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Level 10
Level 10

Core Issue

This issue is reported with Cisco CallManager version 4.0(2a)sr1.

It appears that multiple instances of DLLHOST.exe are run in the background and consume larger portions of memory in RAM (which continues to increment). As a result, there is reduced server performance. The Cisco CallManager browser interface is also affected, and slows down considerably when GUI pages are opened.


This problem is tracked in Cisco bug ID CSCeh17241.

To verify this bug is hit, perform these steps:

  1. Open a command prompt and type iisreset.

  2. Check to see whether the excess DLLHOST processes are killed.

If the iisreset command kills those additional DLLHOST processes, Cisco bug ID CSCeh17241 has been hit.

This bug is fixed in CiscoCallManager 4.0(2a) ES62 and later releases. An upgrade to the 4.1(x) release, which has the fix for this bug, is also an option.

To obtain an appropriate Enterprise Special patch, open a service request with the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) through the Service Request Tool.

For more information, refer to Troubleshooting Cisco CallManager DLLHOST.

If the DLLHOST memory utilization increases over time, perform these steps:

  1. Reboot the Cisco CallManager server.

  2. Configure the perfmon logs as described in the Setting up Performance Monitor Counter Logs section of Cisco CallManager Service Crash.

  3. Let the logs run for several hours to log the memory increase.
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