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Level 11
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Created by: Theodore Phipps on 16-09-2011 09:31:58 AM
We are exploring options for training on Finesse.  
We'd really appreciate your feedback on these questions so we make sure the training that we provide matches what you want.
1) As an organization, how skilled are you in HTML, Javascript, REST API's, and web development?
2) Would you want Cisco to provide training on general web development or would you prefer to come up to speed on these technologies on your own, either via classroom training or self training?
3) Would you prefer that Cisco provide a structured classroom course on Cisco Finesse or would you prefer some kind of recorded on-line training?
4) What topics would you want to see Cisco cover in a training course on Finesse?  
5) Should we assume an understand of web technologies and concentrate the course on how Finesse integrates with web technologies or should we provide a introductory course where we cover the basics of web technologies and Finesse?
6) Please provide us with any additional feedback
Ted Phipps
Finesse Product Manager

Subject: RE: Finesse Training Options : Please Tell us what you think!
Replied by: Loyd Vest on 16-09-2011 03:48:12 PM

If it were me, I would assume that anyone coming to the class already has the necessary skills in HTML, Javascript, RESTful APIs and other web developemnt.  That's what we did on the CTIOS training, and it always seemed to work out. We made this clear in the pre-reqs for the class, however, there was always one or two people that would come to the class that didn't have the necessary background, and we just put them with someone else in the class that did. They seemed to get along fine.

As for the classroom verses self-paced online training for Finesse, it just depends on whether or not there are going to be exercises, or other hands on. I find that with this kind of class it really does help to do some hands on. So speaking for myself, I would want to see it held as an classroom type class with some hands on exercises.

Overview of Finesse
Comparison of feature set to CTIOS Server
Installation, Configuration and Maintenace
Gadget overview covering the existing Gadets.
Building a fully functioning Softphone using the Javascript API.
Building Gadgets

Looking forward to the training.


Subject: RE: Finesse Training Options : Please Tell us what you think!
Replied by: Loyd Vest on 16-09-2011 03:50:47 PM

I should have also added Troubleshooting to the list of Topics to cover.


Subject: RE: Finesse Training Options : Please Tell us what you think!
Replied by: Theodore Phipps on 20-09-2011 10:31:49 AM
Thanks a lot, Loyd.  This make a lot of sense. 

We will combine this input with hopefully more input and come up with training based on that.

Subject: RE: Finesse Training Options : Please Tell us what you think!
Replied by: Michal Grebac on 22-09-2011 09:32:39 AM

So we looked into this, and we agree with Loyd, who really provided a very detailed answer. The only difference is that we would suggest splitting the class into two different blocks. The first one would focus on general information suitable for a standard system engineer with limited know-how in development. And then the second session would be for developers, with strict pre-requisites, that would talk in detail about developing gadgets, using APIs (JS, REST, ..) and that would also cover best practices from Cisco.

Also, we believe that an online class would be the best since it would keep costs low and also it would make the know-how available to developers worldwide.


Subject: RE: Finesse Training Options : Please Tell us what you think!
Replied by: Theodore Phipps on 23-09-2011 10:35:02 AM
Thank you Michal.

Subject: RE: Finesse Training Options : Please Tell us what you think!
Replied by: Brien Williams on 27-09-2011 10:29:01 AM
Hi Ted,

I agree with the points from Loyd on having the required background and prefering the classroom training.

Thank you,

Hey Ted,

I've seen some pretty old threads here about developing training (this and Finesse Developer Training) but I'm not finding any actual training courses available on Finesse anywhere online, 3 years after the dates of these threads.  I saw a couple great videos from a recent Cisco Live! and of course there is, as Mr. Lender points out, plenty of code and writing to wade through.

But learning is often far more effective when one is guided by an expert.  There have been a bazillion studies on this, and probably half as many TED talks.  Would you go climb Everest without a map or a shirpa?  Nope. (Well maybe.) Here's one link with overviews of some key points:

Also, you've based the product on a slew of technologies that not everyone is born knowing; many ContactCenter developers have been living in the corporate world (where "you only need to know what we say you need to know"); so I think it's best to include some foundational instruction in those key technologies (especially since they're key!).  You could design a 2-week course (or a 1-week accelerated version) where the first half is setting up a dev environment, OpenSocial, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Security, and Browser Anomalies and the 2nd half is Finesse architecture, Working in the Cisco Container, Developing and Deploying Gadgets, Headless Finesse, Using the Admin API, Integration points, Troubleshooting & Admin, Testing/Best Practices, etc.  The course should all be workshop-based and allow (require?) people to test out of the first half before going to the second.

Overall, the format of EACH HOUR (aka milestone) of the course should be:

0 - 5 min:           What are we faced with?

5-20 min:           What's the solution we're going to implement?

20-25 min:         Here's why it works.  A few under-the-covers notes.

25-40 min:         Making something that uses it, a demo.

40-55 min:         Workshop - now you do it.

55-60 min:         Post-mortem.  Issues, solutions, pressing questions, lead-in to next milestone.

Each day should end with a 90 minute practicum/test where the student does it all again in one sprint.  It should be a hard-core learning boot camp.

This *could* be done in a series of videos, like WebStorm 8: Mastering AngularJS, spy-js, Grunt, and Multi-Selection Workflows - YouTube, but 80% of the time something trivial is glossed over that prevents an individual from orienting themselves for actually using the information (e.g., there's no video from WebStorm on how to set it up to import an existing huge Eclipse project).  For that, these fora are great but maybe the video could be presented at the top of a moderated discussion for even better effect.

Also, I realize that some concepts/milestones might need 2 hours, and only the greatest of instructors will be able to follow the minute-by-minute breakdown, but the formula is "What's the problem / Here's how I do it / Now you try" and THIS is the BEST way to help people.

Also, providing a downloadable Finesse sandbox would be awesome, or a simulator on a VM so budgetary constraints don't hamper the ability of dedicated developers to get up to speed.  CTIOS had an incredible simulation toolset that was invaluable for development efforts that began before the environment was even up!!


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