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On October 30, 2013, the Cisco Collaboration team held a Tweetchat on the future of H.264 and WebRTC with Cisco Execs, Rowan Trollope, Snorre Kjesbu, Jonathan Rosenberg and Cullen Jennings. We had an awesome turnout with a lot of great questions! You can check out the Tweetchat in its entirety through the transcript included below.

The Tweetchat starts at the bottom so begin there and scroll up to follow the conversation.

rajiv saxena ‏@rajivsaxena one giant step for startups & webapps ! Thanks Cisco!! #collabchat

Cisco_Insights RT @KjesbuSnorre Cisco want H264 as common denominator. #openh264 #collabchat @aylarov

djbombay @jdrosen2 thank you and rest of team for answering questions on this. Big day for web video. @CiscoCollab #collabchat #openh264

jdrosen2 @huttonandy Lots of ways to distribute content with high reliability on the Internet. #openh264 #collabchat

RobArnoldUCC Thanks for the additional detail #collabchat

KjesbuSnorre Cisco want H264 as common denominator. #openh264 #collabchat

aylarov @TelePresence RT @CiscoCollab This has been a great discussion, everyone. We're wrapping up #collabchat #openH264 #videoconferencing

huttonandy When a #webrtc browser or app is installed a request goes to Cisco for the codec. What guarantee/SLA is Cisco providing. #collabchat

CiscoCollab This has been a great discussion, everyone. We're wrapping up #collabchat #openH264

jdrosen2 @ebkell @cfluffy @rowantrollope Brent only thing certain in life is death and taxes. #collabchat

chadwallacehart Is there lingering risk that other MPEGLA IPR holders won't be happy with this arrangement & try to block? #webrtc #collabchat

ebkell @cfluffy @jdrosen2 @rowantrollope Agreed. good track record. Still leaves me with discomfort not knowing a guaranteed time. #collabchat

aylarov @tsahil @KjesbuSnorre @ciscokima @jdrosen2 @cfluffy let us show you something at WebRTC Expo,at least it works for VP8/H264 case #collabchat

jdrosen2 RT @cfluffy @ebkell @jdrosen2 @rowantrollope Mozilla is convinced and we have a good track record on this type of thing :-) #collabchat

Cisco_Insights RT @CiscoCollab RT @jdrosen2 Our biz case same as everyone else - interoperability is cheaper than transcoding #openh264 #collabchat

cfluffy @ebkell @jdrosen2 @rowantrollope Mozilla is convinced and we have a good track record on this type of thing :-) #collabchat

rowantrollope @bencord0 It is a codec Cisco developed. Its our codec. #collabchat

aylarov VP8 and H.264 are both good codecs for WebRTC, and we believe that at this point, users are best served by having both choices. #collabchat

jdrosen2 @djbombay @cisco Main driver is collab - interoperable video communications on the web #openh264 #collabchat

bencord0 #collabchat Where does the #openh264 implementation come from #TANDBERG #WebEx or #Jabber?

jdrosen2 @gilzino @tsahil Most important thing is least common denominator and that is H.264. Other codecs will be there today and tomrrw #collabchat

djbombay @cisco is your IPTV business goals the main driver for this #openh264 initiative? #collabchat

rowantrollope @WigginsOnUC @CiscoCollab #openh264  #collabchat

ebkell @jdrosen2 @rowantrollope I'm not convinced. Still risk. Cisco can firm it up with a written guarantee for x years! #collabchat

CiscoCollab RT @jdrosen2 @WarrenBent Our biz case same as everyone else - interoperability is cheaper than transcoding #openh264 #collabchat

rowantrollope @WigginsOnUC @CiscoCollab Not today...... #openh264 #collabchat

gilzino abstract version of @tsahil note...don't we need assume multiple video codecs in software ruled world, regardless MTI? #collabchat

KjesbuSnorre RT @JennEricksen RT @ulander: @DaveMichels @jdrosen2 jonathan is quite the disruptor isn't he. You should see him in meetings . #collabchat

WigginsOnUC @CiscoCollab Question: Is there a relationship between Jabber SDK and WebRTC? Or Entirely new product that will support? #collabchat #video

KjesbuSnorre H264 is common denominator and widely used today. For VP8 ask Google. #openh264 #collabchat @benlewis

cfluffy @neilstratford No limits on the number of channels. #collabchat

jdrosen2 @ebkell @rowantrollope Mozilla committed to use this - thats a good sign it will be good for others too #openh264 #collabchat

RobertWelbourn @tsahil H.264 at least gives us a common baseline. Nothing stopping support for other codecs later. #collabchat #WebRTC

jdrosen2 @WarrenBent Our biz case same as everyone else - interoperability is cheaper than transcoding #openh264 #collabchat

ebkell @rowantrollope If I'm a big company, I don't want to develop apps w/o a guarantee the underlying software will be available #collabchat

aylarov @cfluffy until we have Google's opinion not sure we can say about making it simpler, can become even more complicated #collabchat

cfluffy @WarrenBent The 13 million number was wrong on Monty's blog and he is updating that. It's less. #collabchat

neilstratford Are there any limitations on the number of channels the license supports? What about server implementations using the binary? #collabchat

rowantrollope @ebkell We will pay the MPEGLA royalties. #openh264 #collabchat

KjesbuSnorre RT @ciscokima RT @jdrosen2: @aylarov @cfluffy Transcoding bad. Lets have a common codec #openh264 #collabchat

WarrenBent #collabchat Any comment regarding biz case for CSCO spending $13MM/yr to pay licensing fees on behalf of others & expected ROI?

McGeeSmith That would imply credibility to the offer RT @RobArnoldUCC: Speaking of Google, Apple, MSFT, etc..have they posted response yet? #Collabchat

rowantrollope @ebkell The agreeement is between MPEGLA and Cisco that we will pay all the royalties for this. #collabchat

jdrosen2 @RobArnoldUCC We and the industry are waiting for a response - though note that Apple, MS co-author IETF draft on H.264 MTI #collabchat

NadeeG RT @jdrosen2: Internet video runs on H.264 #openh264 #collabchat

benlewis What does #openh264 mean for the future of VP8? #collabchat

angelacollins68 RT @Roopamjain #collabchat this is a big win for Cisco-one major objection for H.264 for #WebRTC was licensing fees @Cisco removes barrier

RobArnoldUCC Speaking of Google, Apple, MSFT, etc... have they posted response yet? #Collabchat

aylarov @jdrosen2 @cfluffy I wrote - w/o transcoding  #collabchat , that's the idea. H.264 and VP8 are very similar.

cfluffy @aylarov We like how Zingaya has been doing what it takes to make #webrtc work but we think #openh264 makes it simpler #collabchat

neilstratford @jdrosen2 @tsahil Can we solve it longer term by making the new codec API MTI, not the codec MTI. These are browsers. #collabchat

Cisco_Insights RT @KjesbuSnorre Cisco showed H265 for the first time fall of 2012. H264 is common denominator. @Cisco #openh264 #collabchat @tsahil

TelePresence RT @jdrosen2 Internet video runs on H.264 #openh264 #collabchat

Cisco_Insights RT @jdrosen2 Internet video runs on H.264 #openh264 #collabchat

Roopamjain #collabchat #openh264 this is a big win for Cisco-one major objection for H.264 for #WebRTC was licensing fees @Cisco removes the barrier

jdrosen2 @aylarov @cfluffy Transcoding bad. Lets have a common codec #openh264 #collabchat

angelacollins68 RT @jdrosen2 @tsahil Codec technology always evolving - lets solve the problem for today #openh264 #collabchat

ebkell Would Cisco sign a contract with companies that it will offer #h264 free. Still highrisk if there is no time guarantee. #collabchat

jdrosen2 Internet video runs on H.264 #openh264 #collabchat

EddiesTPWorld @tsahil #collabchat I think H265 will take quite some time to become pervasive because of the processor intensive technology requirements.

rhoshimi RT @KjesbuSnorre Cisco showed H265 for the first time fall of 2012. H264 is common denominator. @Cisco #openh264 #collabchat @tsahil

aylarov @cfluffy Zingaya has plans to show VP8/H.264 conversion w/o transcoding at WebRTC Expo #collabchat

julieemcpherson RT @KjesbuSnorre: Cisco showed H265 for the first time fall of 2012. H264 is common denominator.@Roopamjain @Cisco #openh264 #collabchat

KjesbuSnorre Cisco showed H265 for the first time fall of 2012. H264 is common denominator. @Cisco #openh264 #collabchat @tsahil

cfluffy @rishikulkarni #openh264 should help people to build products that can interoperate with 264 SVC systems #collabchat

jdrosen2 @tsahil Codec technology always evolving - lets solve the problem for today #openh264 #collabchat

angelacollins68 RT @ulander RT @jdrosen2: @DaveMichels WebRTC needs to work on the Internet as it is today, not the Internet as we wish it to be #collabchat

ulander @tsahil if things didn't advance, we'd still be on green screens. there is always a path forward #collabchat

Cisco_Insights RT @KjesbuSnorre This is also open to competitors. We want everyone to use h264. #openh264 #collabchat

EddiesTPWorld @jdrosen2 @DaveMichels Agree #collabchat

KjesbuSnorre Cisco showed H265 for the first time fall of 2012. H264 is common denominator.@Roopamjain @Cisco #openh264 #collabchat

tsahil What happens when we switch from H.264 to H.265 in 2 years time? Back to square one #collabchat #WebRTC

jdrosen2 @DaveMichels Reminds me of the NAT discussions - why we and I promoted ICE - work with the Internet as it is today #openh264 #collabchat

rowantrollope RT @ulander @DaveMichels @jdrosen2 jonathan is quite the disruptor isn't he. You should see him in meetings …. #collabchat

ulander @DaveMichels @jdrosen2 jonathan is quite the disruptor isn't he. You should see him in meetings …. #collabchat

jdrosen2 @DaveMichels WebRTC needs to work on the Internet as it is today, not the Internet as we wish it to be #openh264 #collabchat

Cisco_Insights RT @rowantrollope @CiscoCollab Open interoperable video in all browsers. Period. #collabchat

TelePresence RT @rowantrollope @CiscoCollab Open interoperable video in all browsers. Period. #collabchat

RobArnoldUCC What if next week IETF opts for VP8-9 route? #collabchat

rishikulkarni How does it affect h264 SVC based products Google Hangout, Vidyo ?#openh264 #collabchat

ulander @rishikulkarni you'll have to ask google #collabchat @openh264

rowantrollope @rishikulkarni Ask Google. #openh264 #collabchat

DaveMichels I get it and it's a reasonable salvo from the pro H264 side, but surprised @jdrosen2 is backing the less disruptive approach. #collabchat

rishikulkarni What are Google's plans to support H.264 from Cisco? #openh264 #collabchat

rhoshimi RT @cfluffy @gkrobcollins @CiscoCollab - openh264 will enable video in all kinds of application in addition to browsers #collabchat

cfluffy @neilstratford We will work with mozilla and open source community to develop the API #collabchat

rhoshimi RT @jdrosen2 @djbombay @apple Ask Apple. #openh264 #collabchat

ulander @neilstratford the beauty of OSS is that it will live indefinitely in the community unfettered from Cisco #collabchat

jdrosen2 @neilstratford We cannot say forever but unless things change we will continue this indefinitely #openh264 #collabchat

KjesbuSnorre This is also open to competitors. We want everyone to use h264. #openh264 #collabchat

Roopamjain #collabchat #open264 the market, #Google included, is gearing up for VP9 and H.265. how is @Cisco positioned for the future?

NadeeG RT @jdrosen2: @CiscoCollab Interoperable video on the web for all. That is our goal #openh264 #collabchat

neilstratford Is the codec plugin API an open standard? Can other codec developers also ship downloadable codecs for Firefox? #collabchat #webrtc

TelePresence RT @CiscoCollab Question: How does #opensource H.264 encourage new waves of video innovation? #openH264 #collabchat #videoconferencing

KjesbuSnorre We want h264 which is widely used to be part of standard. Cisco will cover. @chadwallacehart @jdrosen2 #openh264 #collabchat

neilstratford What happens when Cisco stop hosting the binary codec plugin in a few years? #webrtc #collabchat

WHaskins Is the $6.5M cap subject to change next year? is there any gaurantee that @cisco won't charge for this binary in future? #collabchat

jdrosen2 @djbombay @apple Ask Apple. #openh264 #collabchat

angelacollins68 RT @rowantrollope @CiscoCollab Open interoperable video in all browsers. Period. #collabchat

cfluffy @gkrobcollins @CiscoCollab - openh264 will enable video in all kinds of application in addition to browsers #collabchat

ulander @kseggie while app developers can use our binary royalty free #collabchat

djbombay will this help @apple make good their promise to open source #facetime? #collabchat #openh264

jdrosen2 RT @ulander @kseggie there's a prepackaged binary and then source. devs can participate in community and modify source #collabchat

ulander @kseggie there's a prepackaged binary and then source. devs can participate in community and modify source #collabchat

jdrosen2 @kseggie See our FAQ at for details on distro - needs to go from us to users computer/device #openh264 #collabchat

ebkell @ciscokima Agreed. Yet, there is a "mandatory to implement" part of WebRTC. If there's only one codec in it, no choice. #collabchat #h264

ciscokima RT @KjesbuSnorre: H264 is already an industry standard that powers much of the video on the Internet. #openh264 #collabchat

rowantrollope @CiscoCollab Open interoperable video in all browsers. Period. #collabchat

jdrosen2 @CiscoCollab Interoperable video on the web for all. That is our goal #openh264 #collabchat

kseggie what does 'distribution' mean in'Cisco must provide the packaging and distribution of this code' how will this work in practice? #collabchat

ciscokima Live #tweetchat now. What's up with #H264 and #WebRTC? Chat with experts by following #CollabChat. #openH264

ulander @ebkell this isn't about killing other initiatives but about removing barriers to inclusion. choice is good #collabchat

CiscoCollab Question: How does #opensource H.264 encourage new waves of video innovation? #openH264 #collabchat

jdrosen2 @ebkell We think this is a positive step forward for H.264 - future of VP8 - ask Google #openh264 #collabchat

angelacollins68 RT @ciscokima RT @KjesbuSnorre: Cisco will get our code open sourced, actively contribute, pay royalties #openh264 #collabchat

rhoshimi RT @KjesbuSnorre H264 is already an industry standard that power much of the video on the Internet. #openh264 #collabchat

chadwallacehart @jdrosen2 Do you expect the other MPEG-LA H.264 owners to join and chip in or is this Cisco only? #CollabChat

KjesbuSnorre H264 is already an industry standard that power much of the video on the Internet. #openh264 #collabchat

ebkell Does this effectively kill VP8, or just hamper it till the Nokia lawsuit is resolved? Any thoughts? #collabchat h#h.264

benlewis #open264 discussion live on #tweetchat #collabchat

jdrosen2 RT @jasonshearer RT @jdrosen2: @RobArnoldUCC We're going to pay the cap which is $6.5M/year #openh264 #collabchat

Roopamjain #collabchat #openh264 big step frm @Cisco,will shape futureof open voice-video; but expect to continue seeing technology islands in industry

RobArnoldUCC @jdrosen2 sounds likea deal. any other strategy to report momentum? #collabchat

jdrosen2 @ebkell They can use source and distribute their own app with it but then will have to pay their own way #openh264 #collabchat

rowantrollope @aylarov @n2collaboration We haven't heard from Google on this yet. We think it addresses their issue. #collabchat

KjesbuSnorre Cisco will get our code open sourced, actively contribute, pay royalties #openh264 #collabchat

ebkell @jdrosen2 Does someone have to use Cisco-compiled binaries, or can they download the open source code and compile it themselves? #collabchat

jdrosen2 @RobArnoldUCC We're going to pay the cap which is $6.5M/year #openh264 #collabchat

cfluffy @jasonshearer iOS already has hardware codecs. If they wish to expose the API to these to applications, they can #collabchat

aylarov @rowantrollope @n2collaboration sounds good, any feedback from Google so far? We all know the most popular browser now is Chrome #collabchat

RobArnoldUCC Will Cisco be publicizing royalties paid? Suggest some public guideance on momentum. #collabchat

jdrosen2 @Roopamjain @rowantrollope @Cisco We plan on paying MPEG-LA cap next year #collabchat

jasonshearer Is Cisco actively working with Apple on incorporating the binary into iOS? #collabchat #openh264

rowantrollope @djbombay @Cisco No. This is to make h.264 Open-souce - its the industry standard today and we will make it available to all #collabchat

jdrosen2 @jasonshearer Should be invisible to users, depends on app. Thats the plan for firefox - seamless. #openh264 #collabchat

Roopamjain @rowantrollope How is @Cisco assessing total cost impact of fees to #MPEGLA, how will these be paid(per download,fixedfees..)?#collabchat

brian_riggs If you want to learn more about or discuss Cisco's H.264 announcement, there's a tweetchat starting right now. follow #collabchat

jdrosen2 @benlewis @rowantrollope Cisco will get our code open sourced, actively contribute, pay royalties #openh264 #collabchat

djbombay Are you @Cisco open sourcing #h264 to spend more time on #h265 spec? #collabchat

CiscoCollab Also joining us are several Cisco Collaboration experts:@cfluffy, @RowanTrollope, @KjesbuSnorre, @jdrosen2 & @Ulander #collabchat

jasonshearer Can you speak to the UX with the plugin/binary approach? #collabchat #openh264

McGeeSmith @brian_riggs @tata_comm @gilzino But if it protects others endpoints at the same time, isn't that a good thing? #collabchat

rhoshimi RT @RobArnoldUCC Let's get this #collabchat party started

rowantrollope @aylarov @n2collaboration Yes. It is possible, and we have discussed with MPEGLA. We are paying the royalties directly #collabchat

CiscoCollab Let's start with intros. I’m @julieemcpherson & will be monitoring today's chat via @CiscoCollab #collabchat

benlewis @rowantrollope Hi Rowan, what new responsibilities is Cisco taking on by open sourcing H.264? #collabchat

aylarov @rowantrollope @n2collaboration is it really possible according to MPEGLA licensing terms? Have you discussed it with MPEGLA? #collabchat

RobArnoldUCC Let's get this #collabchat party started

jdrosen2 RT @TelePresence Hi everyone, we're about to get started! Bring on your #openH264 thoughts and questions for our tweetchat using #collabchat

angelacollins68 RT @CiscoCollab Hi everyone, we'll get started in a few minutes. Bring on your #openH264 thoughts and questions for our chat #collabchat

TelePresence Hi everyone, we're about to get started! Bring on your #openH264 thoughts and questions for our tweetchat using #collabchat

ciscokima Live #tweetchat now. What's up with #H264 and #WebRTC? Chat with experts by following #CollabChat.

CiscoCollab Hi everyone, we'll get started in a few minutes. Bring on your #openH264 thoughts and questions for our chat #collabchat

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