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Level 1
Level 1

Hi All,

A Customer completed a Maintenance down time on their Tiger Server two weeks ago.

During the downtime the CUCM was unable to delivery CDR records. and reported CDR delivery failed.

The Tiger Server was bought back online however the CUCM had stopped sending CDR.

Does anyone know how many attempts the CUCM will make to send CDR via FTP/ SFP to the Billing server and if unsuccessful, is a manual restart of the CDR the only option

Thanks in advance


Jose Mendez
Level 1
Level 1

Every minute by default the CallManager will try to push files to the SFTP server. You can change this by modifying the "CDR File Time Interval" field under Enterprise Parameters.

You may try to restart Cisco CDR Repository Manager under Tools > Control Center - Network Services. This won't interrupt CDR generation.

Couple of my customers have exactly same problem... CDR is not getting send to FTP server, checked the connectivity form CUCM to FTP server successfully, the FTP server did not had anyproble and its uptime was 100%, no changes are performed neither side but CDR data is failed to tranfer to FTP server, only fix is restarting the CDR rep manager to get it going again...any idea how  can troubleshoot this issue..

Jose Mendez
Level 1
Level 1

Check for related bugs in your CM version here:

Configure and collect CDR Repository Manager traces (post them if you like):

Wassim Aouadi
Level 4
Level 4

Our network had the same issue. Fixed by restarting CDR Repository Manager service, as mentioned.

Thanks Jose


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