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Level 11
Level 11
This document was generated from CDN thread

Created by: NEOVIASOLUTIONS (simulated) on 05-01-2011 11:05:01 AM
Hi everybody and happy new year
I want to download the zip package but i have this error :
The requested resource was not found.

Please help me i can't continue to developp my project i'm blocked

Subject: RE: New Message from NEOVIASOLUTIONS (simulated) in Computer Telephony Inte
Replied by: David Lender on 05-01-2011 07:51:46 PM
What file are you attempting to download?  The .zip file you specified in your post does not exist.  The CTOS tech center contains documentation but no zip files.

Subject: RE: New Message from NEOVIASOLUTIONS (simulated) in Computer Telephony Inte
Replied by: NEOVIASOLUTIONS (simulated) on 07-01-2011 04:59:38 PM
What file are you attempting to download? The .zip file you specified in your post does not exist. The CTOS tech center contains documentation but no zip files.

Hello thanks for your reply
In fact i want to try to download CTIOS VB.NET NR Reason Code sample

On the web site

But now way i have always this error

Subject: RE: New Message from NEOVIASOLUTIONS (simulated) in Computer Telephony Inte
Replied by: David Lender on 10-01-2011 02:42:01 PM
I¿ve updated the permissions for that sample  .zip file.  Please retry.  Thanks.
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