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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Recently we added a new integration scope called spark:all. The spark:all scope acts as an overall aggregate for the rest of the user scopes. It basically requests full access to a Spark account, i.e. reading/writing messages, creating/deleting spaces, making/receiving calls, and so on.

From an integrations standpoint, this makes it really simple to communicate to a user that the app requires full access without needing to select individual user scopes (such as spark:messages_read, spark:messages_write, spark:people_read). This is particularly useful for heavy-duty integrations, such as Cisco Spark calling apps. Prior to spark:all, individual user scopes were grouped and presented to the user for approval; with spark:all it requires approval for just one 'super' scope.

When spark:all is selected, the rest of the user scopes will be disabled for selection:


Even though spark:all acts as an aggregate scope, it is important to note that in the grant flow, the spark:all scope only aggregates user scopes – admin scopes are not part of spark:all and can be applied as add-ons, but no other user scope should be added when spark:all is selected.

Users will be presented with the following screen in the grant flow when the integration requires spark:all:


The spark:all scope is optional for the majority of the integrations. However, it is required for any app that uses calling features you're effectively replicating a large portion (if not all) of a native Spark client at that point and need the complete set of scopes in order for your integration to function correctly.

To learn more about integrations, please see the Authentication guide.

We focus on providing you the best features and experience. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us at or join the DevSupport Spark room. Follow us on Twitter to stay updated.

- Brian Bender, Technical Leader

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