs. It just puts both machines together .  Could  anyone please help to specify what each machine individually  needs please

4 Replies 4

Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee


Since Admin and Media VMs are deployed on this single dedicated UCS/ESXi host, and since no other co-residency is supported, if you use a supported UCS server with 12 CPU cores, 52GB of RAM with 1.5 TB of disk space, you will have all the resources you need for these two VMs. These VMs are deployed from the OVA file, so no manual assignment of resources is needed. VMs come pre-configured from the OVA file.

If you plan to deploy these VMs on a host with co-residency and shared resources, your system will be considered unsupported, so it won't be possible to get TAC/Engineering support if anything is not working is expected.

I hope this helps.


What is if I have a situation where I have two host machines that has 8 vCUP each but I do not have a single host that has 12vCPU. This is the problem I am facing right now so I was thinking about separating the Media and Admin Vms into separate machines because I do not have one machine that will house both VMs. But I do have two machines that have 8vCPU each

Just one extra question if I have 2 CPU sockets that have four Cores each, that means I have 8vCPU. But my server also supports hyper-threading so that means that I actually have 16 logical CPUs.  But I suppose CWMS deployment does not  look at the logical CPU (16) count when calculating the amount of required vCPU, it only looks at vCPU count- which I only have 8.

This is my problem. 

Admin VM needs 4 vCPUs and 16GB RAM (around 500GB of storage), while Media VM needs 8 vCPUs and 23GB RAM (around 150GB of storage).


Thank you again. 

You have been a massive help. Far greater than PDI
