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How do I connect to Collaboration 12.5 lab sandbox CUPs to Postgres External Database to collect Jabber usage data

Level 1
Level 1

Hi Everyone, I have a question in regards to the Cisco Collaboration 12.5 version sandbox lab where I am trying to use the Windows 2012 VM to install a Postgres 10.5 Database x64-bit and it asks me for an Admin password. Sorry I do not know the admin password to install it (I used the login credentials in the attributes that I used to login to the VM and that does not work). Basically, I am trying to use the Cisco CUPs Message Archiver (then restarting the XCP Router Service) to transmit the Jabber data to the JM table in Postgres DB. Can I achieve this task using the DevNet Lab? If not, can I have a route out this lab subnet to my externally VM outside the lab which has an external Postgres database installed (actually on my laptop) then? If connecting to the installed Postgres on my Laptop then how do I add external routing using the Sandbox VPN from the sandbox CUPs to my laptop (I am okay with accessing Postgres port 5432 to my laptop with no issues at the moment, but I can't route from the CUPs to my laptop). Thanks.

2 Replies 2

For your scenario instead sandbox I think its better to build a lab consisting of CUCM and IM and try it .

Response Signature

Thanks for your response Nithin. Where can I find a Cisco Collaboration 12.5  sandbox lab I can download and use?