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Tray Stoutmeyer
Cisco Employee
Cisco Employee

We are getting a number of cases where previously working Exchange email distribution lists stop functioning after migrating from a Unity environment with Unified Messaging to a Unity Connection 8.x environment with Single Inbox (Unified Messaging).

Why this fails:

Upon moving to Unity Connection and single inbox, we no longer employ SMTP or MAPI to deliver messages to the Exchange message store and, instead, rely on a synchronization supplied with either WebDAV (if using Exchange 2003) or EWS (if using Exchange 2007/2010). Unity was previously all on Exchange but now messages are left on Unity Connection’s own mailbox database and synchronized to Exchange using the above HTTP request/response methods once Single Inbox (Unified Messaging) is configured.

Symptoms of failure:

The initial messages will arrive at the Exchange distribution list mailbox but will not be distributed to the members of that list. This is because the SMTP/MAPI attributes necessary for the second step of distributing to members are not included in the original message.

How to fix this:

So far, most cases are fixed by moving the distribution list functionality previously provided by Exchange over to the Unity Connection side. This is done by following these steps.

1) Create a distribution list on Connection. I made one here called “test1.” (Click on photo for clearer picture).


2) Add the users that were on the Exchange side distribution list to the Unity Connection distribution list created in step 1 by using the Distribution List Members menu. (Click on photo for clearer picture).


3) Create a call handler with an extension for people to call and leave messages intended for those on the distribution list. I created one called “dist list CH” and gave it an extension of 868686 here. (Click on photo for clearer picture).


4) Make the newly created distribution list from step 1 the message recipient for this new call handler under Message Settings for the “dist list CH” call handler. I made the message recipient the “test1” distribution list here. (Click on photo for clearer picture).


5) Test by calling the extension of the new distribution list call handler and leave a voicemail. Connection should deliver a copy of the message via WebDAV or EWS synchronization to each distribution member’s Exchange mailbox. The end result should be the same as when it was on Unity.

Level 1
Level 1

Greatly appreciate you taking the time to put this together.  Worked great for us.

Thanks you!!

Joseph Finnegan
Level 1
Level 1

This process worked out great for us.

Level 1
Level 1

Although this method works, what I find very unfortunate is now we have lost the ability to have distribution lists synchronize with Exchange. Now we have to go in every time to add more members to the distribution list, OR, create a template and still add the users to Unity Connection manually with the template.

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