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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Some times, there is a need to get cell phones to ring as part of a hunt group. However, only internal numbers can be added as a hunt group member.

The concept of Single Number Reach (SNR / Mobile Connect) can be used to get cell phones to ring as part of a hunt group ( :

1. Create a dummy DN (need not be associated with any phone) by browsing to Call Routing > Directory Number

2. Create a Line Group (Call Routing > Hunt / Route > Line Group), and assign the dummy DN as a hunt group member. 
    Add other members to the Line Group, as needed.
3. Create a Hunt List (
Call Routing > Hunt / Route > Line Group) and associate the Line Group with it
4. Associate this Hunt List with the required
Hunt Pilot Number
5. Create Remote Destination Profile (Device > Device Settings >
Remote Destination Profile) with its line being
    the dummy DN
6. Create a
Remote Destination (RD) to the cell phone you want the call to be extended to, and associate it with the
    Remote Destination Profile (RDP)
7. Set the Delay Before Ringing timer on RD to be 0, so that the call to the cell phone is extended
    immediately when the Dummy DN is called

8. Make sure that you check the 'Enable Mobility' checkbox for the RDP user (User Management > End Users)
9. Make sure that the SNR call to the cell phone will be successful (Rerouting CSS on RDP determines that)

Optional :

- You can associate the Dummy DN with a partition with a time schedule, so that cell phone rings only during that time, 
   when that hunt pilot is called

Example :

I want my cell phone (6145551234) to ring during office hours (9 AM to 5 PM) when hunt pilot 1000 is called. I prefix 9 to dial out from the CallManager network to cell phone numbers.

Configuration :

1. Create a new partition (say, SNR_Time_Pt)

2. Create a Time Schedule from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday, and assign that Time Schedule to the partition SNR_Time_Pt

3. Create a unique dummy DN on CallManager (say, 1234) in partition  SNR_Time_Pt

4. Assign the dummy DN 1234 as a hunt group member for the required Hunt Pilot number 1000
Check the 'Enable Mobility' checkbox for the RDP user to be used
6. Create Remote Destination Profile (RDP) with its line being the dummy DN 1234 in SNR_Time_Pt
7. Create a Remote Destination (RD) for this RDP, and enter the RD to be 96145551234 (as 9 has to be prefixed for
    outgoing calls, if no application dial rule has been configured)

6. Set the 'Delay Before Ringing' timer on RD to be 0, so that the call to the cell phone
6145551234 is extended
    immediately when the Dummy DN 1234 is called
7. Configure the Rerouting CSS on the RDP so that the call to the cell phone can be routed successfully
Level 6
Level 6

Does this also work when you have two mobiles?

I mean the first mobile rings X times, doesn't answer and call goes to next mobile?



Level 1
Level 1


Level 1
Level 1

What would be a solution for what he is asking?


For example, our company has an accident hotline that a driver would call to report an accident.  What we would like to do is have the DN forwarded to multiple cellphones in case no one answers. 

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