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probleme with Cisco CUCM 11.5 video conferencing

Level 1
Level 1

Hello everybody,


I'am actualy facing a probleme with a CUCM 11.5 when creating a conference bridge. I need to choose a CIsco IOS Homogeneous Video Conference Bridge, but it did not appear ine the menu.

Can you help me for that please. I joined en a screen shot for the probeme.


Thank you,

5 Replies 5

Level 5
Level 5
That feature was depreciated after 11.0. I think 10.5 was the last version that had the ability to select that as an option.

Thank you Kelvin for your reply,

I just install an other version of CUCM (10.5) and yes it is available. but now i have an other probleme when using an ad-hoc conference, when i add a new call and merge for video confrencing, the conference is only in audio and not in video. I have a video conference bridge (2911) with a PVDM3. 

Did you have an idea how to activate a video conference and not an Audio ?


Thank you,

Hi Yanes,

did you verify if you assigned your video conference bridge to a media resource group and media resource group list and as further step assigning it to the device or device pool of device? From my opinion you fallback to SW CFB of UCM which is audio-only.

Please note that Cisco never fully supported this feature and deprecated it in 2015 and even disabled on newer IOS versions 15.5(3)M+

CSCus97643: PVDM3: Cisco IOS Software based video transcoder and conferencing commands purged.

For any new productive systems please migrate to Cisco Meeting Server which is available since CUCM 11.5(1) SU2 as supported conference bridge.

If UCM and IOS version is OK have verify CUCM and IOS logs to seet whats going wrong.


Hello Christoph,


Yes I correctly configure the CFB and it is  registred, i add it to MRG-->MRGL-->Divice pool.

in th MRG i assignes juste the video CFB without the SW CFB, i try to remove bothe CFB (SW and HW) from MRG and the audio conference woks (without any CFB) !!! how is it possible ?

So, How can i chek the logs between the IOS and the CUCM please ?


Thank you,

If media resources are not assigned to any MRG, they are in a so-called default MRG. Let me quote the docwiki:

"If you do not configure the media resources in any MRG, they are placed in the default MRG, and like the <none> partition in the CSS, it's always at the end of the MRGLs (even if you don't see it), and is available to ALL devices in your CUCM. If you want to restrict access to media resources, even if you're not going to use them, you need to place them in a MRG. "

On CUCM you have the Callmanager and MRM Traces and on the Gateway you would need to enable them first and try another testcall before you can collect them.

How to collect Traces on CUCM:

For debugs please try following tool to identify proper debug commands. Please monitor your CPU resources on the gateway before enabling any debugs.

Example show and debug commands would be the following for resource allocation error on IOS G2 and SCCP based DSPFarm.

show sccp all

show dspfarm all

show voice dsp group all

show sccp connection

show call active voice brief

show call history voice brief

show voip rtp connection

show sccp connections details

show sccp connections internal

show dspfarm dsp all

show dspfarm dsp active

Basic Debugs


debug ip tcp transaction

Debug sccp messages

debug sccp errors

debug sccp events

debug dsp-resource-manager flex dspfarm

debug dsp-resource-manager flex dspstats

debug dsp-resource-manager flex error