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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: David Oxley on 20-08-2013 09:04:17 AM
I believe I have stumbled across a bug in version 8.5 of the AXL API for Call Manager - specifically, "getPhone" does not return roamingDevicePoolName when requested. We're using CUCM
This functionality works* on the same Call Manager when exercised with the 7.1 API, but not when the 8.5 API is employed. I've attached some sample requests/responses. Note that it's the same call manager and the same application user in each case; the only thing that changes is the version of the API.

* - well, it returns a UUID rather than a name, but I can live with that.

This seems like a bug to me (getPhone happily returns everything else that we've asked for) but would be happy for someone to point it out if I'm making a mistake.


Subject: RE: AXL (8.5) getPhone does not return roamingDevicePoolName
Replied by: David Staudt on 21-08-2013 04:49:29 PM
This is likely a defect, where roamingDevicePoolName is not implemented, but before generating a defect ID need to request a few details:
- Is the device in fact roaming and registered in an EMCC configuration at the time of the request?
- If not, any chance that device pool with UUID of  '1a1de63b-f3af-9044-527e-2c0b66132246' is in fact named 'FOO'..?
- Assuming the above check out, can you enable the detailed level AXL logs and attach here?

Subject: RE: AXL (8.5) getPhone does not return roamingDevicePoolName
Replied by: David Oxley on 22-08-2013 08:52:58 AM

Thanks for the reply.

>- Is the device in fact roaming and registered in an EMCC configuration at the time of the request?
I'm not sure what you mean in terms of EMCC configuration (we're not using Cross Cluster Extension Mobility) but, yes, the device is roaming. By this I mean the phone displays the message "Device in Roaming Location" and when I click "View Current Device Mobility Settings" I see that the Roaming Device Pool field is populated. (I'd include a screenshot but I can't see how to attach things to a reply.)

 any chance that device pool with UUID of  '1a1de63b-f3af-9044-527e-2c0b66132246' is in fact named 'FOO'..?
Actually no. At the time of my initial post, 
1a1de63b-f3af-9044-527e-2c0b66132246 was actually BAR:
1admin:run sql select name from devicepool where pkid = '1a1de63b-f3af-9044-527e-2c0b66132246'
(we've since swapped them around for other testing, hence the edit.)

can you enable the detailed level AXL logs and attach here?
Yep - I wanted to get ball rolling with a reply - I'll append the logs shortly.

Thanks again,
Level 1
Level 1

Hello All,

I am working in V10.5 and seem to have the same issue. Is there already a solution?


Best regards,

Geert Dewinter

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