This article contains a small video to show how to collect call logs and packet capture from the TC Endpoints.
1) Web Access to the TC Endpoint.
2) Telnet/SSH Access to the TC Endpoint. (Here, I have use Putty software to take the SSH access)
Different ways of collecting call logs
1) By Enabling Extended Logging:
This can be enabled using the Web Interface of the codec.
Extended Logging is enabled only for 3-10 minutes.
Therefore, this method is generally used when the issue can be recreated immediately after the call connection
To enable this method and collect logs from Web GUI:
a) Login to the codec.
b) Under Diagnostics -> Log Files
c) Start Extended Logging -> Include Full Packet Capture
d) Make a call between the endpoints.
e) As soon as the issue occurs, Disconnect the call.
f) Diagnostics -> Log FIles -> Stop Extended Logging
g) Download the log bundle with Full Call History and the Packet Capture (.pcap file).
For example:
2) By Enabling Debugging:
This can be enabled using the Command Line Interface of the codec.
Debugging can be used when it takes more than 2-3 minutes to recreate the issue during a call.
The following debug commands can be used to take debug logs:
log output on
log ctx sippacket debug 9
log ctx h323packet debug 9
To enable this method and collect logs from CLI:
a) Take Telnet/SSH Access to the codec.
b) If you are using Putty software, start logging by enabling All Session Output to save the SSH session.
c) Login to the codec.
d) Type the debug commands.
e) Make a call between the endpoints.
f) As soon as the issue occurs, Disconnect the call.
g) Turn off the debug logging and close the session.
For example: