Hi there
I havent done this, but just got these info from the upgrade admin guide.
Verify that the upgraded system can access the disks for the original system Admin virtual machine. (Hard disk 4 is copied from the original system to the upgraded system.)
Do not turn on and run both systems at the same time, because the hostnames and IP addresses from the original virtual machines are used in the upgraded system. (This is obvious since you are deploying ne VMs)
Step 9 |
Deploy all of the upgraded system virtual machines, including the high availability (HA) and Internet Reverse Proxy (IRP) virtual machines.
If you are deploying a Multi-data Center (MDC), do not deploy a HA machine; MDC does not support HA.
During deployment there is an option to Power on VM after deployment. Verify that this option is not checked. Also ensure that the VMs are not turned on manually, before the next step is complete. This precaution is to prevent creating a new deployment instead of migrating the data. If the VMs are turned on, you must delete and redeploy them before proceeding.
Step 10 |
Copy the data from your original system to the Admin virtual machine for the upgraded system.
See Attaching an Existing VMDK File to a New Virtual Machine.
Hope this helps!
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