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Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

Dear all,

if you are a customer attending a Webex Meetings demo or a partner delivering it, here are the top things that, according to my opinion, are worth seeing/demoing:


  • OUTLOOK SCHEDULING- Show how a Webex Meeting host can schedule a meeting from Outlook and invite participants. Although you could also schedule from webex page, outlook scheduling is the easiest way. Note that webex invite text could be customized. 
  • HOST JOINS/STARTS MEETING FROM LAPTOP - Join and start the meeting from your laptop via Webex Meeting app or from outlook invite. Show the audio options you have while connecting (voip or audio pstn dial-in). Off course, if desired, you could do the same via mobile (Android, iOS)
  • OTHER PARTICIPANTS/ATTENDEES - see how other participants could join via browser (Win/MAC) or smartphones (android, iOS) or video endpoint (h323/SIP/S4B/Lync). Best is to have in the meeting various types of participants to show the power of the platform. 
  • IN-MEETING CONTROLS- When meeting starts, show in-meeting controls (change layouts, share content, see partiipant roster, start/stop recording, mute/unmute your audio, mute/unmute all, stop/start your video, invite from within the meeting, etc.) 


  • PERSONAL ROOM MEETING - explain Personal Room meeting concept and discuss/show how a host could set the name of his/her Personal Room and set Host PIN. Show how you can start a meeting in your Personal Room from Webex Meeting app with 1-click. Show how you can schedule a meeting in your Personal Room via outlook. 


  • WEBEX MEETING APP - apart from starting a Personal Room meeting, show how you can see your scheduled meetings and how you can view your recordings.
  • FINETUNING PREFERENCES VIA WEBEX SITE - login as a host on your company's Webex site ( for example) and briefly navigate/discuss various options and preferences (upload your photo avata, set Personal Room settings, scheduling, see recordings, see Insights/meeting statistics, etc.)


If you have a Video endpoint in the demo, then some additional items:

  • JOIN A MEETING AS ATTENDEE- from touch panel : show how to dial a video address to join a meeting , show favorites and recent lists
  • STARTING A MEETING AS HOST - from touch panel: show how to start a meeting as a host from video endpoint via Host PIN. Note that Host PIN for Personal Room is static but Host PIN for scheduled Webex Meetings is different per meeting (created dynamically by Webex for each scheduled meeting).
  • IN-MEETING CONTROLS AND FUNCTIONS - show selfview and camera presents and speakertrack, how to share content during meeting (via HDMI or wireless via Webex Desktop app), how to change layout,  mute/unmute microphones, change volume, see call statistics, etc.
  • ONE BUTTON TO PUSH (OBTP) - show/discuss that, if calendar integration is in place, then touch panel will display a Join button at the time of meeting and user could easily press this to dial in the meeting (easiest way) 


please rate if you find helpful





DISCLAIMER: this post was created in order to provide useful info to Cisco partners and customers in my area (Greece/Cyprus and Malta).  For official and updated information, please consult cisco documentation, datasheets and ordering guides.

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