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Created by: Matthew Thompson on 22-05-2010 12:51:19 AM
Whats the best way to configure a CVP app to accept PV10 from ICM and play whatever pre-recorded wave file that PV specifies?

Subject: RE: Configuring CVP to take PV from ICM and play pre-rec wave
Replied by: Matthew Thompson on 22-05-2010 03:12:58 PM
So in my ICM script I would do:
Set variable
Array 1
Would that work?  Does it matter what "name" I give it in the name=value pair?  How does it autmatically appear in the application?
In the CVP application what is the cleanest way to tell the audio element to play the PV10 prompt?  Would this be done in the say it smart? Or can I just put the variable in the URI spot on the audio  file/TTS page?  I am not sure what the format is or how to get this name=value pair to appear  in application.  Does it become call data?
Thank you for your help.

Subject: Re: New Message from Matthew Thompson in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - CVP
Replied by: Janine Graves on 24-05-2010 01:24:09 AM
Hi Matt,

Yes, if you pass the prompt in ToExtVxml[1], then the Studio application
will have a Session variable named 'prompt' and all you have to do is
configure the default audio path, and then insert that variable
{Data.Session.prompt} into the URI field of an audio tab.

The VxmlServer process creates Session variables out of each piece of
data passed from ICM in the ToExtVxml array, except for the
'application=<appname>' parameter.

On 5/22/2010 11:12 AM, Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> Matthew Thompson has created a new message in the forum "CVP - All
> Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> So in my ICM script I would do:
> Â
> Set variable
> user.microapp.ToExtVXML[]
> Array 1
> concatenate("prompt=",Call.PeripheralVariable10)
> Â
> Would that work?  Does it matter what "name" I give it in the
> name=value pair?  How does it autmatically appear in the application?
> Â
> In the CVP application what is the cleanest way to tell the audio
> element to play the PV10 prompt?  Would this be done in the say it
> smart? Or can I just put the variable in the URI spot on the audio 
> file/TTS page?  I am not sure what the format is or how to get this
> name=value pair to appear  in application.  Does it become call data?
> Â
> Thank you for your help.
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Janine Graves

Subject: RE: Configuring CVP to take PV from ICM and play pre-rec wave
Replied by: Janine Graves on 22-05-2010 02:16:34 AM
the best way to configure CVP to take PV10 from ICM is to copy the value of PV10 into the ToExtVxml array as a name=value pair and it will automatically become a variable in the student application.

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Matthew Thompson in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) -
Replied by: Matthew Thompson on 24-05-2010 05:03:03 PM
For some reason I cannot get this to work.  In the ICM script I am setting PV10 = 6540.wav, then using ToExtVXML[]
Array 2
Then in CVP I set the audio tab to use the default audio path and :
However, the application always reads the TTS.  If I replace the URI: {Data.Session.prompt} with just the file name 6540.wav it plays it, so I don't think it is a problem with the wav file or default path.  It seems like I am not getting the value of PV10 into the CVP application.  Is there any way I can find out what is happening?  Maybe I am doing something else wrong?

Subject: Re: New Message from Matthew Thompson in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - CVP
Replied by: Janine Graves on 24-05-2010 05:21:09 PM
Hi Matt,

First look in the Activity Log on the Vxml Server
A few lines down from the first entry for the call , you will see some
entries that say 'parameter, <paramname>=<paramvalue>'
For example, you'd see parameter, prompt=6540.wav. - that displays all
the information being passed in to Studio from ICM in the ToExtVxml
array except for the application name.

My guess is that one of the following is wrong:
1) If you're filling in ToExtVxml[2] with your entry, then are you also
filling in ToExtVxml[0] and [1] with something else? You can't fill in
entry [2] unless you're also filling in entry [1]

2) You should check the size of the ToExtVxml array in your ICM Admin
Workstation Config Manager (List Tools/ Extended Call Variables) - the
array can be as large as 5 rows of the array, each row can be size 210
chararacters. BUT, no one ever makes them that large. So, perhaps yours
doesn't have 3 rows. If you don't have 3 rows, you can concatenate onto
ToExtVXML[0] which ALWAYS has to contain "application=<appname>" by
doing using semi-colon as the separater:

3) Make sure that your ICM script has the following in its Set Variable
Nodes: UseVxmlParams  set to the value "N",

On 5/24/2010 1:03 PM, Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> Matthew Thompson has created a new message in the forum "CVP - All
> Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> For some reason I cannot get this to work.  In the ICM script I am
> setting PV10 = 6540.wav, then using ToExtVXML[]
> Array 2
> value:
> "prompt=Call.PeripheralVariable10"
> Â
> Then in CVP I set the audio tab to use the default audio path and :
> URI:
> {Data.Session.prompt}
> Â
> However, the application always reads the TTS.  If I replace the URI:
> {Data.Session.prompt} with just the file name 6540.wav it plays it, so
> I don't think it is a problem with the wav file or default path.  It
> seems like I am not getting the value of PV10 into the CVP
> application.  Is there any way I can find out what is happening? 
> Maybe I am doing something else wrong?
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Janine Graves

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Matthew Thompson in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) -
Replied by: Matthew Thompson on 24-05-2010 05:41:23 PM
In the activity log I see:
So it is literally taking the prompt to be Call.PeripheralVariable10 instead of the value of PV10.  I am not sure why this is.
I will keep trying to different things.  I haven't tried to put this into 0 array with application name yet.
So flow is:
set pv10 to 6540
send to cvp as
CVP app reads the {data.Session.prompt} in URI to get the pv10 value of 6540 and plays wave file.
Should I change the name value pair around to read:
I am losing the value of pv10 somewhere here.
Thanks again for any input, it has already been very helpful.

Subject: Re: New Message from Matthew Thompson in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) - CVP
Replied by: Janine Graves on 24-05-2010 05:50:09 PM
In the ICM script, what you need to assign into the ToExtVxml[2] entry
is this: concatenate("prompt=",User.Call.PeripheralVariable10)
Or something like that.

On 5/24/2010 1:41 PM, Cisco Developer Community Forums wrote:
> Matthew Thompson has created a new message in the forum "CVP - All
> Versions":
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> In the activity log I see:
> ,start,parameter,prompt=Call.PeripheralVariable10
> Â
> So it is literally taking the prompt to be Call.PeripheralVariable10
> instead of the value of PV10.  I am not sure why this is.
> Â
> I will keep trying to different things.  I haven't tried to put this
> into 0 array with application name yet.
> Â
> So flow is:
> set pv10 to 6540
> send to cvp as
> "prompt=Call.PeripheralVariable10"
> Â
> CVP app reads the {data.Session.prompt} in URI to get the pv10 value
> of 6540 and plays wave file.
> Â
> Should I change the name value pair around to read:
> "Call.PeripheralVariable10=prompt"
> ?
> I am losing the value of pv10 somewhere here.
> Â
> Thanks again for any input, it has already been very helpful.
> --
> To respond to this post, please click the following link:
> <>
> or simply reply to this email.

Janine Graves

Subject: RE: Re: New Message from Matthew Thompson in Customer Voice Portal (CVP) -
Replied by: Matthew Thompson on 24-05-2010 06:22:22 PM
Thank you!
I had the quotes in the wrong place.  I was sending CVP the whole string instead of just the value of the string.  My quotes were around the whole name=value pair.
Thanks again for your help!

Subject: RE: Configuring CVP to take PV from ICM and play pre-rec wave
Replied by: kyle dziubinski on 17-03-2011 11:56:58 AM
How would I concatenate 3 or more PV form ICM to CVP in one array. Something like this?


Doesnt like the arguments?

Subject: RE: Configuring CVP to take PV from ICM and play pre-rec wave
Replied by: Luis Yrigoyen on 17-03-2011 12:20:30 PM
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