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Level 11

Subject: RE: Send DTMF digits with service Button on 6941 during call
Replied by: David Staudt on 02-12-2010 05:06:24 PM
Can you elaborate a bit more on the scenario?  Is the phone assumed to already be in a call to the ATA?
Note, that you will need to use the SendDigits: URI to send in-call DTMF...please see the developer docs for details.  Also note that SendDigits is not supported on all firmware versions for 69xx series...what firmware load is running?
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: Markus Baumann on 02-12-2010 03:23:23 PM
Hi all,
I try to send DTMF tones during a call to control door opener behind ata187.
i register service and put the service on a button on the phone.
xml file lokks like this:
 <ExecuteItem Priority="0" URL="Key:KeyPadPound"/>
 <ExecuteItem Priority="1" URL="Key:KeyPad1"/>
 <ExecuteItem Priority="1" URL="[url=http://some-ip/tuer6.xml"/]http://some-ip/tuer6.xml"/>
as long as the the request lasts no dtmf tone is sent.
can someone help me?
has someone a simple solutioon?

Thanx in advance.

Subject: RE: Send DTMF digits with service Button on 6941 during call
Replied by: Markus Baumann on 02-12-2010 05:14:06 PM
Hi all,
I try to send DTMF tones during a call to control door opener behind ata187.
i register service and put the service on a button on the phone.
xml file lokks like this:
 <ExecuteItem Priority="0" URL="Key:KeyPadPound"/>
 <ExecuteItem Priority="1" URL="Key:KeyPad1"/>
 <ExecuteItem Priority="1" URL="[url=http://some-ip/tuer6.xml"/]http://some-ip/tuer6.xml"/>
as long as the the request lasts no dtmf tone is sent.
can someone help me?
has someone a simple solutioon?

Thanx in advance.

The phone is assumed to be in a cell with the ata.
Scenario is as follows:
visitor presses door ring button
call is initiated fomr ata to a internal number
called number takes call and can talk to the visitor
by sending DTMF "#61" the door is opened
to avoid the need to remember the "#61" key combination i want to put a service onm a phone button that sends the DTMF tones to the ata during the call

Subject: RE: Send DTMF digits with service Button on 6941 during call
Replied by: Markus Baumann on 03-12-2010 07:08:45 AM
Can you elaborate a bit more on the scenario?  Is the phone assumed to already be in a call to the ATA?
Note, that you will need to use the SendDigits: URI to send in-call DTMF...please see the developer docs for details.  Also note that SendDigits is not supported on all firmware versions for 69xx series...what firmware load is running?

the phone uses the latest firmware verion on UCM 8.
The phone is assumed to be in a call with the ata.
Scenario is as follows:
visitor presses door ring button
call is initiated fomr ata to a internal number
called number takes call and can talk to the visitor
by sending DTMF "#61" the door is opened
to avoid the need to remember the "#61" key combination i put a service on a phone button that sends the DTMF tones to the ata during the call.
the problem is that when i load the above xml file the phone says "Anforderung(Request)..." and returns without playing dtmf.
when i push the above xml with a java app directly to the phone when it is in a call it works and the DTMF tones are played.
it seems to me that it does not play DTMF when in services menu.
any ideas?

Subject: RE: Send DTMF digits with service Button on 6941 during call
Replied by: Cisco Service on 03-12-2010 01:02:14 PM
Can you elaborate a bit more on the scenario?  Is the phone assumed to already be in a call to the ATA?
Note, that you will need to use the SendDigits: URI to send in-call DTMF...please see the developer docs for details.  Also note that SendDigits is not supported on all firmware versions for 69xx series...what firmware load is running?

new situation. I downloaded the latest firmware (sccp) today.
now I receive the following response from the phone:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><CiscoIPPhoneResponse><ResponseItem
URL="SendDigits:6185551212,,987654321,1234:1:" Data="URI not found" Status="6"/>
Before the firmware upgrade it was error number "1".
I think this is still buggy...
Help appreciated. :-)

Subject: Re: New Message from Cisco Service in Serviceability XML (SXML) - Serviceab
Replied by: Johannes Krohn on 03-12-2010 02:25:49 PM
Information about how to use the SendDigits URI can be found here:

I think that SendDigits can only be used in an CiscoIPPhoneExecute object.

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Cisco Service in Serviceability XML (SXML) - Servi
Replied by: Markus Baumann on 15-12-2010 10:47:25 AM
Information about how to use the SendDigits URI can be found here:

I think that SendDigits can only be used in an CiscoIPPhoneExecute object.

thats exactly how i am using it.
i put a xml file on a webserver, create  and subscribe the service.
it works on a 7970 but not on a 6921
any help appreciated...
xml file:
<ExecuteItem URL="SendDigits:6185551212,,987654321,1234:1:"/>
Level 1
Level 1

HI Martin,

Have you got your questions solved? I am experiencing a similar issue as you did, you can find the information about my case here: How to send PIN when making a call using SendDigits?The difference is that I receive a "No Active Call" response while you receive a "URI not found" response.

Appreciate a lot if you can share your solution.

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